#steven grant angst


just lil ol’ me : s.g

you’re the one reliable source in Steven’s life, and he’s afraid he might lose you with everything that is unveiling. (800 words.)

first time writing for moonknight - if I have perceived DID incorrectly please let me know, I mean no offence whatsoever :)


Blissfully lying in a deep sleep, you remain unaware of the torment Steven is enduring whilst standing at the end of his bed, watching you with a small smile crossing his lips.

“But it’s Y/n.” Steven moves away from his bed, not wanting to risk causing you to stir. “She’s my best mate, Marc.” Facing a mirror, with slumped shoulders, Marc runs his hands over his face in annoyance.

“She can’t know anything, Steven.” Marc reminds his counter for the fifth time this evening. “It’s not safe for her to know, she’ll be in danger because of it.”

Yet, it doesn’t seem to matter how much Marc drills the point into Steven. The moment his head turns to look back over at you, curled up on top of his bed with your eyes closed and a pillow close to your chest, he just can’t help himself.

“I tell her everything, Marc.” Steven begins, unaware of Marc rolling his eyes. “She’s the only one in the whole world who doesn’t think I’m some kind of nutter. She’s trying to help me with this sleep disorder, and even when I told her that she didn’t leave me.”

And then it clicks. Marc shifts in the mirror, catching a glimpse of the expression across Steven’s face. His eyes soften, his frown reduces and his shoulders are no longer slumped.

“You’re in love with her.” Marc resolutes.

A breath leaves Steven’s lips. “Yeah, I think I am.” He admits. “Which is why I don’t want to lie to her, Marc. We can trust Y/n.” He presses further, approaching the mirror once more.

“It’s just not safe,” Marc starts, but Steven cuts him off.

“What? Because of Layla, huh?” Steven retorts sharply, noticing Marc’s jaw tensing.

“Don’t go there, Steven.” Gritting his teeth, Marc can halts, sensing something shifting.

“Steven?” A tired voice calls out, causing Steven to snap out of his thoughts and turn abruptly on his feet, rather clumsily, to face you.

Walking toward you, Steven perches on the edge of his bed, unable to stop his heart from almost leaping out of his chest as you rub your eyes. “You alright?” He asks softly, unsure of his own voice.

Nodding, you sit upright. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to nod off. I was listening to you, I swear, it’s just Donna really pissed me off today and I,” Cutting yourself off with a yawn, you hold your hands up in annoyance. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, love.” Steven can’t stop himself, it’s too late to take it back.

His eyes widen at the realisation. ’Too late to take it back now, buddy.’ Marc remarks.

“Is everything okay, Steven?” You ask, swallowing your own heartbeat from his comment. “Have you been able to sleep at all tonight?”

And there it is, one of the reasons he can’t help but fall in love with you. You’re forever checking on him in a gentle way, always ensuring he’s okay and if he’s not, you’ll try to help in any way you can.

Shaking his head, you shuffle from your spot to sit beside him.

“There’s something I’ve not been honest about,” Steven begins, his voice shaking. He glances up to see a reflection of Marc on a framed poster, frowning at him.

Without thinking, you take his hand in yours. “Hey, it’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it if you’re not ready.” Your thumb brushes across his hand, soothing as ever.

“No, I am.” Steven tells himself more than you. “It’s all just too much.” He tries to remain confident, but his walls are breaking down.

“Come here,” You mutter, helping him to lie down on the bed and into your arms. “let’s just try and get some sleep, yeah?” His head remains on your chest, breathing in your scent now mixed with his from the sheets.

Closing his eyes, he can feel Marc’s comments subside. “Y/n?” Steven speaks up, opening his eyes to look up at you.

Your soft gaze fixates on him as you lift your hand up to brush his curls away from his forehead. “Yeah?” Whispering back, a tired smile forms on your face, causing your eyes to crinkle slightly.

The words fail Steven. “Thank you.” He tells you instead, before lowering his head back down, holding back the tears threatening to fall.

“Any time, Steven.” You’re unsure if he can hear how fast your heart is beating, and if he can, he might be ignoring it. “That’s what mates are for.” You remind him, closing your eyes to drift off once more.

God, they’re hopeless.’ Marc comments.

t a g l i s t (thank you for the support!) link in my bio and at the top of this piece to add yourself☺️(if your user isn’t tagged, it’s because nothing comes up sorry!)@bissstuff@psychicforest@lourightm@mywinterwolf@justsomedreaming@stanlux17@smokeandnailz@supermoonchildbroski@xrosegoldwolfx@courtneychicken@marvelsangels@supraveng@tommy-lee-81@smilexcaptainx@fandom-princess-forevermore@sarge-barnes-sir@pleasantlysecretdream @decaffeinated-fangirl @howdyherron @kirby-boo @florencxs@eldahae@handmesomecoffee@hi-my-name-is-riley@dev1lbella@thanossexual@alissaginger@sambucky8@notbrooklynsblog@nikkixostan@cosmiccaptian@adoreyou976@sarcasticallywitty15@multi-fandom-princess07@16boyfriends-and-me@courtneychicken@mackevanstan80@torchwoodoctor@pleasantlysecretdream@yougottalovefandoms@magicalxdaydream@soccer-100000@tenaciousperfectionunkown@talksoprettyjjx@btsonthedaily@jessyballet@katiaw2@buckyswildflower@lucrea@weenersoldierr@katiaw2@lucrea@amelia-song-pond@bluelakeee@dottirose@emilytheukuleleplayer@5-seconds-of-mendes@rudystilinski @bookfrog242@wild-rose-35@fleurlovesbucky@iiclarixa@soldierstucky@twinerd14@lieswithoutfairytales@ateliefloresdaprimavera@teenwonder@weenersoldierr@nobody-will@ilikemypolarbear@rottenstyx@original-in-itself@sebby-staan@bbl32@lyoongx @iilwjbb@siriuslyslytherin@chazubagi@youngmarveltastypersona@iamninaannaisreading@marry-me-calum-hood@original-in-itself@clownerlyluv@emilyprentisslittlewhore@amelia-song-pond@buckleyx@jesuswasnotawhiteman@hallecarey1@sleutherclaw@wonderwoman292@paintballkid711@leyannrae@blackwidownat2814@lmao-ethel@fillechatoyante@evanpetersisreallyhot@i-neverasktwice@aconfusedslytherin@kpopnena@ruzannetheseahorse@yelenabelovasgf@harysty@pastelreds@it-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes@keyanasstuff@marvelatthisone @natblackwidow2 @bucky-stan14@chiyongberry

fleeting moments : m.s / s.g

marc knew he couldn’t avoid the inevitable forever. there was always going to be a point where you would want to meet steven, even if it wasn’t in the most conventional way. (1.5k)

all the fluff in this one, cause i’m a sucker for soft steven and marc

masterlist//taglist // requests: OPEN

The silence between the two of you was too loud. He knew exactly what you were thinking, and he dreaded this day.

“So,” You start, “it’s always going to be like this, huh?” Lifting your gaze upward, you hear him hum in response.

“He’s not ready to know, baby.” His arm tightens around your waist, causing goosebumps to once more erupt on your skin and a smirk to form on his lips.

Sadly, this doesn’t bring you much comfort as you slink out from his embrace, something Marc didn’t anticipate. “You’ve been saying that for months, Marc.” The short tone in your voice makes him wince internally.

The truth is, Marc believes you deserve better. He doesn’t want to involve you further into his life, into his situation because he knows one day, you’ll just get up and leave. But of course, he’ll never express this aloud. So instead, he just pushes it away.

“It’s the truth, Y/n.” Marc retorts. “He’s still coming to terms with,” He pauses, unable to say the name as it burns on the tip of his tongue.

Steven’s sleep pattern has become significantly worse and Marc’s control has been transient. He knows it won’t be long until he clocks on, but until then, he has these moments with you.

Noticing the hesitance, you reach out and take his hand into yours, placing it on your lap. “I know.” You mumble, tracing patterns in his palm, avoiding his focus. “But I don’t want us to always be like this, spending fleeting moments and only late nights together.”

“What if,” Marc begins a suggestion, noticing your eyes focusing on him solely and your lips turning upward. “okay, I’ve got an idea.”

You don’t respond immediately, and Marc curses himself for a stupid thought.

“Go for it, Spector.” Taking his hand, you bring it to your lips, kissing his torn knuckles, smelling the copper from them.


It was a good idea, in Marc’s defence. But being here in front of the entrance, you started to second guess yourself and whether you were ready for this, despite wanting it for so long.

“Come on, we haven’t got all day!” A woman calls out from behind you, quickly followed by a group of school children who rush inside the Museum with wide eyes of awe.

Following the class of students into the Museum, you too share the same sense of wonder for the interior and history lining the walls. “No wonder he loves the place.” You think aloud, passing the children as you head toward the Egyptian exhibition, knowing that it’s a good starting point as any.

Through your wander, you can’t help but think back to Marc when you last saw him. He too was nervous about you meeting his alter, knowing it’ll be strange for you, whereas Steven will be oblivious to the deep meaning of it.

“Just be yourself, okay babe?” Marc asks of you, now sitting in your flat rather than on the rooftop.

Sipping your drink, you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “And why would I be anything else? He’ll love me, I think.” You second guess jokingly, catching a concerned expression in the corner of your eye.

Clearly lost in your thoughts, a child bumps into you and falls over consequently. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” Immediately bending down, you help the little girl to her feet. “Are you alright?”

The child in question nods hesitantly, her lower lip quivering. “I lost my class.” She sadly admits.

“Oh dear,” You sigh softly, looking around to see no other children in the same coloured jumper. “well, let’s find a member of staff, okay? I’m Y/n.” Introducing yourself, you walk alongside the young girl in the direction of the reception, only for her to gasp in awe at the sight of stuffed cuddly toys.

“A crocodile!” She yells, running into the gift shop without giving you a chance to react.

Blindly following the child, your ears perk at a chuckle. “Gotta be careful with that one,” A Londoner comments, and as you lift your gaze up, your heart almost stops in your chest.

His curls part differently, somehow his face softens as he wears a gentle grin and slouches his shoulders but those dark eyes are always the same.

“Steven.” You mumble, noticing his lopsided name tag.

“Why? It’s just a crocodile.” The child shrugs, noticing you approaching whereas Steven keeps his attention on the stuffed toy and the child’s interest.

“Well, you might think that, but it is actually the Goddess Ammit,” Steven’s hands begin to join the conversation and you watch his face light up.

Marc always told you about how expressionate Steven is and once you got him started on Egyptian history, well, there was no stopping him.

Entering the gift shop, you catch the frustrated look of a blonde woman storming toward Steven and the young girl. “Stevie!” She barks. Noting the name tag, it clicks in your head who she is. “What have I told you ‘bout pestering the visitors?” Crossing her arms over her chest, she huffs loudly leaving Steven to stammer a response.

“Sorry,” You interrupt, apologetically smiling at Steven whilst trying to control your heart beating at the sight of him.

Yet, as your attention averts to Donna, you miss the way Steven’s eyes widen and his lips part. 'She’s beautiful.’ He thinks to himself, unaware that Marc is thinking the exact same thing.

“I ran into this little one, pretty sure she’s been split up from her class and I was just trying to find someone to help.” You explain.

“Right,” Donna sighs again, evidently unimpressed as the little girl sways her school bag in front of her. “let’s find your teacher then.” She begins to walk away with the girl who waves back to you and Steven.

“I er,” Steven speaks up almost immediately, knowing someone like you doesn’t frequent these sort of places often, and by these sort of places, he means in a room with him.

“Thanks for that.” You motion to the child trying to match Donna’s quick march. “She’s a bit much, right?” You chuckle, noticing a breathless laugh leave his lips.

“Yeah.” Steven comments. “No matter how many times I say, it’s Steven with a V.” He points to the name tag. “That’s me, by the way. Steven, with a V.”

Your stomach flips and your head aches with the difference between him and Marc. Yet, your heart warms for Steven, knowing how much he means to Marc.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Steven with a V. My name’s Y/n.” You introduce yourself, now walking further into the gift shop whilst Steven mumbles your name under his breath, hoping he never forgets it.

“Y/n, it’s well, welcome to the gift shop.” He rambles, unsure of the words forming and leaving his lips. “Not much of great value, and I wouldn’t bother with the sweets, they’re a bit naff.”

Chuckling, you approach the counter to find the sweets in question, shaped like beetles. “I’ll have you know, gift shops are always my favourite part of any place.” You playfully admit, hearing Steven rush from behind to stand at the counter, resting his elbows on the ledge.

