#mlqc helios



Just wanted to share my thoughts!

First of all, I think Kiro still loves me even without memories~ >.<

Keep reading



Fandom:Mr Love: Queen’s Choice
Characters:Gavin/Female Reader 

Warnings:NSFW/18+ content, re-telling of canon events, chapter 23 spoilers, angst, semi-public sex/oral sex, vaginal fingering, hand job

Prompt:Watches as the other traces one of their scars
Summary:  [Based around the events of Chapter 23 and the obscure connection in between Gavin and a certain silver haired character (introduced in Chapter 17 of the game).]
An infiltration attempt into the STF base goes direly wrong before a certain officer sweeps in, helping you evade capture… at the cost of his own safety.


The scent of copper and dust intensifies within your nostrils. The temporary smokescreen provided amidst the fight earlier in between Helios and the pursuing STF agents dissipating fast along with the precious time that trickles out for the both of you. 

Beside you, Helios’ breathing’s turning labored by the second; the effects of the anti-Evol device lingering within his system still as he presses a trembling fist to his chest. Soft groans of pain spilling from pale lips, the sweat beading across his forehead; it’s an alarming situation, one you’re not sure you have the means to get through. 

Desperate, you try and call for Shaw once more into your concealed transceiver but to no avail. 

Is this the end?

Grimacing at the thought, you steel your nerves, moving to shield Helios from his pursuers. Only wisps of smoke remain; any moment now they’re going to charge forward and try to capture the two of you. Or worse, open fire. 

You direly wish to avoid that. You cannot lose another person you care for; not even in this foreign world.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He spits.

“I need you to get out of here as soon as I give the signal, Helios. Walk or crawl if you have to, I don’t care. Just please—” 

Even in his poor state, Helios has the energy to snort in derision at your whispered plea, “How delusional are you? Think you can fight them off on your own?”

“I can’t…” You curse the way your voice fractures, bravery the farthest thing from you. “But you’re worse off than me and if they get you… it’s all over for us anyway.”

Silence is all the answer afforded to you for a while. No clap-backs, no jeering responses.

You turn around to check if he finally understands the situation you’re in before a firm hand curls around your wrist, gripping so tight it hurts. Helios is on his feet, cursing under his breath as he throws a glance up at the fractured roof of the building. “…Sure took his sweet fucking time.” 


“Shut up and start running.” With that, he wrenches you forward. Breaking into a run and you’re forced to try and keep up, stumbling just as a great blast of wind disrupts the destruction behind you. 

Whipping your head just in time to catch a tall, dark figure rising through the fumes of smoke and ruination — your breath catches in your throat as recognition dawns: Gavin— you try and rebel with all your might against the secure grip Helios has around your wrist. “Let go! It’s Gavin! There are too many! We have to save—” 

Helios’ rage is all you witness as the man wheels on you, merciless fingers digging harsh crescents into your shoulders. “Follow your own advice, will you? You go back there now and you get him killed faster than he would without you hindering him.”

You flinch at the awful, glaring truth in those words. Powerless, all you can do is let your leaden feet trail as fast as they can after Helios. Stealing glances back every now and then, nerves fraught with worry for the man you love — one who no longer remembers you within this world. Helpless, your eyes catch the gingko bracelet tucked just beneath your jacket sleeve, wishing with all your might for Gavin’s safety. 

Please, be alright. Come back alive. Please Gavin. 

Weaving through several passages, the alarms blaring through every corridor; you do not cross paths with any more STF officers. 

Tumbling out through the exit at last, Helios sprints towards the black SUV parked along the curb. Revving up the engine as soon as he’s inside, he shouts for you to get in—

A deafening explosion rocks the very ground you stand on, rocks and debris flying every which way as you duck to take cover. Heavy smoke rises from a familiar part of the building and you watch in dawning horror, thoughts scattering at the notion of Gavin having been caught up in the blast. 

You can’t abandon him. 

You take off, back into the building, not heeding Helios’ shouts of your name. Your mind focused solely upon finding Gavin, whatever it takes. 

Fear constricts bitter tendrils across your throat as you cut through the thick cloud of smoke, crimson lights still blaring within the cramped space. You try to reach Shaw once more through the transceiver, static crackling at the other end of the line is all you hear in response to your desperate cries. “Shaw, can you hear me? Do you see anything through the surveillance cameras? Shaw!”  

Frustration and distress fueling hasty steps, you dash through smoky corridors, the static across the transceiver turning worse with each passing second. You reach to yank the device away before it blares to life with a tinny sound. “—hear me? Get out of there…. Don’t go any further!” 

You position the device closer to your ear, straining to hear him. “Shaw?!” 

