#moon knight x reader


Exit Strategy (DARK! Moon Knight x Reader) the Knight and Pawn Series.

Hey so I didn’t expect this to get so popular, so I would like to say thank you for that. I’ve thought a bit about where I want this series to go I just want to say this.

I don’t condone any of these actions of these characters, this is a work of fiction.

anyways with that out of the way my taglist is open, so in case you wanted to be a part of it go ahead and ask in the ask box, even if you just want to say hi it’s right there.

This chapter is a bit shorter since I have to go somewhere early tomorrow and I didn’t have a lot of time to write today, but I’m trying to push one chapter a day as a challenge for me.

Anyways as always, triggering material below, Minors DNI, and thank you for reading.

You didn’t know how many days passed by since thatday. 

You replayed that scene in your mind over and over again. The sickening crack, his final words to you, everything you could have done differently. You even made a list in your head. 

  1. You could have run faster. 
  2. You could have fought harder. 
  3. You could have gone in the middle of the night. 
  4. You could have loved him better. 
  5. You could have not loved him at all. 

The last one was the one you always came back to. If it hadn’t been for you, had it not been for your love for him, Alec would be alive. 

Alec would still be alive if it wasn’t for you. 

You thought about his mom, his sister, his friends and family and all that would miss him and you hated yourself. Because if it wasn’t for you, they would still have Alec. 

You were the cause of all of this. 

So maybe this is what you deserved. 

Every morning Marc would bring you breakfast, it was usually a blueberry bagel with cream cheese and fruit, usually accompanied with a cup of coffee. The first morning came and you didn’t touch it, same with lunch and dinner. Second day came with the same routine. When the third day came he practically forced the food down your throat, not caring if you protested against him. It was that day that you learned to eat the food he gave you, even if you would rather starve. 

You hadn’t been out of the room since your arrival, but from what you knew, this wasn’t the flat in London that Steven or Marc owned. It was somewhere new, somewhere bigger and a lot less dingy. The room you were in had an adjacent bathroom and it was a decent size, marble counters and a clawfoot tub. You didn’t know how Marc could afford all of this when he was struggling to make ends meet before you parted ways. 

Three knocks on the door resounded the quiet room, it was always three knocks before he entered in case you weren’t decent. 

Not like he cared anyway. 

When the dark haired man entered the room you immediately knew it wasn’t Marc, with his hair more unkempt and the soft sweater adorning him you knew instantly who he was. 

Your Steven with a V. 

“Steven?” You asked quietly in disbelief, you could see his eyes light up and a smile stretch his face. You slowly went up to him, looking in his eyes trying to see if it was one of Marc’s cruel jokes. But you saw no traces of the man who took everything you loved, and once you did the force of the hug you gave Steven nearly knocked the wind out of him. You cried into his chest, possibly ruining the soft sweater he was wearing. 

“Not that I don’t want the hug sweetheart, but I don’t want to spill your breakfast.” Steven said as you let go of him, he set the breakfast tray down gently beside you before opening his arms again, beckoning you back into the embrace before, which you happily gave into. You stayed like that a while, sobs wracking your body as you breathed in the scent of his sweater. Which only made you sob harder. 

Because Steven smelled like him. 

Once you were so dehydrated that crying did not seem like a possibility anymore, you greedily gulped the water Steven gave you and bit into the piece of toast that came with your breakfast. 

“So what’s the plan?” You asked, swallowing the bite of crunchy toast before downing it with water. 

“What plan?” Steven asked as he gave you a cute confused look, one that you thought resembled that of a first grader.

Theplan Steven,” You said, “the plan to get me out of here before Marc comes back.”

You weren’t anticipating the long pause that followed, Steven sighed as he gently took your hand in his, rubbing circles against your skin. His dark eyes bore into you something unlike him, borderline dark. 

“There isn’t a plan sweetheart,” Steven said looking you in the eye, you weren’t sure if you were processing this correctly. 

