#dean winchester one shot



Bump into “Daniel” In a bar and get drunk after a nasty fight with Dean. Very tiny bit of smut, not very descriptive and quite short. Between * if you want to avoid. 6 months earlier

“Dean please, I haven’t seen you in so long. I miss you.” You cried down the phone.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t come over for at least another 2 weeks. I’m in the middle of a case.”

This relationship started so amazing, a gorgeous man with so much wit and charm. Somehow managed to fall for you as quickly as you fell for him. He took you places, road trips, spoiled you. You loved him so much. But it became so hard once his brother dropped out of college to go help Dean find their missing father. You loved Sam, he was a great man. But since he came back on the scene Dean became so busy and your relationship suddenly because very long distance.

“I’m sorry y/n but there’s nothing I can do.” He apologised.

“Hey Dean baby..” you heard a woman’s voice in the background of Dean’s call, wherever the hell he was.

“Who was that??” You yelled.

“What? No one!”

“I can’t do this Dean. Maybe we should just end it.” 

“Maybe we should.” 

“Fine.” You hung up the phone and chucked it across your apartment.

You screamed in frustration. This is not how you wanted things to end up. Dean proved to be so loyal time and time again, but hearing a girls voice in the background of his call when you hadn’t seen him for almost 2 months and he insisted it would be longer just pushed you over the edge.

“Fuck him.” You grumbled to yourself as you dried your tears. You texted a girlfriend on the way out the door, and started walking to a bar a few streets over.

You landed at a bar stool around 15 minutes later. Your friend had replied to your text, she wasn’t available tonight.

“Great” you mumbled sarcastically to yourself.

“Something wrong sweetheart?” The man beside you turned around to you. He was older, but sexy as hell nonetheless. He had dark hair and scruff, dressed in a black coat, he looked pretty mysterious.

“Yes. My boyfriend- ex boyfriend rather, is an asshole. My best friend is a let down and I REALLY need a drink.” You sighed and put your head in your hands.

“Waiter? Beer for this gal please. She REALLY needs a drink” the man ordered while poking fun at you, somehow managing a small snicker from you.

“Thanks” you smiled “But I’m definitely not going to be good company tonight.” You took your beer from the bartender and took a swig. Your phone was buzzing in your pocket, you took it out and sighed.

“That the ex?” The man asked.

“Yep.” You hung up and put the phone back in your pocket. You thought about the girl on the phone, and you just got so mad. How could he do that?

“What’s your name by the way? I’m y/n” you put your hand out to the man. He paused for a moment.

“Daniel. Good to meet you.” He gave you a proper smile for the first time, and it weirdly reminded you of Dean. You loosened up a bit after that.

Around three hours went past and you and Daniel were having the most fun. You had a round of pool, a few more beers and too many shots.

You were coming back from the bathroom to the small two seater table you and Daniel were now sitting at when you tripped, he reached back from his seat and barley grabbed you in time.

“Embarrassing!” You said between laughs. He chuckled at you and stood you back up.

“Let me walk you home” he said. You agreed, That would be a good idea. You could barley see straight. You wandered through an alleys as a short cut with Daniel, arms linked for support as you wobbled around in your drunken state. 

He definitely wasn’t sober either, but he was far better at holding his alcohol than you apparently. You took a little wobble, catching yourself with the free arm. Daniel laughed at you as you stood back up straight. You leaned your back against the wall, taking a minute to steady yourself after a fit of giggles. 

“This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” You smiled at him. Daniel closed the gap between you both and gazed into your eyes. You looked up, he was taller than you, at least 6 foot. He was a gorgeous man, but his eyes were so sad. He had scars and marks over his face that told a story. He had a hard life, and here he was ended up drinking with you and making you laugh all night. You clearly had a type.

“Me too. I haven’t loosened up this much in years. Thank you, y/n.”

He slowly brought his lips to you and pressed them against yours very gently. For such a rugged man to be so delicate was a shock, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless. You lingered for a very brief second. Dean and you had JUST broken up. Was it OK to move on so soon? On the other hand, you were single, and a handsome older man was interested in you. There was no reason you couldn’t have a little bit of fun. 


You kissed him back, rougher than him. Immediately opening the kiss with your tongue and grabbing a the back of his neck to sink him into you. He matched your energy with a fist full of hair and the other hand around your waist gripping you tight. One of your hands slowly slid down his body and caressed his boner to let him know you wanted more. With a smirk he popped open your jeans and slid his hand down under your under wear. You gasped at his cold hand against your flesh, but he gently shushed you as his fingers made contact with your folds. Your kisses got sloppier as his finger slid it’s way into your opening, followed by a quiet gentle moan from you. He started to move it around in circular motion as his kisses made their way to your neck, but all of a sudden something in your head just switched. You weren’t ready to move on, you weren’t even sure if you were ready to leave Dean at all. 


“I’m sorry” you whispered sharply. You pushed Daniel off you and buttoned up your jeans. 

“Hey I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s not you. Sorry” You apologised and left the alley, walking a few more minutes before you reached your apartment. 

As you fumbled to get your keys out of your pocket, you heard a noise inside your apartment. You realised the door wasn’t locked, so you peered it open slowly. You entered cautiously, trying to recall everything Dean had taught you about self defence when from the door way you noticed a figure on your couch.You edged to the kitchen counter to your right and grabbed the knife that was laid there. As you inched towards the figure and raised the knife above your head, the man jumped from the couch and spun round as your screamed. 

“Fucking hell y/n were you going to stab me?” 

“DEAN!” you yelled. He was the last person you expected to see in your apartment right now.

“You scared the shit out of me.” You sighed lowering the knife and fumbling to the wall switch to turn on the light. 

“Come here” He walked towards you, arms out ready for your embrace but you stopped him. 

“Wait stop. Why are you here?” It made no sense. He said he couldn’t be here for at least two weeks, hadn’t been over in almost 2 months, but now when you guys break up, he suddenly able to come round within a few hours? 

“That was a pretty bad fight, y/n. I was worried if i didn’t see you soon, we’d break up.” He explained. As soon as the words left his mouth, you instantly felt your gut twist. A mixture of the alcohol, anxiety and guilt had you barley able to stand. Your knees went to gave in, but Dean caught you before you dropped. He pulled you into a hug as he held you. 

“I thought we did break up..” You whispered, as a tear escaped your ducts. 

“Hey” He shushed you. “You think I’d let you go that easy, huh?” 

Dean guided you to your room and laid you on the bed. He took off your shoes and jacket and put the covers over you. 

“I’ll be on the couch, we can talk in the morning when you’re sober.” He smiled before leaving the room and closing the door. 

You didn’t mean to betray him, but that didn’t change the fact that you did. This caring man drove the whole way from another state, left in the middle of a case which is something he never does. When only minutes ago you had another mans hand down your trousers. You cried into your pillow, ridden with guilt. You had to tell him the truth in the morning.

S1 Dean and Sam looking for their dad, who turns out to be a man you had crossed paths with before under a false name.

There is some smut, as this blog usually doesn’t ave smut I’ve put it between asterisks * so you can skip if needed. It’s not very long nor descriptive to avoid taking up much of the story.

“Hey Babe” Your boyfriends grumbly voice was music to your ears as you picked up your cell phone. Between looking for John and Sam’s visions, Dean had been busy and didn’t have much time to spend with you lately. You completely understood, but you still missed him greatly when he wasn’t around.

“Look, we have a major lead on Dad and it’s in your town, can me and Sammy crash for a few days until we figure it out?” Dean asked.

“Yes of course, no question.”

“Thank you. We’re only a couple of hours away. See you soon. Love you.” Dean hung up the phone and you immediately jumped off the couch and started to tidy up your apartment. You made up the spare bedroom for Sam, making sure to light a candle and spray some pillow spray to have to place nice for him. He was used to sleeping in shitty motels, and on the rare occasion that Sam stayed with you, Dean always points out how late he sleeps in compared to normal. Mostly because hes comfortable and in a bed that doesn’t have springs poking out of the mattress, but you like to go the extra mile to look after your boyfriends little brother whenever you can. After all he does for the world, he deserves it.

You headed to your own bedroom and gave it the same treatment, new sheets, nice candles lit, hopefully let the eldest Winchester have a bit of comfort himself whilst he stays at yours. You try to make him feel safe when he’s here, like it’s a home to him. You hoped in the shower and cleaned yourself up, dressing yourself in a sexy nightdress, draping a dressing gown over your body for modesty while Sam is about. You went to the kitchen and started preparing the boys a nice home-cooked meal, which is something they didn’t get very often. Just as the food was ready, they walked through the door.

“Hi!” You skipped over to them, always happy to see them both in one piece. You gave Sam a quick hug and told him to get stuck in to the food. Dean cam trudging in behind with the bags and dropped them at the door when he seen you running at him, his strong arms caught you and wrapped around your body, squeezing you tight and making you feel so safe. It had been almost 2 months since you seen him last, your bodys ached for eachother. To be held in his arms right now felt like the best feeling in the world. He set you down and planted a kiss your lips gently, making you melt.

“I made you dinner” You whispered to him, he pulled your body in tight to his own and nibbled on the tip of your ear.

“It can wait” He whispered in your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You moaned slightly and he chuckled, amused by what he was already doing to you before he had even got started. He picked you up and threw you over is shoulder, irrupting a little scream out of you.

“Put your headphones on Sammy!” Dean chuckled as he walked past his brother towards the bedroom, who had noting to say except a playful scoff and the rolling of his eyes as he dug into his food.


Dean opened the bedroom door and threw you down on the bed, your dressing gown falling open as you landed, he admired your body in the black lacy nightdress.

“Look at you all dressed up for me.” He bit down on his lip, as he kicked his boots off and crawled over to you. He spread your legs and positioned himself on top of you, pressing his body against yours and started kissing you neck. You pulled his flannel off his shoulders and chucked it on the floor. You grabbed his face and kissed him, your tongue parting his lips and meeting his as he deepened the kiss. Your hand found its way to his boner in his jeans where you caressed it, before making your way to the buttons on his jeans and pulling them open.

His hand hiked up your nighty and played around between your legs getting you ready for him, as you tugged his boxers off him. You gently jerked his dick as you guided it towards your opening. He slid in slowly as you held on to his biceps, wincing slightly at the size.

“Good girl” He smirked as you adjusted to his size and started to lightly thrust your hips. One hand on your bed frame propping himself up, the other was on your hip, his finger tips dug in deep as he stopped your movements and took over.

As he thrusted inside you hitting your G-spot you felt yourself start to grip around his cock as the pressure built up, you dug your nails into Dean’s shoulders and couldn’t old your moans in any longer.