A gloved hand clamps against your mouth, pressing you back firm against a body. Your captor — a man — moves to crowd you against the nearby wall. Before panic can truly kick in, his voice; a low rasp, washes over the back of your neck, “Don’t scream.”


As if you’d been cut loose of strings, you collapse back against that familiar warmth, hands curling around the arm he’d slung across your chest — the gesture unconscious in nature. Before Gavin pulls away from you, gloved fingers finding your hand as he clasps it firm within his grasp, frowning. “I told you to stay out of danger.” 

A mute shake of the head is all you can offer, too overwhelmed to try and refute him. He’s alright and that’s all that matters in this moment. 

The dim lights overhead prevent proper assessment of his condition; you catch the vicious gashes carved across his uniform but before you can ask of his injuries, Gavin’s tugging you along as the two of you break into a run for the exit. 

Another explosion — smaller than the one earlier — sounds some ways behind you and Gavin urges you on faster. The grip he has on you hurts but you force your legs to keep moving, the breath in your lungs starting to burn from exertion and the polluted air around. 

An ominous crack rips through from somewhere overhead and you glance up in horror just in time to see the ceiling giving way, slow but sure; large chunks of brick coming loose to fall around the two of you. 

“Watch out!” You hear Gavin yell for you; the harsh tug of your wrist propelling you sideways. The next few instants, a dreadful tumult; cracks spidering across adjacent walls. The flutter of Gavin’s uniform is all you see across your field of vision as he reaches for you.

A sudden, terrifying feeling of weightlessness compels you to reach out a blind hand, scrabbling for support — you’re petrified at the thought of the floor giving way to darkness beneath your feet — before you feel the curl of familiar fingers against yours, entwining. Gavin’s breath; the sound of his voice soothing against your ear. “Hey. You’re alright. I’ve got you.” A hand he curves against the back of your head, pressing you against him as he rises into the air, maneuvering around the falling debris.

Damp warmth. You raise your head to catch sight of the profuse moisture clinging to pale skin. Watching how he grimaces as if in pain, the sweat that lines his forehead; you realize his Evol’s taking everything he has to keep you both steady in the air. 

This close, you catch sight of dark splotches against his uniform; his blood, most probably from his fight against the STF agents earlier. The use of his Evol draining him faster. 

“Gavin, you’re hurting yourself!”

Amber eyes capture yours; Gavin’s breath quickening rapid enough he doesn’t answer. Faltering within the air; a sudden drop he catches himself from with a pained grunt, propelling the two of you towards where you catch sight of Helios’ SUV, the man in question watching your descent, resting against the vehicle. 

A few feet above the ground, the air currents give way completely and the two of you go down hard, collapsing onto the asphalt as you struggle to soften Gavin’s fall with your own body. Helios moves forward then, easily reaching to haul Gavin onto his shoulder. Throwing a frosty glance your way, he deposits him into the backseat of his car. “Get in now.” 


The jump of a tendon within Gavin’s jaw as he grits his teeth. Droplets of cold sweat trailing down the sides of his face as he watches you tend to the injury on his arm — he’s in pain. You try and ease your touch further on his wound as he tries and twists away from your touch once more. “I said it’s fine.” 

And just like his last few protests, you ignore him, choosing to keep your silence. Now that fear and worry have ebbed away, all you feel is anger and vexation at Gavin’s rash actions. 

His body’s scored with injuries — so many you notice even above his uniform — it frustrates you to know how he holds no regard for his own self. 

Gavin strains to move forward, fixing a white knuckled grip against the back of the passenger seat. “Did you— manage to find it?”

Helios extracts a black chip in response to the query, tossing it into the backseat. Gavin catches it with a visible wince. 

Helios swerves around a sharp turn causing you and Gavin to go crashing back into the seats. He inhales sharply, pressing a hand against his injured side. 

“Can you please drive slower?!”

Helios’ glacial gaze meets yours through the rearview mirror. “And let them catch us? You’re just bursting with bright ideas.”

You flush at that, throwing a glance back to check for pursuers. “I don’t see anyone.”

“A couple miles more before we can… consider ourselves safe.” Gavin answers, moving to discard his ruined jacket to the side before peeling off his bloodied shirt. He reaches for the first aid kit; you move forward to help. He glances at you askance. “I can take care of it myself.” 

“You’d only make a sloppy job of it.”  The two of you remain locked in a silent glare, neither truly willing to back down. Gavin watches you with that same, careful gaze — furrowed brows and clear, sharp eyes — appraising you as he might a suspicious stranger. The thought stings. He doesn’t recognize you in this world but it doesn’t make the strange unfamiliarity between the two of you any less painful. 

“It’s your abdominal area. It’d be hard for you to bandage yourself well enough with your injuries.” 

