#monster kink

Imagine trying to have a moment with the Predator. He took off his mask, revealing another- No, reve

Imagine trying to have a moment with the Predator

He took off his mask, revealing another- No, revealing an inhumanly alluring face. The speckled complexion, the strong mandibles, the golden eyes in obsidian sockets. All of it was gorgeous to you. 

“You’re beautif-” 

“You are one ugly motherfucker,” remarked Dutch, staring straight ahead.  

Post link

This is apart of my series “The Park” A strange park seems to be leading people to another land, filled with monsters and magic. What happens when you fall into the web of half man, half spider? My master list 

Thank you for this request, I had fun writing this!

Warnings: 18+, nsfw, bondage, monster kink

“Hey!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, again. “I’m stuck down here! Somebody get that stupid ranger!” You turned around and kicked a branch that had fallen, hoping it would have gone flying to satisfy the rising rage inside of you. The branch grabbed at your pant leg, knocking you back into the side of the hill. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, this slight slope won’t let you climb to the top. You grabbed onto rocks that looked plenty sturdy, and they suddenly came lose knocking you to the bottoms. You tried using a stick for leverage, and it snapped. Even just climbing on your hands and knees sent you tumbling to the bottom of this hill. It didn’t look challenging, in fact you thought for a moment that it had a path leading right towards your dropped cell phone. You want to scream in frustration, why can’t you just make it up one tiny hill? Your cell phone is completely useless, it must have fallen really hard, it’s shut off and won’t turn back on. You throw that too, letting it disappear into the thick foliage. At least when they recover your dead body they won’t be able to look at anything embarrassing in your phone, you thought to yourself. The group chat doesn’t need to be exposed to the public….

You don’t want to stray too far from the path, but maybe there’s a less violent way back up to the park. You try walking along the hill for a little while, but the forest just keeps heading downwards until you don’t see anything that resembles a path at all. You don’t know if you’re dehydrated, or maybe your blood sugar is low but everything is starting to look wonky. The trees are giant down here, some trunks look like you could drive a car through them. The flowers are too bright, not the diluted pale yellow you’re used to seeing along the trails. The birds are loud, insanely loud. You feel a terrible sensation of dread, like you’re on a big stage. Eyes on the back of your head from every angle, and it’s getting dark.

For the first time in your life, you felt the need to stay quiet. The cuts on your legs are stinging, the foliage is relentless and tore through your jeans easily.

“A human-” You hear something from the tree tops hiss out a whisper. “A human this far out?”

“And all alone.” From another tree, another voice. They spoke quietly, but the sounds of the forest seemed to halt the moment the first one spoke, you could hear the voices ring out clear as day “All alone, how-” the first voice started. “Pathetic.” The other finished. A medley of hoots and laughter erupted from all sides. Your brain could hardly process what’s happening, a chill ran all the way up your spine, and as if a lightning bolt struck you, the urge to run was all you could think of. Blood pumping as adrenaline seeped into your veins, you ran, tripping over rocks and other obstacles only to scramble back to your feet in horror as something with a clawed hand tore at your ankle. You turned to look behind you, the trees were rustling and creatures with beady red eyes were laughing at you. But the ground underneath your feet suddenly disappeared, you couldn’t scream as the air seemed to escape your lungs, falling in the dark. You braced your entire body for impact, you seemed to have fallen down some type of shaft. With your hands out in front of you flailing, they touched the sticky material first before your entire body spun rapidly. You were finally holding still now, wrapped entirely in- something. You took a few rapid and panicked breaths. “What the fuck!” You scream as loud as you can, your hands pinned to your side by thick white rope. Rope? You thought after trying to get a better look at your situation. Oh God- you think. “Is this a fucking spider web? Help!” You scream, again. “Help! Jesus h christ somebody help me!” You yell, wriggling with all of your strength. Somehow you loosen one of your hands just enough to pull it up to your face. You tear at the webs, they stick your hands but start to come lose. “Stop that.” You hear a cool, deep voice. It’s pitch black down here, you don’t see anything. The sound of several feet click against rock. “You’ll fall and hit the rock, and I don’t feel like scraping your body off of my cave floor.”

You stop moving immediately. “Hey who’s there?” You shout, trying to sound confident but there’s a bit of waiver in your voice. Your eyes start adjusting to the dark and you gasp, before letting out another blood curdling scream. A man’s face was directly in front of yours. He sighs and grabs your free arm, and bites down hard. You instantly feel woozy, your head spinning like you’re drunk. You feel webbing around you start to untangle, you fall gently into the man’s arms and he cradles you against his chest. He smells earthy, but not unpleasant. In fact there is a strange, almost overwhelming smell on him that floods your nostrils and makes swoon. It’s not sweet like a perfume, it’s musky. “You… smell good…” You mumble, feeling sleepy.