“Really?” Steven can’t help but ask, surprised as you nod.

“I like getting souvenirs of significant places.” Picking up a postcard with the Pharaohs on it, you place it on the counter along with a bag of beetle sweets. “And this seems pretty significant to me.” You add, smiling up at Steven whose cheeks begin to burn at your comment.

Unsure what to say, Steven rings up the items. “I, I s'pose so.” That toothy grin makes an appearance, causing your knees to almost buckle. “Thanks for stopping by, Y/n.” He places your receipt on the counter, sliding it toward you.

“Thanks for the help, Steven. I’m sure you’ll see me around.” You wave, taking the sweets and postcard in hand.

Once out of sight, Steven chuckles to himself in disbelief. “Y/n.” He repeats your name under his breath, hoping that you’re true to your word and come back sometime.

Taking your phone, you begin to text Marc, knowing when he takes over he’ll want to know if and how it went.

“Kids,” Donna barges past you, muttering under her breath, not giving you any recognition as she makes her way to the gift shop.

'I think it went well. :) see you soon.’ You can’t stop the smile on your lips as you wander further into the museum, hoping to visit Steven again soon.

“Stevie! It’s time for your break.” Donna enters, snapping him from his thoughts.

Nodding, Steven walks out of the gift shop and into the inventory room, knowing it’s the one place he will have some peace. With you still fresh on his mind, he takes out his phone and dials her number.

As it normally does, he ends up listening to the voicemail message. “Hi Mum, I think I might’ve met someone,” He starts and begins to explain wistfully whilst Marc watches from the framed photo of the Gods with pride.

t a g l i s t (thank you for the support!) link in my bio and at the top of this piece to add yourself☺️(if your user isn’t tagged, it’s because nothing comes up sorry!)@bissstuff@psychicforest@lourightm@mywinterwolf@justsomedreaming@stanlux17@smokeandnailz@supermoonchildbroski@xrosegoldwolfx@courtneychicken@marvelsangels@supraveng@tommy-lee-81@smilexcaptainx@fandom-princess-forevermore@sarge-barnes-sir@pleasantlysecretdream @decaffeinated-fangirl @howdyherron @kirby-boo @florencxs@eldahae@handmesomecoffee@hi-my-name-is-riley@dev1lbella@thanossexual@alissaginger@sambucky8@notbrooklynsblog@nikkixostan@cosmiccaptian@adoreyou976@sarcasticallywitty15@multi-fandom-princess07@16boyfriends-and-me@courtneychicken@mackevanstan80@torchwoodoctor@pleasantlysecretdream@yougottalovefandoms@magicalxdaydream@soccer-100000@tenaciousperfectionunkown@talksoprettyjjx@btsonthedaily@jessyballet@katiaw2@buckyswildflower@lucrea@weenersoldierr@katiaw2@lucrea@amelia-song-pond@bluelakeee@dottirose@emilytheukuleleplayer@5-seconds-of-mendes@rudystilinski @bookfrog242@wild-rose-35@fleurlovesbucky@iiclarixa@soldierstucky@twinerd14@lieswithoutfairytales@ateliefloresdaprimavera@teenwonder@weenersoldierr@nobody-will@ilikemypolarbear@rottenstyx@original-in-itself@sebby-staan@bbl32@lyoongx @iilwjbb@siriuslyslytherin@chazubagi@youngmarveltastypersona@iamninaannaisreading@marry-me-calum-hood@original-in-itself@clownerlyluv@emilyprentisslittlewhore@amelia-song-pond@buckleyx@jesuswasnotawhiteman@hallecarey1@sleutherclaw@wonderwoman292@paintballkid711@leyannrae@blackwidownat2814@lmao-ethel@fillechatoyante@evanpetersisreallyhot@i-neverasktwice@aconfusedslytherin@kpopnena@ruzannetheseahorse@yelenabelovasgf@harysty@pastelreds@it-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes@keyanasstuff@marvelatthisone@natblackwidow2@bucky-stan14@chiyongberry

Disclaimer:The content which is displayed below holds themes that are considered mature, minors are not to interact, thank you
Pairing:Steven Grant x female reader, kinda Marc Spector x female reader??
Summary: After missing the date you and Steven set up, he comes to you hoping for a second chance.
Warning:Angst and fluff.

Steven had never felt himself be this tired before, even though he spent endless night being awake, he knew the moment he stepped into his apartment that all he wanted to do was sleep, however, that stopped when he checked the time and suddenly remembered your date.

With a sudden burst of excitement, Steven began to get ready, taking out the clothes he picked for the date days prior, combing his hair and making sure his curls are tamed, almost bathing himself in cologne even though he had a shower and did a whole get ready routine.

As he combed his hair, he noticed his reflection not looking as excited as he was. Dismissing it as being too tired, he ignored it and was on his merry way. 

He showed up to the steak place waiting for your arrival. He waited and waited and waited.

Hours had passed and he was still sat there watching the entrance of the place eager for you to come.

“We’re going to be closing soon sir, are you still waiting for someone?” The waiter asked Steven sympathetically.

“Uh, no. I-I don’t think so.” He looked at the table for a moment, thinking about what to do, “I’ll actually have one of those steaks.” He stated slightly slumping in his seat.

The waiter gave him a sad smile and took the menu away to get his order.

Unbeknownst to Steven his reflection in the glass of water was watching him, feeling every bit of emotion he was.

He took his phone out and decided to call you to make sure nothing happened to you to cause you to miss the date. 

“Hi y/n, how are you-“

“You have the audacity to call me days after standing me up?” You said bitterly.

“I- sorry what do you mean?” Steven was more than confused at your words.

“If you didn’t want to go on the date you shouldn’t have to ask me out in the first place.” You said softly, feeling hurt at the fact that he was the one to ask you out and then stand you up.

“What’re you talking about? I’m here at the steak place waiting for you.” He said looking at his watch.

“We were supposed to meet there two days ago Steven, on Friday. Please don’t take me for a fool. I thought you were a genuine man, clearly, you’re not.” You felt yourself getting angry and cut the call before you said something you would regret.

Steven stared at his phone in disbelieve.

What were you on about? Two days ago?

That’s when he saw the date and day on his phone. Not believing what he was seeing, he looked to the waiter who came to deliver his steak to him.

“Mate, what’s the day today?” Steven asked almost frantically.

“Todays Sunday, sir.” The waiter stated walking away.

His eyes widened, there’s no way he lost two day of his life and had no knowledge about it.


The next day he was hoping to see you on his way to work. You worked in the bakery not too far from him and would often run into him on your way to work or home.

He searched the crowd near the bakery and caught sight of you in the window. Your usual smile seemed to be sheltered and you didn’t have that spark in your eye.

Steven felt himself feeling responsible for your condition, and so he went to work with a mission in his head for after work.


“I’m going to make it up to her, I have to make it up to her.” Steven said moving around his apartment, making sure that he has everything he needs.

With flowers in his hand and the heart shaped box of chocolates, he makes his way out of the apartment and outside.

He got off work early, with an earful from his boss, just so that he could plan things accordingly and be sure to catch you before you left to go home.

“Y/n, hey-…. Please wait up. Just hear me out.” He plead as you began to walk in the opposite direction at the sight of him.

You stopped in your tracks and turned to face him.

“Steven look, I get it. You didn’t want to go on the date. I-I’m over it. We can just move on from this and go back to not knowing the other existed-“

Your words drowned out in his mind as he felt panicked in that moment, he didn’t want to forget you. You were the first person to approach him and become his friend. The others weren’t as friendly to him as you were.

“Kiss her.”

A voice echoed in his mind.


“Kiss her dammit, before she leaves.”

Steven realised you were once again going to turn around and walk away.

He stepped forward, grasped your hand and squeezed his eyes shut as his lips met yours. His hands moved to your jaw, holding you there gently as he kissed you, and as you kissed him back. 

After a short moment, you pulled back to look at him.

“I don’t know why I did that. Oh no, you’re going to hate me even more now.” He began to ramble.

“Hey look at me…” You grasped his head between your hands making him look at you, “I don’t hate you.” You clarify to him.

“I’m just hurt.”

“Y/n, these passed few days. I have no idea what has been happening. Yesterday I came home thinking it was Friday and immediately started getting ready for our date and only after hours of being at the restaurant did I realise that it was Sunday and not Friday. I’m so sorry, I got you flowers and chocolate. I really like you y/n.” He said looking stressed as ever.

“You sound absolutely insane… but I believe you. I’ve no idea what’s got you feeling like this but we’re going to figure it out, okay? You look exhausted, how about we start by getting you home and ready for bed. Have you had anything to eat?” You ask taking your hand in his and holding the flowers in the other.

“I haven’t had dinner yet; I’d like it if you had dinner with me. Like a redo of yesterday- I mean Friday.” He said with a nervous chuckle.

“We can have that date once you’re well rested and taken care of.” You smile at him as the two of you walk in the direction of his apartment.


Stressful Discussions | Steven Grant

summary: the reader is surprised when she finds her boyfriend, the person’s calls she’s been ignoring in order to decide whether or not she should discuss her discovery of Marc, waiting at her door one day after work. Commence the Stressful Discussions. (This is Part Two of ‘Time at The Museum’) Which you can find here!
pairing: Steven Grant x reader, slight hint of Mac x reader
tags: steven is panicking quite a bit in this one! There’s a panic attack and reader helps him calm down, but it is also pretty soft but also angsty?? I don’t really know how to describe it. 
word count:3.3.k 
notes: the last part of this got a lot more attention than I was expecting so wow! thank you all for the love, as always; please let me know if I ever write anything incorrect or harmful about DID and remember I am not an expert! Other than that, please enjoy

You were tired, eyes drooping closed every few seconds tired. And yes, it’s normal to be tired at work but this, this was something different.  

You hadn’t gotten any sleep last night due to your mind racing, wondering what to do about the ‘Marc Situation’ as you had labeled it inside your own head. You pondered over what to do and say when you finally managed to grow up and just face it. You had been ignoring all of Steven’s calls, letting each one of them ring out to get your voicemail, which Steven was sure to leave every time he called.

Which was a lot.

While you were tired at work, thoughts still being plagued by the conversation from last night, Steven was standing outside your apartment door, having called out sick, pacing as he continued to dial the memorized number. Now, he didn’t have a need to memorize it, but he had done so due to the past few times he had woken up, stranded somewhere with no recollection of where he was, and no phone on him. Steven had only your number memorized and after quickly asking to borrow a kind older man’s phone, was quick to insert the familiar digits.

“Hello?” You had sounded deeply confused, who would be calling you at 7 A.M?

“Hello lovely, uh I see- wait did I wake you up? Oh no I’m sorry, I can figure something ou-”

“Steven, where are you? Are you alright?” What shocked Steven was how there was not a single ounce of annoyance or anger in your tone. There was only the reminisce of sleep and worry, something he wasn’t quite used to feeling just yet.

Steven was bought out of the small memory as he heard your cheery voice begin your voicemail. A soft sigh was let out from Steven, running a shaky hand through his tousled hair. Why weren’t you picking up? Yeah, you were at work, but you always managed to pick up since you had your own office and only did smaller data entry things for the company you worked at.

‘Did I do something yesterday? I know I blacked out but what happened? What did I do wrong?’

Steven continued to let his mind continue running wild with these types of thoughts as he lowered himself down onto the floor in front of your door, his hands fiddling with the large woven yarn placemat you had. Steven would wait for you to come home, he neededto wait for you to come home or else he wouldn’t be able to calm down, not knowing what happened to or with you was worrying the absolute hell out of him. 


As you finally managed to finish imputing the stupid amount of money some hot-shot CEO was willing to spend on a singular project for another up-and-coming directive manager and their new building plans. At the thought of the project’s budget, your eyes involuntarily rolled and your mouth parted as a scoff made its way out.

As you got on the bus you pulled out your phone, seeing the missed calls from Steven. The sight made your chest tighten, your heart starting to pound harder than it has before. You hated it, you hated that you were a coward that couldn’t just call him, ask him to meet you and talk about it, assure him that it didn’t change how you felt and how they would get through this. As the bus continued its bumpy ride your thoughts continued to think about how you would approach the topic, how does one go about this? You didn’t want him to end up having a panic attack, or him to dissociate and be left with Marc again, who you knew would wear a smug grin, finding that he was right.

As you thought back to Marc and all the times Steven was confused on where he was, lost days at a time, the guilt that would eat away at him for not being there for you when you wanted him, all of it. All of it was enough to make the decision that had been weighing over you since you left the comfort of Stevens apartment last night. You had to tell Steven, he deserved to know that he’s not crazy, that the guilt he always has when he misses the date isn’t needed, that he has no control over it, that you weren’t upset at him.