He doesn’t respond, gaze trekking towards the medicine and bandages in your hand; perhaps he senses you’re not about to back down and so, he complies reluctantly. Relaxing back onto the seat, he watches you work a salve around the injury on his stomach; without sound, without complaint.

Now, upon careful inspection, you observe the cruel nature of the gash across his abdomen. The blood now dried but you know it must’ve hurt. Although not deep enough to have caused any significant damage but dressing the injury hurts you as acutely as if it were your own. 

Letting your eyes wander slow across the expanse of his torso, you catch sight of familiar scars and some new — all healed and yet still carved onto skin. Painful reminders of what life Gavin leads; always in danger. 

You resist the urge to trail your fingers across the more fresh ones, curling trembling digits into fists just as you curb your questions, pulling away from his newly bandaged abdomen.

“…Why would you risk yourself like this?”

His eyes catch yours, hard and resilient. You know, you have no right to question what he does. The question spilled: an unconscious action. 

“It’s my duty.” The answer comes surprisingly easy, without suspicion or judgement and yet, it wounds you to hear it. 

Just as you move to pull away from him, Helios jams his foot on the breaks, screeching to an abrupt halt, you almost go tumbling forward before strong arms circle your waist, pulling you close and back into a firm chest. 

You raise your head to see he’s parked the car by a gas station. Throwing open the door, he angles a glance into the backseat. “Short stop. Get your lovers quarrel sorted before we leave. It’s giving me a fucking headache.”

Stifling silence descends as Helios slams the car door shut, leaving the two of you alone before you have the chance to respond. Shifting within Gavin’s arms — the man loosens his hold as soon as you move — you mutter some nonsensical excuse about getting snacks from the station store. 

You can hardly stand being close to him right now; inexplicable emotions roiling through you — you still don’t know how to deal with this Gavin, his indifferent demeanor frustrates and worries you but when he’s kind… it hurts far more than is bearable.

A hand shoots out to curl around your wrist just as you move to open the side-door. You glance back in surprise, your eyes meeting Gavin’s. Unreadable emotions flicker within his gaze. “Why do you look at me like that?” He questions, dragging you closer. 

You’re not quite sure what he’s asking or if you even possess the answer to that. “…Like what?”

A furrow worries in between his brows as if he’s trying to focus through a mist. A hesitant hand he raises; you feel the gentle caress of his thumb against your lip — you realize you’ve been biting at it — as he frees it of your teeth.  Watching as if he’s not quite sure of his own actions. 

Slipping his thumb across the bow of parted lips, trailing upwards… slow over the concavity of your cheek, leaving heat to gather in it’s wake. Finally pressing delicate at the corner of your eye, swiping a careful path beneath it. “Like you’re trying not to cry.”

Your breath catches in your throat at the quiet observation; you have to squeeze your eyes shut against the onslaught of familiar emotions. 

Because I love you. And I lost you once.

“Because you’re constantly throwing yourself in danger. It… worries me.” 


You don’t reply. 

A short, ragged burst of laughter. “You’re not any less reckless. Didn’t I tell you…” A hand curves around the back of your head, pulling close as if to utter a well-guarded secret. “You don’t have to be the Queen. Live your life as a normal person.”

He exhales softly as if your adamancy exhausts him. “Yet I find you trying to infiltrate STF. Do you realize what could’ve happened if they’d managed to capture you? Do you—” His grip on you tightens. “Do you have any idea how much danger you were in?”

“Gavin, I can’t—”

“I promised you. And I’ll keep it. I’ll find the person you’re looking for.”

Your eyes burn; Gavin’s face wavering within your field of vision. 

“I don’t understand…” His face contorts, as if pained. Tender digits sweep across your cheeks; you catch the wetness grazing his fingertips. 

“Why’re you crying?”

“You’re hurting me. It’s unfair that you’re like this… why are you still so—” good to me?

Gavin doesn’t speak. Choosing to wipe the tears that trail down your face; an endless stream. “I hatehow you choose to compromise your own safety for the sake of your missions. Telling others to stay out of danger and yet you go and do just the opposite. I can’t tell if it’s cruel or kind of fate to bring you to me like this but I can’t bearthe thought of you hurt, Gavin.” He watches you, silent. 

“I know… I know you think I have no reason to worry for you but I do. I can’t explain it. I—” Your incessant garbling tapers and dies with the press of warmth against your lips. Your eyes widening at the realization: Gavin’s kissing you. 

His mouth is tender, just as you remember it. Soft as it moves against yours, testing. The fan of his lashes this close, he’s just as beautiful. Beneath his lids, you catch the movement of his eyes, rapid; his brow furrowed as if in concentration. 

