#month of reading dangerously


I did it!  Do you know what that means?  It means I can get back to reading and writing reviews!

I have personally declared December the Month of Reading Dangerously, which means that I will be setting myself all sorts of goals for the month.  Goals that I have already decided on include:

  • Average out at a book a day for the entire month
  • Two days, six books
  • Finish everything I am currently in the middle of, including A Brief History of Time, The Fall of Arthur, and Posthumous Keats.  (Yes, this is what I read for fun.)
  • Read Le Chevalier au Lion in French, preferably Medieval French, using Modern French as a guide when I get stuck.
  • Write at least four reviews.
  • Holiday review???

I would love it if you fabulous people joined me in my Month of Reading Dangerously!  Submit a review, or just tell me what you’re reading, and how you like it!  Let me know what your goals for the month are!

Love in Literature,