As the bus pulled to your stop, you made your way out, slowly making your way to your apartment. You were going to go in there, call Steven back asking him to come over to talk, change and then await his arrival. You knew it would be something hard to discuss, something he would need time to fully process but he needed to know that it was okay, that you were there for him. Just as you were pulling the keys out to your key, you heard a deep, relieved sigh being released from down the hall.

You whipped your head up, watching as Steven raised himself to his feet, quickly making his way over to you, a smile on his face. Your face held one of shock as Steven came barreling into you, feeling him wrap his arms around your waist, one hand on the back of your head, holding you close to him. You didn’t realize how much you missed him until this moment. A sigh was let out of your chest as you quickly wrapped your own arms around him, nuzzling your head further into him.

“Darlin’, thank god,” He sounded so relieved, the feeling of your hands wrapping around him making him feel as if nothing was wrong, that you hadn’t decided to ignore all his calls. “I was so worried, you weren’t answering and I don’t know what happened last night but I don’t remember the museum and you weren’t there when I woke up and I tried calling an-” You could feel his chest moving rapidly up and down, you knew if he continued he’d end up having a panic attack. Which is why you quickly put your hands to his face, shushing him and shaking your head, leaning your head up and forcing your foreheads together.

“No no no, shh Steven, you did nothing wrong. I promise you sweetheart.” You were speaking so softly, eyes filled with love and concern. Steven let out a breath of relief, his eyes staying connected with your own as he gave you a soft smile. God, he was so relieved to know that you hadn’t left, that he hadn’t scared you away. And as much as you’d like to stay there, wrapped up in his arms, you were in the hall of your apartment, so you slowly pulled away dropping your hands from his face and interlocking your hand with his own, leading him towards your door. “You didn’t do anything wrong but we do have to talk about something from yesterday.”

The worry and anxiety that had dwindled had slowly raised back up in his chest, what did you need to talk about? Were you finally done with him? Had you finally realized you deserved a man who didn’t forget dates, who didn’t have to chained up at night, who could love you without being fearful of when he’d lose you to whatever was pulling at his body and mind? All these thoughts caused Steven to tighten his hold on your hand even tighter than before, trying to force his mind to always remember the way your skin felt intertwined with his own, how it felt to be softly touched, to be loved by you.

You could feel how tense he was getting; you knew from the way he was glancing around the room that he was nervous, that he was slowly beginning to panic inside his own head. At this, you quickly tighten your hold on his hand and quickly bring the two of you to sit on the couch in the middle of your flat. “Steven I promise you, nothing is going to change between u-” Steven seemed to have been too far in his own head to hear this as he started panicking. 

“No, no no please, I don’t know what happened but I can fix it. Don’t leave me, I know I can be a handful and I flake out on dates and I’m not the most handsome bloke you could have but pl-” Steven hadn’t taken notice of the way you were frantically shaking your head, loosening your grip on his hands to raise them to his face, forcing his eyes to meet your own. “Steven no, I’m not leaving you, no one is leaving. I promise lovely, I promise.” 

As you said this, maintaining eye contact, Steven seemed to have calmed a small bit, slowly feeling the worry and heartbreak vanish as you continued to look him in the eyes, rubbing small circles onto his cheeks. You weren’t leaving him. 

“We’re just gonna talk about yesterday, why you don’t remember what happened during and after the museum.” At that, Steven seemed to grow confused. What the hell is going on?

“You know how you have all those blank spaces in between your days and how you miss appointments or work or even our dates? Well it’s not you, it’s not you Steven. It’s someone inside of you, Marc,” As you were talking, Steven seemed to have grown more confused, slowly leaning away from you shaking his head in denial. “He takes control and he does who knows what and sometimes he’ll be gone for days at a time- Steven? Hey, are you alright?” Steven had started speaking in an almost whisper, “No.. no that doesn’t make sense. What are you talking about Y/N?” 

At the look on his face you knew the discussion was only going to get more stressful, tense even. You didn’t want him to panic or feel like he was crazy but you could tell that’s exactly what he felt right now. “I know it sounds insane okay, but trust me this is why! And it’s fine, we can work with it and it won’t have to change anything. I just wanted you to realize that none of it was your fault, you deserve to kno-” Stevens’ demeanor had changed, he was shaking as he had slowly crumbled into himself, his breathing became erratic as he continued to mutter small no’s. At the sight you felt your heart break and fall deep into your stomach, this wasn’t what you wanted. Thankfully, you had been to therapy before, something that you usually hated thinking about but now you had a technique that had been taught to you on how to stop things like this, how to ground someone. 

“No, no hey it’s okay Steven. Look, can you hear me? Can I get behind you and hold you?” At your soft voice, Steven quickly nodded his head, making you quickly maneuver yourself to having him lean back into your chest, your arms making quick work to wrap your arms around him and draw small shapes on the exposed skin of his lower stomach while the other seemed to have found his hands that were held tightly to his chest, intertwining them as you spoke small soft coos. 

“It’s okay, can you tell me the first five things you can see right now? Take your time and breath Steven, it’s okay.” The sound of your soft whisper made him breath shakily, gripping your hand tighter. And through shaky breaths and small pauses between every few words he listed the five things; “Your purse on the table.. The bookshelf you bought for the books I left here.. The plants in the window.. Your easel on the counter.. And the magnet I got from the gift shop.” After each item you gave a small hug and a nod of your head, the remnant of the scuff he recently shaved scratching at your cheek, even though you knew it was beginning to irritate your skin, you refused to lean away from him. 

“Okay now tell me the four things you can hear? Can you do that?” Steven gave a small nod and tried to control his breathing and match it with the rise and fall of your chest on his back. He wasn’t used to this, to the soft touches, to the tender and patient way you had loved him. “Your heart beats.. The cars outside.. The washer hitting the wall.. Your breathing.” As you continued throughout the rest of the senses you felt Steven fall deeper into your hold, moving his head deeper into your chest as you let him turn against you, putting himself deep into your hold, his arms wrapping around your waist. 

“You’ve done so good, just tell me what’s one thing you can touch?” It was so quiet you were surprised when Steven had made a quick response, “You.’ 

As he fully closed his eyes, basking in your warmth and softness, your hands had found their way tangled into his hair, lightly scratching his scalp, a serene and peaceful atmosphere surrounding you. This wasn’t where you wanted it to head, but you always knew it was a possibility, that Steven would have trouble wrapping his head around himself having a second person in his body. One who would sometimes leave for days on end, coming back and leaving Steven more confused and tired then the day before. You knew he needed to just be held, to be showered in love, that he was used to being brushed aside, his own name being messed up by his boss and coworkers. That’s why you continued to hold him, softly scratching his head even as your wrist started hurting from the weird angle they were bending at, even as your legs started to burn as his weight had been fully placed on it and during this, you didn’t see how the reflection of the window Steven was facing was looking at the two of you. 

Marc had been shocked, you had calmed Steven down, gotten him to listen to you. You hadn’t gotten mad or frustrated at the denial and how quick Steven had broken down. Marc marveled at the patience and kindness you had shown for someone you had only been dating for a few months. Without realizing, and meaning to, Marc had slowly started taking control. 

You felt the way Steven had gotten tense. Scared that he had started to panic again, you quickly lifted your head to look him in the eye. “Stev-” You were cut off as you realized his neck was strained out, the veins bulging out of it as his eyes started rolling in the back of his head. As soon as you realized what was happening, you had let your hands fall down by your side, your wrist finally resting normally on your stomach. “Marc..?” Your voice was hesitant, still soft and kind, but hesitant. 

“How did you calm him down? Get him to listen?” It was definitely Marc, his shoulders grew larger, his eyes darker than the soft ones Steven always had and you couldn’t forget about that damn accent. “A therapist taught me a while ago.. Why are you here? Can I have Steven back? Please?” You just wanted your sweet Steven to come back and have him shower so you could lay in your bed for the rest of the night. 

“I need you to trust me, I appreciate you taking care of him but I’ll handle the rest of it from here. There’s a lot more that you don’t know about.” Marc had chosen to ignore your request for your boyfriend back which made you scrunch your eyes at him. “Trust you? How the hell am I supposed to trust you if I don’t even know your full name and you are continuously making Steven feel crazy!” You had tried to keep your voice leveled, you knew that there were things about this situation you didn’t have a single clue about but you were mad. Who the hell did he think he was to ask you to trust you when he couldn’t even trust Steven with the secret of himself? 

There was a long, tense silence after you had spoken, you were waiting for him to say something, hell even do something! You were just tired of the way he had stared at you, you felt like his eyes were judging every aspect of who you were and you loathed it. 

“Spector. My name is Marc Spector.” Was probably the last thing you expected him to say after the long moment of silence. “I know you can’t trust me right now but I need you to try. I would never hurt Steven, I promise you I will explain everything.” You hated the way he had stepped closer, how he bore his eyes into your eyes, making the promise you for some reason knew he would keep. 

“Let me see Steven, give him control for the rest of tonight and I promise I will try to trust you. Just give me tonight to be with him.” You had taken a step closer to him, keeping your eyes connected with us, feeling them slightly water at the thought of him leaving with Steven trapped in his own mind. “Please.” You knew you sounded desperate but you didn’t care, you just wanted Steven to wake up and know that he had some control of his life, that he didn’t have to chain himself up and solve puzzles to keep himself awake. 

You watched as Marc glanced between your eyes and your lips, and before you could let another plea fall from your lips you watched as his eyes softened, his shoulders hunching back into himself, his smile, small as he felt the wave of exhaustion fall on him, brightened as he stood face to face with you. 

“Can we take a bath and lay down for a bit? That sounds nice, yeah? Ooh, and maybe tomorrow we can have a redo on the brunch?” You smiled back at him, nodding your head, quickly making your way next to him, and grabbing his face and making him lean down towards you. You rested your forehead on his before reaching up and connecting your lips together. It wasn’t fast and needy, it was slow and passionate, something you knew Steven loved. As you pulled apart you rub your thumbs in small circles on his cheeks as you saw he was looking down, clearly having something on his mind. “What? What is it lovely?” 

“I’m sorry I freaked out, that you had to do that all today. I know you can do better, that you don’t have to be with someone who needs help like I do.” His voice had cracked, clearly growing emotional over the thoughts running in his head. But you were there to quiet them, lifting his head up to meet your gaze, you told him one thing he’d always remind himself of when he needed your help. 

“Who do you think I go to when I feel like everything’s too much? It’s not my mom, or my boss. No Steven, it’s you. You could smile at me, and I would feel better, some days I might need more but I know you’ll be there like I was there today.” You were smiling so wide at him while he was listening to every word, his eyes tracing every aspect of your face, his eyes wide. 

“It’s okay to need help Steven. Now, what’s that I hear about a bath?” You watched as his eyes got glossy as he nodded his head and pressed another lasting kiss to your lips, and you led him to the bath.

You knew today was filled with nothing but stressful discussions and a bit of crying, but you would have to finish the day off with your boyfriend in your bed and a growing trust to Marc Spector to keep his promise. 


And to the two who asked to be tagged, here you are! I’m sorry if it did not live up to expectations. 


Greek Tragedies Masterlist

The Modern Tales of Greek Mythology.

Summary:You had only known about the many stories of Greek Mythology, interest peaked from a young age. Of the Gods and Goddesses as well as the monsters and heroes. But never in your life, during one of the many tours have you joined in seeing the ruins of the temples of Greece, did you even think of seeing your image in one of the bust. Persephone was her name, the most protected daughter of Demeter, and the beloved wife of Hades.


Summary:For Hell Hath No Fury like a scorned woman, you had given everything up, your title, your position among the Gods, and the husband that can’t seem to keep it in his pants. Only in your retreat does your husband see what he was truly missing.


Summary: For your heart does not beat only for one man, you find yourself finding yourself incased in a blazing affair with a man that you were forced to take as your husband and a man whose sole purpose was to create wars.


Avenging (DARK! Moon Knight x Reader) The Knight and Pawn Series

Hi! Thank you guys for all the love and support you’ve shown for this series and as well as for my other writing, you guys are the best!

Please feel free to drop in my ask box for a request or just to say hi I really like interacting with you guys.

WARNINGS: Dark themes, I have no idea how to describe indoor decor.

You woke up to the smell of him on your skin. Your blood curdled and shame filled you. How could you be so weak against him? How could you have encouraged it?

