#mlqc ost


Lucien’s birthday countdown pt.4

#7 A Scene of Deep Love

Before I say anything can we please first all agree on the fact that BGM and VK write amazing music for MLQC?

Many times I find myself playing this game’s OST when I’m reading, writing my long posts or just for pure relaxation.

This song is one of my favorites and is my main page audio since the day it came out.

Maybe it is the sample of it which resembles Blue Temperature, maybe the slightly dark tone followed by an autumn-y sound thanks to a transverse flute (fun fact: Lucien is displayed playing one on the poster of the 3rd anniversary concert).

The first minute of this song just captivates me everytime I listen to it. But then the cello sound enters the mix and finally the flute introduces the chorus. It’s just so beautiful.


Number 8

Number 6

