#historical fantasy


I have a deep love for Native American, Aztec, Mayan, and Incan Cultures. I also have a deep love for European History (my favorites being Pre-Roman Brittania, Ancient Greece, and Age of Exploration). I also love the fantasy genre and I am a huge fan of RPG (in case you couldn’t tell). Thus I love the games I am about to point out.

Dragons Conquer America and Chronica: Age of Exploration.

Both are historical fantasy games set in/around the age of exploration.

Both are epic.

DCA, by Burning Games, is a great game with a unique system that involves Dragon Riders, Werejaguars, Headhunting Tribal Necromancers, Conquistadors, Inquisitors, Missionaries, Courtesans, Aristocrats, and more as Player Options. There are spells that require human sacrifice, spells that enable you to become the vessel for the horsemen of the apocalypse, spells that enable you to summon a giant serpent, seduction magic, magic tattoos, and more. Also, Ave Maria and Pater Noster are spells for Christian Spellcasters, while the Norse are under the rule of Giants, King Arthur is still alive and leads an army of Fairies, Eastern Europe is ruled by Vampires, and the Muslims have allied with Djinn.  It is all really cool.


Chronica is a Pathfinder setting set in a historical fantasy version of our world during the age of exploration. There are Olmec Lizardmen, and Empire of Rakshasa, Atlantis, and The Library of Alexandria. You can be an Atlantean Elf, an Olmec Lizardmen, a Turkish Artillerymen, a Half-Rakshasa, and so much more. Also, Genghis Khan is back (he was frozen in stone all this time), and you should heed the rumors of the Bermuda Triangle. It is all really cool.


I highly recommend both and give them both 5 out of 5 stars.

RUST IN THE ROOTby Justina IrelandBalzer + Bray | Sep 20 | 9780063038226 .PurchaseHardcover | Audiob


by Justina Ireland

Balzer + Bray | Sep 20 | 9780063038226





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It is 1937, and Laura Ann Langston lives in an America divided–between those who work the mystical arts and those who do not. Ever since the Great Rust, a catastrophic event that blighted the arcane force called the Dynamism and threw America into disarray, the country has been rebuilding for a better future. And everyone knows the future is industry and technology–otherwise known as Mechomancy–not the traditional mystical arts.

Laura disagrees. A talented young queer mage from Pennsylvania, Laura hopped a portal to New York City on her seventeenth birthday with hopes of earning her mage’s license and becoming something more than a rootworker.

But four months later, she’s got little to show for it other than an empty pocket and broken dreams. With nowhere else to turn, Laura applies for a job with the Bureau of the Arcane’s Conservation Corps, a branch of the US government dedicated to repairing the Dynamism so that Mechomancy can thrive. There she meets the Skylark, a powerful mage with a mysterious past, who reluctantly takes Laura on as an apprentice.

As they’re sent off on their first mission together into the heart of the country’s oldest and most mysterious Blight, they discover the work of mages not encountered since the darkest period in America’s past, when Black mages were killed for their power–work that could threaten Laura’s and the Skylark’s lives, and everything they’ve worked for.

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windowsill // late 1800s – colourized

windowsill // late 1800s

evening chat // 1816

happy valentine’s // mukavaa ystävänpäivää
– here’s the lads (yet again)

demonstration // 1816

// so there was this anon who said they are running a campaign for ’ basically a band of fantasy percy shelleys and lord byrons trying to survive 1816 because wizards ’ and i havent been able to stop thinking about it.

1866 // 13-18

previous pages (9-12)
website (FIN and ENG)

im putting a cut here because this’d be a long post otherwise –

and that wraps up the first scene! onwards hahaha – finally.

1866 / 9-12

previous pages (5-8)
website (FIN and ENG)

read to me – a couple more paragraphs // december, 1762

daguerreotype – unknown // 1840s

johann // 1816

wherein all else disappears // 1816

miscellaneous entries from a captain’s log // 1700s

“Ideas come to those who work hard on them.

As for Matthew Boroson, he reads a lot.

