
ikon-global:iKON Global Tumblr is Looking for new Members (iKON Global - RETURN!) Positions we are


iKON Global Tumblr is Looking for new Members (iKON Global - RETURN!)

Positions we are looking for:

Position Description: Post fantaken pictures/fancams and iKON related updates on a dailybasis.

Position: Translator (kor-eng | jpn-eng | cn-eng)
Position Description: full-time translator for articles, info, news etc.

We are looking for people who can be with us on daily basis. Someone who can be active at least 3-4 hours a day. We want to improve our ability to provide better and faster updates. We want to work hard to show iKON our support & be a fanbase they can be proud of! We strive to make posting fun in a friendly environment, so we hope you will apply and join our team :)


Time Commitment: Be able to post on the blog daily. At least 3-4h a day. (We know everyone are busy at times so we’ll make sure to get along with your schedule :) )
Team Worker: Understand the essence of working in a team.
Organized: Be willing to learn our tags and post formatting system
Twitter: Have a Twitter account and follow iKON fansites (This is the easiest way to find and post updates)

Valuable Qualities

Previous admin experience(savvy with Tumblr, Twitter, Weibo)
Online between 4 PM - 12 AM Korea Time
The most important quality is enthusiasm and dedication, so it’s fine if you don’t know how to run an fyeah blog. We will teach you everything as long as you’re willing to learn. :)
If you’re interested, please fill out :


The deadline is FEBRUARY 16TH.

Post link

Please help by sending in some tflns!

  • how to submit
  • please check the text hasn’t been used yet by using the area code tags on this blog. repeated caps are okay, but we try not to repeat the texts (unless the cap choice is really good!)
  • please don’t choose texts from TFLN with slurs or other gross things in them (like rape jokes, homophobia, racism etc)
  • this blog does not have a shipping preference - if the texts/caps you use imply a ship, that’s fine! variety is fun!
  • check out our cap resources page for links to cap galleries
  • please tag your submission with the name of any characters in frame. we’ll tag the area codes :)
  • you can browse via characters if you like
  • i’ve also added a direct reblog link to make browsing and reblogging easier
polyamships:[ID: “Polyam Shipping Day / 14th of every month”. Next to the text is a red infinity sig


[ID: “Polyam Shipping Day / 14th of every month”. Next to the text is a red infinity sign that finishes in a heart on top. Above the text are rows of stylized hearts in the colors of both versions of the polyam pride flag (black, red, bright blue, light green, dark green, light blue, navy). /end ID]      

May 14th 2022 is our 16th Polyam Shipping Day.

The optional theme for it is:Lost

Thoughts on the theme for anyone who wants a little more inspiration: It could be angsty, about people who’ve died or who are somehow lost to them, or something important they’ve either literally or figuratively lost from their life. It could be more humorous, not being able to read a map, or faulty GPS leading them astray, and being completely lost themselves! Maybe they’ve lost a game/bet - how do they handle it? Are they gracious or a sore loser or upping the stakes? Even something as simple as they’ve lost their house/car keys.

We’ll be tracking #PolyamShippingDay, and keeping an eye out for any @polyamships mentions too. We will reblog any polyam-positive fanworks featuring polyamorous ships of any configuration/type from any fandom. All ratings are welcome but anything nsfw/triggery should be warned for and behind a read more, as should very long tumblr fic.

You can also submit works directly to the blog or send us asks to let us know to check your blog for a post. If you’re posting on AO3, our collection name is ‘PolyamShippingDay‘ and you can post to the collection here. Plus, we now have a Discord - invite here - if you want a place to chat about your ships or what you’re creating for them.

We look forward to seeing what people create for it. If you’re enthused about the day, we’d be especially appreciative of any reblogs to help spread the word about the event.

Reminder that this is happening tomorrow. We’re excited to see what people have made for it.  

Post link

I will attend a con in June as a stand owner, so my commissions are now CLOSED until the con is done since I have to focus on making merch and stuff to sell there!
If you want to get some quick sketches tho, I’m always open for Ko-Fi commissions!

