
ConvallariaCeramic amulet with MoonStoneCollection “Herbal Wisdom” My instagram: https://www.instagrConvallariaCeramic amulet with MoonStoneCollection “Herbal Wisdom” My instagram: https://www.instagr


Ceramic amulet with MoonStone

Collection“Herbal Wisdom”

My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milda_miaraku/

FB page: https://www.facebook.com/MiAraku-332429003986796/

Photo credits: https://www.facebook.com/RasaPupelytePhotography/

Stone’s properties:

Moonstone is strongly linked to the moon. The most powerful result of moonstone is that of calming the emotions. Moonstone is excellent for clearing tension from the emotions and the abdomen.


*Excellent for assisting the digestive and reproductive systems.

*Stimulates the pineal gland and through this is able to balance the hormones.

*Has a very powerful effect on the female reproductive system.

*Can eliminate toxins and fluid retention.

*Can ease degenerative conditions of the skin, hair eyes and other organs such as the pancreas and liver.


*Opens the mind to sudden, irrational impulses.

*Promotes inspiration, gentleness and compassion.


*Encourages inner strength and growth and can protect the wearer if they are of a sensitive nature.

*Calm emotions without repressing them.

*Provides deep emotional healing and can assist with disorders that are related to stress.


*Is excellent for meditation and for understanding oneself.

*Enhances intuition.

*Cleanse negativity and chakras

*Promote spiritual understanding.

*Can be used to enhance psychic abilities and clairvoyance.

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