The ghost of his lips on yours, as well as his fingers, lingered. You could still practically taste him on your tongue. The minty freshness mixed with the faint taste of dark chocolate and coffee created something so intoxicating yet nauseating at the same time. His calloused hands, worn from battle, left a sensation you didn’t quite understand. 

You knew what happened last night was not out of love, at least not on your side, you were lonely, vulnerable and isolated. Any touch of intimacy was like breathing in fresh air or letting the sunlight hit your face after so much rain. You knew you didn’t love him, that this sick and twisted notion of love he had in his head was absurd and dangerous. 

You brought your knees to your chest as you thought angrily about if all of this had come out five years ago things would have been different. You would’ve jumped into his arms and lived happily, you would probably have been oblivious to the obvious red flags because he would’ve been your Marc. 

But he wasn’t anymore. 

You pitied that version of you who lived oblivious to what monster warmed her bed at night. But you also envied her, wished to be her. 

You were reading yet again when Marc came through the door, you expected him to have a tray of food in his hands but you were surprised when he just leaned against the door with his arms crossed. No food, and the door wide open. 

Confusion and unease filled you, what was he doing?

“So,” Marc started, “the final renovations got done this morning so it’s time to properly show you your new home starlight.” You sat there not really processing the information. 

“What,” Marc asked, “did you think I was just going to keep you in a locked room with no sunlight for the rest of your life?”

“I didn’t really know what to expect honestly,” you replied, hesitantly closing the book in your lap before placing it on the crumpled sheets. You slowly took a step forward to the door and when Marc reached out his tanned hand for you to take it. You wanted to deny it, tell him to fuck off and not touch you. But you worried that if you did, any hopes of getting outside of these same four walls would disappear. You tried not to recoil as your fingers intertwined with his, you reminded yourself with each step not to run to the nearest door. He’ll be on guard, he’ll be ready for your half baked attempt at escape. You had to gain his trust, and not running immediately would help. Some part of you wondered if you were complacent if he would let you go out of boredom, but you see the look in his eyes and know that will never be the case. In fact it might encourage him. 

He took you through a few hallways, all trimmed with white and silver. It was all very…classy and expensive. Nothing about this screamed Marc, but of course when Marc showed up in that bar with a white button up and black slacks some part of you was surprised by his appearance. He also barely managed to scrape by with what he sold during missions, always just selling the bare minimum before giving it to museums and places like that. So what changed? Where did all this money come from?

Marc opened a door at the end of the hallway, it did not make a sound as he opened it and revealed a study. The walls were lined with books, most were egyptian, the wooden trims looked to be made of mahogany and decorative plants were placed artistically here and there giving the room a slight adventurer vibe. You barely noticed the door behind you closing, when you did you saw it was a hidden door. You were trapped behind a fake door the entire time in his study. 

“This is the office,” Marc said as his fingers never left yours, “Truth be told I don’t use it often but I don’t want you poking around in here if you can help it,” He said as he dragged you out of the space. 

It was very modern, you noticed, the floor plan was anyway, open space, lots of windows letting in a lot of natural light. Completely different from the cramped room you had been in for months. The couch was a cool gray sectional, it looked as though it’s never been used, in fact, a lot of it seemed to be brand new. The floors were real wood and polished to the point you could see your reflection in it, the walls were a nice, clean white with spots of color here and there with wall decorations. There was a fluffy rug where the sectional was along with a decorative blanket draped over the side. The TV was massive, and it seemed to be one of those state of the art smart tv’s. Everything looked just like it came straight from one of those home decorator magazines, showing people pretty places that they would never live. You noticed one of those windows looked out into a balcony that overlooked the water. As you breathed in the outside world for the first time in forever, your suspicions were confirmed. 

You were in London.

You were literally an entire ocean away from anyone who you could count on to help. 

You were trapped. 

“As you can tell this is the living area, and over here is the kitchen,” Marc said as he pulled you to the open archway to the kitchen. The floor was marble tile and the counters were made of this white and gray marble with gold streaks in it. Even this room, which you know he used, looks like nothing has been touched. 

He then proceeded to show you the other rooms, the gym, an indoor pool, a walk-in closet which he made sure to tell you that was yours, a few guest rooms, and all the rooms seemed to follow a certain white, gray, and gold theme with Egyptian hints and exotic touches here and there.

Finally he dragged you to the last door, it was large, taking up a good amount of space on the wall, double doors. 

“Finally this is our bedroom with an ensuite bathroom for us.” It was gorgeous, the california king bed with gray sheets, a regular rug with intricate patterns, the frame of the bed was black, over all the room was spacious with enough room for a pull out tv, ottoman by the end of the bed, a large dresser with a closet, two chairs by a bookshelf. When you reached the bathroom the shower could clearly hold two people as well as the massive tub. Everything was big, clean and expensive.

That’s what you always came back to. 


“Marc,” you said to the man who, except when he showed you where the rooms were, said nothing, “How are you able to afford all of this?”

“Turns out Steven is smarter than he looks,” He said rubbing the back of your hand, “he may be pretty timid but god is he a vicious business man.” he sighed as he brought your hand to his lips, “I know it’s a lot to take in right now, but I want you to know that we did this all for you. You deserve nice things, and I didn’t handle things correctly-”

“You didn’t.” You said, Marc gave you a look, he knows you’re right (as usual) and that he deserves that. 

“As I was saying,” Marc continued, “we did this all for you, but there are a few rules.” 

You tried to hide the tightness in your chest and the panicked rhythm of your pulse. 

“One,” Marc said holding up one finger, “don’t try to escape. Pretty basic shit, but still.” 

“Where would I even go?” You said, “You took me an entire ocean away from anyone I can turn to.” 

“You could still run,” He said, his eyes challenging yours, “and there will be no tolerance for that.” 

“Two,” He said, “I still want to bring you breakfast every morning and you have to eat all of it.” he holds up three fingers, “Three, you have to wear the clothes in the walk-in closet, it’s all designer or some shit, it’s supposed to be high quality.”  Four fingers, “Four, we still share the same bed and the same rules apply. I would never force you into sex,” he said, “When that day comes, when sleeping beside each other isn’t enough for you and you want more, I’ll be there. However, until that day comes I would like to continue sleeping like we have been. Close.” 

“And Five?” You asked. 

“Five,” He said with a blush on his cheek, “you have to kiss me, at least once a day. I’m not asking for more than that, just one kiss on the lips a day or more.” 

Out of all those rules, that one was the one that was going to be hard to obey. Kissing him everyday and moving on as though he didn’t kill Alec right in front of you was going to be unbearable. But you needed time, and opportunity, and who knows. Maybe one day if you still have your wits about you and you’ve gained enough trust. Maybe he’ll bring you outside, maybe even take you on trips where you can escape then. 

Just hold on. 

“So do you understand?” Marc asked, his eyes boring into yours as-though trying to read your mind. You gave him a small, deceptively sweet smile as you answered. 

“I understand.” 

“And you have to start calling me your pretty boy again,” Marc said in a lower tone, “I just want things to be how they used to be.” 

“I understand pretty boy” the words tasted like ash in your mouth but still you smiled at him. 

One day you’ll be away from this fucker. 

And then you’ll make him pay. 

For Alec.






Love Bites (MAIN Steven Grant x Jealous! Reader) SMUT!

Hi this is based from an ask from

Summary: You go to give Steven his lunch on his first day as a tour guide, which leads to some interesting following events.

Warnings: Smut, unprotected p i v (wrap it before you tap it), oral (m recieving), jealousy, insecure thoughts, biting (f giving), smutty steven (that’s a warning ok?). MINORS DNI

Feel free to ask for more requests, I may not be able to get to them all immediately but I will eventually!

You considered yourself to be a pacifist. Believing that violence should be avoided until absolutely necessary, like life or death. 

However you were seriously considering cutting that woman’s manicured hands off of her body if she didn’t get them off of your boyfriend. 

It wasn’t like you didn’t trust Steven (or Marc and Jake for that matter), you trusted them completely. It was just a darker, more feral, more insecure part of you that looked at that person’s hands and wanted to tear them from his arm. You watched as she tried every trick in the book, fingers dancing along his arm, gasp you must work out a lot Steven, the fluttering of the eyes with a look that just says ‘notice me’,  god you could practically hear her. However, you were content to stay next to the gift shop in the museum, silently seething at the woman but supporting Steven on his first day as a tour guide for now. Your poor Steven probably didn’t even realize what was going on, he was too engrossed talking about the mummification process to notice the woman’s (not really) subtle advances. You were about to take a walk to clear your head before you noticed how her eyes darted to his ass and bit her lip. 

You checked the clock and you thanked all the gods that it was around Steven’s lunch break time. However he hadn’t noticed since he was so involved in answering and giving thorough explanations to the seemingly never ending questions that the woman asked. 

Your low heels lightly clacked against the marble floor as you made your way to your curly haired vigilante. You were thankful you brought him his lunch that he probably didn’t even know he forgot. 

You got to him just before the woman could ask another question that she just didn’t care about. You lightly tapped Steven on the shoulder, hoping your face was light hiding your seething feelings. He paused as he turned to you, you could see his dark eyes light up and the smile that you were convinced could blind the sun god himself stretched over his face. 

“Darling,” Steven said, the woman beside him glared at you, you tried to pay her no mind. You held up the brown paper bag with the words “Steven with a V” written in his handwriting. 

“Couldn’t let you miss lunch again love,” You said in a light tone, you hand him the paper bag with a kiss on his cheek. You lingered there for a second, recuperating the glare the blonde woman behind him was giving you. You wanted to kiss him breathless in front of her, grab his ass as you glared at her with a silent message in your eyes. 


But you knew that Steven would probably blush profusely and get reprimanded on his first day, so you did what you could do. You were sweet, you were a silent storm, brewing. 

“Well now that you’re here, why don’t we both go to lunch?” Steven asked, his fingers playing with the paper bag slightly. His hands always needed something to do, whether that’s playing with the strings on his jacket, solving a puzzle or…more pleasurable. 

“Sounds like a plan,” You look behind Steven, right at the woman who Steven by now has completely forgotten about and smile a sweet and subtle ‘fuck you’ smile. Steven was about to walk away when the woman stopped him, and he clearly was startled, after forgetting her. 

“Wait,” she said, god you hated her voice, it was too high pitched and nasally, “I still have a few questions regarding a thing we saw at the beginning of the tour.” 

“It’s ok,” Steven said pointing to the person taking his place during lunch, “Bob will be able to answer those questions,” He holds out his hand to shake hers, “I’m off, lovely meeting you Sarah.” 

You heard her slightly huff before you headed off towards the front doors to find somewhere to eat together. You were a few feet away from the museum when you heard Steven let out a chuckle. 

“What’s funny?” You asked curiously. 

“You,” Steven said, “I never thought I would live to see the day that I’d have someone getting jealous over somebody flirting with me.” His words shocked you. 

“Me! Jealous,” You asked incredulously and a little defensively, “what would I be jealous about. She was just clearly veryinterested in what you had to say that she simply couldn’t contain herself.” Steven responded by chuckling more. His deep voice rumbling in his chest, eye crinkling in amusement as he admires the embarrassed flush invades your face and gives you away. Usually you’re the one to catch him being jealous, not the other way around so this was a treat. And if he was being honest, it made him feel special, knowing that he could have that effect on you as well. However, while he adored the pout that was currently on your face that you were trying to hide, he loved your smiles and laughter far more. 

He grabbed your hand from your face, uncovering your blushing face. 

“Although I’m flattered,” He starts as he kisses your cheek, “jealousy doesn’t suit you, I like seeing you smile more.” He stops you and brings you to the side of the sidewalk, where a wall full of graffiti laid bare, he kisses your nose before finally bringing you for a sweet and tender kiss on your lips. His kiss was always soft, full of love and tenderness. It was like kissing a dream, beautiful and leaves you in a sort of cloudy gaze, barely remembering it until his lips were on yours again. You would have probably kissed more if it wasn’t for the resounding rumble of your stomach interrupting you, reminding you that while you brought lunch for Steven you had barely eaten today. You and Steven looked at each other before laughing, his hands in yours, you both searched for a place to eat together. 

You laid in bed with Steven, you washed the sheets earlier that day and you had just gotten out of the shower so a fresh scent surrounded you. The only thing it was missing was him. 

Without him there thoughts of the day passed by, the woman from the museum still on your mind. You were so happy with Steven and Marc, and Jake. But you’ve been happy before, you’ve trusted before only to have it thrown back at your face. You start worrying that maybe you were misreading the situation, maybe you were harsh, maybe this is one of the good things that doesn’t last and this is the beginning of the end. 

