#momtara and dadko


Katara and Zuko would be the last ones to hop on the parenting wagon, the two of them having met well into adulthood and enjoying this quality time with their best friend, the someone who finallyunderstands their deepest and fullest selves.  

When they decide they’re ready to tackle parenthood, they’re the ones who’d spend that Saturday morning cuddling under the covers, gazing at the little “plus” sign on the pregnancy test, laughing with joy and a little nervousness.  They’d wait until the 25th week to fully announce it to family and friends, not just because of the risks but because it just feels so nice keeping this little news to themselves, as a couple, as something special they’re making together while the world continues to spin.  

Zuko would not hesitate to creep up behind Katara and kiss her temple before they leave for work… hands to her belly… saying how gorgeous she is and knowing how often she looks at herself, the baby-weight popping up in her face, her arms, her thighs. When he spoons her at night, in their bed…  his voice warmly whispering how beautiful and amazing she is… Katara has never felt so adored and protected.  

They would be the couple who would join a young-parents-to-be group in the neighborhood, and Katara would encourage Zuko to shop for a baby things with her, and Zuko would be happy to let Katara join in on assembling the crib, and would be adamant in testing the crib with a honeydew melon for at least a week to ensure that it is stable. He would keep track of Katara’s sleeping patterns and the pregnancy cravings as a reference for the baby’s sleep cycle and the foods the baby might eventually like.  He makes a point to stock up on Katara’s food cravings at home – especially during the third trimester, when the cravings come anytime and in full steam ahead. 

Zuko would secretly be anxious at work, thinking about Katara and what she’s doing at home once she officially goes on her maternity leave.  He would check his phone every minute on the week of her due date, until she texts him one early morning with “Get ready, papa bear.  :)” 

And Zuko would head straight out of his office, excusing himself from whatever presentation or meeting he might’ve been currently in.  He would sprint to the hospital with Sokka, Suki and Hakoda already there in the lobby, offering him coffee and a pastry before he goes into the appointed room to see Katara getting prepped for delivery.  Aang and Toph would show up an hour later, with gender-neutral yellow balloons and a flying bison stuffed animal… but when Sokka says the baby hasn’t arrived yet… Aang slouches sadly, and Toph growls: (”SugarQueen and Sir Hotman are the most punctual kids on the planet.  You’re telling me their kid’s gonna take their sweet time showing up?  Nuh Uh.  Both my kids made it in the hour and we got WWE tickets tonight.  Let me in there….”  “Toph!”)

Katara’s calm and collected the first few hours, but as it becomes clear this labor will be dragging much longer… Katara’s patience and nerves wear thin, and Zuko is there as she starts to really sense the first signs of doubt, that feeling that things might not turn out perfect.  Zuko’s there with her after Toph and Aang leave for the WWE match, after Sokka and Suki say their goodbyes that afternoon, after Hakoda says his goodbye in the evening… as the labor drags on and on… as the contractions become more painful and more frequent.  Zuko holds her hand tightly as Katara begins to cry, cursing certain things to Zuko that she’d probably forget but he’d very much remember fondly (and would only refer back to years and years from now, if Katara ever chose to proclaim to people that she’s never once lost her cool – and yet even then, Zuko would only use that information as a tease, never a weapon).  

Zuko would calm her with his voice, his words, his reassurance that he is there for anything that Katara needs… but he doesn’t ignore his own teary eyes.  Because he is scared, too.  

When the doctor advises Zuko to hand-deliver the baby himself – a calming mechanism for his distressed wife in labor – Zuko hesitates, but then agrees. Katara smiles and cries and breathes into a rhythm. The doctor instructs Zuko as he feels the sweat roll down his temples, and Zuko eventually coaches Katara himself on the pushing.  Katara grits her teeth between her cries, patiently telling the baby: It’s alright, sweetheart.  Don’t be scared.  It’s going to be okay.  Your father is here.  He’s waiting.  He wants to meet you… and the couple who made this yet-to-be-seen miracle together watch themselves become a team, all over again. 

And finally, after so many hours in the hospital room…. Katara delivers a screaming baby girl into the world, and Zuko almost loses his balance from the shock of holding this girl… seeing this amazing little thing so loud, andalive, and squirming in his hands.  When the nurse carefully asks for the girl from him, Zuko feels the first signs of fatherly protection pass through his system… something that’s been stirring in him perhaps longer than he’s realized… but as quickly as they come, they pass… and Zuko sees Katara next to him, and he remembers where he is.  He obliges with a smile, and then takes Katara’s hand.

When the nurses clean and bring the bundled baby to Katara, Zuko has never seen his wife more beautiful, despite her exhausted self… or more radiant, despite her puffy face, tired smile, baggy eyes.  

He is in love, all over again. 

When Katara sees Zuko taking the baby’s little hand, watching his face change as the little girl curls her fingers around her father’s thumb… Katara feels herself falling in love with her husband all over again, too.  

They spend the night in that hospital room, the three of them cuddled together. 

And when Katara whispers to Zuko that it would be a nice tradition… to have him help hand-deliver all of their future babies… Zuko can only smile his agreement.  Zuko lifts his arm to find Katara’s back, caressing it softly, and bringing his family closer to his heart.

a-hams-art: @zutaramonth Zutara Month, Day 1: Momtara and Dadkoim 2 days late, but its the thought ta-hams-art: @zutaramonth Zutara Month, Day 1: Momtara and Dadkoim 2 days late, but its the thought ta-hams-art: @zutaramonth Zutara Month, Day 1: Momtara and Dadkoim 2 days late, but its the thought t


@zutaramonth Zutara Month, Day 1: Momtara and Dadko

im 2 days late, but its the thought that counts
i wont be doing every prompt for every single day of zutara month, but i do have some prompts i’ll be doing for the month.

@starry-nights12 and i share custody of the zutara kids lmao

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