“Yes baby.” Dean encouraged you as his hand found it’s way to your clit, rubbing it to help your orgasm along. You screamed as you reached your came on his dick, your pussy tightly gripped it which pushed him over the edge, and with a few more thrusts made him cum inside you as he groaned in your ear.


He landed beside you panting, and after a brief moment his gaze found you.

“I missed you so damn much” He said whilst sloppily kissing your lips, before cuddling into your chest and falling asleep.

“Y/n? Dean?” Sam pounded on your door in the morning time, waking you both up. Dean jumped out of bed immediately, threw on his jeans and was at the door before you had even sat up. Hunter reflexes. He opened the door and his body relaxed when he seen Sam wasn’t in any danger.

“I just got a call from another hunter who swears they just seen Dad heading into a warehouse, about 10 minutes from here.” Sam explained.

“Shit” Dean grabbed his t shirt off the floor and yesterdays flannel, picking it up from where you had dropped it the night before. You had jumped out of bed in shock, still in your lacy nighty but not really caring at this point, you knew how long they had been waiting for this, this was massive. You didn’t know what to do or say but Sam and Dean had been searching for their dad for so long, you were dating Dean for over a year and hadn’t even met him yet.

“I think I know the one” You said.

“Get your clothes on, were leaving” Dean said as he rushed out the door. You rummaged through your drawers and quickly threw on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, along with a pair of boots. You piled your hair into a messy pony tail and rushed out to the car were Sam and Dean were waiting.

You Directed dean the whole way there, he managed to make it there in just over 5 minutes. They armed up, not knowing what was inside the warehouse along with their dad but that wasn’t going to stop them. With shotguns in their hands and you tightly tucked behind Dean where you were told to stay at all times, the boys entered the warehouse. The sounds of screams and chanting in a foreign language met your ears as soon as you stepped inside. The three of you quietly moved towards the room where the noise was coming from, and Dean slowly opened the door. In the room was a limp body tied to a chair and a man stood near it.

“Dad?” Dean whispered. He wasted no time in storming over to him, and stood right in front of him for a brief moment before his father pulled him down into a hug. Sam followed behind with tears in his eyes and hugged him too. You waited by the door way not wanting to get in the way, mainly looking at the body in the middle of the room. That was until you heard John call your name. You looked up at him and had a proper look at him for the first time and when your eyes met, the colour drained from your face and your eyes widened. You felt sick to your stomach as you realised who the man in front of you was.

“Daniel..” You whispered to yourself. You had to turn away from him, the ache in the pit of your stomach from seeing him again was making you want to vomit. You heard Dean calling your name, but it seemed like it was faint noise in the distance despite him being a few feet away.

“I’m sorry” you whispered as you jogged out of the warehouse away from Sam, Dean and the man you had once cheated on Dean with, who turned out to be their father.

Highly requested part 2 to Mine first. Read Part One here. There will be a part 3 eventually of the aftermath!

Your windshield wipers were wiping away the torrential rain but your vision remained blurred from the tears. You were driving down a highway, not sure where your end destination was but you knew you had to get away from that roadhouse.

Falling for Dean was something you didn’t really want to happen. You knew how his lifestyle was, how he moved around so much and how his life is always at risk. You knew how much he felt he had to always put his brother in front of himself which would include him dying for Sam if needed. You knew he hadn’t had a real girlfriend in years, nor was he the typical “boyfriend type”. You knew he drank a little too often. You knew of his scamming, hustling and generally unethical forms of money making. You knew a lot about this man that told you that you shouldn’t fall for him, to move past him and find someone else, but you couldn’t. Because along with all those things, you also knew how pure his love was. How kind and considerate he was. How he treated you with respect and would never put you in any type of situation where you would get hurt emotionally or physically. You knew he was real, honest, and wouldn’t fuck you over. Except right now, as you fled from the bar where another woman had just kissed him, you weren’t so sure. Maybe this is just something you got wrong, and you should’ve stayed away from him. 

You could hear your phone ringing, but decided to ignore it again. You saw a lit up motel sign just up ahead, 

and pulled in. You parked the car questionably in your tipsy state, as you booked a room. The musty smell and mouldy walls didn’t bother you as you dived on the bed and kicked off your boots, ready to sleep. Loud bangs woke you up. You looked at the clock, barley visable in your drunken, groggy state. 2.30.

“Open up, it’s me” Deans voice shouted. 

You dragged yourself off the bed and opened the door. He pushed himself in, the pouring rain gushing behind him. He was soaking wet, nearly shivering. God knows how long he’s been out there.

“Look I don’t know what you saw, or what you thought you saw, but I swear to god I did nothing” He said. So much for small talk. 

“I saw her kiss you. She told me to back off, stay away from you.” 

“Baby” He guided you to the bed and sat side by side with you. He placed his hand over yours that was resting on your lap. You were going to pull away, but you didn’t. You knew deep down this was all her, but you wanted to hear him say it. He looked deep into your eyes, you let him continue. 

“I have not or will not ever want anything to happen between me and Jo. I admit, I did know she had a crush on me. But I didn’t think anything of it, I didn’t think it was serious. If I’m honest I tried to ignore it because it was so weird because she’s more like a little sister to me.” 

“I don’t know” you grumbled as you stood up. He was saying exactly what you wanted to hear, he was confirming everything you thought. You knew he wasn’t a bad man, he was proving he was honest and trustworthy, like you knew he was. But something in your gut was telling you to bail. This was too much. One of his closest friends has feelings for him and in turn hates you, that could never work out. 

“What’s wrong?” He mirrored your actions and followed you to the small kitchen area where you were leaning against a counter. 

“She’s just so close. If this was a girl in a bar who I didn’t have to ever see again, I’d be laughing. But she’s so close. This is a real issue and it’s just something else added on to the list of things that makes this with us so hard.” 

Dean paused and looked at you, confusion painted on his face.

“What?” He whispered. He took a small step back away from you with a look of worry painted on. He searched your face for answers, looking into your eyes, but you had to look away from him to let out the tears.

“You are an amazing man Dean, and to be honest.. i love you.” You confessed for the first time. Right as he was about to reciprocate, you cut him off. 

“But this life is crazy and I just think that this will never end well. I wish you weren’t so great so that this was easier to do.” Your tears flowed down you cheeks. Dean came back towards you and grabbed your arms, his own eyes starting to tear up too which is something you’d never thought you see. 

“Baby don’t do this” He pleaded. He started to place small kisses on your cheeks, you let him for a moment but had to snap back to reality. This was over. 

“I am so sorry”. You pushed passed him and headed to the door. With your hand wrapped around the handle you looked back once more before leaving, and locked eyes with him. He’d let a single tear escape as he looked at you, then turned his back to you while wiping it away. 

Hi! Can you do an imagine where Dean and Sam comes back to find the reader possessed. And Dean is willing to do anything to save the reader because he loved her. And some fluffy after care? Thanks!

Hi! Can you please do a Dean x reader where the reader comes back from Hell and she sees Dean and he’s happy to see her, but she’s acting distant and cold after what happened to her in hell, but he convinces her how much he loves her and they decide to pick up where they left off in the romantic relationship they had before the reader died? Can it be kind of angsty but fluffy at the end? Thank you so much!

Combined these 2 requests. This one is a bit shorter, but hope you enjoy anyway.

It was your first hunt since you’d came back from hell. Tension was thick in the air for multiple reasons. One; You’d changed, the boys knew it and could do nothing about it. Two; you were on the way to kill the demon that took your life and got you sent to hell in the first place. And Three; you had decided to end the relationship with Dean that was blooming before you went to hell. All that was on your mind right now was revenge. When you didn’t have anything to focus on your mind wandered, and remembered things about hell that you just couldn’t bare to think about.

The breaks were slammed on in the car jolting you forward. You peered out the window, eyes tracing the warehouse where the demon had been working out of for the past 3 days.

You were scouting out entrances and exits from a distance, while Sam and Dean prepared the weapons bag. Your breath started to get lost in your chest as vengeance filled your body, and all you could see was red. You stormed over to the boys and snatched an angel blade out of Dean’s hand, spinning on your heels and jogging in the opposite direction towards the warehouse.

“Hey!” Dean yelled in a sharp whisper,
“Fuck” he swore, before looking at Sam as they silently agreed with each other to follow you. They chased after you, a short 30 seconds behind you but in that 30 seconds you managed to get grabbed by the demon. He had you with a gun to your head in front of the door for when the Winchester’s would burst through.

“No” Dean cried, pain spread across his face as soon as his eyes met the sight.

The demon cackled, tormenting the boys as he froze them in place and played about with you. He traced the gun up and down your body, dragged it up your torso and paused it between your breasts as he licked his lips.

“Y/n! Back from the dead!” He started the usual spiral of tormenting conversation before the physical harm began. You stared at the demon and didn’t respond.

“How was hell then? I heard you made quite the impression” he chuckled as he looked at the brothers who had confusion painted on their faces. He flung you to the floor and your body skidded across the concrete and up the wall. You were pinned there when the demon caught a random smile, and expelled himself from his meat suit, who instantly dropped to the floor and didn’t flinch. Sam ran to the meat suit and Dean ran to you.

“Dead” Sam pronounced, whilst Dean cradled your shoulders in your hands trying to get a reaction out of you. He screamed at you asking were you alright, and how could you be so stupid. You couldn’t bring yourself to respond. You could hear him, and wanted to tell him you’re fine but your mouth wouldn’t open. You started to laugh uncontrollably, no matter how hard you tried to stop. You flicked your wrist and Sam was thrown into a wall. Dean’s face dropped and he let go of you as he realised what had just happened. You were possessed.

“What a mess up here holy shit!! My god this girl is troubled!!” The demon walked into Dean, forcing him to stumble back on to his heels and you gently pushed him over.

“Oh she’s so in love with you she’s going to hate me for this… oh well!!” The demon grabbed Deans shirt and started punching his face. You tried so hard to take control of your body, you were screaming and shouting and doing everything you could think of to try to expel the demon. But nothing worked.

“Settle down in there!” The demon spoke to you, as you battled with him inside your head.

“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas” Dean started to exorcise the demon in between punches. He screamed out and grabbed Dean’s throat and picked him up, proceeding to choke him.

“omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica” Sam who was pinned to the wall spoke the next lines. The demon screamed and dropped Dean. Cradling your head as it yelled out in pain, it began to twitch.

“Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te.“ The boys spoke together as the demon lost a hold on both of them. You shrieked as the black smoke expelled from you, a sharp burning sensation rushing through your body. The smoke left out the nearest window and you dropped to your knees, tears spewing out instantly.

