#monsta x suggestive


Pairing:Yoo Kihyun x female reader

World:Out of the Shadows

Genre:suggestive fluff / idol au / established relationship

Warnings:amake-out session that’s suggestive, minor jealousy, and mild cursing

A/N: it is somewhat expected that you’ve read the series this story is based on. Whilst it’s still readable without OOTS knowledge, it is recommended to read this after the series. This idea came to me after seeing the performances of LOVE, and Kihyun’s interesting outfit options >_>

Word count: 2295

Opening the studio door with his elbow, Kihyun took a deep breath to steady himself after rushing since he left his last schedule. Stepping into the room, he smiled brightly.

He felt instantly relieved, and he hadn’t even taken you in yet. “Sorry I’m late, the radio show ran longer than anticipated. And then I stopped off at that new coffee store you’re in love with to pick you up a S’mores frappe.” Noticing your intense stare as he finished his apology, Kihyun frowned, holding out your iced drink. You took it, throwing your hip to the side as you leaned back against the desk. “What?”

“Just taking it in,” you murmured, sweeping your eyes from his head down to his toes.

Even though Kihyun had been in love with you for months now, it still felt like the first time he saw you in Boah’s vocal coaching building. His body jerked with a static charge, and his lips curled up into a smirk, trying to mask how overwhelmed he felt with you appreciating him visibly. “Do you happen to like your handsome boyfriend, Y/N?”

You snorted. “Yeah, sure.”

“What kind of response is that?” he whined playfully, watching you take a sip of your fancy chocolate milk and swallowing hard when you let out a small moan.

He was still feeling allthe honeymoon aspects of love with you.

“I was taking in this,” you mentioned, reaching out to pluck his grey hoodie between your index finger and thumb.

Glancing down at his plain hoodie and then back up at you, Kihyun frowned for the second time. “My… hoodie?”

“It’s a great hoodie.”

“You’re being exceptionally weird,” he intoned, placing down his iced Americano on your desk so he could envelop you in his arms. His smile grew again as he leaned into peck your nose. “Missed you, baby.”

“I saw you four days ago,” you reminded, and Kihyun pouted.

“We used to be inseparable.”

“We still are inseparable.” You gestured to how little space there was between you both. Shifting an arm out of his hold to put your drink down, you then reached for the collar of his hoodie, tugging him close again. “I really like this hoodie. It covers allof you. I can barely see your neck.”

Kihyun laughed. “Normally, you like seeing more than my neck.”

“Mm. In bed. In private—”

“This is your private recording space,” he pointed out wickedly, and you swatted at him lightly. “I could blow your mind and take this off to show that I have a respectable tee on underneath. Fully tucked into my jeans and all.”

You sighed. “You picked up on it.”

“Why didn’t you just tell me straight, Y/N?” he wondered, running a hand loosely up and down your spine. “I told you to expect my outfits for this promotion to be… a little different.”

“‘Different’ is an open collar. A few extra buttons undone. A sheer panel along your sides.”

“To be fair, it has been a lot of my sides that have been exposed,” he said with a nod of his head, and you groaned loudly.

“Why am I dating an idol? This is torture.”

“Says the ex-idol.” You rolled your eyes at Kihyun’s reminder. “Who took to the stage in the most spectacular of gowns that I not only almost faltered in singing at the sight of you, but I wanted the whole world to never see you again.”

“Lies!” you cried, shunting out of his embrace. “You and the rest of Monsta X were thrilled for me to be finally out of the shadows and on that stage. In fact, you were far too smug about it for some time there.”

“My girlfriend did look amazing up under those lights,” he agreed. Then he scrunched up his nose as he thought about why he didn’t appreciate the spotlight on you. “The thirsty comments that came after the performance though. They really got to me.”

“Might I remind you that there are numerous thirsty comments about you that I could wade through on a daily basis?”

Kihyun grinned. “I guess I don’t look too much.”

“You’re an asshole sometimes,” you told him, though the smile on your face made him aware that you weren’t that hung up on it.

Reaching back for you, Kihyun pulled you close, shutting his eyes as he breathed you in. Four days was going to be nothing compared to the upcoming US tour. Even with daily video calls, he was unsure how much he’d be able to handle being away from you that long.

Kihyun wondered if he’d ever adjust to how deeply he felt about you.

“I’m torn over those outfits,” you admitted quietly. He didn’t respond, knowing there was more to it. “I don’t like that everyone else gets to see glimpses of what I have of your body.”

“They don’t get to feel it like you do,” he offered breathily, remembering the way your hair had been splayed over your pillow the last time you were both together. Clamping his eyes shut again, he willed his body to cool down. He didn’t have more than this two-hour window to spend time with you today. And whilst he could perfect your breathless falsetto within these walls with some creative tangling of bodies, he knew you would never let him take your workplace to such an inappropriate high.

Kihyun was already running through his current schedule to find the next time he could have you in between his sheets.

Ignoring his statement, you tapped your fingertips lightly in a rhythm at the juncture where his neck and shoulder met. He shivered with how good your touch felt. “I liked the Music Bank outfit. It made no sense at first with all the loose straps. But the tease factor! I’m not going to tell you how many times I’ve rewatched the fancam online.”

“The fact that you’re telling me you’ve watched it has my ego inflating enough without a number. Though, surely it has to be more than twenty times, right?”

You pulled back just enough to pointedly roll your eyes at him. “Your ego really is a problem.”

“Not my clothes?” he teased, and you inhaled sharply.

“Are you taking those outfits with you to America?” you asked, and Kihyun watched as you turned your head, attempting to seem nonchalant with your question as you took a long gulp of the frappe. You sighed. “Damn, I’m going to become the size of a house because of this drink. It’s too good.”