Before he stops abruptly, withdrawing. But you’re not done yet, swallowing his apology into your mouth as you press back into him. 

Coveting him just as hungrily as the hands that slide down the expanse of your back, settling at your hips. Before he lifts you and into his lap; you follow eager and wanting. 

This kiss is devoid of tenderness; all ferocity and desire you pour into it, wanting him to know how he leaves you uncertain, despite your better judgement. Despite the voice of reason insisting this isn’t your Gavin. You can’t stop. 

And Gavin—

Releasing a soft grunt against your mouth, his tongue sweeps across the seam of your lips, parting them. Slipping inside to test against yours; rough digits fisting themselves into your hair as he crushes your mouths together. As if he too can’t bear the distance, as if he means to pilfer every single breath of yours. “I don’t understand why I…” He repeats, voice riddled with discontent.

You’re too breathless to respond but you understand. You have no easy answers.

His tongue slides hot against your lower lip. Sucking your tongue into his mouth, you moan against him. Restless hands that trail across the sides of your waist, thumbs he presses circles with against sensitive skin; you feel the heat of it even through your shirt. 

Breath catching within your throat at the hesitant brush of fingertips just beneath the curve of your breasts before Gavin seems to think the better of it, withdrawing. You capture his wrist and tug, a mute plea within your gaze. 

Gavin watches; the slow shudder that leaves you at the cup of his hands around your breasts. Observing the curve of parted lips; the bite of teeth into plush flesh when he moves to slip his thumbs over the stiffened peaks and you groan without shame, incredibly sensitive to his touch. 

You watch the bob of his Adam’s apple, slow and steady; heat and desire burn within his gaze at your arousal. 

Beneath, you feel the shape of him; hard and straining against your ass. Grinding your hips on instinct, a hitched sound scrapes free of his throat; open mouth lunging for yours in another consuming kiss. 

What are we doing? 

Warm palms map the shape of your cheeks; Gavin draws back, heat simmering within those eyes you so love. “Do you want to stop?” He whispers softly, as if he reads your mind. You don’t want to.

Hands skittering across his belt, you free him of the confines of his trousers before scrabbling off of his lap and onto your knees. 

“You don’t have to do that—”

“I want to, Gavin. And if you do too…” 

He watches you, silent for a moment. Eyes tracing your features for signs of hesitance or discomfort; your heart aches to know how his kind heart remains. Before Gavin settles a hand atop your head in affirmation and you oblige, all too eager. 

Sinking onto him, you relish the first taste; his cock sliding across your tongue; familiar. Gavin grunts, head tipping back in pleasure as you work your mouth over him. Fingers weaving tighter through your locks, he doesn’t rush you, merely holding firm. 

Slipping your fingers across his thigh to soothe and relax him further into you, you bob your mouth over him in tandem with the low thrusts of his hips into you. 

Tapered digits; hot to the touch, slip through your hair and down the side of your head as he trails them across the back of your neck and you shiver, moaning as he slips deeper down your throat. 

You’re incredibly wet; the moisture of dampened panties dragging torturous across your clit. Pressing your legs together for any degree of relief, you slide your tongue across his length, closing your mouth around as much of him as you can take. 

You’re so turned on; you feel yourself clamp down from how you suck him, his groans of pleasure serving to encourage you. 

Stealing a glance up at him to catch him watching you; a flush steals faint but sure across his cheeks. Gavin curls a fist into your hair, gently tugging. “Come up here.”

You let yourself be dragged, settling back into his lap. Gavin’s fingers trail across the front of your stomach, teasing a moment before they slip past your panties to drag circles across your clit. 

You tremble in response; pressing your face into the side of his neck, the sensation overwhelming enough you almost come. 

Wrapping trembling digits around his cock, you pump him in tandem with the fingers he slips into your pussy without warning. Insistent thumb dragging moisture across your clit. 

Gavin presses in, fingers curling into you deeper. Watching as you shiver in his grasp, mouth parted as if in wonder. The flush of his cheeks enticing, you move to drag your tongue against it.

 Breathing hard as the two of you work to bring the other to completion. 

Your cries mixing with his groans as you release yourself onto his fingers at last, dropping boneless against him. 

Reaching for him in one final kiss; pressing closer as you let thoughts of your temporary relief distract you from the glaring truth. 


Outside, Helios watches as the two kiss; visible from where he stands, even a few feet away. Tossing his empty soda can into the trash, he turns back towards the car. Eyes flashing bright blue — then gold — for a split second underneath the glaring lights overhead. He glances at the photograph of a smiling woman — her — then back at the couple.  

“The Queen and her Knight, huh?” 


A/N:Thank you for supporting Dirty Does Good!