2 Ko-fis = Sketch
3 Ko-fis = Clean Lineart
4 Ko-fis = Plain Avatar
5 Ko-fis = Plain Colors

I won’t do anything more complex than this.

No BG and no shadows/effects whatsoever.
One character only.

If you want some examples or are interested in taking some of these commissions, send me a PM!

Here’s the link to my Ko-Fi!


Said this, have a nice day friends!

Do you also feel a giant lump in your throats every time you realise that tomorrow we’ll get the last new Discworld book?

Happy Hogswatch! Be holly and jolly, keep a fireplace poker and remember that SWORDS AREN’T MEANT TO

Happy Hogswatch! Be holly and jolly, keep a fireplace poker and remember that SWORDS AREN’T MEANT TO BE SAFE. And you’d better watch out…

Post link

Sorry everyone! I didn’t notice the queue was out today and I won’t be able to refill it until I get home from work. I do have a few submissions I’ll try and remember to post though so you won’t be totally without cats today!

You guys have been so incredibly patient, I’m sorry for the delays for the last two months!Hopefully

You guys have been so incredibly patient, I’m sorry for the delays for the last two months!

Hopefully it’ll be worth your time!

Post link

gonna take a few mental health days off from posting! don’t worry, all is well! I’m just tired from changing up some medications, so motivation to make gifs is hard to find for me at the moment. But I’ll be back in a couple of days! <3

if you make finn content, don’t forget to tag me! I’d love to see and/or reblog them onto the blog!

I just received a Tumblr notification for a possiblecopyright violation. The content has been removed from the staff, so I can’t even review what caused it. My main problem with this whole mess is that I feel this blog falls squarely in the fair use category. So do I challenge it?

After reading up on the Tumblr guidelines, the hassle isn’t worth it for a counter notice over some butt hurt whatever. To be honest I feel like my whole blog is a parody, so it falls squarely in the fair use category of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Although criticism and commentary are among the types of fair use described by the statute, U.S. courts have held that a work need not comment on the original in order to be transformative. In   Cariou v. Prince   , the court said that “a secondary work may constitute a fair use even if it serves some purpose other than … criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.”

Quote from http://transformativeworks.org/news/10-fair-use-misconceptions                  

I’m back?/Life update

Hey guys I have been Seriously absent from my Tumblr and that’s not cool! My life has just been absolutely crazy! I’m going to try to be more active on here though because I’ve missed my Tumblr family!

As always I’m open for requests and art! I also set up tipping! I’m excited to be back and make new content for you! ❤️

Love you all 3000


Time for another round of I worked too hard on this to not cross post it here! Check out my other accounts!

Friends, let’s chat.

Who remembers #don’tspoiltheendgame and #thanosdemandsyoursilence? I need to ask a favor. With a great amount of followers and being a content creator comes great responsibility. That responsibility being to see Marvel content as soon as possible, which can be hard. I got tickets to and saw Endgame the night before it came out and I still woke up to messages spoiling the Endgame. So with the Red Carpet premiere of No Way Home tonight I’m going to kindly ask that you guys help with some of that great responsibility and to please not spoil The Way Home until I can see it. Be like Dr. Strange who saw Endgame 14,000,605 times and still didn’t spoil it!

I will be seeing No Way Home on the 16th at 3:00 MDT and will follow the two week rule that comes with big releases but I am starting a 3 day Tumblr, TikTok and Instagram fast to avoid spoilers.

I love you all more than 3000 but I won’t be on until after 3:00 on the 16th! I’ll miss you all but please for the love of all that is holy

and remember,Thanos Still demands your silence. Love You All 3000!


Time for yet another round of I worked too hard on this to not cross post it here! This one took me days you guys are the best! Check out my other pages!

https://twitter.com/OPLootChestHi guys! This is a twitter hub to boost One Piece fandom creations, e


Hi guys! This is a twitter hub to boost One Piece fandom creations, events, and fanzines. Go following it too if you have twitter account!

It’s run mainly by @prussian-lullaby, our new moderator. And we’re planning to list all the event and fanzine into google sheet as a calendar for you to track the event date and fanzine schedule!

So, stay tune!