Time spaces in and out, you don’t know how long you’re laying there but the man has been running his fingers through your hair and holding you the entire time. You feel soft kisses along the top of your head periodically, you can hardly understand what he says only catching pieces. “What a pretty little thing…” The man’s voice felt like an echo, a far away sound that bounced off of the walls of your head.

With a foggy brain, you eventually peel your eyes open. It almost feels as if they had been sewn shut, but you fight the urge to fall back asleep by suddenly pushing yourself up with your elbows, gasping and calling out with a cry. “Back to being loud already?” The gruff voice from before was close to you. You whip your head around and look for him. You blink a few times, making sure you’re seeing what’s in front of you correctly. Part of him looks perfectly human, he has a human head, torso, arms and even legs. But it ends right about the knee, the human part anyway. His legs turn into shiny almost armor plated appendages that hung there. The rest of him, was utterly terrifying. He had the back half of a giant spider attached to him. “You’re a-” Your words catch in your throat. “A bug!” You stammer out.

“Tell me, have you ever seen a bug that looks like this?” The man asked with a blank expression. You thought for a moment, wanting debating on if you just wanted to scream again or not. “No… I don’t think so.” You said cautiously. “Then I’m obviously not a bug. Are you stupid or do they not teach you humans about drider where you’re from?” He had his arms crossed, looking a little annoyed. “Hey!” You barked. “Don’t be rude!” You sat all the way up and crossed your arms back. “We don’t have dryers, or whatever you said where I’m from. I obviously hit my head really hard and am imaging this.” You tried to stand up, a wave of nausea hitting you. Okay, maybe not a dream. That pain in your stomach is all too real. “Don’t move. You haven’t eaten anything in days, you could get hurt.” He got closer to you, and you staggered back, trying to crawl away from him. “Don’t come any closer to me you freak!” He stopped in his tracks, sighed, and tossed an apple to you. “Is this a trick?” You eyed the fruit, your stomach rumbling. “If I was going to poison you I would have injected more venom into you, eat the fruit your hunger is making you intolerable.”

You grabbed the apple and obeyed, greedily eating and already starting to feel much better after just a few bites. It did seem to settle your nerves once your blood sugar started to stabilize, the monster gave you another fruit, and you ate that too. “Are you ready to be more reasonable?” He asked. “I’m not the unreasonable one.” You grumbled. “I’ve been kidnapped and you want me to be all sunshine and rainbows.”

“What is kidnapped?” He asked, eyeing you suspiciously. “Abducted? Taken? Snatched?” You tossed your hands in the air, frustrated. Taking a look around, you noticed the only way out of this cave is back up the hole through a mess of webs. The poor creature looked tired, and slightly confused. “I thought you fell into my web purposefully.”

“That’s crazy! Why would I do something like that?” You finally managed to pull yourself off of the ground and onto shaky feet. He took a step towards you, the light from above shining down across his face. He is handsome, in a rugged way. If you lifted your hand and covered the spider part from view, he might even be your type. He has jet black hair that falls to his shoulders and brushes across his forehead, he has a bit of a beard shadow, and he’s pale, likely from hiding down here away from the sun. “Well, you were being chased by harpeys. Maybe you thought my nest was empty, and you could hide here.” He stepped closer again, his height looming over you. Your breath caught in your throat as he leaned down, bringing his face just inches away from yours. “Or maybe you smelled my pheromones, and you’re looking to mate.”

There it was again, that smell. An earthy smell, like the smell in the air just before it rains on a hot summer day. It’s intense and floods your nostrils, sending heat through your entire body. You shiver and a small whimpering sound escapes your lips. The monster let’s out a husky laugh, before cupping your face. He tries to plant a kiss on you, but you snap back into attention. “Hey what did you do to me!?” You yell and smack him on the head. He doesn’t flinch. “You know you are very annoying.” The thing sighs. “Alright, come on.” He grabs you by the waist and begins climbing the webbing, you protest and wiggle a but before realizing that the shaft is very tall, and you don’t want him to drop you. “Be careful you-” he’s quick, you’re already back in the sunshine. He sets you down on a patch of soft moss and turns around, heading back toward the cave. “Wait where are you going?!” You throw a rock at the exhausted drider. It bounces off of his back abdomen and he turns halfway back to face you. “I’m going back to sleep.”

“You can’t just leave me out here!” The tops of trees look menacing, you feel immensely small out here. “Is that not what you want?” The drider had a wicked look in his dark eyes, you put your hands on your hips. “I- I might be a little lost out here.” You tried not to look him in the face, something about him making you feel a mixture of horror and terrible curiosity. “I would allow you to stay in my nest, for safety.” He started to say. “But you’re quite loud and obnoxious. I’d rather keep the space for a better mate.” He crawled back into his cave. “You pig!” You stomped over to the edge and shouted down into the dark. “Hopefully I’m not TOO LOUD UP HERE FOR YOU.”

Who needs that stupid bug? You thought to yourself. Not too far from his hole is a river, after an hour or two you had a small fire burning a tiny fish roasting on a stick. You caught it with your jacket sleeve that was tied on the end like a net. It was messy, and you almost dropped it, but it worked and now you have a meal going. Your fire is tiny, but it’s enough for now until you can build a bigger one later. The sun was looming over head but it was starting to set, you could see the traitorous orb heading for the horizon.

“What are you doing?” You jumped, almost dropping your dinner. The spider monster was staring at you from his hole, leaning on his hands, resting in the dirt. “Why are you watching me? I thought I was a huge bother!” You mocked.

“I smelled something.” He was eyeing your fish. “Its my dinner?” You looked at him funny. He creeped out of his nest and yoinked the fish on a spit out of your hand. “Hey give that back!” He took a bite out of it. “Make more.” He handed you the spit back and you took a bite after him. “Its not that easy to catch fish you bully.”

He eyed the river. “You shouldn’t go near the river at night. You’ll get eaten. I’ll get you more fish if you’ll make more of…” He looked like he might take your fish again. “Whatever that is.”

Soon the two of you came to an agreement, you would cook things over a fire for him and he would keep things from murdering you and eating the flesh of your bones in the dark, a pretty fair trade.

He often begged you to quiet down, getting tired of listening to you talk incessantly about anything around you, but he eventually learned to mumble in response to you while sleeping in his web. He slept a lot, spending most of his time resting and only waking up to eat. You were gutting a small fish when a terrible sound cut through the cave, a large deer was groaning as it smacked against the cave wall before landing in the webbing.

Shouta perked up immediately and krept over to the net of webbing. You covered your mouth in horror as he bit down on the neck of the half dead animal, it shuddered and quit resisting almost immediately. He looked at you. “Can you cook this?” He pointed at it. “You want me to cook a deer for you??” Its huge, you’ll have to cut it apart and roast it piece by piece. You thought about the time you read about someone cooking whole piles of meat while buried in the dirt and roasting over hot coals. “I think I can- you might have to help.”

After a few hours of trials, the deer was drained of its blood by hanging from a tree. You gagged having to gut the thing, but eventually you got the meat cooking over a large bon fire outside of the nest. Shouta watched you carefully as you worked, like he was secretly taking note of your technique. You thought he was just intrigued by your strange human ways, but the beast man had truly come to enjoy your company. He’d spent most of his adult life alone in the dark, but you add a certain level of entertainment to his every day routine. He nags at you constantly, but if you suddenly stopped talking it would make him unhappy. The drider looked at the sun over head, it’s almost Autumn and this concerning to him. He thought about last winter, how the snow piled up enough that even he could hardly walk through it.

“I need to speak with you about something.” He was resting near you on webbing between two trees, looking down at you from above. You gazed up at him, his head hovering just above yours, his hair dangling down and tickling your cheeks. “Ooo that sounds serious.” You smiled.

“The Autumn season is approaching, we’ll need to move and find a nest for Winter.” He wiped a bead of sweat off of your brow and you wrinkled your nose at him. “Why can’t we stay here? I like being by the river.” You pouted, you’ve grown attached to your little home and you feel weirdly sad about leaving it behind. “It’ll be a harsh winter, we need to move towards the valley and find a better cave. But I have some concerns.”

You stopped messing with the deer hide, you were hoping to find a way to use the skin as some type of clothing. “What’s wrong?”

“We need make sure you can survive the snow, and have plenty to eat. I don’t need to eat nearly as much you do little human.” Not just your survival is on his mind, he pondered telling you about his… condition he faces during the winter as well. He was scared to frighten you away. “Alright I’ll find a way to make myself some warmer clothes, and we can build up a food reserve wherever we move too. It’s okay, we can do it!” You beamed, sure that even with just this deer skin you could make maybe a blanket.

A day later the two of you had delicious deer to eat, and you packaged the left overs which had been dried into a type of jerky into your new snack you made. Using widdled deer bones and the hide you made yourself a small pack to carry things. You’ve been learning on the fly how to survive out here, luckily for you, you’ve seen a lot of ‘naked and afraid’ episodes.

The two of your traveled all day, and late into the night after saying goodbye to your summer nest. He carried you on his back for a few hours at a time, because the brush is thick and difficult to navigate. He climbed the tree tops and held you in his arms in a webbed hammock, keeping you warm as you slept under the moonlight.

The next day you did the same, until finally you reached a low point of the forest. The forest broke into clearings, and the foothills were littered with beautiful wild flowers. The mountains looked like large comforting over seerers, you could see cave systems from here, large cracks and openings. While holding onto his back, you suddenly smelled the strange scent again, it driving into your brain and making you lose control of your thoughts. He smelled intoxicating, your heart beat faster and your breath caught in your throat. He set you down on the ground outside of a cave opening and you snapped back into reality. “What just happened?”

You felt confused, eyeing the mouth of the cave wondering how you got here so quickly. “We made it. This is my winter cave.” He looked over your shoulder. “If anything was around it should have run off by now, It would have smelled my pheromones.”

“Is that what that was? You about had me hypnotized. It smells really good.” You left the side of the drider and investigated your winter home. It’s warm in there, the air of the cave is pleasant and dry. It spacious too, you’ll have plenty of room to store your survival supplies. He approached your side and put his hands on your shoulders, resting his cheek against yours. “Do you like your new home?” He asked, gently moving his hand to touch your cheek opposite of where he rested his head. There it was, that scent again. You took a deep breath and shuddered. “Woah-” you choked out. Chills erupting all over your body. “How odd, you really do like my scent.” He said quietly, his rough voice vibrating against your ear. “It usually sends a feeling of pure terror into prey. Yet here you are my little human, responding to me like any qualified mate would.” The stubble of his beard rubbed against the tender nape of your neck, he spoke almost directly against your skin, his lips dancing over your jaw line. “I can smell your heat, mate.” He whispered, his hands exploring your body, reaching under your tattered shirt and tracing clawed fingers lightly over your stomach and ribs. “You won’t be able to resist much longer. Soon I’ll have no control over my glands, I’ll be secreting pheromones into the cavern air all winter. You’ll be filled with my offspring come spring.”

You didn’t have to worm your way out of his grip, he released you and started webbing the cave while you worked to make the place more homey. You gathered tinder for a fire just outside, still in the gaze of your protective drider. You’d need his help to gather logs for more fuel, you wished you had an ax of some sort or more tools to help you build things. You tried to design a few tools in your head while gathering materials but thoughts of his body pressed against yours interrupted your survival plans, repeatedly. If you lost focus for a second, you’d think of marching in there and pulling him down by his neck on top of you. Maybe, you tried to picture what sex would even look like with a spider. He has normal human parts, but they’re attached to the body of a very large bug. It intimidates you, and the idea of giving birth to spider babies is even more terrifying. Would he even be able to get your pregnant? Would it even be the worst thing in the world to have a little family with your grumpy spider husband? Would you even be able to say no if you caught a whiff of his magic spider perfume? You argued the pros and cons with yourself, muttering under your breath and tearing at dead grass before the sun starts to set.

You ate a handful of berries and deer jerkey quietly, a very tiny fire burned down to embers, leaving the cave dark. You laid down on the cave floor, wishing for a pillow. “Y/N.” Shouta called to you from his nest. You ignored him, squeezing your eyes shut tight. “I know you’re still awake little kitten, why don’t you let me hold you while you sleep?” He purred from his comfortable web, swinging a bit back and forth like the web was rocking him. “I’m fine, the dirt isn’t too horrible.” You lied.

You heard the whipping of web cutting through air before a line of the sticky material connected with your back. You were yanked from your spot on the cave floor and flown into the waiting arms of Shouta. “You stubborn thing.” He said in a tone only you could read as loving. Your back laid against the web, your head cradled against his chest. “Much better.”

Piling and stocking up reserves, gathering wood for fire and making plans for how you would get water were all your days were filled with for two weeks. A chill in the air started to creep into the mornings, the days not heating up until noon. Every night you laid in his arms, exhausted. 

This particular morning you wake up to the sound of thunder cracking, it should be morning by now but it’s still dark

“No! It’s storming!” You almost fall out of the nest and run to the cave entrance. “It looks like we’re stuck in here for now, we’ll have to keep preparing for winter at another time.” Shouta called, still comfortable in his web bed. “Come lay with me.” You were beckoned back to him, a potent and spell binding scent filling the room. You took a cautious step towards him, the sounds of the storm splashing against the rock just outside of your cozy home. “I want to hold my pretty little kitten, come into my arms.” Your bare feet padded against the cave floor, taking small steps until you find yourself just below him. His chest is out, he wears a silken black tunic usually but it laid strewn across the dirt floor. His pale skin is rippled with muscles, toned in every location. He reached down and plucked you off of your feet, pulling you on top of him. “There she is.” Just the sensation of his skin against yours drives you wild. You gasp and fall across him, breathing in and releasing a deep sigh. Your body is filled with heat, blood rushing between your legs. You let out a quiet moan, trying to hold it back but it just escapes your lips loud enough for the drider to chuckle. He rubbed his fingers along your back, removing your old shirt you’ve been wearing and washing over and over again and throwing it out of the web. “That thing is disgusting, you need new clothing. I’ll make you some my love.” Your breasts press on him, your nipples rubbing against his cool skin and hardening. “You have such a beautiful body-” He kissed the top of your head “-I want to hear more of those sounds, do it again for me.” He grabbed you by the hips and moved you where he wanted you, just over his cock. He started grinding, letting himself rub against your clit. You clung to him, paralyzed with both nerves and pleasure. He stopped grinding and grabbed your wrist bringing it to his mouth. “You’re so stiff, let me help you relax.” He very gently bit down, his fangs barley puncturing your skin. You felt immediately the effects of his venom. Your entire body burned with an intense heat, like you took several shots of tequila in a row. It’s a good heat, radiating in your chest and abdomen. He grabbed your chin and brought you to his mouth, enticing you to kiss him by leading with just a small peck. You grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him with abandon, your tongue thrashing against his. He couldn’t help but pull away and laugh darkly, his eyes red and filled with lust. “From the moment you fell into my trap, I knew you were mine.”

Your pulse pounded so loud you could hear your heat beating in your ears. Like magic his silk sprung from the ceiling, rocketing towards you and connecting with your hands. The bindings wrapped around your wrists and down the majority of your arms, hoisting you upwards and keeping you hovered above him. The drider grabbed onto your hips, pulling your suspended body to his open mouth, his fangs dripping with green venom. His tongue licked your folds, exploring and looking for your sensitive and swollen clit so that he could suck you into his mouth. Your wriggled, the sensation overwhelming and powerful. The monster held your helpless form still with his strong hands, persuading an orgasm out of you rather quickly. You shook and gasped, the feeling rocking through you like a low burning fire, each flick of his tongue stoking the coals.

He lazily glanced up through your thighs and searched for your eyes, they’re squeezed shut. He smirks and palms your ass, your eyes shooting open with a jolt of a sharp pain. You leered down at him. “Hey!” You complained. He couldn’t help but laugh again, enjoying how you feign resistance. “Are you not enjoying yourself?” The drider dragged a claw down your soft belly, just breaching the first layer of skin. You bit your lip and held back a moan. “You’re going to take my cock-” He aligned you with his hips, pressing his tip against your entrance. “-and like it.”

The air escaped through your lips with a hiss as he pushed his way inside. He didn’t buck into you, he pulled your body down, bouncing you with the resistance of the web. He fucked into you like a toy, his fingers digging into your hips as you bounced up and down on his cock. You couldn’t hold back your cries, with each stroke you gasped and moaned. “What a good girl.” He said before pulling you down faster, the sound of his flesh pounding against yours echoed through the cave. He stiffened a bit, his movements becoming messy, his pace getting faster but with less rhythm. “Fuck-” He groaned before you felt his cock pulse, he relaxed, the webbing restraining you loosening so that your hips rested against his, his throbbed cock still inside you. “What a good kitten.” His voice sounds tired. He pulled you down into his arms. “Back to sleep…” He didn’t even yawn, his eyes closed and he cradled you close to him. You tried to pull yourself out of his arms. “I think the rain stopped! We need to get to wor-” His eyes shot open with a vicious glare and he pulled you back to him tighter. “Do you ever stop talking?” For a moment his stoic face broke, and you saw a glimmer of adoration, of something pure. He looked happy. You nestled back into his arms. “Fine, maybe just a quick nap.”

My requests are open! Who do you want to see next? -Bambi

It sure is easy to get lost in the woods…

A new series I’m starting! I’m calling this series “The Park.” You can send in requests for specific monsters! It’s like my alien series where it’s all in the same universe.