“I’m so sorry” you repeated to Dean as he crawled on his knees over to you. He caught you as you started to fall down, your arms slumped over his and you just stayed there sobbing, lying in each others arms. After a few moments Sam picked you both up and guilt filled your heart when you saw Sam’s ripped up clothes and limp, and Dean’s beaten bloody face. Your tears continued as Sam brought you both the car, one of you under each arm. The three of you got in and silently drove the nearest motel. Sam dropped you off and left immediately  to get some medical supplies. You attempted to clean Dean up with what you already had.

You blotted a cold wash cloth over his face, he was wincing matching the movements of your hand. He was sat on the bed and you were on your knees in between his legs. He held an ice pack in one hand and alternated it between his busted lip and busted eye. You sat back having done as much as you could with the supplies you had.

“You don’t know how sorry I am” You broke the silence that had been lingering in the air since Sam left.

“I’m sorry. You wouldn’t have needed revenge if I looked after you properly all those months ago” He spoke muffled through his swollen face. You hadn’t discussed it, but you knew Dean blamed himself for your death. He takes the blame for everything, and you could see it in his face anytime the demon was mentioned how sorry he was that he even allowed it to kill you in the first place.

“It wasn’t your fault. You did look out for me. I made a stupid move, that’s what got me killed. And that’s almost what got us all killed tonight. I’ll never forgive myself for putting us in that danger” you confessed, catching your bowing head in your hands, attempting to breathe deeply in order to keep any more tears at bay.

“I know what it’s like to want revenge. You didn’t do it on purpose.” He attempted to comfort you. He had folded over, using his elbows on his knees to prop himself up and keep his ice pack on his face. You picked his face up gently with a finger under the chin, he followed your hand and brought his head up to look at you.

“I’m so sorry. I’m just so fucked up right now.” You apologised.

“Was the demon lying? When he said you loved me”

You paused as you watched Dean search for answers on your face. The demon wasn’t lying, you loved him so much, and you wanted to be with him but hell messed you up so bad you didn’t want to burden him with your problems, which is why you cut things off when you came back.

“He was telling the truth” you whispered, hoping if you said it quietly enough it wouldn’t be real.

“Why are you shutting me out?” He asked, voice cracking, showing you how much it hurt him that you’ve stopped talking.

“Hell messed me up” you said.

“Let me be here for you. It kills to know you’re hurting alone. Please, y/n. I love you too” he ended his sentence planting a light gentle kiss on your lips, just enough for you to know he means it. You grazed his lips not wanting to hurt his injury. He bumped his nose against yours playfully and attempted a little smile, before wincing at the pain a smile caused.

“We can be here for each other” you said, as you kissed the top of his forehead, standing up tall on your knees and wrapping him up in a hug.

Hi, can you do an imagine where you’re a hunter who’s been dating Dean for a while, and he decides to introduce you to Ellen Jo and Ash, and Jo ends up disliking you because she’s jealous that Dean loves you? Thanks!

I wrote Jo quite bitchy so if you’re a Jo stand be ware. Enjoy. 

The door to Harvelle’s bar slammed shut as the Winchester’s yelled their hellos through the joint, trying to grab the attention of Ellen, Jo & Ash. 

“Boys!” Ellen beamed coming out from the back, grabbing two cold beers and placing them in front of the brothers as they planted on to two bar stools beside each other.

“What brings you fellas here then?” Ellen asked, as Jo appeared and pulled up a stool beside Dean, dragging the chair as close to his as possible. She looked up at Dean eyes wide with admiration and lust alike as she awaited his answer.

“I’m meeting up with a girl who I want to introduce you to” Dean explained, positioning himself in a protective manner waiting to defend himself from the backlash. Dean was met with chuckles, sounds of confusion and lots of questions.

“Dean Winchester seeing a girl for more than one night.. what has the world come to?” Ellen poked fun at the man.

“Alright, alright. I know. But I really like this girl ok? I need you to be nice to her because for the first time in my life, I see this one lasting.”

“What?” Jo splurted out, in utter disbelief.

“Took me by surprise too, but I’ve met her and she’s a really nice girl.” Sam explained to the group, settling them down a key.
Dean’s phone rang to interrupt the chat, he picked up, smiling when he saw your name on the screen and stepping away from the conversation to answer.

You were sitting in your car in the yard of the bar, filled with nerves to meet the rest of Dean’s friends. Before he introduced you to Sam you were physically shaking, Sam is his whole world and you knew that before you even got together so you knew if Sam hated you that it would be all over. But he was so receptive and welcoming, happy to have you join them on hunts and enthusiastic to help you learn how to research properly. Hopefully this meeting would go just as well.

Dean left the bar after you explained on the phone how nervous you were, he walked towards your car opening up the door and giving you a hand as you got out. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into a calming hug, kissing the top of your head.

“Hi Babe” he whispered in your ear before playfully biting on it, teasing a giggle out of you.

“Hey don’t, not before going to meet your friends, I’m a bit on edge. Can’t go in horny” you confessed with a giggle.

“Don’t be. They’re great people” He reassured. He gently took your hand and intertwined his fingers in between yours, giving you a comforting squeeze before leading you into the bar. You spotted Sam straight away and his smile as he nodded his head at you put you at ease a bit. A series of “hello’s” and “how are you’s” came flying your way as Dean proudly told everybody your name.

“Hi everyone” you spoke shyly, Dean let go of your hand to put his arm around your waist to pull you into side hug, then lead you to the bar stools and sat you down. You were served a beer by Ellen and started to get to know everybody.

About an hour had passed and you had settled down majorly. Dean was right, everyone was nice and you felt so welcome. From all but one. Jo had been grabbing every opportunity to one up you or make a snide comment. It was very off putting whilst you were trying to get to know Ellen and Ash, and bond a bit more with Sam. To have to pretend that you can’t hear someone try to put you down was difficult, but you managed for Dean.

“Come here” Dean stood up from his stool as he finished the last swig of his beer, he walked you around the corner where no one could see.

“Keep it PG guys!” Sam called after you, erupting laughter and Dean sighing in embarrassment.

“I know what she’s doing, she can be a bit cold to new people. Don’t stress” Dean explained to you, you met him with a look of defeat prompting a tender kiss to your forehead.

“I think Ash and Ellen are ok with me, 2 outta 3 ain’t bad” you tried to look on the bright side of the situation.

“She’ll warm up” Dean promised. He smiled at you trying to put you at ease. Grabbing on to the collar of his shirt, you lifted yourself up to reach the lips of your boyfriend, sinking yourself into a kiss, taking advantage of the little bit of private time you probably would have all night. He reciprocated by grabbing the small of your back and pulling you in tight to his body, with the other hand on the back of your neck. His tongue ran into your mouth and your hands raised up to his hair forcing the connection even deeper.

“Ew” Jo scoffed as she walked around the corner. Your kiss broke and you looked down at your feet while wiping your mouth.

“Dean. Can you help change this barrel please?” She asked, following an enthusiastic yes from Dean who was always happy to help. He walked towards the back and you took the chance while it was just you and Jo to find out what was wrong.

“Hey” you stopped her in her tracks.
“Have I done something?” You asked curiously. She rolled her eyes at you, and took a step closer.

“He was mine first.” She whispered low and quiet, not loud enough for Dean to hear in the back room. She then turned and stormed off, leaving you standing there trying to process what she’d just said. Did they have a fling? A relationship? Surely Dean wouldn’t introduce you to an ex without telling you that they were together at one point, so did she have a crush?

“Dean stop!” She giggled playfully from the other room. You walked closer to the back room to see what was going on. You peered through the gap of the semi-open door. Dean was throwing a barrel up on his shoulder.

“Wow you’re so strong” she spoke like a damsel in distress who’d never seen a bit of muscle before. Dean just smirked to himself at the compliment. She walked towards him seductively, he paused in his tracks, barrel still in his grasp. She closed the gap between them, you saw her tilt up towards his lips before you saw what was about to happen you looked away. You were not about to watch another girl kiss the man you were falling in love with.


Dean Winchester:

Sam Winchester:



Title: You Win

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 3,311

Warnings: ANGST, Dean’s a tiny bit of a dick,  Depression, Thoughts of Suicide, Anxiety, Panic Attack, Self- Esteem Issues, Self- Depreciation, Lots More Angst, Mentions of Torture, Minor Fluff

Summary: After being captured by a demon and tortured for a couple of weeks, you were having trouble healing from the aftermath. The physical wounds may have healed but it doesn’t mean the ones on the inside had. The ones telling you that you’re never going to be enough. That you’re better off gone. 

Square Filled: Hurt/ Comfort ( @spnfluffbingo)

A/N: For the haters and the ones who gave up on me. For the ones that made me feel like I wasn’t enough. For the ones who hurt me so bad that I wanted to disappear. For the ones who claimed to be my friend and proved themselves otherwise. This one is for you. 


  You stood in the kitchen, dipping your tea bag into your favourite mug that you had picked up from the gas n’ sip somewhere in Portland a few years ago. It was close to midnight when you last checked your phone. It was hard to tell these days since the bunker had no windows. No natural sunlight got in. You were clad in one of your favourite oversized sweaters and a pair of plaid shorts that barely covered your ass, and a pair of knee high socks. Your typical bed attire for the most part. When you were on the road it was a little different. At home, you were more comfortable. 


Keep reading

Factory setting

Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader

Warnings:language.. an incredibly cheesy ending in my opinion aand that’s it

Word count: 1,309

A/N:idk if I should consider this a drabble or not but it’s just based on a writing prompt I found, so I hope you’ll enjoy (if you do please leave a like or a comment, I’d very much appreciate it)

*I do not own any Supernatural characters and/or gifs I may use*

“Why are you so mean?”

You had been living with the Winchesters for the past few months, and the moment you were all patched up was the exact moment Dean started treating you like shit. Commenting on the way you dressed, commenting on your cooking skills, calling you all sorts of annoying nicknames and the list just goes on and on. You had taken all of it all those months, not bothering to try and figure out why he hated you so much. You had tried that once, in the beginning, didn’t end too well. So you just moved on, happy to know Sam and Cas both had your back, and ignored him for most of the time. You had accepted you would never get a relationship with him like the one you shared with Sam and Cas.

However today you couldn’t take it anymore. It had been a rough hunt on all three of you. And yes, your judgement might’ve been slightly clouded. But it was no reason for him to go off like this. To tell you you had been screwing up their hunts the moment you decided to tag along.

“I dunno, I think it’s just my factory setting, sweetheart.” He responded, a smirk plastered on his face. And you hated it. Oh how you hated him for looking so good, his muscular arms crossed, shoulder pressed against the doorframe. For looking so good despite that sarcastic smirk. Even more, how you hated yourself for thinking about him like that.

