#mm romance

Sunday snippet from my gay Victorian fae romance, Oak King Holly King!~Yet the second door proved no

Sunday snippet from my gay Victorian fae romance, Oak King Holly King!


Yet the second door proved not so unlocked as the first. Wren swore a blistering oath. He began patting down his coat, waistcoat, and trousers alike. These efforts produced a button-hook, but this didn’t satisfy him.

“Have you anything like a hairpin?” he asked Shrike. “Something long and thin, like a needle or—”

Shrike dipped his hand into his cloak pocket and produced a silver awl.

Wren raised an eyebrow. “That’ll do.”

Shrike dropped the awl into Wren’s outstretched palm. Wren crouched before the lock.

“I required the contents of my father’s wine-cellar to survive the holidays at home during my university years,” Wren explained as he probed the mechanism with button-hook and awl. “Neither he nor his butler felt inclined to furnish me with the key.”

Shrike, to whom it had not occurred to demand an explanation for such fortuitous skill in night-work, cocked his head as he watched Wren’s progress against the lock.


Oak King Holly King is a gay Victorian fae romance, available now wherever fine books are found!

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