“You’re lucky that even with me on a promo diet I still picked that sugary, milky drink up for you. Shows how much I love you.”

You grinned. “Want a taste? I promise you it’s delicious.”

“You know hyung can sniff out diet breaks a mile away,” he pointed out, and your eyes danced with mischief, dragging in a long mouthful from the straw. You had barely swallowed before your hand slipped around the back of his neck, pulling him in close enough for your lips to touch.

He could taste the marshmallow and chocolate on your tongue as you opened up for him. The burst of flavours, both from the drink and the one that was just inexplicitly you overwhelmed Kihyun, and he pushed you up against the desk, hands finding their way to the back of your thighs, assisting you up onto the table. Being appropriate, be damned. Kihyun could only think of one way he wanted you to sing for him now.

“Easy,” you murmured into his skin as your lips trailed down his neck in a trail of kisses. “Boah’s right next door with a lesson.”

“The room is soundproof.”

“Are you wanting to test that?” you asked, and Kihyun dropped his forehead to your shoulder as your hands trailed to the bottom of his hoodie. Sliding up just a bit, you then let out a surprised laugh. “Your tee really is tucked into your jeans.”

“Because when I’m not on stage, I’m not exactly going about feeling uncomfortable.”

“Those outfits are uncomfortable?” you asked innocently as your hands yanked on the tee, greedily wanting to meet with his skin. He felt branded as soon as your palms touched his flesh, fingers spreading over his torso. “I couldn’t tell with how cocky your expressions were.”

“I liked the response of the fans. Sue me.”

“Were they looking at you or Hyungwon? He was showing just as much skin. I thought Changkyun was the one in charge of showing so much skin whilst Hyunwoo’s in the army?”

“Don’t bring up their names when your hands are on my body,” he grunted, trying to find the waistband to your leggings under the soft, oversized top dress you had on. Finally succeeding, he slid his hands over your rear, securing your hips against his.

“Kyun’s outfits have been classier than yours. What’s up with that?”


You chuckled. “As much as I’m sure I’ll enjoy where your thought process is going, I do have a client after this. And your idea will definitely lead to sweating, which you and I know won’t be great for my skin if I can’t shower and change after.”

“You encouraged this,” he said, deflated, though he put space between his hips and yours. Only a little because he didn’t want out of your space just yet. Your intense gaze trailed over him again, smirking lightly at his evident arousal before darting back to his eyes. He tipped his head to the side. “Done fuelling my flames?”

“The outfits. Are you having to wear them in the states?”


“Because I would prefer if you didn’t. They throw bras at you even when you’re fully dressed.”

“Maybe they’ll throw full lingerie sets this time,” he responded, stepping back when your hand swung towards him again. Laughing loudly, he caught your fingers within his own, entwining them for a moment. “You couldn’t sound more jealous, you know.”

“I guess I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.”


“Well, first, I better go home and pull out my suitcase. You know, I haven’t used that thing in a while. I’ll have to see if it’s in the back of the wardrobe in Nina’s old room. She used it last when she went to teach that dance class in Japan.”

Kihyun smiled fondly at the mention of your best friend before blinking as the rest of your statement caught up to him. “Wait. Why do you need your suitcase?”

“Because I need to pack.”

“Where are you going?”

“With you on your tour,” you explained matter-of-factly, and Kihyun stared at you dumbly. You grinned. “You didn’t think I’d let you wear those shirts – if you can even refer to scraps of fabric as such – without me, did you? Monbebe will eat you alive.”

“Are you being serious?”

“Apparently, it’s important to check your vocals regularly whilst on tour for fatigue or strain. Funnily enough, your girlfriend is pretty good at being a vocal coach now.”

“And my company, with its bad history of losing one of its most talented female vocalists, hired you?” he asked incredulously, stepping back in between your legs, arms loosely wrapped around your waist. You immediately smiled before resting your head on his chest.

“Well, Boah might have pulled some strings along the way. But this contract, I promise I read over with a lawyer and about four times before I signed it.”

“You’re coming with me?” he asked with an elated laugh, using a hand to cup your jaw so he could look into your eyes. Kihyun pressed his lips to yours and then laughed again. “This solves so many problems.”

“Like how much I would have missed you being stuck back here?” you suggested, and Kihyun nodded, nuzzling your neck with his nose. “I have missed you, you know. Four days was unbearable. We used to go longer. When I was in Starlet, there were weeks where we didn’t see each other.”

“I’ve become complacent having you close to me, thanks to the lack of touring and trips out of Korea during the pandemic. I’m eager to see our international fans again, but the idea of leaving you behind was one I wasn’t looking forward to.”

Smiling at him, you returned the peck to his nose that he had greeted you with. “Now neither of us have to think about it.”

“I’m thinking about other things now,” he told you with a sly smile, and you gave him a dry look.

“Oh, God.”

“Hotel stays are going to be different this time around,” he mentioned with a wiggle to his eyebrows, and you chuckled.

“You’re incorrigible.”

“I’m in love,” he corrected, and your expression softened.

“And I’m never going to get any singing done with you today, am I?” you asked, slinging your arms around his neck and leaning in close. “I suppose that’s not a horrible thing. I like doing other things with you too. And until the day arrives where either of us grows bored of how much we desire the other, I think I’ll take as much advantage of it as I can.”

“I haven’t grown bored yet.”

“I don’t think we ever will,” you replied, kissing him softly. “I love you, even if your stylist is on my current hit list.”

Kihyun kissed you back. “I’ll have to make sure you don’t destroy her when you see all the other things she’s come up with for me.”

“There’s more?! Can’t I keep you under wraps?”

Kihyun laughed, reaching for your lips and trying to divert your attention away from his stage persona and back to where he wanted you.

Right against his heart, always.


All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft

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