“What do you mean there isn’t a plan?” You asked, your voice shaking nervously. You heard him sigh again, his hands playing with yours. Something he did absentmindedly, without knowing he did.

“I mean there isn’t one,” Steven said, all at once it clicked and you withdrew your hand away from him as though he was on fire. 

Steven wasn’t going to help you. 

Steven was going to keep you. 

“I thought you were better than him.” 

“I am.”

“No you’re not,” you said, retracting yourself away from Steven, “you’re doing exactly what he’s doing.”  You recoil away as Steven tries to touch you again. 

“I’m not,” He defended, “we love you sweetheart, we always have. We tried keeping Marc away from you as best we could for those few years, but when news of your engagement reached us. We all agreed, Alec didn’t deserve you-” 

“You’re right,” you said, “Alec didn’t deserve what I did to him.” You said, reciting the list in your head of all you could have done differently. 

“We love you,” Steven repeated, “when you said you needed time away from Marc we agreed. Marc was in the wrong for what he did, but we didn’t think you were going to leave like that. That you were going to run off with some other good looking chap.” 

“But I didn’t ‘run off’ with him.” You corrected, “I just fell in love with him.” You dropped to the ground, back against the wall and your knees to your chest. Your heart was breaking all over again with betrayal, this time from the one person you didn’t expect it from. 

Your sweet Steven with a V. 

You were unresponsive when Steven knelt to your height and enveloped you in a hug, you tried not to melt into his touch as he rubbed soothing circles against your back. You stayed like that for a minute or two before Steven let you go. 

“We’ve got to go take care of a few things sweetheart,” he whispers as he gives the top of your head a kiss, “We’ll be back soon to give you some more clothes,” he gets up from the ground and to the door, and before he closes it he says goodbye. 

“Laters Gators.” 

And then suddenly you were alone again. 

Night rolled in and you laid in bed, half asleep half awake, after spending the last year and a half with someone beside you every night, it was a hard adjustment to sleeping alone. You barely got a couple of hours in before you would wake up. 

You weren’t sure what time it was, you assumed very early in the morning when you felt the bed dip beside you and a muscular arm wrap itself around your torso. You involuntarily tensed, giving away your lucid state. 

“Go back to sleep starlight,” Marc whispered in your ear before placing a gentle kiss against your shoulder, “I won’t do anything funny without your permission.” 

And with that you pretended to sleep until you felt him take slow, deep, and steady breaths in. You tried to move away only for his arm to hold you tighter against him still. 

So whether or not you liked it, that’s where you stayed for the remainder of the night, embraced by the man who killed your fiance, and whether or not you liked it. 

For the first time since he brought you there, you had a restful night’s sleep.

the Sacrifice Play (DARK! Moon Knight x Reader) the Knight and Pawn Series



“Marc,” you laugh shouted, your curly haired friend just poked your sides and started to run away, beckoning you to follow suit. You both had graduated highschool two months prior and you both had saved up for this trip, away from the city and into a cabin. You realized how horror movie stupid that was but it didn’t matter, your guardians couldn’t care less about where you were and as for Marc, that smiling and goofy friend of yours, his couldn’t care either. 

You ran through the woods, hoping over logs and moving rebel branches out of your way, green blurred past you as you tried to catch up with him. Finally you managed to reach him, out of breath and your lungs greedily inhaling the air it was deprived of. It was a creek with various kinds of stone surrounding it. Looking down you quickly searched for a flat rock, you actually managed to find something suitable soon. Its smooth flatness made it perfect for skipping. For a while that’s all you and Marc did, even made it into a competition to see who could get the most skips before just sitting there at the creek, watching it ripple and flow. It was calming, serene. You could feel his warmth seep through his hand in which he held yours. Neither of you said a word, you were just present. Secretly this was one of the things you came to love about Marc, you never needed to fill the air with conversation. He was content to just be once in a while. 