Post link

Our Hagakure is now up and running, go welcome him!

-Mod Kirigiri

Master list updated to include reservations for Hagakure and Ishimaru. Blogs inactive for up to 3 weeks where removed.

-Mod Kirigiri


New mod on the loose, otherwise known as mod Kirigiri. I’ll help manage the list and put up general information about this AU on the main blog. In fact I already did with 2 new rules that have been in place but not officially stated now being on the rule page, and a shiny new about page. Go check it out and let me know if there’s any changes that need to be made.

-Mod Kirigiri

Hello! We will be performing an activity check and clearing out the masterlist soon! 

On behalf of the group, I believe we need to discuss some things.

I wish for this group to thrive and stay as welcoming as it was when all of us joined. In fact, I’m very happy it’s stayed together for as long as we’ve been together. However, as a mod, I feel like we aren’t making decisions together, and that’s leading to confusion and a rather cluttered mess to deal with. In order to sort out some of our “problems”, I’ve compiled a small list of conflicts that I believe we’re facing.

  1. OOC on our dash. Although I believe the mods have put an end to the clutter and obnoxious OOC posts we’ve had to face, I’d still like to remind you guys to please tag your out of character posts and reblogs with “ooc” or “ooc reblog”. It’s very helpful to those with Tumblr Savior who don’t wish to see clutter.
  2. Cross RPing with other groups and/or indie accounts. We’ve made this a group for a reason, and while we’re fine with RPs with another character who isn’t currently a part of the group, I personally find it a little rude to ignore the taken characters for independent RPers. There is a purpose for independent accounts. This is still up for debate and decision.
  3. Allowing Dangan Ronpa 0 characters and OCs has not been discussed with the group in full. Before you make any decisions or tell friends that we allow them, please consult with us fully. Communication is one of the key components in running a functional group, and seeing as each member is like a piece to this “machine”, everyone has to agree/compromise before it can work.
  4. Consequences for breaking rules need to be addressed. In fact, I believe we should decide on a set of rules to follow. As our group grows, fighting and clutter may be more prone to occur, and we want to prevent that by any means.

I apologize for this rather long post, but I feel as though we aren’t communicating before making decisions or really even staying together as a group. There’s so much cross RPing with other groups & indie blogs that it’s slightly worrying.

Please feel free to add any input you find necessary. Opinions are ALWAYS welcome.

- Mod Hinata

Hello! It’s Mod Komaeda here and I just wanted to ask you guys, what’s your opinion on having more than 1 of a certain character but with a different side? (example: Despair!Mahiru and Neutral!Mahiru both affiliated with us)

Do you think we should allow that and why/why not?

Hey! Mod Syo here!

We’ve been having complaints of a certain thing in our rp group - OOC reblogs! This group is meant for roleplay, ya see, and some of us wish not to have posts that would go on a main blog on our dashboards! (Me included, sorry!)

So, I would like to say that if you must reblog stuff to your rp blog, please tag it with “#ooc reblog” or something! I mean, you don’t really have to stop reblogging things to your blog, just tag it and those who don’t want those kinds of posts on your dash can block the tag.

Thank you! Gehehe!

- Mod Syo

Kuzuryuu is back! Everyone go say hello!

-Mod Kirigiri

By the way, as it’s been over a week since the release of the first half of season 2, this blog will contain spoilers from here on. Any big spoilers will probably still be tagged, but the reveal in the first episode won’t be!

I would love to make an official timeline of Pokemon media (ranging from the games to the movies) in terms of mythology, and the actual game’s lore, because I’m almost ENTIRELY convinced that the meteor that fell thousands of years ago? The one that spawned the whole Delta Episode of ORAS?

Is the same one that Arceus tried to stop in the movie Arceus and the Jewel of Life.

Sorry for the absence, stuff got in the way and then I just completely forgot to get anything queued. Things should return to normal from here on out.

Hello lovelies! I have cleaned out the inbox down to a few asks that I will answer and add to requests once I get the chance. That being said, the inbox is dry of submissions! I would love to see more stories from all of the lovely writers who contribute here. 

Thanks for being a part of this blog <3

