#montag morgasson


Is it just me or I’d date Lucio just to get to know Morga more

Because I would suck up to that hot trash and make an illusion I’m happy with him but also seduce his mom on his back.

___Just a Scenario___

Lucio, showing off: “Darling! Look at the trophies I’ve won since elementary, I beat up a kid once so that he’ll forfeit and look where it got me!”

Me, staring pointedly at his mom glare at the both of us: “That’s hot, baby.”

___Or two___

Morga: “Tell me again why you pick this kid over Satrinava?”

Lucio: “Well, you see mama, they’re a–”

Me: “–a pretty good simp, mommy.”




when I say lucios name out loud, I pronounce it UWU-cio.

Oh boy, it’s finally over. Hi everyone, new fellow Arcana player here \( ̄▽ ̄)/ Nice to meet you

Oh boy, it’s finally over. Hi everyone, new fellow Arcana player here \( ̄▽ ̄)/ Nice to meet you all! Usually i’m not very fond of mobile games, but this one stole my heart almost immediately. The story, art and character are really great, and so is the fan content (✯◡✯) This is the most complex work i’ve done so far and let me tell you, this man’s outfit can and will literally consume your soul. But I love this goat bastard from the bottom of my heart, I had to do something (´ ω `♡) See ya ;3

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