You scoffed, shaking your head. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”

He raised an eyebrow at you, his smirk only growing bigger. “Am I now?”

“What did I ever do to you, huh? I came along and you thought ‘oh you know what? Fuck her, let’s just make her life as miserable as I possibly can, I don’t have anything better to do anyways’?”

“And what if I did?”

“What if I… What if I did?” You all but yelled. “You, Dean Winchester, are an asshole. A stupid,” you started walking closer to him, shortening the distance between you two, “arrogant,” only a few steps away from each other, “asshole.” Now merely a few inches away from him, you were stabbing your finger at him, looking up to face those green eyes of his. They were showing no emotion other than amusement. As if he was enjoying the show, waiting for what you were gonna say next.

“You sleep with whoever you want to, whenever you want to. You always just do whatever Dean wants. Shutting people out, not giving a shit about any of us! When are you going to start and give a shit!” You shouted at him, pressing your finger into his chest.

You saw the amusement disappear like a puff of smoke. One second it was there, the next his eyes were darkening as they filled up with pure rage. And he grabbed your wrist, getting your finger out of his chest but not letting go as he responded.

“I give a shit! When are you going to see that? I care a shitload about Sam and Cas. Do whatever I can to keep them save, no matter the consequences for me. I care for every damn person we saved and for every damn person we couldn’t save. And heaven forbid I care a shitload about you!”

“You don’t care about me.” You sneered, although insecurity started seeping through.

“Oh I don’t? Then tell me why I do my best not to hurt you when patching you up, why I always make sure there’s some pie left so you can secretly sneak it into your room, why I try not to drive too roughly when you’re in the car because I know you get carsick if I do so. Why the hell would I do any of that?”

“No. No.” You gulped, suddenly aware of how close your faces were. “You hate me.” You stated weakly. “You have since the moment I set foot in this place.”

“Have I really?”

“Yes! You called me all those names, commented on my cooking, my movies. Everything. And you know I could take all of that. But don’t you dare-“ Your words get lost in your throat as his lips crash against yours, catching you off guard and taking your breath away, your now released wrist falling to your side. His lips feel soft and warm against yours and his hands fit like puzzle pieces around your face.

“I-I didn’t. I mean, I,” he stuttered after pulling away, unsure of what to do next.

“You owe me an explanation, Winchester. A good one.” A whirlwind of emotions was raging inside of you. You were confused, shocked, pissed.. and as much as you hated to admit it happy? Relieved? You had felt something for the older Winchester you didn’t feel for Sam or Cas. It had been easy to write it off as annoyance, or hate even, as he was being such a dick to you. But deep inside you’d known it was something else. Although you sure as hell thought you would never admit that.

“People die around me. Mom, dad, Bobby… hell it’s a miracle Sam’s still here. I couldn’t… The moment I saw you laying there on our first hunt, your gut clawed open, clothes drenched in blood, I decided.. I promised myself, I wouldn’t let it happen again. I refused to let you die on me, even if that meant shutting you out.”

You swallowed. You had seen a lot of sides of Dean Winchester but this sure wasn’t one of them, because Dean Winchester didn’t show emotion. He didn’t let people in. And you certainly hadn’t expected seeing it.

“And it was easy at first, y’know,” he continued, “until you decided to walk around in one of my old t-shirts, made those amazing burgers. I tried to convince myself it was weird and gross but there was nothing I could do about the innocence woven around you. Your gentleness… your.. your light. And before I knew.. it got harder and harder to keep you out.”


“Look, I have no illusions. I get it if you hate me..”

“Dean!” You tried again to interrupt him, but he didn’t seem to hear you, too caught up in his apology, toon caught up in the fear of what you were going to do now. What was going to happen to you now he was no longer shutting you out.

“Hell I would hate me too..”

“Oh for fuck’s sake.” You mumbled under your breath just before taking his face in your hands and pressing your lips against his, connecting for the second time that night. “You’re an idiot, you know that?” You whisper as you pull away, looking him directly in the eye.

“I- What?” Staring wordlessly at you, his eyebrows knitted together and his lips slightly parted. Needless to say the confusion was written all over his face and you could just see his brain struggling to keep up with the current events.

“Let’s just say you hating me made it easier to shut you out on my part as well.” You reply, a grin starting to show on your face.

You see how he slowly connects the dots before a boyish smile breaks through. “But how.. I mean I was-“

“Does it matter? We’ll just have to go from here. We’ll figure it out. We always do. Let’s just start with me figuring out what your real factory setting is.” You winked, suddenly failing to remember everything he had put you through the past few months as you finally embraced the feelings you had been burying.

“I’d be more than okay with that.” Dean wishpered against your lips, smiling, just before putting his hands on your waist and pulling you in again.


Pairing: Dean x reader


Word count:1.5k

A/N: inspired by the soung “Dancing with your ghost” by Sasha Sloan (might wanna check it out while reading this)

*I do not own any Supernatural characters and/or gifs I may use* 

It was one of those nights.

You were stressing too much. Thinking too much. Feeling too much.

So far you’d spent your entire night working on college assignments. The teachers there definitely didn’t go easy on you and with all the hunting you had to keep up with at the same time, you felt like you were already way behind. That’s why you decided to stay in for the night, locking yourself in your room with your laptop, your books and a cup of steaming hot tea to get yourself back on track. Maybe even work a little ahead just to make things a little easier for yourself once another case turns up.

So you handed in assignment after assignment, read and summarized chapter after chapter, you took notes and made cheat sheets for yourself. And at one point, after God knows how many hours, you worked through most of the pile of work that had to be done. The cup of tea still stood on your nightstand. The forgotten liquid now cold and thus, no longer steaming.

Throwing your head back you sigh in relief. You’d been so worried you wouldn’t be able to catch up in time, that combining college and hunting would inevitably lead to nothing but failed exams. Only now, now the weight was lifted, you realized how much it had been  dragging you down.

But now there is nothing left for you to do, you realize how quiet it actually is in the bunker. Suddenly well aware of the fact that you are all alone and that you’d forgotten to put on the music like you usually did to fill the silence. You hear the whirring of your laptop, which has probably been on for way too long, you can hear your own breathing. But most of all you can hear your own voice speaking clearly inside your head.

There is nothing left for you to do to occupy the voices. And they’re running free. Bursting after the suppression they’ve had to endure like only bad thoughts can. And there is nothing you can do to distract yourself, nothing to help you put those bad thoughts back into the dark corner of your mind where you liked them to be. Your school work was done, the bunker clean enough, hell, there isn’t even enough laundry to actually do the laundry.

And you are all alone.

After sitting still staring at your wall for way longer than good for you, you get off the bed. You don’t bother cleaning up the assortment of books that are spread all over your bed, nor do you shut off your laptop. It’d turned to stand-by somewhere in your sitting-session and you have no desire to see your tired face staring back at you in the reflection of the black screen.

You do however grab your phone, shuffling through your songs to find the perfect one as you pad towards the kitchen. You get yourself a glass and grab the first bottle of liquor you can find and then take a seat in one of the armchairs in the library.

Your thoughts are racing, doubts filling you up. You down your first glass in one big gulp, hoping it’ll quiet things down up there, and instantly pour yourself another one. Frustrated you huff, still unable to find a song. To find the rightsong.

You skip one song after another. Too happy, too sad, too fast, not sad enough.

But at one point you find it. As the first tunes of the song start playing you take another sip of your drink, the burn the alcohol leaves in its wake becoming a little less every time you take one, and you close your eyes, listening.

Yellng at the sky
Screaming at the world

“Sweetheart?” A voice interrupts, sounding tired yet a bit worried also. “What are you doing up this late?”

You open your eyes to be instantly met with a pair of green ones. You smile and get up to pull your boyfriend Dean in for a hug, the alcohol slightly slowing your movements down but not having any real effects aside from that.

As you wrap your arms tightly around him you bury your nose in the crook of his neck, inhaling his smell. His smell, a combination of the cologne he always uses combined with gunpowder, instantly calming you down more than the alcohol had been able to so far.

“Everything okay?” he mumbles against your hair while softly rubbing your back. Only now you had him back in your arms you realized how long it had been. How much you’d missed him.

“It’s just a bit loud up here tonight,” you answer, whispering against his skin.

You know, the bad thing about admitting to people that you weren’t doing as good as you liked to pretend you were doing wasn’t actually that you’d have to tell them you weren’t okay. It was the part that followed that you usually wanted to avoid. Because when you tell people you’re not doing so well, the follow up question is usually something like ‘what’s wrong?’. When you tell people you haven’t been fine at all, they expect you to lay it all out for them. To tell them exactly what is going on. And that right there, is what you didn’t want to do.

You were fine admitting. You just weren’t fine with talking about it.

But Dean always understood. He was there during your darkest times. If you wanted to talk he listened, if you didn’t he just held you or helped you in other little ways. He’d cook pizza for dinner, make you your hot chocolate just the way you like it or put on a movie he knew you loved. Even if that happened to be a chick flick .That’s one of the things you loved so much about him. He understood that sometimes you wanted to deal with things on your own.

That’s why you don’t shut him out as soon as he asks; “do you want to talk about it?”

And that’s why he doesn’t push you after you simply shake your head, wrapping your arms around him just a little tighter.

Holding on too tight
Head up in the clouds

The song continues in the background as Dean softly starts to pull away. You look up at him pouting, instantly missing the heat his body provided you with. But as he extends his hand for you to take, your expression shifts to a confused one.

“Dance with me?” he asks, a tender smile on his lips as he looks at you. You’re wearing sweatpants and an oversized shirt that’s most likely his. You have no make-up on whatsoever and you’re positive your hair is a mess, and yet he looks at you like you’re the most beautiful girl he has ever seen in the entire universe. There’s another thing you loved about him. He always made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

You chuckle. “But this isn’t dancing music,” you protest.

But Dean leaves his hand hanging in the air, waiting for you to take it. “Then we’ll make it dancing music,” he shrugs, eyes sparkling.

You shake your head, laughing, but take his hand nonetheless. Allowing him to pull you closer again. You rest your arms around his neck again just as he puts his hands on your lower back. But this time you don’t bury your head in his neck, you keep your head up. Your eyes locked with his. The world around you disappearing as the two of you start swaying in the same, slow, rhythm, following the music.

Heaven only knows where you are now

You stay like that for a while, your bodies pressed together, the same song repeating itself over and over.

You shut your thoughts off at first. Putting all the doubts and the worry away as you focus solely on Dean. And you wish it could stay like that forever. Just the two of you dancing together without a care in the world. There’s no use in worrying about tomorrow if you stay like this forever.

