#momo yaoyorozu


ABO Momoiida with Alpha!Momo and Beta!Iida

January 7th 2021

I know My Hero has died down in popularity a bit but I’m still kind of proud of my fics, especially Your Hand in Mine, the longest Momokendou story by word count from what I have seen.

preview shot of my piece for the SMASH HIT Zine (@smashhitzine)! Preorders opened today, check it ou

preview shot of my piece for the SMASH HIT Zine (@smashhitzine)! Preorders opened today, check it out here

i’ll post the full version of this sometime soon, I’m glad I got to contribute ♥

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happy birthday to my sweet momo ♡

happy birthday to my sweet momo ♡

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kawaiikrisschan: I’m happy to finally post my artwork I made for @todomomorisingzine!I’m VERY proud kawaiikrisschan: I’m happy to finally post my artwork I made for @todomomorisingzine!I’m VERY proud


I’m happy to finally post my artwork I made for @todomomorisingzine!
I’m VERY proud of how this turned out! This is the western au in which (a little background story) Todoroki and Momo are cowboys being chased by bandits which they trying to catch, cause in this universe they are also heroes. I’m wiggling to draw more of this au^^
I am so honored to be a part of this project, and everyone did such an amazing job, putting all the strength and heart into work! And if you are still interested in buying a copy there is a form asking https://forms.gle/Pndqnw9ZozcQoiEFA

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Hi guys! I’ve been a little quiet on the writing lately but I promise I’m still working on my current stories, I’ve just been a busy bee with other personal things.

But here is my piece that I did for the todomomorisingzine! We’re finally able to post them and I hope you enjoy it!

Also, the zine team has a survey to potentially re-open the store to clear out the remaining stock, so if you’re interested please visit @todomomorisingzine and click their survey link. :)

Anyway, enjoy!


“All hands on deck!“ 

An explosion sent the boat rocking, nearly forcing Momo to her knees as wood splintered around her. Cringing at the sight of broken parts of her ship, she sprung back into action, drawing her sword as three men armed with weapons of their own surrounded her. 

"Look at this lass playing pirate.” The one with rotted teeth and shaggy brown hair grinned while his companions laughed. 

Momo smirked and reached up to remove the hat from her head and tossed it aside, leaving only a bandana to cover the crown of her head. She tucked a stray black braid behind her ear and faced the men, her black locks swaying in the sea breeze. 

“You know,” She began, moving into a fighting stance, “mangy water rats like you shouldn’t judge a pirate by her gender.” Momo smiled when that seemed to strike a nerve in, who she guessed, was the leader. 

“Get her!" 

Quickly sidestepping, she put out her booted foot, easily tripping the first attacker before swiveling on her heel to catch the punch aimed at her head. Twisting her body, which forced the man to fall in her direction, she swiftly slammed her elbow into his chest, knocking the air from his lungs. 

"Ye wench!” The third assailant snarled in her direction. 

The smile that played across his lips made Momo frown. She spun on her foot as a fourth pirate slammed a knee into her stomach making her pitch forward but the man behind her snatched one of the braids in her hair and yanked hard sending pain along her scalp. 

A cry of pain escaped her as she reached up to tug at the man’s wrist, attempting to release his grip on her hair. 

“Momo!” The call came from one of her crewmates, Jirou, who was trapped in a fight with two opponents of her own. She just hoped the other four females of her crew were doing alright as well. Their crew was made up of all females and there were only six of them in total while the ship was easily being attacked by a dozen or more pirates. 

“Let go!” Momo’s tone, which was laced with pain, made the male smile even wider. 

“Come now little lass.” The laughter in his voice didn’t go unnoticed by her. “Your future husband awaits ye." 

"I’ll never marry that bilge rat!" 

"Be respectful, he’s paying a lot of money to get ye back.” He grinned. “Ye should be grateful he cares-" 

The pirate’s words were cut off as a booted foot slammed into his head, forcing him to release Momo’s hair as he hit the deck hard. 

"What the hell!?" 

A man with red and white hair soared across the ship, the rope from the mainmast gripped tightly in his fist before he skidded on his heels across the deck of the vessel. 

"S-Shouto?” Momo landed on her knees holding her stomach, one eye clenched tightly from the pain. 

“We spotted the cannon fire.” Shouto moved to her side as the other two men raised their swords again, several others soon joining them, leaving Shouto and Momo outnumbered. 

He held his hand out to her and she didn’t hesitate to accept his help with a smile. Using the toe of his boot, he tossed up her discarded sword, which she caught easily in her right hand before moving to stand back to back with her new partner. 

“Let’s do this!" 