He reads all sorts of obscure books on Chinese mythology, culture and history and no few biographies. Hundreds of books, tens of thousands of pages. He talks to people about their folklore and mythology, religion and belief systems. All the stories, all the time. Sometimes he even watches Run Run Shaw movies.

“Write what you know” is easy advice to bandy about. But what do you know?

No, really. What do you know that is interesting, that you are passionate about, that you are an expert about?

Boroson wrote this crazy story about a young Chinese exorcist in San Francisco’s Chinatown; he wrote what he knew.

His ideas came from a little bit of inspiration. His passion drove him through enough research for a couple of masters degrees. No muses that need bribery with chocolate. Probably a few dreams induced by living in dusty books. No tragedy or trauma meant to create sympathy. Hard work.

The result is actually a pretty great book.

The Girl with Ghost Eyes reads easily. The stakes are clear in the first few pages and keep escalating all the way. The lead character (Xian Li-Lin) is heroic not because she is imbued with super powers but because she is willing to risk everything. The story even has important existential dimensions…

This is the result of work and it comes with my hearty recommendation.”


I don’t actually agree with everything psychology professor Jason Dias said in this article. (For one thing, I prefer Golden Harvest and Cinema City over the Shaw Brothers.) But his ideas about inspiration are compelling, and rooted in the reality of my experience. I would love to read books by authors who are completely in love with their material, who live and breathe their research, whose knowledge permeates their dreams, whose dialogue is inflected with the voices of the hundreds of people they interviewed.

bookclub4m:The Girl With Ghost Eyes by M. H. Boroson. Daoist ghost hunters in late 19th century Sa


The Girl With Ghost Eyes by M. H. Boroson. Daoist ghost hunters in late 19th century San Francisco. I really liked this! I immediately went to find out if there was more, and was pleased to discover that there’s a short story that takes place afterwards (though I have to write an amazon review, and then he’ll email it to me….).

Dealing with female characters in historical fiction can be a challenge, and  Li-lin, the main character in this book, has to deal with a lot of shit because of the culture and time period the story is set in. Yet, her culture is also part of her strength and identity, and I’m hoping there will be more books telling about her adventures dealing with demons and magic.

When we started this book club I spent a bunch of time looking up all the many genres that existed. One genre, Wuxia, stood out to me as particularly interesting because it was the only one I found that didn’t seem to have a direct parallel in English (meaning that it has it’s own Wikipedia article). Wuxia are martial arts heroes, and while I don’t know enough about them to say that this book falls into that genre, it’s combination of Chinese culture, chivalry, and wicked kung-fu action seems to place it in the same broad area.

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Marianna Kirby’s Historical-Fantasy Horror DUST BATH REVIVAL is on sale for 99 Cents September

Marianna Kirby’s Historical-Fantasy Horror DUST BATH REVIVAL is on sale for 99 Cents September 4 - 11 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LVYKHF4

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Teaser Tuesday Marianne Kirby’s Historical Fantasy, Horror sequel Hogtown Market is out now!  

Teaser Tuesday Marianne Kirby’s Historical Fantasy, Horror sequel Hogtown Market is out now!  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FDJXWZZ

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 Check out this five-star review of Marianne Kirby’s Historical Fantasy horror Hogtown Market

Check out this five-star review of Marianne Kirby’s Historical Fantasy horror Hogtown Market and grab your copy on Amazon now! https://www.netgalley.com/book/144078/review/492613

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TEASER TUESDAY Andrea Berthot’s Historical-Fantasy The Gold and Gaslight Chronicles Book Three


Andrea Berthot’s Historical-Fantasy The Gold and Gaslight Chronicles Book Three: The Hysterical City is OUT NOW!


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Andrea Berthot’s historical fantasy The Gold and Gaslight Chronicles Book Three: The Hysterica

Andrea Berthot’s historical fantasy The Gold and Gaslight Chronicles Book Three: The Hysterical City is released tomorrow, and early reviews are saying it’s a page-turner! Make sure to grab your copy!!


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WIP; Robin Blyth and Edwin Courcey from A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske
