#model horse tackmaking


Rust and Earth saddleblanket

Made of Wool, perl cotton, burlap, and hubris. Design invented as I went. Put needlework techniques in a hat and pick a few, that’s how I made it.

Nonetheless, I am pleased overall, and Wixom looks quite dashing in it.

Tiny tack collection

All are 1:9 - the two ‘woven’ saddle blankets are my design.

Yes, the little saddle trees do mean I’m going to take a crack at making tiny saddles. Send help.

(Saddle trees are RDLC, Cavalry saddle is from Ben’s Custom Tack, dark brown western saddle is unknown. The saddle blanket under it is from Annie Mac, the skullies one was a very happy gift from @drsteggytoo and like a complete genius I separated it from its card before I took inventory.)