It wasn’t until the sun began to set and stars became visible that Marc and you started heading back, your hands never leaving each other. 

You finally made it back to the small cabin, it was all you and Marc could afford to rent for the week until you had to go back. The sun had set a while ago and you could see the night sky more clearly than in Chicago. 

“Would you look at that Marc,” You said, pointing to all the stars and the moon in the sky, you smiled as you picked out a few constellations, not paying attention to the midnight eyes beside you, looking at you like you were the world, “You don’t see that in Chicago,” You mused, “it’s so beautiful.” 

“Yeah,” Marc said, his eyes unwavering at you, “it is.” 

You looked beside you and saw his eyes, something in them made you sad. 

“What’s going on,” You asked as you gave his hand a squeeze, “Whatever it is you can tell me.”

Marc looked at his shoes before motioning you to sit next to him, you let go of his hand and sat yourself next to him in the old chair that came with the place. 

“I’m leaving next month,” He said, “we won’t be seeing each other for a while and I’m scared.” This took you aback, you knew of Marc’s departure but he so rarely revealed what he was feeling, let alone fear. 

“Can’t blame you.” You said, Marc shook his head. 

“I’m not afraid of the violence,” He said, “I’ve seen a lot of that, I’m afraid that when we see each other again we won’t be this close anymore.” 

You understood where he was coming from,

You had the same fears. 

“Only you Marc Spector would be more afraid of silly ol’ me than the violence of combat.” You said lightly before putting your head on his shoulder, “I’m going to miss you everyday.” You said, “You’re my best friend, and I love you. And when you come back home to me, I’ll still be your best friend, and I’ll still love you. Much like how you’ll still be my best friend when you come back, just with a few adjustments. All I care about is that you come back, so promise me you’ll come back.” 

“I can’t make promises I can’t keep”

“Make an exception,” you said, “just this once, just promise me you’ll come back.”

“Only if you promise that you’ll be waiting for me when I do.”

“I promise, pretty face.” You said, closing your eyes. 

“I promise too, starlight.” Marc said, the steady rise and fall of your shoulders let him know you fell asleep, he took advantage of this to sneak a gentle kiss to your forehead, “I’d promise you anything.” 

You don’t remember coming home, all you remember is hitting your soft sheets, Alec already sleeping and falling into one of the deepest sleeps of your life. Memories of yesterday flash through your mind and suddenly you are up. You didn’t bother dressing up, wearing the clothes you wore the day previous you raced to grab your shoes at the door. 

You were damned if you let Marc bully you like this, keeping the people you loved as a sword hanging above your head. You spot your fiance at the stove, you admire him for a moment. Trying to burn the image of your silly, and beautiful alec dancing to abba’s dancing queen while cooking breakfast, illuminated by the morning light, into your mind forever. You wanted this to be the memory that stuck with you. 

The moment so beautiful was short lived as Alec noticed the look on your face, one he often described as sorrowful. He placed the pan of eggs and raced toward you, cupping both of your cheeks with his hands. 

“What’s wrong, lovely,” He asked, concerned, it took all of you not to bury yourself into his arms and weep. You had to be strong, for him you would be strong. 

“I have to go back to the office,” You said, a half baked excuse, “I won’t be long, they just misplaced some files and I have the last duplicate on my desktop.” You kiss his hands before placing one on his lips, the sweet scent and taste of him almost relaxes you. 

“But it’s your day off-”

“I promise I’ll be quick,” you said, “just stay here until I come back, promise me.”

“I’d promise you anything” You kissed his lips before replying. 

“I love you.” 


“So you have a request Agent?” Monica asked. 

“Yes I do,” You confirmed, “you have close connections with the FBI and CIA correct?”

“Yes, where is this leading to?”
“I need to place Alec Maximillion Hamilton in immediate, emergency witness protection program.” You said the urgency in your voice apparently. You could see Monica’s dark eyes widen in surprise. 