But as the song plays and plays while you keep dancing the lyrics start making more and more sense to you.

How do I love, how do I love again?

How do I trust, how do I trust again?

“Y’know,” Dean then speaks up. “You have to let me go at some point.”

You shake your head and smile, but doubts start creeping in. “I’m alright, Dean,” you assure. But you’re not sure who you’re actually trying to convince. Him, or you.

He doesn’t reply. Just interlocks your hands and lifts them above your head to bring you in for a twirl. And one second he’s there to twirl you around, but once you return to your previous position, a smile on your face, he’s gone and your hand is grabbing in thin air. “Dean?” you choke out, face falling and tears filling your eyes.

And just as you see the first rays of the rising sun the last line of the plays, suddenly sounding louder than it had before.

Every night I’m dancing with your ghost

Lost in the Moment

Pairing:Dean x reader

Warnings:none i guess? angst?

Word count: 4.5k

A/N: I wrote this one a while ago.. tonight I figured why the hell not read it again, edit and correct it and post it? So I hope y’all like it, if you do please leave some feedback <3

Also this is inspired by the song Lost in the moment by NF so you might wanna check that out

*I do not own any Supernatural characters and/or gifs I may use*

“Don’t try to shut me out of this. I’ve been here since day one. I’m just as much a part of this as you are,” you whisper, tears threatening to spill as you discretely study his face in the dim light of the increasing amount of shimmering stars. As if it would be the last time you could ever do so. Trying to take in the freckles dusting his nose and cheeks, the emerald green orbs that once carried so much happiness, so much hope, but now had become dull. Both the hope and happiness now brought back to an eventual spark that would light up his entire face but was usually suppressed by emotions such as grief, pain and sadness.

You had known the Winchesters ever since you were a little girl. When you were six years old a werewolf slaughtered both your parents. You would have shared the same fate, hadn’t John Winchester stepped in right when he did. You didn’t have any family to stay with, so that’s why John decided to take you in until he found someone to take care of you. Luckily he never did.

Soon after he introduced you to his two sons. Sammy being just as old as you, Dean a couple years older. At first you didn’t talk. You were timid and distrustful. But Sammy always offered you his toys and both the boys protected you like you were their sister, allowing you to slowly but surely warm up to them, developing a deep and valuable friendship. Even though you were younger, you became especially close with Dean. As you grew up the two of you happened to share the same taste in music, the same love for food, the same kind of humour.. kind of the same everything. When everyone was sleeping the two of you were often still having deep conversations about life or whatever was on both your minds. You were there after he tracked down his first monster by himself, when he got his first girlfriend. You were there every time John thought he had screwed up and he needed someone to comfort him. To tell him he was so much more than a screw-up. Likewise Dean was there the first time you killed a monster, the first time you had a date, the first time you were able to go to prom and got stood-up. He was there every time you had another nightmare about your parents or when the thoughts in your mind got too much to bear. Yes, you got along great with Sammy and you loved him like a brother, but your bond with Dean just went so much deeper. You trusted him with everything you had in you. And he trusted you.

Or at least after everything you thought he did.

You knew there was something going on. Hell you’d known there was something going on ever since the boys succeeded in killing the yellow-eyed demon. Dean had forced you to sit that one out. When both the boys returned they quickly revealed they succeeded, they killed it. Yet they were both rather vague about what exactly happened that night. But you didn’t miss the stiffness in Sammy’s posture or the concealed worry in Dean’s eyes. You had chosen not to say anything about it back then, but ever since that day you knew there was something both the brothers were keeping from you.

Right after dinner Dean had asked you to come with him for a ride in his Impala. Him asking you such thing was nothing special. The two of you often went for a ride together when you had a day off, just pointlessly driving around, singing along to your favourite songs, talking. Most of the times you ended up in your favourite diner, no matter how far away you initially were.

But as you take your usual spot besides Dean in the passenger seat today things feel different. Loaded. After he starts the engine and sets off neither him nor you says anything. The music softly plays but neither one of you sings along.

It’s like the calm before the storm.

This time you don’t end up in your favourite diner. Dean pulls over and stops the car as the sun is beginning to set. Without a word he gets out and runs around the car to open your door for you. You don’t say anything. You don’t get out or even make an attempt to do so. You look at Dean, your brows furrowed and a puzzled look written on your face.

“Would you get out, please?” he asks, begs almost.

“What are we doing here?”

“I thought we could watch the sunset together.”

“Watch the sunset? Dean-“ you exclaim, tilting your head as your eyebrows shoot up. “We never, never, watch the sunset. That’s something they do in chick flick movies, something you claim to strongly dislike,” you proclaim, making sure to emphasise the ‘never’.


For a short moment you scan his face. Noticing the signs of distress, of sadness, of fear, that you know damn well he’s trying to hide. But you know him better than that. You blindly know all his quirks and habits and when and why they surface. So you nod, shortly, taking his hand and allowing him to help you get out of his car. He shuts the door behind you and leads you to the front of the car, leaning against the hood and motioning for you to do the same.

Without another word the two of you view the sunset, watching the yellow ball of fire change to hues of orange, merging with the sky. You watch as the clouds turn to cotton candy, painting the sky a beautiful mix of blue and violet with the occasional pink and still a few specks of orange here and there. After a while the sun disappears behind the horizon, giving way to a thousand of stars. Only to be seen as the clouds slowly drift away.

“Are you ever going to tell me what happened the night you and Sammy killed the yellow-eyed demon?” you silently ask without taking your eyes off of the sky, not yet daring to face Dean. You weren’t sure why you were bringing it up, or why you were bringing it up at this specific moment. All you knew was that the matter, somehow and for some reason, was nagging at you. “I mean we never really talked about it.”

“There’s nothing to talk about. It happened,” he states blankly.

“Okay.. Then are you going to tell me what’s been bothering you?” you try again, getting more cautious with each word you pronounce. Sometimes, much like you, Dean doesn’t want to help. He doesn’t want to be saved, or more so he’s convinced himself he isn’t worth saving. If you didn’t approach the matter in the right manner or approached it too quickly you knew he would instantly put up his walls and there was no chance they’d be going down again anytime soon.

“It’s nothing. I’m fine,” is all he lets on.

You glance sideways, noting the way he’d crossed his arms in front of his chest, as a protective barrier to guard himself, his eyebrows knitted together and his shoulder feeling tense against yours. He is lying, if it wasn’t obvious already.


“I can’t,” he snaps, turning his body to face you. “I can’t,” he then repeats, softer this time.

You fully turn around now as well, facing him. “Don’t shut me out of this,” you whisper, searching his face for more clues to guide you. To tell you what’s going on so you could help him. So you could save him. “I’ve been here for you during everything, don’t you dare shut me out of this,” you were well aware almost everyone else in your position right now would probably be mad. Mad that he didn’t trust you or hurt even. But you knew the way Dean’s mind worked. He was trying to protect you. Knowing him he had probably postponed this conversation for as long as possible so you’d have to worry about it as little as possible. But he was going to tell you, and he was going to tell you tonight. You just had to show him you cared enough so he actually could tell you.

He sighs in defiance, his shoulders lowering before he nervously licks his lips. “The.. The night we killed the yellow-eyed demon.. Sammy died,” your eyes widen in shock but you don’t dare to interfere, biting back your gasp and watching as Dean struggles to find the words. “The demon, he- he set up this game. This competition. Sam and some other kids like him, only one of them was supposed to make it out alive. When I saw Sammy, when we-, some kid stabbed him. He died.. he died in my arms,” he chokes out, now struggling to fight back tears.

“Oh my god, Dean,” you take a step forward with the intention of hugging him, but Dean takes a step back and shakes his head.


“Dean..” you slowly say as you suddenly realize what exactly this might possibly mean. “What did you do?” he doesn’t reply, just shakes his head again. The tears coming dangerously close to spilling now.

“Did you sell your soul for him?” your eyes wide as you watch him, you can feel your heart beating in your chest, your breath stuck in your throat as your thoughts run a million miles an hour, quickly putting all the pieces together.

“I had to,” his voice cracks. “I had to look out for him. It’s my job.”

“How long have you got?”


“What did you just say?” you blurt out, unable to process the fact that this was his last night with you.

Often when you were reading you’d roll your eyes at the parts where the protagonist’s world was falling apart, the writer often describing it as a ‘shattering of their entire world’. You’d always seen that as bullshit, always figured the protagonist should keep their head up and figure out something to fix it. But right now that’s exactly how you felt. Your world shattered into a piercing mess of a million small pieces that you could never glue back together. You couldn’t keep your head up. There was no solution to this problem.

“I’m sorry, I-” he starts, but you’re quick to interrupt.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner. We could’ve still figured this out, find a way out of this,” you bargain, desperately trying to find a way out of the situation.

“Would you’ve understood?” he asks, looking you right in the eye as he does so.

And that comment stings more than you would like to let on. You’re hurt. Hurt he didn’t trust you. That after years of relying on each other he kept something from you. “Don’t talk to me like I don’t know what you’re feeling. I’ve been there with you back in the beginning. I know the way your mind works, I know how you put on that brave face while at the same time your thoughts are destroying you. I’ve been with you through everything so don’t you tell me I wouldn’t understand.” Dean looks away from you as soon as you start to voice your reply, focusing on something behind you, probably not wanting to hear anything you just said. “And quit looking away when I talk, I’m trying to be honest with you.”

A shuddering breath escapes his lungs. “This would’ve been so much easier if you’d just gotten mad. You should’ve yelled at me,” he murmurs with desperation in his voice.

“Dean,” you sigh, suddenly realising what he was trying to do. “What were you going to do? Tell me you’re fine, hadn’t I asked? And had I asked make sure I got mad? Make sure I’d hate you? Do you really think that was going to make any of this any easier?”

“It might’ve been easier if you just believed I was fine. Or in case you didn’t if you’d yelled at me, cursed me, gotten so mad you would hate me and didn’t even want to see me anymore. At least it would’ve been for you. And I still would’ve seen a sunset with you. Having taken in the setting sun with all its colours, but mostly having taken in the way the colours illuminated the features on your face perfectly. Having the look of complete awe on your face engraved in my memory,” he rambles, trying to explain his motives.

For a moment you’re silent, giving yourself a little bit of time to process what he just said. Though right now is not the moment to figure out what exactly he did or didn’t mean with those last two sentences. While normally your heart would’ve skipped a beat had he let on something like that. Right now you couldn’t allow yourself to let it get to your head. There were more important things to focus on right this instant.

The fact you were never going to see him again after tomorrow, for example.

