#mod ej



Me, a True Witch™: I’m gonna scry with my alphabet soup

I feel like some of the discussion of Morrigan tends to lump her in with European or Norse ideas of war deities and she’s just so different. She’s arguably not even a war deity in the traditional sense.

The Morrigan rarely fights herself. She’s a talker and a planner and a prophet and poet.

She inspires heroes and sets up leaders.

She’ll go in disguise to judge your merit.

She’ll appear like a monster to test your resolve.

It’s not a case of not fighting, but choosing the moment carefully.

She crosses between this world and the next. She knows death, knows what the cost of fighting can be.

She knows the power of words in battle.


mutuals feel free to deposit one (1) small frog into my waiting hands if by any chance we brush pass each other on the street

Orla already has like 3 dozen frogs but I have none and that’s not fair!

Ok guys, I need some input

I love this blog. I love making it, I love interacting with you guys. But I’m also at a point in my life where I can’t spend several hours every day working on this blog without having some kind of income stream from it. Which sucks, because capitalism is a mess, etc etc, you know the drill. I’ve never wanted to be in this position, I’ve certainly never wanted to put you guys in this position, but here we are.

So. What I would like to do is set up a patreon. I don’t know how much money I’ll be able to raise from it, but what I’d like to do is say that, for every hundred dollars per month that you guys collectively raise, I’ll post one post per day. So, $100 per month gets y'all 1 post per day, $200 gets two posts per day, etc. Let me be clear: all posts on this blog always will be available to everyone. I’m not doing some post+ shit. Whether or not you donate, this blog will be available to you.

So here’s where I want your input:

First of all, I’d like to know whether this structure seems fair to you. However much I joke about my benevolent omnipotence, this blog is not actually a dictatorship and I don’t want to do this without a general consensus that it’s reasonable.

Secondly, I’d like your suggestions about possible rewards for various donation tiers (which is how patreon works, I think?). I have some ideas of my own, but I’d like to know what you guys would want from me as rewards.

Ok. So that’s what’s going on. Please leave comments, questions, ideas, etc in the replies so I can look through them all. In all seriousness, I love this blog, and I want it to be something that I can keep doing, and this is the only way I know how to make that work. I really appreciate your help and support.

-Mod EJ

P.S. Not even the eternal demands of capitalism can make turtles fuck.


[Image Description: Tags reading “open to criticism, unlike the creators of the show”]

The AO3 Tag of the Day is: An object lesson in classy insults


[Image Description: Tag reading “the mortifying ordeal of being known biblically”]

The AO3 Tag of the Day is: How dare you hear my sex noises


[Image Description: Tags reading “shaming of sticky notes, is it a sin to stay organized???, apparently, i see you ao3 tag of the day, you’re here to shame my sticky note shaming, okay now we get back to the serious”]

The AO3 Tag of the Day is: My ADHD uses your sticky notes to make rotationally symmetric paper snowflakes


[Image Description: Tag reading “two hoes sitting in a hot tub less than one foot apart cuz they’re not straight”]

The AO3 Tag of the Day is: There was only one hot tub


[Image Description: Tag reading “choking your teammate on the floor of a japanese bowling alley”]

The AO3 Tag of the Day is: Sounds like every time I’ve ever been to a bowling alley