“Why do I need to place your fiance in witness protection?”

“I just need you to trust me on this.” You urged, Monica studied you. Your fists were clenched, your forehead was sweating and your eyes were electrified. She knew exactly what was wrong with you. 

You were afraid. 

“Obviously there is something going on,” Monica said, “maybe if you told me I can help.” 

“No,” You shook your head, “the less people know the better. I promise one day I’ll tell you if I have the chance. But as of right now, I just need those papers and protection.” 

Over the course of the time Monica has met you, she knew when you were being serious, and afraid. Seeing both of those on your face at the same time however, was terrifying. 

“I’ll call Jimmy Woo and pull some strings,” Monica said, “Go home to Alec, get him ready Jimmy will probably be around there by three.” 

You reached over and thanked her profusely before setting an immediate beeline back home. 

“SWORD just faxed me your new papers,” You said as you handed Alec his new passport, social security, as well as work documents, “What time is it now?”

“It’s almost seven.” Alec announced, meanwhile Jimmy was late. He called earlier and said something about car troubles. 

“Ok Jimmy should be here at any moment,” You said, straightening the collar of his shirt, a simple act you cherished but won’t be able to do again. His hands envelop yours and forces you to look him in the eye. 

“Come with me,” He said. 

“I can’t,” You said, tears in your eyes, “I can’t, he’ll find me. The best I can do now is make sure he can’t find you.” He placed your forehead on yours and brought your hand to his chest, the thrumming of his heart calmed you, you tried to memorize the beat of it, searing it into your memory. The moment ended with a quick vibrate sound in your jeans. You took your phone out and a cold feeling enveloped you. 


“We have to go now!” You said not wasting a second before grabbing Alec’s hand and practically dragging him through the front door, car keys in hand. Taking your car was a risk but it was faster and Alec needed to get to a place of safety. Marc was already taking your life away, You weren’t about to let him take Alec as well. 

You looked in the back mirror and saw a familiar armor of white, terror filled you. 

“GET DOWN!” You shouted at Alec who complied immediately, You put the car in reverse and floored the gas pedal. You jolted from the force and a resounding thunk hit the car. You didn’t waste any time to change it to drive and got the hell out of dodge, once again the force jolted both you and Alec. 

“Did you just hit Moon Knight with your car?” 

“Yeah” You said, “we’ve got to get you to SWORD Headquarters or to the nearest bus leaving the city. Somewhere where you’ll be out of his reach.” You said as you broke almost all driving laws. 

You were nearly at the SWORD Headquarters when you noticed people gather and take photo’s, gawking at something above. You took a quick glimpse and saw a blur of white, heading in the same direction as you. 

“Shit,” You muttered before taking the sharp right onto a one way street, “change of plans, our only shot is a bus out of the city, Marc was following us to SWORD.” You swerved to avoid the oncoming vehicle, not caring about the blaring horn and the obvious middle finger aimed at you. 

“Call the transportation department and ask when the next bus is leaving.” 

Luckily the next bus was in fifteen minutes and was an almost empty bus, it was leaving for a round trip across state borders. 

You got there, and before you could say anything Alec spoke. 

“Two tickets on the bus going to New York.” Alec said, your eyes widened as he paid the lady at the desk before he dragged you to the loading site. 

You were about to tell him how bad an idea it was when you saw the lights flicker. You could see Alec’s face harden as he looked behind you, without breathing you followed his gaze. A familiar white hooded figure with glowing eyes stalked you, Marc’s anger came off in waves as well as his bloodlust, You were about to yell at the driver to floor it when strong hands practically pushed you on the bus, You didn’t have time to react before Alec closed the doors on the bus. 

“Alec what are you doing!” you exclaimed, “Alec! Open the door!” You pound your hands against the glass of the door, trying to get to Alec. You saw him shake his hand with a small smile, He placed his hands against yours, the barrier of the glass separating the two of you. Even though you couldn’t hear him, you saw him mouth something. 