“I’ve known there was something wrong ever since that night,” you slowly begin. “Telling me you’re fine would never have worked because I know you’re not. And just for the record, I am mad. I’m mad you didn’t tell me, that you didn’t think I’d understand. But no matter what, I could never- I could never hate you.”

For a while not another word is exchanged and neither one of you moves. You want to step closer, wrap your arms around him and pull him as close as your body allows you to. Make sure you memorise the feeling of his body in your arms, the sound of his heart beating against his chest echoing in your ear, the subtle smell of his cologne you can so clearly smell as you inhale. Memorise every single small detail there is about him to remember. But you’re too scared to do so. Scared he’ll step away again or even worse, scared he’ll fade right in front of your eyes.

Meanwhile it has become dark. The sun is now long gone and the few amount of stars you saw before have now been joined by an army of others. The temperature is rapidly decreasing as well, causing you to shiver since you hadn’t bothered to put on a jacket before you left. You wrap your arms around yourself in an attempt to keep yourself warm before you hesitantly speak up. “So what do we do now?”

“I don’t know, “ he shrugs. “This wasn’t exactly how I thought we’d end up so I didn’t really plan this far ahead.”

“Well what’s something you still want to do before.. before- before you know,” you nervously exclaim, unable to say whatever was awaiting him out loud.

“Can we go get a burger?”

You chuckle, unable to suppress your smile at his request. A request that was so incredibly Dean-like. So simple yet so meaningful for both of you. “Of course,” you nod.

With a single look both of you know exactly what your next destination is going to be and as on cue both of you start moving. You towards the passenger’s seat, him towards the driver’s seat. As Dean once again starts the engine, he immediately turns up the heating to warm both of you up, probably mostly you though. The radio softly starts playing one of your favourite songs and your quiet humming soon turns into a full-on sing along for you both. Before you know you’ve reached your destination, the lit neon sign of your favourite diner strongly contrasting against the dark sky.

As soon as the bell above the door marks your entrance you walk over to your favourite spot by the window. You sit down on one of the booths while Dean takes place on the other one in front of you. It doesn’t take long before a servant comes to take your order. She must be new, working one of her first shifts here, since you hadn’t seen her before. Both you and Dean knew everyone who worked there, and they knew you. Everyone always cheerfully chitchatted with you, it was one of the reasons you loved this place so much.

“What can I get you two?” the girl asks, fumbling nervously with her notepad.

“We’ll have two beers and two bacon cheeseburgers, please,” Dean orders for the both of you, smiling sympathetically at the girl.

She quickly writes down the order before returning his smile. “Coming right up.”

Just like the waitress nervously fumbled with her notepad, you fumble nervously with the paper placemat placed in front of you. A bunch of facts explaining why this diner is the best in the area and a few suggested dishes to try printed on there. You don’t even bother to read them anymore, you know them all by heart. The diner was founded in 1955, it almost went bankrupt until they introduced the magic burger that introduced a new public and saved the company. The secret of the burger was garlic, one of the waitresses once told you in passing. You still didn’t know whether she was joking or not. The place is hospitable and clean and child-friendly. A few suggested dishes are the magic burger, of course, the waffles and the grilled cheese sandwich. Dean and you had tried every dish they ever served, but both of you stuck with the bacon cheeseburger.

“What’s going to happen? Do we still have tomorrow or is it over once the clock strikes twelve?” you ask with a small voice, emotion seeping through. It’s not like hiding them will change anything anymore, so why bother?

“I don’t know,” he mumbles, his eyes casting down. “She didn’t say.”

Your head suddenly jerks up as the thought of Sammy enters your mind. Surely he must’ve known, but if these were his last couple of hours here on earth, wouldn’t they want to spend it together? “Why didn’t you stay with Sammy tonight? I can imagine the two of you would want to have a proper goodbye,” you ask him, voicing the concerns running through your head.

“We did, yesterday. He’s known about this for a year and he has done everything to find a way out of this. For his sake I hope now he’s finally accepted there’s no coming back from this.”

“So you’re really just gone after tonight, huh?” you whisper, feeling as if the situation and its consequences are finally catching up with you. As if you’d been numb to it before, but suddenly it found your Achilles heel and took its chances, fully charging at you. Tears are welling up, threatening to spill.

Hush, baby, my dolly, I pray you don’t cry,

And I’ll give you some bread, and some milk by-and-by;

Or perhaps you like custard, or, maybe, a tart,

Then to either you’re welcome, with all my heart,” Dean sings quietly, making sure you’re the only one who can hear him. And despite the events that are eagerly waiting to go down you smile at the recognition of the nursery song Dean always sang for you when going to bed or after you had a nightmare. He’d always quietly mumble it for you, calming you down and allowing you to fall into a peaceful slumber. Sometimes, much like right now, he’d sing it when you were sad. All those years ago your problems were so much smaller. You didn’t have to worry about hell or demon deals. People often told you to enjoy the simplicity you lived in, or at least the simplicity children your age were supposed to live in. They told you that time flies. At the time you didn’t know what it meant, now you had to admit they’d been right.

“I can’t believe you still remember that,” you bring out, still smiling.

“Of course,” he smiles back. “I could never forget it, I sang it for you the first time you had a nightmare and it stuck with me ever since. I also remember how you tried wearing lipstick when you were only ten because you wanted people to think you were just as old as me,” he grins, the memory still seared into his brain.

Your embarrassment paints your neck and cheeks a dark shade of red and you hide your head in your hands, as if trying to hide yourself from the memory. “Stop it!” you bring out while trying to supress the chuckle in your voice.

“Or,” he continues. “how you refused to wear anything that was coloured red, just because..”

“Alright I’ve got two beers and two bacon cheeseburgers for you guys,” the waitress announces, interrupting Dean’s little trip down memory lane. She places the two beer bottles and the plates she’d skilfully carried on the table. “Enjoy your meal,” she smiles before turning around and returning to her place behind the bar. You smile at her before she leaves, your face still showing some degree of redness.

Both you and Dean immediately dive into your food, devouring the burger and the fries that came along with it, washing it down with swigs of beer.

“That was good,” you exhale afterwards, Dean nodding in agreement.

“I’m gonna go pay,” he tells you as he slides out of the booth. As you take a look at the clock you realise why; it’s coming dangerously close to midnight., and neither one of you knows what that’s going to bring. A sudden fear evolves itself deep inside of you. You’d known Dean for almost as long as you remember. You barely had any memories he wasn’t in. And after tomorrow he wasn’t going to be there anymore. The memory of him would slowly fade until you couldn’t even remember the sound of his voice anymore.

As Dean returns you quickly push it down though, not wanting to ruin his possible last moments. He deserves better than that. “Let’s go,” he smiles, holding his hand out for you. But you can’t help but notice the fear that’s reflecting in his eyes.

“Yup,” you simply reply, taking his hand and leaving the diner together. One last time.

A cold breeze hits you in the face the moment you step outside, but you ignore it. Together you walk towards Dean’s car and for the second time tonight the both of you lean down against the hood. This time facing each other right away.

“Look,” he starts. “I don’t know how much time we have left, but I want to tell you the same thing I told Sammy; “stop looking for a way to get me out of this. There isn’t. I made my decision and I don’t want Sammy nor you spending the rest of your lives trying to get me out of it. Let me go.”

You smile, sadly. “That might’ve worked for Sammy, but I think we both know I’m never really going to give up on you,” you whisper, fighting to hold back the tears.

“I know, it was worth a try though,” he nods, a chuckle escaping from between his lips. But it sounds strangled, broken. “There’s just one more thing I’d like to do.”

“Name it,” you answer.

Before you know what is happening he grabs your face and his lips crash against yours. The warmth of his lips seem to warm you to the bone and the world falls away as you completely lose yourself in the moment. He kisses you slow and soft, comforting you in ways that words never could,  while caressing your cheek with his thumbs your breaths mingle. You run your fingers through his hair and down his spine, pulling him closer, wanting to remove all space there’s left between the two of you.

And just as sudden as he pressed his lips against yours, he pulls away again. “Do you hear that?” he asks, still holding your face in his hands.

You shake your head. “No, Dean, hear what?” But he doesn’t reply. “Dean?”

His breath hitches in his throat. As he looks at you there’s nothing but pure terror written all over his face. “Close your eyes,” is all he says.

Desperately you try to understand, try to figure out what he is trying to say, but you have no idea what is going on. “What, why?”

“Just close your eyes,” he begs. Whispering one last word as you refuse to listen. “Hellhounds,” he brings out right before he’s ripped away from you.

As you squeeze your eyes shut, feel his hands being ripped away from your body, you hear his body being dragged away. You hear his painful screams piercing through the air right before it goes dead silent.

 Hesitantly you open your eyes, being met with nothing but the darkness of the night, and you can feel the warmth leave your body. There’s nothing but the tingling in your lips and the searing pain in your soul that reminds you of the man that had stood in front of you just a second ago. And you don’t dare moving. Terrified it’ll erase the last traces he left on your body, terrified it’ll leave you with an even bigger hole than when you lost your parents.

After a while, whether it be ten minutes or an hour, you gather enough strength to move without crashing down on the pavement right away. That’s also when you notice the Impala still standing there, the lacquered black car looks duller than before, as if it knows it has just lost its beloved owner and wants to show its grief. As if on autopilot you walk towards the passenger seat, only realising that’s not your place anymore when you find yourself tugging at the door handle. The keys Dean gave you somewhere during your meal at the diner suddenly burn in your back pocket and hesitantly you walk towards the driver’s seat, unlocking the car.

Dean had only allowed you to take place on the driver’s seat one time before. You must’ve been seventeen and he was supposed to teach you how to drive. You almost crashed against a bunch of garbage cans and Dean never allowed you up there anymore. Too scared you’d wreck his beautiful car. Even after Bobby taught you how to drive a few years later, you had forever lost your right. Tonight that had changed though.

You weren’t sure you were going to find Sammy if you went back to the motel. Maybe he’d left. Unable to stand Dean’s unmade bed, his empty beer bottles or his half-packed bag any longer, or maybe just honouring his last wish and moving on with his life.

As you slide down on the driver’s seat, as the coldness of the leather seeps through the material of your pants and as you place your hands on the cold steering wheel, on the place his hands used to lie, you finally allow your first tears to fall.

