#more than a fling



Title: More Than a Fling: Stays in Vegas

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 4,034

Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Alcohol Use, Fluff, Smut

Summary: After spending the summer in Lawrence for a so called “change of scenery”. Y/N has found herself in a healthy, loving relationship with Dean Winchester. Her rocky relationship with her father, Bobby Singer has just started to blossom. But leaving one life and starting to build another isn’t as easy as it seems. Everyone has a past and secrets they don’t want others to know.
One chapter ends. Another begins.

Summer Fling-More Than a Fling

A/N: This journey is just getting started!! If you would like to continue, please help ya girl out and tell her (me) what you think :) Feedback is my favourite!! 

This is purely based off of a research. I have never been to vegas so I know nothing about what it’s actually like there. 



 You woke up to a pounding sensation in your head. It had been a while since you had drank that much and even longer since you had felt a hangover. The hotel room filled with the morning light, irritating your eyes.

 You felt the bed shift next to you, earning a groan to escape out of your mouth. You thanked whatever higher power that made sure your hangover didn’t feel like you were going to throw up.

 “Mornin’ sweetheart,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple.

 “Mhh, Dean,” you mumbled.

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when i saw a new part it was the highlight of my day


Title: More Than a Fling: Fresh Start

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 4,422

Warnings: Slight Angst, Fluff, Mentions of Abuse.

Summary:  After spending the summer in Lawrence for a so called “change of scenery”. Y/N has found herself in a healthy, loving relationship with Dean Winchester. Her rocky relationship with her father, Bobby Singer has just started to blossom. But leaving one life and starting to build another isn’t as easy as it seems. Everyone has a past and secrets they don’t want others to know.
One chapter ends. Another begins.

Summer Fling

A/N: Here is Part 1. I hope y’all will enjoy this sequel series that over 400 of you voted for! I think it’s safe to say I’m a little nervous about this. Feedback is greatly appreciate and what will keep this series going! 




 A layer of sweat covered your body as you twitched in the sheets that rested over you. Your eyes flew open as a panicked feeling took over your body. Your heart was pounding in your chest, you felt shaky and like every nerve in your body was on edge. The room was dark and you took in a deep breath trying to get yourself under control when you realized where you were. You were home. Dean was sleeping right next to you. You were safe, you repeated to yourself. Dean wasn’t going to let anything happen to you. Dean wasn’t going to let Gordon hurt you if he had anything to say about it.

 You slipped out of the bed, your feet touching the carpet floor as you patted your way out of the bedroom. You didn’t want to bother Dean in the middle of the night, not about this. He just got you back after all. He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in a week and you didn’t want to ruin another for him. You didn’t want him to worry about you, not more than he already was.

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i know this has been out a while already but since life has calmed down for a couple seconds i’d like to come back and say i absolutely looooveeedd summer fling & im super excited to see where more than a fling will go!!! everybody go read this & send @supernatural-jackles lots & lots of love !!!!!!