You were so caught up with your inner demons that you didn’t register your personal angel sliding into the freshly washed and dried sheets until you felt a hand cradle your face. 

“What’s going on in that mind of yours darling?” Steven asked, dark eyes unwavering. 

“Steven I-” 

“Darling what is it you always say to us?”

“Communication is key.” 

“Correct,” Steven said as his hand went from cradling your face to holding your hand, “so communicate darling, I’m all ears.” 

“I get scared sometimes,” You admit unable to say no to him, “today I have you. But tomorrow is never a given, I’m so scared that someday when I’ve let go completely that you’ll want nothing to do with me. That you’ll regret me and leave. I know this is rubbish, but I still worry. I also worry I may have been a little too harsh on Sarah from the gift shop today.” true to his word Steven lets you let it out. His eyes and ears never deviated once.

“It’s ok to get scared,” Steven starts, “I could say the same things too, I am the luckiest bastard today because I have you, but I can be the sorriest knob on the earth tomorrow if you decide I’m too broken to be loved. But while I have you, I plan on holding you, loving you, I plan on keeping that heart you gave me safe and warm, like how you are keeping mine.” Your eyes look away before he directs your attention back at him, “hey look at me,” his thumb ghosts over your cheeks, “I’m yours, nothing can change that.” 

You bring your face to his, your lips molding together like puzzle pieces, you just fit. Your hands cradle his face, before going to his scalp as you lift one leg and straddle him on the bed. Your hands gently massage the space between his ear and hair. You hear him moan as his large hands grip your hips firmly, tanned digits digging into soft flesh, as the kisses now become opened mouthed and breathing becomes ragged. 

Stevens hands move from their place on your waist and dance up your side before grabbing the hem of your nightshirt. He parts from you for just a second to which you respond with a slight wine, you open your eyes to see his midnight eyes asking silently, pleading really, to lift your shirt. You bite your lip as you nod, lifting your arms he practically tore the shirt from you. The bite of night air made goosebumps rise all over your skin, the mixture of the aroused look in your eyes and how your topless figure bathed in the moonlight left Steven absolutely breathless with love and lust. You could see his dark eyes darken as he drank you in, no matter how many times Steven has seen you he always got the same look as though he was looking at you for the first time. And that made you feel cherished. 

Steven’s mouth lowered itself on your left breast, nipple in mouth, sucking, biting, tugging. Dragging choked, and needy whimpers and moans from you as you clutch onto his dark, damp curls. Back arching into his mouth, while his left hand played with your right breast and his right hand kneading the flesh of your ass. All of this went straight to your core, feral need flooded you as your mouth lowered itself to his ear. You nibbled at the top of his ear, licked and tugged at the lower part. Which seemed to send Steven into a needy frenzy of his own, he could feel your hot breath in his ear, deep and seductive. 

“Let me touch you,” you whispered moaning in his ear as you tugged at the bottom of his shirt, “I need to touch you love please.” 

For you he would do anything. 

He stopped and excitedly got rid of the last shred of clothing separating your top halves together. Just as he was about to continue worshiping your breasts the way they deserved, you gently pushed him back, letting your hands roam around his toned body. Memorizing every detail. 

Every scar, every mole, every freckle and goosebump. 

You want to memorize it all. 

Your lips latch onto his neck, sucking and kissing your way down to his clavicle. His breathing gets more erratic as he is so hard he throbs, his hands dancing patterns onto your skin. Your kisses continue downward, you take a small detour to take his dark nipple in your mouth sucking before lightly biting. His back arched at the sensation, urging for more, begging. However you have other plans as your hands gently caress the outline of his cock through his sleep pants. Noting the slight wet spot right where you knew the head was, a mischievous smirk settled on your lips. Your kisses travel lower, and lower until you are at eye level with the decent sized bulge. Your eyes look up at the half lidded and sex addled eyes of your lover before kissing the tip through the pants. The groan was guttural and damn did that do wonders for your confidence. You’ve brought him here, to the point between saving and utter ruin. Your eyes ask a silent question and he nodds fervently, your hands reach the waistband of his pants and he lifts his hips. You pull them down until his cock sprang forward, slapping against his stomach. It made your mouth water as you pulled back the foreskin and gave the tip of it a kiss before enveloping him within your mouth. 

Steven swears as his fingers clutch the hair on your scalp in a tight grip as you bob your head up and down in a consistent and steady rhythm. Your tongue tracing the outline of the vein on the underside of his shaft. You look up and as you see Steven fall apart beneath you, his chest rising and falling erratically as you pick up your pace. You decide to get dangerous as you just barely let your teeth graze him. Suddenly you are pulled off of him, the salty taste of his precum lingering on your tongue as he mashes his pillow soft, kiss swollen lips against yours, nearly drawing blood. The kiss is all lust and teeth and tongue. His hands grab the flesh of your ass tightly, for sure leaving bruises in their wake. And you know you’ll wear those bruises on your ass like a badge of honor.  

As the kiss died down he pressed his sweat covered forehead against yours. 

“That was close,” Steven whispered breathlessly, “I would’ve made a mess if you had done that again.” 

“That good huh?” you joked just as breathless as him as he kissed you again, sweetly. The combination of the feral and lust blown kiss from earlier to the sweet and domestic kiss was enough for your mind to whirl. 

“Better than good,” Steven said, breaking away from the kiss, “but I want you to come before I do darling.” 

You suddenly felt full as Steven thrusted his hips upward connecting you together. The pleasure filled screamed that came out of you made you sure that tomorrow you will receive a noise complaint…again. 

Steven’s hands steadied you as you fell forward, your chest against his as he began thrusting upward. Bouncing you up and down his lower appendage. 

You could barely form a coherent sentence as Steven expertly rocked into you and hit consistently in that one goddamn spot that made you see white. It was difficult to believe that Steven was so awkward about sex before when he’s fucking you so damn good. Your sweat covered chest rubbing against his, his hands firmly on your and the sole attention you were receiving was all contributing to the tight coil forming in your belly. It only got tighter once his diligent and skilled fingers found the sensitive little bundle of nerves and started rubbing in lazy circles that you felt the coil get impossibly tight as you felt him throb inside you. 

“I’m not gonna last much longer my darling,” he confesses as his lips attack your neck, “you’re so tight, let go my darling cum for me.” 

At that you did, you felt the surge of mind blowing pleasure that you didn’t realize you bit harshly onto Stevens neck. However at the feeling of your teeth sinking into him and marking him he exploded, unable to keep rocking into you as his release leaked out of where you both were joined. 

You both stayed like that for a while, with you collapsed on top of him, gently kissing the mark you left on him as an apology. While he lovingly traced the outline of your spine and the red marks he knew will darken into bruises by morning. Both of you basked in each other’s afterglow, not having the energy to move and nearly falling asleep. However Steven, the man who was always so attentive to your needs, knew you would be uncomfortable in a few hours if he didn’t clean you up. So reluctantly he removed himself from you with a wet plop, you groaned as you felt so empty without him. He kissed your temple and tried to remove himself from you, letting you know he was just gonna get a wet rag to clean you up with as well. 

You drifted in and out of sleep as you heard him in the bathroom over wetting the rag with warm water. 

He came back not a few minutes later with a warm wet rag and cleaned you up, although you were sensitive the warm wet rag was a welcome. After cleaning you up Steven disposed of the rag after cleaning himself up as well, he slid in next to you. His chin resting on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your torso. 

“How in the bloody hell am I going to cover this love bite tomorrow.”

You fell asleep smiling proudly at yourself.



Conflicting Interests (Dark! Moon Knight x Reader) the Knight and Pawn series

Hey so another shorter chapter! Super tired but just trying to get one chapter in a day as a challenge.

Anyways here comes the trigger warnings.


Also I tried to be realistic when it came to being bilingual, however I myself am not so if any translations are confusing or something doesn’t make sense let me know!

Morning rolled around and he was gone, you had nearly thought you dreamt it up. 

However when you rolled over you could smell him on the sheets. The smell of cedar, smoke, and rain, all the years you’ve known him he’s always had that smell, even in highschool. 

You stared at the wall on the side he slept that night and your mind began to wander. Where was that friend now? You thought, where was yourMarc, the one who you snuck out to go stargazing with every saturday night, the one who you called when you got too drunk to drive, the one who you could just put on any old vinyl you had and just sit comfortably in silence with. 

Where was your best friend?

This Marc smelled the same, he looked like Marc, he dressed like Marc. 

But he wasn’t, not really. 

However, maybe this is how he always was…you just refused to see it. 

You remembered him getting into a lot of fights with kids at school but never you, he was always so gentle when it came to you. It got worse after Randall died. There was almost never a week that passed by without Marc getting into a scuffle with someone, most of the time it was someone who had bullied you or insulted you. At the time you thought he was just being over protective of you, however you wondered if maybe there was something more, something darker to it than that. 

Despite all of that, Marc was your first. First love, first kiss, first everything. 

At that goddamn cabin. 

Marc was joking about being the only virgin in the marines when you offered to change that for him, no strings attached of course because you were still in denial about your own romantic feelings towards him then. 

It’s kind of funny, you used to look at the night and smile. 

Now you wonder just how far his obsession with you went, if that night was orchestrated by him or if it happened exactly how you remembered. 

You may never truly know. 

You didn’t even register the amount of time passing until the typical knock against the door broke you away from those thoughts. You saw it was neither Marc or Steven, the hat on his head and the way he looked at you was different. 


You were already burned by Steven so now you were cautious. You didn’t know how this would go, you sat up in the bed as Jake brought your food to you. Sausage with Waffles with coffee on the side. His hands envelop yours as he looks in your eyes, his dark iris’s reflecting against yours. 

“I missed you mi ojos de angel,” Jake said before kissing your cheek, “you have no idea what I’ve had to put up with, with those idiotas,”Jake didn’t let go of your hand once as he ranted about all the things you’ve missed out on these past 3 years. Every inconvenience, minor transgression, talking about everything except the elephant in the room. 

“Jake,” You interrupted him, he immediately stopped talking and was solely focused on you, “is there a plan?” 

“Yes,”Jake said, for a split moment hope runs through you like lightning before the thunderous feeling of uneasiness settled in your gut as you noticed the same obsession in his eyes that you saw in Stevens and Marcs. 

“The plan is getting you comfortable to be around us again,” Jake started, “and then one day,” Jake pauses his face scrunches as he mutters curse words in spanish, “I can’t remember the word,” another second goes by before he snaps his fingers as his face lit up in a eureka moment, “preferably, that’s the word I was looking for, preferably soon, we will get married.” 

And just like that your heart drops, Jake had been your last hope of getting out of here. He must have noticed your crestfallen look as his hands went from being entangled in yours to gently holding your face. 

“Why such a sad face,” Jake asked, brushing the tears you didn’t realize were rolling down your cheeks, “ojos de angel, mi ojos de angel, no te preocupes angel, everything will be ok.” 

“I promise.” 

After spending an hour with Jake he proceeded to leave with the empty plate your waffles were on moments ago, along with all your hopes. 

The rest of the day passed in a blur, you got dressed in the clothes laid out for you, you made the bed, you re-read some books that Steven left for you in the room, most if not all of them were Egyptian themed, then finally you took a bath. Even though the water was scalding, and the scents from the lavender epsom salt poured in, you still found it difficult to relax. 

You had just settled into the bed when the same routine that had played last night came to pass again. 

Marc came in and just slept beside you, he never did anything more than just hold you beside him. 

And once again you muscles relaxed fully under his touch. 

That kind of night had become routine, you gathered that Marc waited until you fell asleep to come in and sleep beside you. And you’ve just accepted that for whatever reason, your body melted and relaxed with him. 

The heart, mind, and body were separate things. 

Although he may have had your body fooled, your mind and heart were different matters entirely. You neither forgave him nor forgot him. 

You were positive you’ve been here for almost half a year if not exactly, your hair had grown and time passed by in a blur. 

You were in bed when you felt the other side of the bed dip beside you, at first you thought nothing of it. It was just routine. 

That was until he turned you over to face him. His dark eyes were wide and his hands gently caressed your face. 

Ceder, smoke, and rain filled your every sense. 

Marc said nothing as he kissed you, his lips pressed firmly and expertly against yours, you could taste him. Mint, chocolate with a hint of coffee. Your heart beat erratically against your chest and your mind swirled, so many thoughts and emotions running through your veins you could hardly keep up. You didn’t know your hands were in his hair until you felt the dampness in his hair and the scent of rain clouded your better judgment. 

You were conflicted, not wanting this to continue. 