“I love you.” 

You pounded harder on the door hoping to break the glass, but it wasn’t any use. The door opener was jammed, Alec turned away from you. His amber eyes hidden away from you as he walked to the white bandaged figure. 

“ALEC!” you yelled, when Alec reached Marc it became silent. For one moment, the entire world ceased moving, ceased breathing. And then, within a single moment, Marc’s hands were around Alec’s head and just like that, with a sickening crack and twist Alec’s body crumpled to the ground. His neck bending at an odd angle and you saw those amber eyes you loved so much, how they caught the morning sun in them and shone brightly when looking at you, became lifeless. His eyes unblinking, dim as can be. 

He was dead. 

The heartbreaking screech that came out of you was unnatural. You sobbed and screamed at the top of your lungs. Finally the door opened, you immediately went to his side. You skid your knees as you held him, begging him. 

You don’t exactly know when you blacked out, but when you woke up, Alec was gone and the familiar patter of London rain could be heard outside. 

Marc had won.


Blackleatherjacketz’ Marvel Master List


Moon Knight

Marc Spector x Female Reader

Battle Born

Marc Spector, Jake Lockley  x OFC

Head Start

The Punisher

Frank Castle x Female Reader

Take Care Part 1 Part 2

Safe House

Frank Castle x Rosa Diaz (A Brooklyn 99 Crossover Series)

Secondary Location

The Avengers

Tony Stark x Female Reader

Night Light

Bruce Banner  x OFC

Always Angry

Steven Grant coming soon…


Bloodied Noses & Fractured Hearts

  • Steven Grant x Transmasc!Reader, Marc Spector x Transmasc!Reader
  • A/N:Moon dividers by @/firefly-graphics.MINORS DNI! Usage of ’and’ as well as ’&’ is intentional. Steven is a tour guide & reader has a pet cat! This fic takes place a little while after Moon Knight (hence his bed not being surrounded by sand etc etc). I do not have DID so if my interpretation does not seem accurate that is why & you are more than welcome to tell me how to remedy it! All I ask is that you’re kind about it.
  • Summary: What started off as a normal day turned into the worse day of your entire life.
  • Word Count:2178
  • Note: This fic will be written through the lens of transmasculine reader who is not on hormones nor has he had surgeries because that relates to me & how I experience being transmasculine okay? okay. Feel free to read the note left on the last fic if you have a problem with that, otherwise, I hope you enjoy!
  • Warnings: Hurt/comfort, whump, depictions of anxiety, crying, kidnapping, graphic depictions of violence, blood, Steven & Marc get pissed off, Khonshu encourages Marc to be more violent than he usually is, someone gets killed (not you or the boys), Marc & Steven panicking when they see blood running down your face, Marc runs you a bath like Billy Russo did for Dinah only Marc isn’t a rat bastard, Cuddling, Marc & Steven being protective
  • Series masterlist:The Star to Their Moon
  • Other notes: Please do not steal my moodboard! Please reblog my work if you enjoy it!!

Something’s felt off about today but you can’t quite place your finger on it. It’s like everything or someonehas been watching your every move for the last few hours since you’ve been out well past work hours. 

Pushing your shopping cart you hum a tune to yourself as you plop things into it. Checking your phone periodically to make sure you have everything you came for smiling when a text from steven appeared up top. He’s just reminding you of your date tomorrow & telling you how excited he is to see you despite seeing you & kissing your face at work today.

Your trip was short & the way home was even shorter until it wasn’t. Everything was fine until it wasn’t, you felt safe until you weren’t, you felt every mixture of fear you could muster when a shadow moved in the corner of your eye. Keeping yourself calm you set your groceries down & headed for the door shooting Steven a text that you were coming over & that if you weren’t there in five minutes he needed to call the police, but when he tried calling you in a panic you didn’t answer.

