#mlqc mlqc gavin



A tale of a maidan and her stupid wolf.

Wolf!Gavin x MC. (F!MC)

Notes:this piece is the winner of the Halloween fanfiction contest of the Loveland Cuties discord server! I’m so happy to be a part of that server! And so happy to even be able to participate in the event to being with! Thank you all so much <33

2,215 words.

Warnings: suggestive undertones. Angst.

Also, this was done before having read the wolf!Gavin date in the game, so no spoilers.

As always, enjoy!

The wind was a tricky thing, even to its owner. Useful at best, frustrating at worst.

The wind passed the looming trees, tracing the cracks of old in the wet bark. Notes of the scent sampled, a distant memory recalled.

It sifted through the grounds, caressing each straw of grass like a lover’s touch. It savoured the fresh clusters of dew in the early midnight.

From the tips of the trees to the depths of the earth, he felt each movement. Each individual break in the airflow traced back to its source.

On its return, it lined the leaves, stirring a soft rustle in its wake.

When it arrived, it washed over its owner, touching upon every nerve like a cold reminder. It graced an ear as it whispered the secrets of the forest. Each story told, a vestige forever imprinted, never touched but never forgotten.

A lingering memory, told to deafened ears.

His desire to leave was at war with his need to stay. Chains keeping him placed, reminding him of choices hidden in heart.

The wind was a tricky thing. A blessing and a curse. And sometimes, Gavin liked to turn it all off.

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