Momo lunged forward and parried her sword against one of the pirate’s before stepping back and proceeded to attack him with the tip of her weapon, nearly slicing into her opponent before he deflected it and shoved her away. She hit Shouto’s back, but he kept his balance and pressed into her, giving her the push she needed to thrust her sword forward again. The man met her attacks with his own but was taken aback when she ducked his last move and twisted on her feet instead before slamming the hilt of her sword into his stomach. 

With a smirk on his lips, Shouto marveled at the skill of her swordsmanship. Thanks to her father who had taught her everything he had known over the first eighteen years of her life before he told her to run away. She is a formidable foe, female or not, she was not one to be trifled with. 

"You’re improving,” he quipped and kneed his own rival in the gut, sending him to the ground, it was subtle, but he recognized her change of fighting style immediately. 

“You’re not so bad yourself.” She let a grin spread over her lips as she reached out her arm, allowing him to get a firm grip before he swung her around in a circle, her boots knocking into the heads of several of the men at once. 

When she landed back on her feet, she stared angrily down at the one that was still conscious. “You can tell Shigaraki that I will never marry him.” Her tone final. 

“You’ll pay,” he laughed as an explosion rocked the ship, “and so will he.“ Momo’s heart leaped into her throat before she was thrown against the railing. 

Once she stabilized herself, her dark eyes glanced at Shouto, fear filling the black orbs when one of the men staggered to his feet and raised his weapon above the red and white-haired male’s head. 


Momo’s warning didn’t give the red- and white-haired male enough time to react as the man’s blade came down on him. His eye widened, blood splattering across his clothes before he realized Momo had jumped in to save him. The sword had sliced into her shoulder forcing a cry of pain from her.  

Snapping himself out of his frozen state at her sacrifice, he swung out his arm to slam it into the man’s throat, forcing the blade from his companions’ body. 

“Are you alright?!” Shouto questioned her as he helped her to her feet, locking his arm firmly around her waist, while her uninjured arm came to rest around his neck. Another explosion rocked the ship, nearly sending them to their knees. 

A loud whistle sounded and Shouto knew his crew had rescued the other females from the ship. Breathing out a sigh of relief, now he just had to get the two of them out of here.  

Picking up the raven-haired beauty into his arms, he dashed towards the side of the boat, hoping the plank they had used to board her ship was still there. Fear and frustration settled over him when he realized that option was no longer an option, the side where the plank had been, was blown to pieces. 

“Dammit!” He cursed and hurriedly turned in several directions, hoping to find another way out. 

“Just go without me,” Momo whispered through gritted teeth, knowing it would be difficult for him to escape with her in tow. 

He heard her spoken words, but he refused to leave her, how could she expect him to leave her behind. It may have been something his old man would have done, but he couldn’t leave a comrade behind, especially if it was her. 

“A captain goes down with their ship,” she smiled up at him with tears in her eyes, “remember?” 

“If you think I’m going to leave you here to die, then you really are crazy.” His gray eye locked gazes with hers, her heart started to beat too quickly for her chest to handle.  


“Shut up.” 

Momo’s eyes widened at the anger in his tone. She had never seen him get mad at her before in the last few years that she’s known him. 

“I’ve already lost my family, I’m not about to let someone else I love die.” 

“Shouto…” His name left her lips on a whisper as a tear slipped down her cheek. 

“While I still live and breathe, you will not perish,” he vowed. A choked sob escaped her. 

He proceeded with the task at hand, not giving her a chance to respond. 


The call had him spinning towards the source and he spotted the green-haired crewmate of his, sailing by on their ship. 

“Hurry, the ship is going down!” 

Before he could speak, another explosion nearly made him drop the female in his arms. 


A giggle sounded from the woman in his hold  

“Are you seriously laughing right now?” 

“I can’t help it, you sounded like a true pirate.” She smiled with a grimace as his mouth quirked up in a half-smile, at least her wound didn’t dampen her mood. 

Reaching to his side he grabbed the rope that had a grappling hook attached to the end. 

“I need you to hold onto me.” 

Nodding, she latched her arms around his neck as he stepped up on the edge of the ship. He twirled the rope with his right hand, thanking his luck that it snagged onto his ship with ease.  

He moved to take the plunge, but a soft voice gave him pause. 

“I love you too.”  

He smiled at words until she decided to speak up again with words that made him roll his eyes. 

“If we go, we go together.” 

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.” 

And he jumped.


Shouto watched Momo while she slept, his eyes traveled to the pale white bandage over her shoulder and couldn’t help thinking it was his fault she had been hurt. After they had successfully made it to his ship, his crewmates and hers immediately tended to her wound before she lost consciousness, she had been asleep up until now. 