The love we think we deserve

Pairing: Dean x reader

Word count: 2.5k

Warnings: tw: abusive relationship, light swearing, angst

A/N: if this is something you’re dealing with, please reach out to someone. You deserve so much better. Stay safe ❤️

*I do not own any Supernatural characters and/or gifs I may use*

You’re standing in front of the solid door of the bunker. You notice the door is just as dripping wet as you must be. Because it’s pouring and you walked all the way here. You had to walk because you didn’t have a car, or money for a car, because your boyfriend of two years just broke up with you. You’d ran out of the house without even thinking about things as money or clothes or even toothbrushes. So the combination of all of these would probably be a good excuse for your appearance right now. Because you’re an outright mess. Your clothes are obviously sticking to your body at the most unflattering places, your hair is clinging to your cheeks and there’s mascara all over your cheeks too. Apparently waterproof mascara isn’t waterproof enough to surmount rain and tears.

This was the only safe place you could think of going. One where you wouldn’t be judged. Where, no matter what you did, you could always come back. You were secretly hoping the concrete walls of the bunker could hold back the memories that were taunting you and make you feel safe again. Or rather that the people who were in the bunker would do that trick for you.

Once you’ve knocked you faintly hear the sound of heavy boots moving, the sound becoming clearer and louder until it stops and the door opens a crack. Open just wide enough to see who’s waiting in front of it, but not open enough for any unwanted visitors to come barging in. As soon as he recognizes your face though he opens up further, fully opening up the door and revealing himself to you as well.

“Dean,” you breathe out in relief as his broad form is revealed, smiling slightly as you notice he still hasn’t ditched the flannels.

“Y/N?” he asks, obviously surprised to see you. Or just startled because of how you’re looking right now. You can’t tell what’s going on in his head, but you see the wheels turning as he tries to figure out why you’re here right now, why you’re here looking like this. See after you left to live with your, now ex-, boyfriend, you kept visiting the brothers every now and then, not wanting to lose contact with both them and the hunter-world. But you usually called or texted in advance to make sure they weren’t on a hunt or trying to save the world from ending or anything. You’d never turned up at their doorstep unannounced.

You’d never turned up at their doorstep completely drenched either, seeing as you always either took the car or used an umbrella.

“What are you doing here?” he follows up, still puzzled but with worry washing over his features.

You shrug apologetically but don’t get a chance to answer. “Why don’t you come in first, we’ll get you some dry clothes sweetheart,” he speaks up again, stepping aside and holding the door for you so you can enter, and shutting it behind you once you’ve done so.

You follow him down the staircase and down to his room, shortly glancing over at the library where you spent so many hours reading to check if Sam’s there. In his room Dean walks straight on through his closet while you look around, noting nothing much has changed since you left. He rummages through his things for a while before he grabs you a pair of sweatpants, socks and one of his flannels. “Don’t worry, they’re clean,” he grins as he hands them to you, referencing to the fact that you usually used to do their laundry.

Rolling your eyes at him you take the bundle, but unable to suppress a small smile. “I’ll be right back then,” you announce before making your way to the closest bathroom to get changed and hopefully clear your appearance up a bit as well.

“I’ll be here when you’re done,” you hear Dean calling after you just before you shut his bedroom door behind you.

After having entered the bathroom and turned on the light, you suck in a deep breath before stepping in front of the mirror. As if that will fix anything right away.

It doesn’t.

It doesn’t remove the dried mascara that’s run down your cheeks in several shaky lines and dried, it doesn’t fix your frizzy, half wet hair or remove the locks of, once wet, hair that have stuck to your cheeks in the process of drying. And it sure as hell doesn’t make your eyes any less red or puffy.

You decide it’s a miracle Dean didn’t have a heart attack on the spot when he opened up and saw you.

For the moment you just leave it be though. You simply strip out of your clothes and put on the items Dean gave you, his scent now surrounding you. Just for a moment you allow yourself to close your eyes and enjoy the smell of it. Strangely enough having it calm you down a little more.

Stepping in front of the mirror once again, you throw some water in your face to enable yourself to rub the make-up of your face and attempt to cool your eyes to make them a little less puffy. After wiping the hair out of your face and briefly brushing through it also, you figure it’s not going to get any better than this and hobble back to Dean’s room, feeling your feet beginning to ache from the walk. You leave your wet clothes there, hanging over the heater, to dry.

“Hey,” you say softly when entering the room, closing the door behind you. “Thanks for lending me your clothes.”

You find Dean sitting on his bed, laptop on his lap. Probably scouring the news to check if there’s been any weird incidents that seem like their kind of thing. He looks up when you enter though, flashing you a smile. “No problem sweetheart,” he responds while shutting his laptop and putting it on the wooden nightstand besides his bed. “You look better,” he remarks. He looks as if there’s more he wants to add, but he bites back the words.

It’s not like you really believe it, but you’re too tired to start that argument so you smile back. “Thanks.”

Then it stays silent for a moment. You know Dean’s waiting for you to speak up. Waiting for you to tell him what got you turning up at his doorstep like that. You don’t, though. Somehow Dean’s socks are a lot more interesting to study right now. At the same time you’re well aware of how Dean’s eyes are fixated on you. Burning with the need to find out whether you’re okay or not, and if you’re not what happened.

But when you don’t speak up, and don’t make any effort to either, he does. His words careful and well thought out as they always are. “Sweetheart,” he begins. “You know I’d never push you to talk about something you don’t wanna talk about, but are you okay?”

“Uhm,” you mumble, looking up and facing him. A reassuring look on his face, as if he wants to tell you that whatever is going on he’d be there and make sure you would be okay. And that look is really all it takes for you to explode. “We broke up,” your blurt out.

“What?” he asks, shock on his face. You know he had expected a lot, but not this. You’d told him it was going great the last time you saw him. Even though it wasn’t you still didn’t think he would actually break up with you though. Dean gets up and takes a few steps towards you. “What happened?”

You take a couple of shaky breaths before answering. “I-I don’t know,” you stutter, mentally cursing the tears that are welling up in your eyes. I mean, you were well aware of the fact that maybe it wasn’t going to last a lifetime. There were all sorts of things that could happen. You just didn’t think it would end so soon. You didn’t think he would just drop you as he threatened to. “He just said he didn’t want me anymore,” you shrug.

“He didn’t- he didn’t want you anymore?” he exclaims, spitting the words out with a disgusted look on his face. “He didn’t want you anymore?” he repeats, emphasizing. “Y/N, that’s not how you- why do you always let men do this to you?”

“Why do I always let men do what?” you ask taken aback and a little confused. Call it selfish, but you’d expected Dean to comfort you. To tell you the loser didn’t deserve you anyways and that you’d come out of this stronger than you were before. Or at least something along those lines. This was about the last thing you thought he’d say.

“Let them treat you.. Like you’re nothing. I mean you always give them everything you got, and they never do the same for you,” he elaborates. And you don’t know whether to be mad or upset or offended because of it.

At that moment though, somehow, there’s only one thing you can think of saying. “We accept the love we think we deserve,” you murmur, referencing The perks of being a Wallflower only mildly sarcastically.

Dean scoffs, “don’t do that.”

“Don’t do what?” you counter.

“Pretend as if there’s a reason those guys do what they do. As if it’s justified. Your life is not some fucking story in which dating nothing but shitty boys will somehow give you a happy ending at the end of the line,” he snaps. You want to interrupt, tell him to stop, but he gives you no chance to. “I mean you always give them so much-“

Now you’d known Dean for a long time and you are well aware of how he uses a lot of gestures to emphasize or illustrate what he’s saying, and how sometimes, when emotions are running high, those gestures tend to get bigger or harsher. But as he lifts his hands this time you can’t help but flinch and take a step back, fear suddenly washing over you. You feel your heart beginning to pound in your ears, oxygen suddenly seeming to have run out.

And of course Dean notices, stopping dead in his tracks. Instantly putting the pieces together and figuring out why his movements got you reacting the way you did as he slowly lowers his hand. “Oh my god,” he breathes out. “Did he..?”

He tries moving closer towards you but he doesn’t get far before you stop him. “Please don’t,” you beg, wrapping your arms around yourself. Trying so desperately to protect yourself. To lighten any of the pain that might or might not be inflicted. You know Dean could and would never hurt you like that, yet your breath seems stuck in your throat. Your eyes are feverishly searching the room, looking for the fastest way out. The fastest way to escape. You never really were able to though. He always got to you.

“Y/N,” Dean says softly, returning your attention back to him. “You’re okay. You’re fine. I’m not going to hurt you, okay? I’m not,” he reassures.

You nod, unable to vocalize. Your entire body is shaking and the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through your veins right now is making your head spin.

“I need you to breathe for me, okay?’ he continues, voice ever so steady. “Just breathe with me. In and out.. easy,” he demonstrates, sucking in a breath through his nose and softly blowing it out through his mouth. It takes a while and a couple of tries, but eventually you seem to be able to copy and breathe a little better again. “Can I come closer?” he asks while quickly adding it would also be okay if you don’t want him to come any closer. He’d stand here with you all night if that’s what you needed.

But you nod again. “Y-Yeah,” you stammer, still a bit shaky.

“Is it.. Can I hug you?”

After giving him permission to do so he carefully gets closer to you. At first you pull back again, reflexes kicking in, but you remind yourself it’s Dean this time over and over. Things are different. And then you hesitantly let yourself relax a little, not backing up any further. He puts his arms around you, slowly and loosely at first and tighter once he’s convinced you feel safe enough not to resist and push him away.

Instead you start sobbing, wrapping your arms around Dean‘s waist as your tears dissolve in his flannel. The way you looked when you entered the bunker was bad, but this was worse. You hated for him to see you like this. And yet you couldn’t stop. It all came rushing over you. The pain, the fear, the sadness. And somewhere in the back of your mind anger and relief are rising too.

Dean just lets you ride it out, whispering sweet nothings in your hair while he rubs circles on your back. Once he feels your crying has calmed down to the occasional hiccup he doesn’t pull away. “Sweetheart, whatever he did to you, it won’t ever take away from you,” he says instead, immediately addressing the fears that’d been taunting your for months. “You’re still the same incredible, strong, beautiful you I’ve always known.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” you whisper against his chest, voice raw from crying.

“But I am,” he states with not the slightest bit of doubt in his voice. “And if you’ll let me, I’ll help you see that too. We’re gonna get through this.”

“What if I’m not?”

“You are,” he reassures. “It’s gonna take time, but you are.”

You want to believe him. Want to be as sure of yourself as he seems to be. But it’s all still too fresh. As if it any given moment you could do something wrong and mess everything up. And of course you’d have to pay for that.

“Sweetheart, you still with me?” Dean asks, interrupting and effectively breaking your train of thought. You mumble in response, to which Dean pulls way, looking down at you. “How about this, if you want to go take a shower,” he starts, moving on when you shake your head. “Then get comfy because we’re just gonna relax for now, okay? I’m going to make us some tea and get you some of that chocolate you like so much and then we’re going to watch some movies. We don’t even have to sit on the bed together if you don’t want to, I’ll take the ground if you need me to. And no horror, just something light. Okay?” He asks, pausing shortly to check if it’s okay with you.

