#mod hadithi


clozn the nbox 4 a lil while so we can try 2 catch up on sh*t! also gonna b lookn thru mod apps sum more so if u aint applied yet & wanna, feel free 2! ;o)

-Mod Hadithi (Front- Marvus)

Stimboard for Dirk Strider with paints, icing, plus anything goes with an early 2000s scene/emo theme!


Early 2000s scene/emo culture was all abt the RANDOM BRIGHT COLORS mixed with their black so I tried to keep with that, for the most part!

The soap I just happened to see while looking for the other gifs, and it felt pretty appropriate since it’s black on the outside, blue on the inside.

-Mod Hadithi (Front- Corbin)

Stimboard for @r-slash-jreghot with keyboards, buttons, and things that go click!


I tried… Something new with the layout for this (3-2-3 instead of 3-3-3). I also have no idea what that heart thing is but it looks like it’d make clicky sounds while you turn it so I put it in there!

-Mod Hadithi (Front- Corbin)