Warnings: 18+, nsfw, monster kink

“Yes of course it’s that way, I’m not dumb I know how to read a map…” You grumbled to yourself while stomping through the leaves of what you THOUGHT was a trail. The park ranger lady warned you to read the map carefully, and you truly regret brushing him off. It looks like water ran off down hill during a heavy rain, creating a small dirt trail leading to nothing. And you are the bright one who took the path by mistake. It’s pouring now, and trying to make your way back up the hill in the down pour is impossible.

 You slipped twice, scraping your knee and covering yourself in mud. You felt the need to continue onward, sitting in the rain gave you a sense of panic. Moving through the woods made you feel productive, like you aren’t just waiting to die. It’s been a few hours now, you haven’t heard a single voice. No sign of civilization at all. The sun is starting to set, and your shoes are filled with water. The side of a cliff not too far ahead created some type of over hang, you can see a spot of dry Earth and smile to yourself desperate for some type of relief from the extreme weather. A small creek stood between you and the cliff, it has a slight muddy bank and smooth stones leading up to the wall of rock. The mud around the area caught your attention briefly, going from the woods, up to the overhang is one long deep groove, almost like a trench. You laugh to yourself a small nervous laugh “It almost looks like a giant snake moved through here.” A sensation of dread came over you, feeling as if a thousand eyes are staring at you from the tree line. You rush to the safety of the overhang, and place your back firmly against the cold rock.

Eventually you fall asleep. When you wake up it’s dark, but the rain at least stopped. The forest is filled with the sounds of bugs chirping, the moon is full and the nightly summer air is chilly. You didn’t bring much with you for survival, you thought you’d be taking a quick walk if anything. Hiking is a new hobby for you, your canvas bag has a granola bar, a refillable water bottle and a map with the ink bleeding from getting soaked in the rain. Your cell phone is useless, it died searching for service. You wished you had something to start a fire, at least you’re dry now, for the most part.

You crawled out of your hiding spot to take a drink of water from the creek, the water looks clean enough. You lean over and splash water over your face.

Something large moved through the trees, the sound of a branch on the ground snapped. You look into the tree line, your heart beat picking up. You can’t see that far into the dark, the moon only really illuminating the small clearing you’re in. Are there bears out here? Mountain lions?

You listen for another moment and lean over to take a drink or water, but someone calls out to you. “Hey!” You stumble back, falling off balance. “You can’t drink that!”

Is this rescue? “Help I’m-” Your throat is dry. You see the figure of a man start to emerge from the foliage. Your voice is hoarse from dehydration, you make a squeaking sound to call out for help. The man doesn’t stop emerging, half of him, the lower half of course, is long. Unnaturally so. He’s a massive man with solid muscle, but his legs have been replaced with some type of… tube? You squint as the man, who appears to look angry gets closer. Not a tube- a snake. He’s a snake! You scream, a cracked, high pitched scream and try to crawl backwards and fall onto your elbows, paralyzed with fear. “Be quiet!” He shouts. “Do you want the drider to hear you?” You clamp a hand over your own mouth, you’re not sure what a drider is, but his voice is sure and powerful, so you listen to him. The snake man leans forward, the snake half is flexible and has a fluid way of moving. He leans closer to you, his red eyes powerful and boring into you. He takes a deep breath, and with one quick movement grabs your body off of the ground and throws you over his shoulder. You’d never been lifted like this before, he doesn’t even grunt like he struggled with the weight of your body in the slightest. You try to yell out in objection, but the shock of the situation doesn’t allow you to even get a word in. He approaches the cliff wall, you hadn’t noticed that next to the over hang is a giant slab of rock, almost like a boulder. It’s giant, but the creature uses its long muscular tail to slide it over like its nothing. He closed the entryway behind him, and torches along the cave wall suddenly ignite as if he flipped a light switch. He set you down in the middle of the floor and crossed his arms. “There you go woman. You can scream now.” You opened your mouth to yell, but then stopped. “I have to be dreaming.” Is all you say as you glance around. There’s a pile of rocks in the corner that almost looks like a makeshift oven. Hides of deer are laying out to dry across a wooden log, and furs are thrown together in a pile that looks like a bed. “No you’re awake.” He tapped you on the head like he was a kid knocking on a fish bowl. “And you’re in my territory.” He looked irritated.

“Not on purpose. I got lost.” You try to sound less meek, it doesn’t work.

“Of course you did. These woods are made for men and monsters, you’re small and weak.” He put a finger under your chin and tilted your head up to look at him. His fingers are rough, his hands huge and callused like rocks. “And soft…” His eyes beamed down at you like two stopped traffic lights, crimson and enormous.