But still wanting his lips on yours. 

Large, calloused hands ghost themselves over your side, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He was gentle, like you would tear if he was rougher. 

And in his defense you probably would. 

Marc’s hands got braver, ghosting over your waistband and your stomach. Never going any further than that, something that the last sensible part of you that wasn’t taken over by your lust hazed mind were thankful for. 

This lasted for a while, him just caressing you while kissing you like you were everything. 

And to him you were. 

You knew better than to confuse this with actual tenderness and love, especially on your part. You knew what it was. 

You were lonely. 

Any form of physical, intimate touch would have you in a puddle in an instant. You felt the warm outline of hiim press against you once before you felt him pull away roughly, like he had to force himself to. He didn’t say anything as he walked over to the adjacent bathroom and closing the door, you stared up at your ceiling wondering if the tingle on your lips was real or if your mind and body had just played a major trick on you. 

After a while you saw Marc come back and laid beside you, you immediately melted into his touch as he wrapped his arms around you. 

“I’m sorry,” Marc apologized, “It was a rough night. ” 

When you didn’t respond he just laid there, you could feel yourself start to drift off with him. 

Your final thought before falling into the sweet arms of unconsciousness was how fucked it was that you wanted to kiss him again.




Exit Strategy (DARK! Moon Knight x Reader) the Knight and Pawn Series.

Hey so I didn’t expect this to get so popular, so I would like to say thank you for that. I’ve thought a bit about where I want this series to go I just want to say this.

I don’t condone any of these actions of these characters, this is a work of fiction.

anyways with that out of the way my taglist is open, so in case you wanted to be a part of it go ahead and ask in the ask box, even if you just want to say hi it’s right there.

This chapter is a bit shorter since I have to go somewhere early tomorrow and I didn’t have a lot of time to write today, but I’m trying to push one chapter a day as a challenge for me.

Anyways as always, triggering material below, Minors DNI, and thank you for reading.

You didn’t know how many days passed by since thatday. 

You replayed that scene in your mind over and over again. The sickening crack, his final words to you, everything you could have done differently. You even made a list in your head. 

  1. You could have run faster. 
  2. You could have fought harder. 
  3. You could have gone in the middle of the night. 
  4. You could have loved him better. 
  5. You could have not loved him at all. 

The last one was the one you always came back to. If it hadn’t been for you, had it not been for your love for him, Alec would be alive. 

Alec would still be alive if it wasn’t for you. 

You thought about his mom, his sister, his friends and family and all that would miss him and you hated yourself. Because if it wasn’t for you, they would still have Alec. 

You were the cause of all of this. 

So maybe this is what you deserved. 

Every morning Marc would bring you breakfast, it was usually a blueberry bagel with cream cheese and fruit, usually accompanied with a cup of coffee. The first morning came and you didn’t touch it, same with lunch and dinner. Second day came with the same routine. When the third day came he practically forced the food down your throat, not caring if you protested against him. It was that day that you learned to eat the food he gave you, even if you would rather starve. 

You hadn’t been out of the room since your arrival, but from what you knew, this wasn’t the flat in London that Steven or Marc owned. It was somewhere new, somewhere bigger and a lot less dingy. The room you were in had an adjacent bathroom and it was a decent size, marble counters and a clawfoot tub. You didn’t know how Marc could afford all of this when he was struggling to make ends meet before you parted ways. 

Three knocks on the door resounded the quiet room, it was always three knocks before he entered in case you weren’t decent. 

Not like he cared anyway. 

When the dark haired man entered the room you immediately knew it wasn’t Marc, with his hair more unkempt and the soft sweater adorning him you knew instantly who he was. 

Your Steven with a V. 

“Steven?” You asked quietly in disbelief, you could see his eyes light up and a smile stretch his face. You slowly went up to him, looking in his eyes trying to see if it was one of Marc’s cruel jokes. But you saw no traces of the man who took everything you loved, and once you did the force of the hug you gave Steven nearly knocked the wind out of him. You cried into his chest, possibly ruining the soft sweater he was wearing. 

“Not that I don’t want the hug sweetheart, but I don’t want to spill your breakfast.” Steven said as you let go of him, he set the breakfast tray down gently beside you before opening his arms again, beckoning you back into the embrace before, which you happily gave into. You stayed like that a while, sobs wracking your body as you breathed in the scent of his sweater. Which only made you sob harder. 

Because Steven smelled like him. 

Once you were so dehydrated that crying did not seem like a possibility anymore, you greedily gulped the water Steven gave you and bit into the piece of toast that came with your breakfast. 

“So what’s the plan?” You asked, swallowing the bite of crunchy toast before downing it with water. 

“What plan?” Steven asked as he gave you a cute confused look, one that you thought resembled that of a first grader.

Theplan Steven,” You said, “the plan to get me out of here before Marc comes back.”

You weren’t anticipating the long pause that followed, Steven sighed as he gently took your hand in his, rubbing circles against your skin. His dark eyes bore into you something unlike him, borderline dark. 

“There isn’t a plan sweetheart,” Steven said looking you in the eye, you weren’t sure if you were processing this correctly. 

“What do you mean there isn’t a plan?” You asked, your voice shaking nervously. You heard him sigh again, his hands playing with yours. Something he did absentmindedly, without knowing he did.

“I mean there isn’t one,” Steven said, all at once it clicked and you withdrew your hand away from him as though he was on fire. 

Steven wasn’t going to help you. 

Steven was going to keep you. 

“I thought you were better than him.” 

“I am.”

“No you’re not,” you said, retracting yourself away from Steven, “you’re doing exactly what he’s doing.”  You recoil away as Steven tries to touch you again. 

“I’m not,” He defended, “we love you sweetheart, we always have. We tried keeping Marc away from you as best we could for those few years, but when news of your engagement reached us. We all agreed, Alec didn’t deserve you-” 

“You’re right,” you said, “Alec didn’t deserve what I did to him.” You said, reciting the list in your head of all you could have done differently. 

“We love you,” Steven repeated, “when you said you needed time away from Marc we agreed. Marc was in the wrong for what he did, but we didn’t think you were going to leave like that. That you were going to run off with some other good looking chap.” 

“But I didn’t ‘run off’ with him.” You corrected, “I just fell in love with him.” You dropped to the ground, back against the wall and your knees to your chest. Your heart was breaking all over again with betrayal, this time from the one person you didn’t expect it from. 

Your sweet Steven with a V. 

You were unresponsive when Steven knelt to your height and enveloped you in a hug, you tried not to melt into his touch as he rubbed soothing circles against your back. You stayed like that for a minute or two before Steven let you go. 

“We’ve got to go take care of a few things sweetheart,” he whispers as he gives the top of your head a kiss, “We’ll be back soon to give you some more clothes,” he gets up from the ground and to the door, and before he closes it he says goodbye. 

“Laters Gators.” 

And then suddenly you were alone again. 

Night rolled in and you laid in bed, half asleep half awake, after spending the last year and a half with someone beside you every night, it was a hard adjustment to sleeping alone. You barely got a couple of hours in before you would wake up. 

You weren’t sure what time it was, you assumed very early in the morning when you felt the bed dip beside you and a muscular arm wrap itself around your torso. You involuntarily tensed, giving away your lucid state. 

“Go back to sleep starlight,” Marc whispered in your ear before placing a gentle kiss against your shoulder, “I won’t do anything funny without your permission.” 

And with that you pretended to sleep until you felt him take slow, deep, and steady breaths in. You tried to move away only for his arm to hold you tighter against him still. 

So whether or not you liked it, that’s where you stayed for the remainder of the night, embraced by the man who killed your fiance, and whether or not you liked it. 

For the first time since he brought you there, you had a restful night’s sleep.

the Sacrifice Play (DARK! Moon Knight x Reader) the Knight and Pawn Series



“Marc,” you laugh shouted, your curly haired friend just poked your sides and started to run away, beckoning you to follow suit. You both had graduated highschool two months prior and you both had saved up for this trip, away from the city and into a cabin. You realized how horror movie stupid that was but it didn’t matter, your guardians couldn’t care less about where you were and as for Marc, that smiling and goofy friend of yours, his couldn’t care either. 

You ran through the woods, hoping over logs and moving rebel branches out of your way, green blurred past you as you tried to catch up with him. Finally you managed to reach him, out of breath and your lungs greedily inhaling the air it was deprived of. It was a creek with various kinds of stone surrounding it. Looking down you quickly searched for a flat rock, you actually managed to find something suitable soon. Its smooth flatness made it perfect for skipping. For a while that’s all you and Marc did, even made it into a competition to see who could get the most skips before just sitting there at the creek, watching it ripple and flow. It was calming, serene. You could feel his warmth seep through his hand in which he held yours. Neither of you said a word, you were just present. Secretly this was one of the things you came to love about Marc, you never needed to fill the air with conversation. He was content to just be once in a while. 

It wasn’t until the sun began to set and stars became visible that Marc and you started heading back, your hands never leaving each other. 

You finally made it back to the small cabin, it was all you and Marc could afford to rent for the week until you had to go back. The sun had set a while ago and you could see the night sky more clearly than in Chicago. 

“Would you look at that Marc,” You said, pointing to all the stars and the moon in the sky, you smiled as you picked out a few constellations, not paying attention to the midnight eyes beside you, looking at you like you were the world, “You don’t see that in Chicago,” You mused, “it’s so beautiful.” 

“Yeah,” Marc said, his eyes unwavering at you, “it is.” 

You looked beside you and saw his eyes, something in them made you sad. 

“What’s going on,” You asked as you gave his hand a squeeze, “Whatever it is you can tell me.”

Marc looked at his shoes before motioning you to sit next to him, you let go of his hand and sat yourself next to him in the old chair that came with the place. 

“I’m leaving next month,” He said, “we won’t be seeing each other for a while and I’m scared.” This took you aback, you knew of Marc’s departure but he so rarely revealed what he was feeling, let alone fear. 

“Can’t blame you.” You said, Marc shook his head. 

“I’m not afraid of the violence,” He said, “I’ve seen a lot of that, I’m afraid that when we see each other again we won’t be this close anymore.” 

You understood where he was coming from,

You had the same fears. 

“Only you Marc Spector would be more afraid of silly ol’ me than the violence of combat.” You said lightly before putting your head on his shoulder, “I’m going to miss you everyday.” You said, “You’re my best friend, and I love you. And when you come back home to me, I’ll still be your best friend, and I’ll still love you. Much like how you’ll still be my best friend when you come back, just with a few adjustments. All I care about is that you come back, so promise me you’ll come back.” 

“I can’t make promises I can’t keep”

“Make an exception,” you said, “just this once, just promise me you’ll come back.”

“Only if you promise that you’ll be waiting for me when I do.”

“I promise, pretty face.” You said, closing your eyes. 

“I promise too, starlight.” Marc said, the steady rise and fall of your shoulders let him know you fell asleep, he took advantage of this to sneak a gentle kiss to your forehead, “I’d promise you anything.” 

You don’t remember coming home, all you remember is hitting your soft sheets, Alec already sleeping and falling into one of the deepest sleeps of your life. Memories of yesterday flash through your mind and suddenly you are up. You didn’t bother dressing up, wearing the clothes you wore the day previous you raced to grab your shoes at the door. 

You were damned if you let Marc bully you like this, keeping the people you loved as a sword hanging above your head. You spot your fiance at the stove, you admire him for a moment. Trying to burn the image of your silly, and beautiful alec dancing to abba’s dancing queen while cooking breakfast, illuminated by the morning light, into your mind forever. You wanted this to be the memory that stuck with you. 

The moment so beautiful was short lived as Alec noticed the look on your face, one he often described as sorrowful. He placed the pan of eggs and raced toward you, cupping both of your cheeks with his hands. 

“What’s wrong, lovely,” He asked, concerned, it took all of you not to bury yourself into his arms and weep. You had to be strong, for him you would be strong. 

“I have to go back to the office,” You said, a half baked excuse, “I won’t be long, they just misplaced some files and I have the last duplicate on my desktop.” You kiss his hands before placing one on his lips, the sweet scent and taste of him almost relaxes you. 

“But it’s your day off-”

“I promise I’ll be quick,” you said, “just stay here until I come back, promise me.”

“I’d promise you anything” You kissed his lips before replying. 

“I love you.” 


“So you have a request Agent?” Monica asked. 

“Yes I do,” You confirmed, “you have close connections with the FBI and CIA correct?”

“Yes, where is this leading to?”
“I need to place Alec Maximillion Hamilton in immediate, emergency witness protection program.” You said the urgency in your voice apparently. You could see Monica’s dark eyes widen in surprise. 

