#mood perverse sexual lust



Day two of EGS Flashfic Week! A slight warning: This story is a little more suggestive than our usual fare, though it doesn’t go beyond the usual level of, say, an episode of Futurama, and is probably SFW unless you work in a convent. A ‘read more’ link has still been inserted. 

“Do… do I want to know?” After several long seconds, that was the only thing that could escape Sarah’s mouth. Grace cocked her head to the side - the squirrel girl was wearing a transformation that Sarah had never seen before, a somewhat disturbing fusion of mammalian and cephalopod traits. Mostly, she looked human-ish, though her skin was… different. Constantly shifting colors, subtly. Her eyes were WEIRD, and her arms were… not there. Replaced by a cluster of three tentacles apiece.

“What do you mean? This is awesome!”

“Yeah, but do I want to know why you and Tedd made this form? I mean, I can only imagine the shoehorning that he had to do to get the genetics to work.”

“Magic does a LOT to speed that up.” Grace winked, wrapping a pair of tentacles around Sarah’s shoulder. Sarah locked up at the touch, staring down at the tendrils, trying not to think about it. She was thinking about it. “I wanted to see what it would be like to have no bones for a while.”

“NO bones?!”

“None at all!” Grace grinned, and Sarah realized just why Grace looked wrong - her face was constantly shifting in SHAPE just a little, held in place only by - what? Musculature? Fluid sacs?

“That’s… that’s pretty freaky, I’m not going to lie. How different does it feel?”

“Honestly, except for the arms, you don’t think about it too much?” She shrugged. “And these are pretty cool. You’d be amazed at what you can do with them.”

“Yeah, I’d imagine.” Sarah’s blush ratcheted up a few notches, as Grace giggled.

“I mean like ‘scratching my own back’ or ‘tightening nuts without a wrench’, not THAT.”

“Riiiight. Like you and Tedd haven’t-”

“Oh we HAVE. I’m not denying anything there. But that doesn’t need to be the first place your mind goes.” She stretched upwards with all six  limbs. “Look at these things! They’re nature’s perfect all-purpose tools! Infinitely flexible, super-strong, and able to do SO much more than arms can, My tentacles are naughty because I’M naughty, not because of the mere fact that they are tentacles!”

“Fair. But I’m going to have to ask you to change back before we play Mario Kart.”


Story by Mod Zee.