The next few days were odd, but not unpleasant. The monster you learned is a “naga” called Eijiro. A hunter who has staked a claim in these woods. He explained that lots of monsters lurk in the area, and that seeing a human is incredibly rare. He spends the first few days doting on you entirely. Bringing you small animals that he cooks with herbs from the forest. He doesn’t allow you to lift the canteen to your mouth, forcing you to let him give you a drink. Objecting offerings seem to offend him deeply, it became easier to just let him do what he wanted. At night, he stayed up late stoking a fire to keep the cave warm. You laid in his nest of furs and slept peacefully, feeling oddly safe with your muscular hero.

Once he deemed you healthy enough to follow him, he tentatively allowed you to follow him out of the cave and into the forest so he can collect some of the small animals from traps he had laid nearby. The sunshine feels good on your skin, and the sound of birds chirping is a peaceful sound to hear. You have trouble keeping up with him, he moves quickly. He turns every few seconds to see you staggering behind again, stops, and let’s you catch up. He easily glides over a rough patch of bushes like it’s nothing, but when you try to follow him you fall on your hands, scraping your palm. He gasps and circles back to you, scooping you off of the ground into his arms bridal style. “I’m fine!” You try to push yourself off of him, but he holds you tighter. “You’re bleeding, I can’t have you bleed. We’re going back to our nest.” You don’t notice that he says our at first, but it dawns on you when you’re back at the cave, as the boulder door slides shut, trapping you in. That Eijiro has no intention on guiding you back to civilization. He hasn’t offered, or even asked where you’re from. He didn’t seem malicious, he is a bit strict and rough, but weirdly sweet. He quickly wraps your palm after cleaning the dirt off of your small wound in a bandage made of leaves, his rough hands gently gripping onto you with tender care. You murmur a thank you, his close proximity giving you butterflies. You can’t lie, he’s handsome. He has a charm to him, he gave you a smile after he finished wrapping your hand. His pointed teeth hardly phase you, his monstrous appearance more of a quirky attribute than anything terrifying. You gather some courage and ask him the question on his mind. He had sauntered over to the fire, getting ready to roast a rabbit for the two of you to share. “Eijiro…” He perks up at the sound of you using his name. He told you that he enjoys the way it sounds coming off of your tongue. “Yes woman?” He says, refusing to use your name once again. “People are probably looking for me, do you have any idea how to get back to the park?”

Eijiro blinked twice. “What is a park?” He frowned. “And why are people searching for my woman?” He crossed his arms.

You felt a tingle of warmth rush through your body. His woman? You thought to yourself. That wouldn’t be too terrible. “The park I came from. It’s a place where humans go to be in nature? I got lost remember? I need to know how to get back.”

He thought for a moment, looking confused and disgruntled. “There are no humans nearby.”

“There has to be, I was only walking for a few hours before I found your cave.”

“Humans are rare, some don’t even believe they exist. You will stay here.” He said with a finalizing tone. “I know drider have the scent of a fertile woman. They know better than to come onto my territory, but if I release you they will pluck you from the ground and drag you back to their webs before you can even scream.”

After hounding him for more information, you decide on two possibilities of your current situation. The first being that you’ve somehow fallen and hit your head, and all of this is a very realistic hallucination. Or, you’ve somehow left the park and landed in a topsy turvy world filled with giant creatures of the night, and you just might be the odd one in these woods.

Eijiro insisted you rest while he sharpened his spear, you think he might be tired of answering all of your questions. You laid down on the furs and tried closing your eyes, but sleep didn’t come for you, it’s the middle of the day.

You watched him as he worked, the veins in his arms bulging with each strike against the wooden pole. The fire light of the torches danced off of his face as he focused on his task. “Are you not able to sleep woman?” He asked without looking up. “I’m not tired.” You cuddled into the furs, wiggling until you felt more comfortable. “And I like watching you.” He looked up from his spear carving and eyed you suspiciously. “You do?” He set the weapon down and slithered a few feet closer to you. His face, cautious but excited. You felt shy now, blushing a bit. “Well, yes I do. You’re interesting.”

“What does that mean?” He asks, his brow furrowed.

“That I’ve never seen anyone like you before. I’m very curious about you, and this world I’ve stumbled on.”

He didn’t dare inch another step forward. “I’ve never seen a woman like you. Naga females are large and brutal. Not nearly as sweet and easy to kill as you.”