“Why do I need to place your fiance in witness protection?”

“I just need you to trust me on this.” You urged, Monica studied you. Your fists were clenched, your forehead was sweating and your eyes were electrified. She knew exactly what was wrong with you. 

You were afraid. 

“Obviously there is something going on,” Monica said, “maybe if you told me I can help.” 

“No,” You shook your head, “the less people know the better. I promise one day I’ll tell you if I have the chance. But as of right now, I just need those papers and protection.” 

Over the course of the time Monica has met you, she knew when you were being serious, and afraid. Seeing both of those on your face at the same time however, was terrifying. 

“I’ll call Jimmy Woo and pull some strings,” Monica said, “Go home to Alec, get him ready Jimmy will probably be around there by three.” 

You reached over and thanked her profusely before setting an immediate beeline back home. 

“SWORD just faxed me your new papers,” You said as you handed Alec his new passport, social security, as well as work documents, “What time is it now?”

“It’s almost seven.” Alec announced, meanwhile Jimmy was late. He called earlier and said something about car troubles. 

“Ok Jimmy should be here at any moment,” You said, straightening the collar of his shirt, a simple act you cherished but won’t be able to do again. His hands envelop yours and forces you to look him in the eye. 

“Come with me,” He said. 

“I can’t,” You said, tears in your eyes, “I can’t, he’ll find me. The best I can do now is make sure he can’t find you.” He placed your forehead on yours and brought your hand to his chest, the thrumming of his heart calmed you, you tried to memorize the beat of it, searing it into your memory. The moment ended with a quick vibrate sound in your jeans. You took your phone out and a cold feeling enveloped you. 


“We have to go now!” You said not wasting a second before grabbing Alec’s hand and practically dragging him through the front door, car keys in hand. Taking your car was a risk but it was faster and Alec needed to get to a place of safety. Marc was already taking your life away, You weren’t about to let him take Alec as well. 

You looked in the back mirror and saw a familiar armor of white, terror filled you. 

“GET DOWN!” You shouted at Alec who complied immediately, You put the car in reverse and floored the gas pedal. You jolted from the force and a resounding thunk hit the car. You didn’t waste any time to change it to drive and got the hell out of dodge, once again the force jolted both you and Alec. 

“Did you just hit Moon Knight with your car?” 

“Yeah” You said, “we’ve got to get you to SWORD Headquarters or to the nearest bus leaving the city. Somewhere where you’ll be out of his reach.” You said as you broke almost all driving laws. 

You were nearly at the SWORD Headquarters when you noticed people gather and take photo’s, gawking at something above. You took a quick glimpse and saw a blur of white, heading in the same direction as you. 

“Shit,” You muttered before taking the sharp right onto a one way street, “change of plans, our only shot is a bus out of the city, Marc was following us to SWORD.” You swerved to avoid the oncoming vehicle, not caring about the blaring horn and the obvious middle finger aimed at you. 

“Call the transportation department and ask when the next bus is leaving.” 

Luckily the next bus was in fifteen minutes and was an almost empty bus, it was leaving for a round trip across state borders. 

You got there, and before you could say anything Alec spoke. 

“Two tickets on the bus going to New York.” Alec said, your eyes widened as he paid the lady at the desk before he dragged you to the loading site. 

You were about to tell him how bad an idea it was when you saw the lights flicker. You could see Alec’s face harden as he looked behind you, without breathing you followed his gaze. A familiar white hooded figure with glowing eyes stalked you, Marc’s anger came off in waves as well as his bloodlust, You were about to yell at the driver to floor it when strong hands practically pushed you on the bus, You didn’t have time to react before Alec closed the doors on the bus. 

“Alec what are you doing!” you exclaimed, “Alec! Open the door!” You pound your hands against the glass of the door, trying to get to Alec. You saw him shake his hand with a small smile, He placed his hands against yours, the barrier of the glass separating the two of you. Even though you couldn’t hear him, you saw him mouth something. 

“I love you.” 

You pounded harder on the door hoping to break the glass, but it wasn’t any use. The door opener was jammed, Alec turned away from you. His amber eyes hidden away from you as he walked to the white bandaged figure. 

“ALEC!” you yelled, when Alec reached Marc it became silent. For one moment, the entire world ceased moving, ceased breathing. And then, within a single moment, Marc’s hands were around Alec’s head and just like that, with a sickening crack and twist Alec’s body crumpled to the ground. His neck bending at an odd angle and you saw those amber eyes you loved so much, how they caught the morning sun in them and shone brightly when looking at you, became lifeless. His eyes unblinking, dim as can be. 

He was dead. 

The heartbreaking screech that came out of you was unnatural. You sobbed and screamed at the top of your lungs. Finally the door opened, you immediately went to his side. You skid your knees as you held him, begging him. 

You don’t exactly know when you blacked out, but when you woke up, Alec was gone and the familiar patter of London rain could be heard outside. 

Marc had won.

Moon Knight Masterlist

Mood board was made by me.

All of my y/n’s are inclusive and are given minimal description.


= Smutty Goodness

= Dark Themes/ Angst / Triggery Material

  = Fluffy Goodness


The Knight and the Pawn DARK! Mini Series (incomplete)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3Part 4 Part 5Part 6

You were nothing more than a pawn to him, and you didn’t deserve that.

Love Bites (requested)

You go to give Steven his lunch on his first day as a tour guide, which ends up in an interesting series of events.


steven grant x reader with she/her pronouns

request:I have a steven grant request! Can you do like some hurt/comfort where they get into this massive argument and marc kind of coaches him into what Steven should do?

author’s note: okay to be fair it was so hard to come up with a solid reason for y/n and steven to have a fight. because he’s such a sweetheart! and yes, he’s late to work, and yes, he loses days off his life, but that’s not intentional, and not his fault. we know what he’s gone through. so i don’t know what steven could have ever done to make y/n upset… i’ll come up with the best possible scenario that i can lol, but it’s gonna be hard. happy (?) reading!

main masterlist

mcu masterlist

word count: 4.3k

warnings:angst, but they make up :) so eventual fluff

gif credit to owner!! (my beautiful boy☹️)

exhausted from her job, ready to have a nice cuddle session with your beloved, you practically fall through the door of your shared apartment. since he asked you to move in with him a short while ago, albeit while he’s still working on his sleeping disorder, his apartment has now become your shared apartment. and that comes with responsibilities to stick to on both sides.

it doesn’t surprise you that he’s not home yet—he had a free day and could use it for his desires—it just saddens you. because all you want to do is crash into his arms and have him hold you as you try to rest. with pouting lips, you flip the light switch on the left from the entrance door, so the kitchen light would illuminate the rest of the apartment. and what that reveals to you is not only shocking, but disappointing, as well.

plants on the tables and windowsills are clearly dying faster than usual—they haven’t been watered. there’s dirty dishes in the sink, on the counter, on the coffee table, and even an unwashed pot on the stove. a pile of clothes on the sofa, the laundry basket completely filled to the brim by the bathroom door. and, when you open the fridge in your already disappointed and gutted state, you discover it’s practically empty. no new groceries.

steven knows how busy these two work weeks are for you, this one and the following, and so you both had a deal that for these two weeks, on his spare time, he would look after the apartment. do all the little errands, buy groceries and over-all work on the apartment not becoming a big mess. you don’t mind his mess of books, dvds and notebooks on his study table—that doesn’t bother you. but you’re over-worked, steven’s nowhere to be seen, and the apartment is a mess. do you have to do all of this that steven promised he would do, now, tired beyond measure and quite literally unable to move a single muscle?

to top it all off, your cat sphynx is running towards you from the bedroom part of the apartment, meowing, calling for you. you begin to shed tears as you squat down to her level and begin petting her, and your eyes wander over to her trays of food and water. the wet food plate is empty, her water’s dirty and her cookie bowl could hardly qualify as one, as there are no cookies in it. you huff deeply and squeeze your eyes shut, hoping it will stop the tears. but it does the exact opposite.

it doesn’t help that sphynx is purring and meowing and pushing closer to you, and that you can hear the hunger and desperation in her voice. it doesn’t help that your manager at work has been a complete wanker, it doesn’t help that you’ve still got piles of work to do even when you’re home. all for that damn project you signed on for just for that bit of extra money, so that you and steven might go on a little trip in the summer.

to Egypt, his favourite place on earth. and yours now, too. you’d planned a whole trip that includes the historic sites, and some bit of art in places, too. plus the breath-taking nature of the country.

is it all worth it? for steven who can’t fulfil his promises. and this isn’t the first time it’s happened. there have been many instances before, but because you love him and had time to do all the errands yourself, you batted an eye and did all those things for him. because you love him. and because he’s not perfect, and neither are you.

but this time, it’s much different. you made a hard bargain that he’d do all the little things this flat requires, and you know that he knows how much you’re working these two weeks. you’re just out of your depth this time. and you need to talk to him about this, tell him that he’s really upset you this time. voice your feelings, because you can’t keep them inside anymore. not this time.

so where is he? he should be home. it’s already half past eight, where could he be? as far as you know, as steven has told you, he doesn’t have much going on except for his job, as sad as he is about it. no social clubs, no sports activities, no friends to meet. so where could he be?

you’re in the middle of feeding sphynx when the apartment door finally opens and closes, and steven locks it behind him. you push yourself up straight on your feet with a heavy sigh and turn to face steven. “hiya, love,” he muses in the most loving voice he has that usually has you swooning for him, and there’s a smile on the man’s face. you nearly tear up more at how happy he looks. you don’t want to ruin that, you don’t want to make him feel bad. but you’re just so tired. steven puts his bag and a boquet of flowers on your kitchen table, and he turns to you again, clearly happy to see you. his smile falls at the sight of you, your glassy eyes and red cheeks from crying, “oh, no, what’s wrong?” steven inquires and steps closer to you.

but your body acts on its own instincts, and you pull back from him. “where have you been?” you ask him, your lip quivering and voice low, shaky. if you’d talk any louder, you’d start to really cry. and you don’t want that, because it’d be a distraction for steven. he gulps and gathers himself, standing in front of you now very reserved. you don’t want him to touch you, he can see that.

“donna needed some things from me down at work, i got coffee on the way and then i… got you some flowers.” steven says with an attempted smile on his lips. “is everything alr—”

“were you at work the whole day?” you clarify what you want from him, your voice now verging on angry as much as you don’t want it to. yes, you are upset with him, but you don’t want him to feel bad. you just want him to know what he’s done wrong.

“no, i was… i was here,” steven answers, “i slept in, did my reading. donna called me an hour or so ago.”

your head shakes. “did your reading…” you echo and lean yourself against the kitchen counter, holding your face in your hands, still trying to avoid crying at your best ability, wanting to most certainly hide that from steven. he’s very confused, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows and a frown on his face. “you were here, home, the wholeday,” you begin to say as you pull your hands away from your face, “and you couldn’t feed sphynx? you couldn’t do the laundry or—or take out the rubbish? or buy groceries, or do the dishes?” you ask him, and your voice can’t stay away from breaking and shaking anymore. you’re crying now, and you can’t stop it. you watch steven’s face for any kind of response, and the one you get is realisation. and remembering. “i don’t want to be bossy, and i hope i haven’t been bossy ever, but… steven, you—”

he shakes his head and takes another two steps towards you. whether you’re too tired to move or don’t actually want to move away from him for some other reason, you stay right where you are. though emotions are bubbling up right inside you, making you feel like anything could tick off that explosion and take steven with it. and you don’t exactly want that.

