#i love them both



Y’all….. the cutest sponsorship I’ve ever seen……


mortician au meet-cute. (is it a meet-cute?). read the series on ao3!

Geralt is giving Renfri some nice neck scratches when Aiden comes in through the door, the little bell above it giving a nice little chime. 

“Morning,” he says cheerfully, dropping a crisp newspaper on Geralt’s kitchen table and making a beeline for the old moka pot, stainless steel glinting in the grey morning light coming through the window. Geralt still wonders when it was, exactly, that Aiden became a permanent fixture in the Morhen house. 

Probably around the time Lambert started messing around with spells, rites, and harmless, bloodless sacrifices.


“Morning,” he answers, his voice still a bit rough with disuse. “Please, help yourself to some coffee,” he says, eyebrows raised, as Aiden begins pouring himself a second cup. 

“Got anyone in today?” He wonders, nodding to the dark green door that leads to the mortuary downstairs. “The paper says there’s been a car crash.”

Geralt shakes his head. “No one in yet. But I’m sure they’ll start coming soon.”

Aiden nods sympathetically. This is why Geralt likes him, he’s reminded — anyone else would shudder at the dark yet accurate prediction, but he simply shrugs and begins snooping around Geralt’s kitchen, as he often does, lifting pot lids and making spoons clatter against the marble tabletop. 

“Lambert is in The Room,” he says gently, mentally nudging Aiden out of his kitchen and into his brother’s embalming room, affectionately and ominously nicknamed The Room. “If you were looking for him.”

“Oh.” Aiden deposits his mug into the sink, frowning slightly at it, and then looks at Geralt in belated recognition. “Yes! That’s why I came in, in the first place, of course. Thank you for the coffee.”

Geralt shakes his head at his retreating figure. “No problem.” The newspaper is still sitting on his table, and he turns back to Renfri, who’s looking up at him with curiosity painted on her green eyes. “Looks like we’ll have some work to do today, hmm?”

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boyfriend! oikawa who asks you to call him every forty to fifty mins when he’s out drinking with the boys. all because of one comment that they made saying how you probably don’t care enough about him because you don’t nag at him to come home early. he says that’s because you’re sensible and have trust in him, but they say that’s because you’re not that into him. oikawa knows it’s ridiculous, and he knows well that it isn’t the case, but being one that doesn’t back down with his ego on the line, he takes the joke a little too seriously and asks for your help with this stupid little request. to prove that you have him in your heart as if it isn’t obvious enough.

of course you indulge in his silly request. sometimes he puts you on speaker or even turns on the video call mode to show everyone how precious you are. once or twice was alright, but when it went on and on, his friends would be the ones nagging him to go home instead. “that’s enough for the night, i don’t even know if im drinking beer or some overflowed syrup drink.” makki looks questionably at his drink in hand.

maybe the only person that didn’t mind was the one sitting next to him, who has the first class view of this absolute tooth-rotting fluffy moment. he knows that it’s wrong, that he shouldn’t have egged oikawa before on that dumb comment, but iwaizumi can’t help but hold on tight to these small crumbs, pride to be damned. even if it’s just for a few seconds or minutes, if it was the closest he could get to being as the brunette’s pov, feeling his muscles relax from your voice, stress from work disappearing into thin air, lips finding it’s way up to his cheekbones, it wouldn’t hurt much if it gave him a small piece of heaven that he had long desired. it’s a short trip to cloud nine however. as soon as the call ends, the smile tugging his lips disappears quickly too. because he knows, holding on to something that isn’t meant for one would only just bring more pain. no matter how lovely they are.

I know this is anachronistic, but I have an image of Kylo Ren and Inquisitor Reva listening to My Chemical Romance at Hoth Topic living rent-free in my head right now.

i will never forgive bridgerton s2 for refusing to indulge us in kate wearing a gorgeous red and gold lehenga and anthony in a sherwani at their wedding looking at his bride to be as the centre of the entire universe

Ubisoft had killed me twice with badass women’s wink — The first time was in 2019, with Kassandra frUbisoft had killed me twice with badass women’s wink — The first time was in 2019, with Kassandra fr

Ubisoft had killed me twice with badass women’s wink — The first time was in 2019, with Kassandra from Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The second time was yesterday, with Aruni from Rainbow Six Siege.

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“all star” by smash mouth, but only using the sounds and beats on my synth (and also anthony “ten second songs” vincent on some other instruments) these titles are getting too long