Keep reading

Met Halfway [ Steven Grant/Moon Knight/Marc Spector x Reader ]

Summary: When Marc asks you to make sure Steven does not figure out about his mercenary life, you wind up making things more difficult.

A/N: Hello! Just want to clarify that this is ONLY based on the first episode, not the following ones as they have not been released! So if the storyline is a bit off or seems inconsistent, that is why! I wanted to write something already and have no patience lol

Other than that, I hope you enjoy and know that there is SPOILERS AHEAD!



It was a normal night, really, in your defense. There was not a thought in your mind that would have guessed you would be comforting your nice and mannered neighbor, Steven Grant.

Well, it was your promise to Marc to make sure he did not pursue the phone further or the reflection shaking his head in the mirror.

You had been relaxing peacefully in your apartment one Sunday night when you heard Steven screaming and yelling different things and doors slamming around. You were quick to react and exit your apartment only for the elevator doors to close with him in it.

It was difficult to keep up with this newfound life. Marc, who spoke normally and often had a confident manner, had approached you when you were trying to open your door with handfuls of grocery bags. He had offered you help and gotten to know you well.

However, sooner or later he knew that he had to tell someone the truth… and he quickly made the decision that you would be the exception. His neighbor who would likely hear his mercenary side kick in and experience it first hand. So, he revealed his alter and how he needed your help to make sure Steven did not wander too far off the deep end.

You surprisingly took it well as you were a retired SHIELD agent who took to London for a breath of fresh air after SHIELD had fallen to Hydra. It was a mess but London had screamed your name for an escape.

And now, once again you were wrapped up in a world of chaos and a little crush on both Marc and Steven. While Marc took control and was very adamant with you, Steven was often polite and kept simple conversations with you. Marc had convinced you to go out on a date with Steven to get more involved with that side of him. While you were often confused about your feelings, you fell for Steven who was always so confused and tired but was a love sick puppy.

However, when he agreed to your date, you found yourself wondering why you agreed to do this. You knew eventually this would fall apart, like Steven had told you… don’t get too attached because he does not know how it will all end.

But as you watched Steven run back from the elevator, you knew you were in for the long run.

“Steven! Everything alright?” You said hurriedly and ran to him. You met halfway and he immediately grabbed your shoulders.

“I don’t… I don’t know what I saw and everything is flickering and there was this mummy…” he was blabbering on and you knew that this would lead to nowhere good. You could almost hear Marc saying to defuse the situation.

“Hey, why don’t we go back inside your place and make some tea, okay? We can go and relax and get your mind off of this.” You smiled at him to hopefully help him calm, which helped him in the slightest. He would later admit that your smile was the one thing that always made his heart thump wildly and his thoughts seem to slip away.

You both entered his apartment where you began to set the kettle and Steven sat down on a nearby chair.

“I’m going insane,” he whispered and looked down at his shaking hands. He was on edge and you knew that you had to get his mind off of everything.

You knelt down to his level and grabbed his cold hands. He glanced into your eyes and there was a moment of complete, comfortable silence that he appreciated.

Steven knew you were not judging him but simply letting him calm down. He could trust that you would not run away, scared he was a mad man.

And for what he was too afraid to do the night of your first date, he leaned forward and you met him halfway, lips meeting and eyes closing in content.

He was gentle with you as he cupped his hands on your cheeks, while you placed your hands on his knees.

It wasn’t long before he pulled away and placed a delicate kiss on your forehead instead.

“Thank you,” he said quietly to you.

“For what?” You also spoke low as to not disrupt the special moment.

“For not being scared of me but rather offering to help me out. Others probably would have thought I was crazy and called the cops.” He chuckled, but you could tell it was not a genuine laugh. The brokenness and tired expression spoke for itself.

“Anything for my favorite neighbor,” you joked.

While the future was uncertain for you and Marc, you knew that at least you had Steven to worry about for the time being. And Steven wanted to worry about you too in a sense of protection and wanting to be by your side every day.