“i’m so sorry, love,” he tells you in a quiet voice, “completely went out of my head, i—”

you look at him sharply after a shake of your head, complete disbelief on your face. “went out of your head? you didn’t see any of this?” you gesture around the flat, and steven’s eyes follow what you mean, with your precisely pointed hand to pieces of the mess. “we made a deal.” you say quieter, and the tears in your eyes shake because of the state of your voice, blurring your vision of steven in front of you. “we made a deal because of my work schedule.” you whisper and wipe away the tears that have fallen. you realise you’re still wearing your outdoor jacket, and you sigh deeply, looking away from steven. “i can hardly move myself, i can’t… i can’t do all this.”

now, steven doesn’t know what to do. you have never had a fight between the two of you before, not even a little disagreement, and so this is strange territory for him. he doesn’t know what to say, he doesn’t have any excuse or reason for not filling his end of the bargain, he doesn’t know what to say. all he knows is that he’s sorry, and that he wants everything to be okay.

you see his silence, and you hear it in its entire volume. it’s loud. it says much more than any of his words ever could. you don’t want to hurt him, you didn’t want to hurt him, or make him feel bad. you hate to see those feelings on him, as he’s always riddled with anxiety, anyway, and you hate that he is. but this is… something else.

you shake your head and shrug off your jacket. “i’m tired,” you tell him, “if you don’t… i mean, i don’t know.” you put your face in your hands again. what do you say, what do you tell him now? how do you end this? “i’m going to bed.” you say finally, not having any other solution for the situation right now. you wipe your tears again and walk past steven, trying not to let his lonely, confused stance hurt you. you don’t want to tell him what to do, you don’t want to have to tell him what to do. it’s not your place anymore, and there’s nothing more you can do or say right now for either of your benefit.

steven watches you walk through the flat, into the partial privacy of the bedroom part of the flat, and he stands still. a frown on his lips. heavy breaths rupturing his lungs. “now what have you done?” that long-awaited voice at the back of his head finally speaks up, and though steven is very irritated by it, he sighs in relief when it comes. marc is a twat most of the time, but sometimes he has handy advice. especially in lady things.

not that steven needed marc’s advice or help to start being with you, initiate that first conversation that landed him a date, which landed him a lot more. he watches as you enter the bathroom and close the door behind you. your sobs aren’t inaudible to him, though, even through the door. “you’re one to talk, marc,” steven whispers under his breath and then turns his back to the rest of the flat, facing the sink full of hisundone dishes and gripping the counter. he hears marc’s chuckle, “how you treat women is beyond me.”

marc chuckles again, “don’t turn this on me, steven,” he says, “i know you need my help.” he states, and steven can see marc’s smirk in the silver metal reflection of the sink. steven sighs, shaking his head. but marc is right, and the bastard knows it. he gives steven a few moments before he breaks, though, he knows he needs them.

“alright, fine!” steven caves in, and hears the door of the bathroom open and close again. you’re really heading to bed now. but he hears the sound of you taking something heavy out of your bag and only then plop down on the plump bed. “we’ve never had a fight before, and i’ve messed up terribly, mate, i don’t even know how to start doing anything or if i should do anything. i know i should, because it’s truly my fault, but what?!”

“first of all, breathe,” marc says with a slight chuckle, “second of all, do everything that was in your deal or whatever.”

“don’t make fun of it! it’s important to me.” steven corrects him quickly. marc shakes his head.

“then you wouldn’t have screwed it up, stevie,” marc argues back. that is also true, “do everything one by one. put music on in your headphones while you do it—whatever. the silence between you is awkward enough for me, and she won’t want to talk to you, anyway.”

“then what?” steven asks, as that was already on his mind to do.

“then…” marc sighs, thinking this is really a hopeless case, “talk to her. just apologise, really apologise, like you mean it. because you will. you love her, you want her to be okay, you want her to feel… appreciated.” he lists off in a bored voice. “she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you, man, make an effort.” steven groans.

“i want to, but i have no clue, mate!” he says. “stop condescending…”

“i’m not, man, i’m just telling you—”

“on me,” steven gets frustrated, “she means the world to me, and i’ve screwed up terribly, i wish i could just… get a time machine or something.”

marc laughs sinisterly. “oh, no, you don’t.”

steven pauses. “don’t tell me we’ve been in a time machine, too.” he says with a shake of his head.

“that’s not the point now,” marc says, “if you hadn’t screwed up, you wouldn’t have that chance now to show her how sorry you are for screwing up, to show her how much you appreciate her, and that you will keep your promises. from now on, at least,” steven lets that last nasty remark fly by because marc is helping. steven understands what he means, “just do your best, steven, really. i’ll be here for anything, you know that.”

“how could i not,” steven replies and turns away from the sink and marc’s reflection in it. he glances at you past one of his shelves, just far enough so you won’t notice him staring but he’ll have a good look at you. you’re laying in the bed in one of your long-sleeved pyjama shirts, a pair of shorts and socks on your legs that stretch out before you, a laptop on your tummy and the bedside lamp turned on. your eyes are fixed on the screen, not even looking anywhere else than a single point in it.

steven pulls back, his hand over his chest. he has to get on with it, because he wants to make you feel better the sooner the possible. so he sticks headphones into his ears, like marc suggested, and gets to work, his first thing to do is get the dishes out of the way. while he does all the things, one by one, including the groceries—a late trip down to the nearest shop—, he thinks about what to say to you.

apologise, excuse himself—no, that won’t do. apologise, explain himself—that’s better. apologise, explain himself, (which will be hard cause he honestly doesn’t have a reason for not doing anything, he just didn’t) promise to do better, and actually do better, fulfil his promise. he honest to god doesn’t know he’s left some things around before, you haven’t told him because those little things weren’t that much of a bother. and you don’t want him to feel guilty, and you don’t want him to feel that heavy feeling that this has been weighing you down or something, because it hasn’t. he worries about everything all the time, anyway, and you don’t wish for him to worry about something else because of you.

the reason you’re hurt so much from this, so disappointed by this, is because you love him. and he’s let you down. if he had been any other person, anyone who you don’t love so dearly, so intimately, it wouldn’t burn into your heart as painfully.

so after all is said and done, you’ve watched him get about the house and even leave and then fill the fridge with groceries, all of that making you tear up more, you put your laptop down on the floor beside the bed and turn off the light. you turn to lay on your side, and you see steven coming towards you out of the corner of your eye. you don’t want to let him know that you’re watching him, but you’re curious. and you want to look at him, you want to watch him, to see him.

steven sits down on the bed, right by the ends of your feet, and sighs quietly. he wouldn’t want you to think doing all of that burdened him or was hard to do. but you don’t think that. you know his capabilities, and you know him, most of all. of course it took a lot of effort, because he did his best, but it didn’t drain him. but you don’t bat an eye, don’t turn your head to steven, don’t look at him, as he now sits with you. the idea to pretend you’re sleeping even crosses your mind, but you know that he knows you’re not asleep.

and you need to talk about this. you have to give him another chance to say something, or at least try to say something. “i hope…” you say quietly, and then sigh as tears fall from your eyes again, over your nose, onto the pillow and your hair below now. steven’s head turns to look at you, “i hope you didn’t do it all just because i’m upset.” you finally say.

steven huffs, feels his hands nervously sitting in his lap. “no,” he says, “i did it because we made a deal,” he tells you in full seriousness, though his voice remains as shaky and nervous as ever. that admittance, though, means everything to you.

“put your hand on her thigh, steven,” marc speaks to him, and steven nearly cusses him out of the conversation, “come on, don’t be scared, do it. she won’t pull away.” he assures his alter, and steven huffs quietly as he does what he’s told. he moves his hand towards your bare thigh, and he feels slight goosebumps on your skin upon the first touch. but he has learned to not take it as offense or denial, it’s just a physical reaction to a touch. he rests his whole, warm palm on your thigh, and you don’t protest against it in any way. “do little circles on her skin, you know she likes it when you do. it always calms her.”

so steven does that, as well. he looks at your face, and sees you’ve still got tears in your eyes, but now they’re joined by a sad smile on your plump lips. “i really am sorry, love,” steven tells you, “none of it was intentional. i honestly… don’t have an excuse or explanation for it. the most natural thing is just that i forgot. i saw, for example, the dishes on the coffee table, and told myself that i’ll do them. but as soon as i get a chance to, i’ve forgotten again.” steven shakes his head and looks away from you. you can tell that he’s not lying. by his voice, mostly, it always grows huskier and quieter when he’s telling you something honest, something he’s maybe never said before. and now he’s explaining how his mind works, and you can tell that it’s true. and it’s fascinating, as well, how differently his mind works from yours. you smile more shyly now. “should just do them right away, but i don’t know why i don’t,” he explains further, “i’m really sorry. i know how tired you are from work now, and i’m proud of everything you do.” he looks down at you, and discovers that now you have turned to partly lay on your back, and are looking at him. finally. you’re listening, as well. “this won’t happen again. you know what i’ll do, love? i’ll make a list of all the little flat errands, just small reminders, and stick them all around the place so that i never forget.” he tells you, and you nod in response, more tears of gratefulness filling your eyes. you believe him. “maybe i’ll grow out of my habit and start doing them on the spot, who knows?” steven says and even laughs.

you can’t help but chuckle quietly, too, and you wipe your eyes clean of tears and sit up now. steven’s hand draws away from your skin, to which you both nearly pout. but with the plan you have in mind, you know that’s not gone long. “can you just… come here?” you ask him and steven nods without a second’s hesitance. he shuffles across the bed to be closer to you, until he’s sitting right in front of you, inches away from you. you lay one of his hands on your thigh again, and you give him a look. steven smiles at that gesture, smiles quite cheekily and adoringly, and your heart melts at the sight. marc was right, you really do love steven caressing soft figures into your skin.

“you’re not mad at me anymore?” steven asks, that in-love smile still on his features. your hand rests on his shoulder as you look into his eyes, look across his slightly dishevelled hair and his ever-so-beautiful brown eyes.

“well, i still am a little bit,” you tell him and his smile fades a little, “but you’ve made up for it.” you say with an assuring nod, and steven’s smile returns, now being one of relief, barring some of his crazily-neat teeth to you in the process. you adore those kind-of smiles on him. “and i know i can trust your promises now,” you say, and now steven nods at you. inch by inch, you scoot your nose and lips closer to his, melting into the soft caresses of his thumb on the skin of your thigh, not being able to hold off anymore, until your lips are actually touching and you both connect in a loving kiss.

“i love you,” steven mumbles against your lips as he carefully circles his arm around your waist, “and i’m still sorry. i mean that, and i will say that until you’re not mad at me anymore.”

you chuckle lowly, carding a hand into steven’s hair, wanting to tease him as you know how much he loves it when you do that. “i’m always mad at you, silly,” you tell him in return, now pulling away after one last kiss that you lay on his lips, and now you caress his cheek with your hand, “for the best of reasons.” you assure and softly bump your forehead with his. you close your eyes as you do so, but steven keeps his open to just look at you. “i love you, steven, i really do,” you tell him, “hope you don’t doubt that for a second. i wouldn’t be so mad if i didn’t love you. and i definitely love you more than this… argument or whatever.”

steven nods against you. “i know,” he says, “i know you do. and i know i’m a mess.”

“hey, no—” you already start to shake your head, and you even move a hand down to his chest, where you lay it sprawled out across the button-up covered flesh.

“no, it’s true, i am a mess,” steven sticks to his own, “we both know it, and, well… it stupid that it gets in the way of our relationship. i’ll do everything i can to prevent that. i’m gonna try really hard, love.”

you smile. “steven, i’m not perfect, either,” you say and lift your head up to look at him, “we’re a team, remember?” you look straight into his eyes, and see him agreeing, nodding his head. “thank you. for trying, for everything.” you tell him, and he nods again. before he can lean in to give your lips another kiss, sphynx unexpectedly jumps onto the bed with a sound that she uses to announce her presence, startling you both. but you chuckle at her arrival and pet her back as she circles between you both, purring and making all kinds of pleasant noises.

“hello there, little lady,” steven says sweetly to her and scratches just below her chin, knowing the cat’s sweet spots as well as yours. you chuckle and wipe your tears away again, “get up to any trouble while your parents are talking?” he asks, leaning down close to sphynx. you lean back in the bed, your back against the headboard, as you just watch steven with sphynx. “i think it’s bed time, little lady.” steven whispers to her and then sends a wink your way before getting up from the bed to take his clothes off.

after a quick trip to the bathroom and changing into his pyjamas, steven’s in bed with you again and snuggling close to you, his arms around you, his nose and lips in your hair, pulling you closer, closer, closer. but sphynx wants to always get the last word, always wants to be in the middle of everything. and when she starts pushing herself to lay between the both of you, making your postures quite uncomfortable, you both just burst out laughing.

“guess we know the real master of the house now,” steven concludes, and makes you laugh with those words. you just tug sphynx in a more comfortable position for the three of you, close your eyes and rest your head against steven’s chest. you’re still so thankful for him showing initiative and making up for wrong doings, that you fall asleep with a smile on your face.

permanent tag-list: @gabiatthedisco​​​​​​@v0idbella​​​​​​@works-of-fanfiction​​​​​​@ur-gunna-h8-ths​​​​​​@betweenloveandfire@but-legendsneverdie​​​​​​@deardeacy​​​​​​@thewinchesterchronicles@mavieesttriste16​​​​​​@intrrverted​​​​​​@the-freak-cassie-131​​​​​​​​​​​​​@gasbomb69​​​@xoxobabydolls@corallyink