“Don’t blame yourself for this.” 

Her voice startled him and his gray eye met hers in the candlelit room of the Captain’s quarters. Her hand reached out to caress his face, the pad of her fingers brushing the strap of the patch over his left eye. His hand immediately came up to take hers as she sat up on the bed to come face to face with his seated form. 

“Why do you wear the eyepatch?” 

Momo knew of the scar that was hidden beneath the patch from the stories Shouto had told her about his family. But according to him, his eye was perfectly fine. 

“The scar is unsightly.” 

“Shouto, none of your friends would see you any differently.” 

“You don’t know that.” 

“I do.” She smiled and forced his hand from hers so she could reach out again. “May I?” 

With a defeated sigh he nodded at her pleading tone and she didn’t hesitate to slip it off his face. What surprised her was the blue eye that greeted her and she couldn’t contain the blush that crept across her cheeks. 

“Oh.” She looked away and Shouto was about to remind her that he had warned her until she spoke once more. “You never said you had heterochromia.” 

“Sorry.” He smiled slightly at her as she hesitantly brought her hand back to his face, her thumb brushing the rough skin under his eye. 

“You have beautiful eyes, you should show both of them more often.” 

“I’ll do it for you,” he murmured and turned his face to kiss the palm of her hand as she sucked in a sharp breath, “but I also have a request.” 

“Oh sure.” 

“Can I kiss you?” 

His blunt question caught her off guard and she couldn’t help the giddy smile that spread across her lips. 

“Please do.” 

When his lips touched hers she couldn’t stop the fluttering in her chest as a euphoric feeling filled her with such force she felt she would float away. His lips were surprisingly soft against her own before she parted her lips slightly to deepen the kiss. Her arms wound around his neck to pull him closer while his hands rested on her hips. 

They parted if only to catch their breath and she couldn’t help but whisper a certain pirate phrase against his lips. 

“Well blow me down.” 

The embarrassed look he gave her sent her into a fit of giggles. “What? I wanted to sound like a true pirate too.” 

The joke made at his expense forced him to shove her back onto the bed and assault her sides. He was careful not to jostle her shoulder too much as he tickled her but with how much she was laughing he doubted she even noticed. 

“Shouto!” She snorted unladylike and it was a sound he would never get tired of hearing. 

drizzydoodles:My pieces for @todomomorisingzine! I collaborated with the wonderful and amazingly tdrizzydoodles:My pieces for @todomomorisingzine! I collaborated with the wonderful and amazingly t


My pieces for @todomomorisingzine! I collaborated with the wonderful and amazingly talented writer @QueenCamelliaIV! It was an immense honor to be able to work with her! Please check out her story on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21590530

ALSO, there could potentially be another Left-Over sale! Please fill out this survey if you happen to be interested! https://forms.gle/Pndqnw9ZozcQoiEFA

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MERRY CHRISTMAS! WE GOT SOME EXCITING NEWS!Santa Clause has heard your wishes and since you guys hav


Santa Clause has heard your wishes and since you guys have been nice this year, we are proud to announce that we will be re-opening our store on DEC 28, 2019 (12PM) - JAN 25, 2020 (9PM)! This will be the last time we will be opening the store as we WILL NOT restock any of the merchandise. The prices will remain the same since the 1st Leftover Sales so treat yourself for your own Christmas gift this season!


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Hi everyone! We are currently taking a survey to see if people are still interested in purchasing leftover products from our store! Your response is greatly appreciated!


All tracking emails have been sent!

If you haven’t receive a tracking email from us, please don’t hesitate to email us!

Some packages are anticipated to arrive this week so be sure to check your emails.

~TDMM: Rising Zine Mods

If you purchased or were entitled to a free copy of the digital version of the zine, check your emails! 

If you did not receive a digital copy of the zine, please do not hesitate to reach out to us and we can help you out.

Once again, thank you so much your support! I really do not know how to further express my gratitude.  

~ Mod Ryu

Hey guys!

All orders for the leftover sale have been dropped off at the post office today! We will send out an email with your tracking number over the next few days.

If you ordered a PDF, we will send you your copy hopefully by tonight or by tomorrow night. As always, if you guys have any questions, feel free to send us an ask or dm!

~ Mod Ryu


The store is now closed! Once we organize all the orders, we will begin to pack orders and hopefully we will be able to ship them soon. For people who ordered PDFS, we will send you guys an email with the PDF once we have shipped all orders!

Feel free to ask us any questions along the way! We will also be sure to keep our social media updated on our current status!

There’s about a week left until leftover sale closes so don’t miss out grabbing your TDMM: Rising zine copy right now!

Store link: https://todomomorisingzine.bigcartel.com
