#moonlight lovers aaron

Here is a sexy Aaron from that special series “In the water at night”Enjoy!Shop ♥ Commissions ♥ Ko-FHere is a sexy Aaron from that special series “In the water at night”Enjoy!Shop ♥ Commissions ♥ Ko-F

Here is a sexy Aaron from that special series “In the water at night”




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[PRE-ORDER ON MY SHOP - HERE ]Shop ♥ Commissions ♥ Ko-FI ♥ TwitchThis Item is a PRE-ORDER and the pr



This Item is a PRE-ORDER and the prints will be shipped out the third or fourth week of January 2021.

Take home these sexy babies home or they will get cold!


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And… The Moonlight Boys. Because, after all, that’s why we are all here!!!

Eventhough no one asked my opinion about any of them, I’m gonna give it to u anyway.


My dearest aristrocrat. I must say He is my favourite one (at the moment, because it’s too early to think that beemov is not going to ruin Ethan, eventhough I have a feeling that the doctor will be my fav anyway :’)). He was a surprise for me, because when I first saw his character design (like a century ago) I thought that He was going to be like Lysander, which is fine, but I’m not a soft boy player.


He is the one that I feel most attached to. Idk why, but I feel like I need to protect him at all costs. I think it is because he is the one that grew the most of all the routes that are finished. Like He started as the fuckboy but he realizes very soon that he truly cares about us. And his demonish nature. And his sister. Omg, I deeply think that Vlad’s and Bel’s routes are the ones that I enjoyed the most. Probably because these are the only ones that don’t have that goddamn ex trope.


Never really felt that hype about him. His route is a complete incoherent mess that I couldn’t care less about. And the thing that I dislike the most is Eloise’s attitude throughout all the history, same that what is happening in Raph’s route, but we’ll get to that. And that neutral ending???? Like, are you fckin kidding??? I ended up liking Constance and Ethan’s rage, tbh.


This route started like REALLY good. I could tell the new writer’s style and I really liked it. It was soft, belivable, and made me feel like I was there, in the mannor. And suddenly… I lost interest. I think it is because eventhough I liked a lot Aaron (not gonna forget that he was the first one that explained to us inmmediatly all the chalice stuff AND he was very very very gentle with his first bites) i’ve never felt that he loved Eloise. I felt that she was his close friend, with a special bond, but not a lover. Idk, maybe it’s just myself. I also feel that his neutral ending is hilarious, not because of what happend but because of the contrast with Ivan’s (one you get a polyamorous relationship with the ex and the other he leaves u because he thinks he has feelings for his bestfriend. And both are supposed to be neutral endings. WTF??)


Again, I never really felt the hype about him, but I can get why people did. He was THE soft boy. The one that stayed truly gentle throughout EVERY SINGLE ROUTE. And then, in his own… I can’t even find the words. I felt that beemov had a great chance to explore a character that has a mental illness as it is depression but, again, wtf??? Same as Ivan, Eloise’s attitude is the thing that has bothered me the most. At first I thought, what is that fucking obsession and romantization THAT fast??? Then I truly, TRULY felt that beemoov was gonna fix it, because I was ABSOLUTELY convinced that Raph was mind controlling Elo. And I think that we all were. And i was like, oh, okay, it has an explanation. BUT NOOOOOO, why make the effort to write about that, which is actually interesting, when we can add once again the ex trope but hey, this time she is dead, it’s actually different. And I’m not even commenting the bad ending. I’m truly not.


Ahhhhhhh my beloved bitch. I’ve been waiting for you A LOT. I can’t have quite an opinion about him yet, because I’ve only played chapter one but… GODDAM WHAT A CHAPTER. This route is going to be a rollercoaster, I hope it is kinda like Beliath’s and IM PRAYING THAT TEHY DON’T ADD A FUCKING EX. Please, just for once. I also really enjoyed his appareances in other routes (except Ivan’s because his anger was never about him was never really explained) that chess game in Raphael’s, the booty slap… And can we talk about when Elo and Ethan will have that bang scene???? That shit is going to be awesome, I just know it. So he is my kind of shit, kinda like Castiel in High School but in hardcore level. I’m dying to play all the route and see his little icy heart getting opened by an Eloise that I have the feeling is going to be, once again, the salty chalice we all love.