“Thank you?” You couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Human men aren’t nearly as big as you are. "Or as good looking.” You say eyeing his physique.

He came closer to you and you swallowed hard, feeling a bit nervous as he brought himself closer to the ground to be more level with you. “You find me attractive.” He states, not really asking a question. You blush wildly. “Your heart is beating faster. Are you showing me signs that you are ready to mate now?” Before you could even think he pulled you off of your side and into his arms, his tail rapidly coiling around you. He created a sort of ball in your nest, pinning you against his own body, his chest to yours and your back against his tail. “Mate? You’re a snake we can’t-” You giggled, Eijiro’s hands explored your skin and started tearing at your clothes. He pulled your shirt above your head and cupped your soft breasts in his hands, his mouth dragging wet kisses down your face and neck. “Yes mate.” He demanded. “I don’t know your courting customs.” He pulled at your shorts that you’ve been wearing for days. You playfully slapped at his hand. “But I could smell your wet cunt from across the woods.” He mouthed at you with vigor, nipping at your neck and sucking.

You felt something hard press against your belly, leaving a sticky residue on your torso. You push Eijiros head off of your collar bone and look down, to see something that looked surprisingly human. Scales had shifted out of the way, and a thick rod jutted out of his pelvis. It was leaking moisture, he gripped the top of his member and pulled the goo down over him, making himself slick. He grinned, drinking up your shock. “Do you think I’m an impressive male?” He asked, his voice husky. All you could do is nod your head and grip his face, pulling his mouth towards yours and fiercely kiss him. His tongue flicked over yours, moans escaping both of your lips between gasps of air. He pulled your legs apart, taking great care to grip your plush thighs with greed. His cock is slimy now, he pushes himself inside of you with a slopping sound. You cry out and arch your back, he pins you down harder against his tail, grabbing a fistful of your hair for leverage. He thrusts once, hard and deep, and then again. And again, pulling almost all of the way out before slamming back into you. “Eijiro-” You pant, the air being knocked out of your lungs. “Faster, please!” You beg, scratching at his back. The naga smirks. “As you wish, mate.” His hips buck quickly, every stroke filling you completely and driving you to make sounds you didn’t think possible. You screamed out, begging him to keep going until your orgasm rocks through you, causing you to squirt. Eijiro stops for a moment and studies the liquid that ejected from your body, he runs a finger over your clit. Gathering some of the moisture onto his fingers. “Oh I’m sorry-” you feel embarrassed until the snake brings his fingers up to his mouth and sucks the liquid off. “You taste good.” He makes a low throat sound that sounds like a hiss before he plunges at your chest. Sucking down on your nipples, kissing and biting at your breasts. “Eijiro- y-yes please-”

“You’ll look so beautiful swollen with my offspring.” He growls, starting to pick up pace again.

He breeds you for literal hours, slowing to give you a break to catch your breath and then slamming back into you. He stops to hold you after another orgasm, just letting his cock rest inside of you. You feel his cock shiver and pulse, as his hot cum fills you. He gives a gentle stroke as he finishes. The both of you covered in sweat, tears streamed down your face as you felt limp against him and sore. Finally he let’s you down, laying you in the furs before moving away to retrieve you some water. You try to catch your breath, every limb of yours shaking. He seems unphased, and returns to your side with his canteen made of hide. He brings it to your lips, and you drink it desperately. “What a good girl.” He purrs, proud of his mate. You lay all of the way down, hardly finding the energy to keep your eyes open. “Can you keep your eyes off of me and rest now woman?” He splashes some of the water onto you, rinsing off your body with his hands. “Or do you need me to mate with you again?”

You looked at him with shock. “How could you possibly go again?”

He laughs, you’d never heard him laugh before. It’s loud and filled with heart. “Is this a human joke? A male such as myself could go for days during breeding season.” He brushed a strand of hair off of your face. “However, it is not normal for a male to have a female this small, I’ll have to take your needs into account. Rest now my love.” He planted a kiss on your forehead and smiled. “Such a good girl.”

Terato Ask Game

- Who was the first monster you ever fell for?

- Are you into robophilia as well? If so, who is your favorite robot/robot design?

- What’s your ideal monster lover like?

- Would you ever want to visit an alien planet? What would you like this planet to be like?

- Do you have any other kinks that relate back to teratophilia?

- Do you prefer more fantasy based monsters or more horror based monsters?

☠ - Do you have any monsters/monster types that you dislike?

- What are your thoughts on more humanoid monsters?

- How did you first discover teratophilia?

☻ - Talk about one of your monster OCs!

- Share a monster related fantasy~