“Okay,” you nod.

“Then that’s what we’re going to do for now. Tomorrow we’ll face the world. We’ll get you back to feeling like your badass self. For now we’re going to just let ourselves be,”

You feel yourself nodding along to his words, still not fully believing them but knowing Dean would get you there. Knowing that you are going to get through this, and that you will be okay.

Summary: You found a magic lamp but without speaking your wish, it made your darkest desire happen.

Pairings: Demon!Dean x Reader x Michael!Dean

Warnings: smut, threesome, language

Word Count: 1335

A/N: To celebrate 9000 of y’all here’s a filthy story! I cannot thank you guys enough for all your support and love and I am so grateful for all of you! <3 Feedback is loved!


“Shit.” You whispered, looking around the bunker, dropping the lamp, “Dean?!” You screamed, your eyes adjusting to the red light emanating. “Dean?!” You screamed again, running through the halls until you reached the map room, immediately stopping in your tracks. Two sets of green eyes faced you. One looking dapper in a three piece suit and a flat cap, the other clad in the red shirt of sex and tight jeans, hair messed up in comparison to the sleekness of the one across him. Your mouth hung loosely, they were not Dean, yeah, but. One was being possessed by the archangel Michael, whilst the other was a full pledge Knight of Hell. 

“Fuck,” You breathed. 

“Lovely for you to join us, (y/n).” The angel smirked, the demon began to walk towards you. You couldn’t help your filthy thoughts from escaping your head. The demon smirked, the same lips as the other but he carried a different swagger only you knew he can carry. Demon Dean flashed you his black eyes as he grinned. “This is exactly what you want, babygirl?” He asked. “It’s quite specific, your wish.” Michael said, walking closer. 

You couldn’t stop the arousal pooling on your lower regions and you knew they knew and suddenly a warm presence was making its way up your legs and your heat. “Very much aroused.” Michael snickered, tsk-ing. You were frozen on the spot and Deanmon stepped closer, running his cold fingers on your cheek before grasping your chin to lift up to look at him, his eyes dark with lust. “Such a filthy slut you are.” He said through gritted teeth, his eyes flickering back and forth yours, as if reading your mind. 

You let out a sinful moan, your lip coming in between your teeth. Michael walked behind you, pulling your hair to the side, his lips attaching to your neck, immediately going to the spot only your Dean knew. You gasped, feeling him lick your sweet spot, prompting you to tilt your head to the side, giving him better access. His grace was still spreading warmth across your pussy, making you wetter, you were sure you’re soaking through your jeans.  

Deanmon leaned down to your lips, kissing you obscenely, his tongue roaming your mouth, showing clear dominance that you want to submit to. Michael’s hands gripped your hips tightly that you knew bruises would litter along their wake, and pulled you back against his chest and you can feel his growing member against your ass and as if your hand has a mind of it’s own, it started to descend in front of you, palming Deanmon’s evident bulge. “You want both of us, doll, how greedy of you.” Michael’s husky baritone sent shivers down your whole body, your legs trembling. 

“You can get both of us, (y/n), you just got to work for it like the cockslut that you are.” Deanmon smirked before nipping and pulling at your lower lip. “Fuck yes.” You groaned and lowered to the ground, kneeling in between the tall men and the Deans pulled down their zippers and letting their rock hard dicks spring free. You grasped each one in your hand, barely fitting and took each one into your mouth. You started to move your hand on Michael’s length and you bobbed your head up and down on Deanmon’s length. You were letting out pornographic sounds that you thought you couldn’t even make and hearing the deep grunts of Michael as you switched your mouth to his and Deanmon’s sexual groan made you move your wrist faster. 

Michael’s fingers ran through your hair close to your scalp and pulled, making you gasp a mixture of a moan and a whine. Deanmon smirked and grabbed your cheek. “Such a fucking slut.” He chuckled. He leaned down and lifted you up, making you yelp and he placed you on the edge of the table, you head hanging. “Wanna taste this fucking pussy while you get your mouth stuffed with Michael’s cock, you would like that won’t you?” Deanmon smirked but before you can reply, his tongue was slicking through your folds, causing you to moan, giving a chance for Michael to fill you up, effectively suppressing your loud gasp. 

Your legs were shaking, wanting to close but Deanmon’s grip on them were tight, arms wrapped around each one, his shoulders effectively stopping you as well. Michael’s fingers tangled on your hair, holding your head still whilst his hips started to buck on their own accord. Your groans were suppressed, your eyes shut as pleasure erupted within your body, within your soul.You felt tingling sensations squeezing your breasts and you opened your eyes no hands touching you.

You looked up to Michael’s jaw slacking, his eyes closed as his breathing started to become erratic, you figured it was his grace. You looked down to Deanmon who had a smirk, his lips glistening with your come. “Ready to feel this fat cock buried deep inside your pussy?” He asked and all you could do was plead with your eyes and he gave you what you needed, thrusting deep. He didn’t give you a second to react because he was bucking his hips wildly, fucking you, making you scream. Michael smirked and pulled away, your scream echoing throughout the map room. 

You looked up to Michael, who stroked his cock, wet with your saliva, watching your face contort in pleasure. Your pussy clenched around Deanmon’s cock and he grunted, flashing you his black eyes, his lips curved in cocky grin. “Ready to feel me come inside of you, babygirl?” He asked and you nodded. “Please, Dean!” You screamed and he grunted, his cock pulsing hot come inside you, coating your walls. 

When Deanmon pulled away, Michael leaned down, kissing you. “Why don’t you kneel for me, doll?” He asked, his voice husky. You nodded, moving the best you could, going on all fours, exposing your heat to Michael. You started to feel his grace going up your thighs, then to your clit and you gasped, your leg giving out, if not for his hands gripping your hips, you would’ve collapsed.

Michael’s grace was teasing your clit when you felt him at your entrance, his cock stretching you once more. He grunted as he filled you to the hilt and you moaned out his name. He set out a controlled pace, hitting spots that made you scream and he went faster and faster. “M—Michael!” You grunted, falling on your forearms and you opened your eyes to see Deanmon sitting across you, fully clothed, just watching, smirking at your exhausted form.

You felt your fourth orgasm for the day linger. Michael smirked and worked on your clit, making his grace vibrate and you exploded. “Fuck!” You screamed, sweaty forehead against the table. “Gunna make me explode, doll, you want that? Want my come in there too?” He asked. “Yes! Yes—please!” You choked out.” “Greedy, greedy…” He tsked, his pace faltering, his grace vibrating harder and harder. Michael pulled multiple orgasms from you, your tightness pushing him to his release. 

He groaned as he pulled out and you breathed heavily, laying on your back, spent and fucked out. 

“Thanks for joining us, doll, til we fuckagain.” Michael smirked, his blue eyes shining, pulling you up, pressing his lips to yours, he moved away for Deanmon to do the same, pulling your lips against his teeth. “Til next time, babygirl.” He whispered, flashing you his demon eyes and they both disappeared. 

You blinked your eyes and looked around to see yourself in bed, panting and worn out. You ran your hands through your head, the feeling of getting fucked by both still fresh in your mind and body, suddenly, the door opened and you looked up. Dean, your Dean, opened the door. “Hey, babe.” He greeted then cocked an eyebrow up. “You okay?” He asked, looking at your figure, concerned.

“Yeah, just had a weirddream, I guess.” You breathed.

Forever Babies:

@incorrect-quoted@deviljoonie@sallyp-53@ilovefanfic86@andkatiethings @malindacath@aunty-peggy@myloveofdean@miss-kristendior@baby7879@xtina2191@redsalv20@hobby27@fandom-princess-forevermore@jensens-snackles@akshi8278@shadowkat-83@onethirstyunicorn@missstartaylor97xx@jesseswartzwelder​ 

Green-Eyed Lovers:


SPN Babes:



Title: More Than a Fling: Stays in Vegas

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 4,034

Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Alcohol Use, Fluff, Smut

Summary: After spending the summer in Lawrence for a so called “change of scenery”. Y/N has found herself in a healthy, loving relationship with Dean Winchester. Her rocky relationship with her father, Bobby Singer has just started to blossom. But leaving one life and starting to build another isn’t as easy as it seems. Everyone has a past and secrets they don’t want others to know.
One chapter ends. Another begins.

Summer Fling-More Than a Fling

A/N: This journey is just getting started!! If you would like to continue, please help ya girl out and tell her (me) what you think :) Feedback is my favourite!! 

This is purely based off of a research. I have never been to vegas so I know nothing about what it’s actually like there. 



 You woke up to a pounding sensation in your head. It had been a while since you had drank that much and even longer since you had felt a hangover. The hotel room filled with the morning light, irritating your eyes.

 You felt the bed shift next to you, earning a groan to escape out of your mouth. You thanked whatever higher power that made sure your hangover didn’t feel like you were going to throw up.

 “Mornin’ sweetheart,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple.

 “Mhh, Dean,” you mumbled.

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when i saw a new part it was the highlight of my day


Title: More Than a Fling: Fresh Start

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Word Count: 4,422

Warnings: Slight Angst, Fluff, Mentions of Abuse.

Summary:  After spending the summer in Lawrence for a so called “change of scenery”. Y/N has found herself in a healthy, loving relationship with Dean Winchester. Her rocky relationship with her father, Bobby Singer has just started to blossom. But leaving one life and starting to build another isn’t as easy as it seems. Everyone has a past and secrets they don’t want others to know.
One chapter ends. Another begins.

Summer Fling

A/N: Here is Part 1. I hope y’all will enjoy this sequel series that over 400 of you voted for! I think it’s safe to say I’m a little nervous about this. Feedback is greatly appreciate and what will keep this series going! 




 A layer of sweat covered your body as you twitched in the sheets that rested over you. Your eyes flew open as a panicked feeling took over your body. Your heart was pounding in your chest, you felt shaky and like every nerve in your body was on edge. The room was dark and you took in a deep breath trying to get yourself under control when you realized where you were. You were home. Dean was sleeping right next to you. You were safe, you repeated to yourself. Dean wasn’t going to let anything happen to you. Dean wasn’t going to let Gordon hurt you if he had anything to say about it.

 You slipped out of the bed, your feet touching the carpet floor as you patted your way out of the bedroom. You didn’t want to bother Dean in the middle of the night, not about this. He just got you back after all. He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in a week and you didn’t want to ruin another for him. You didn’t want him to worry about you, not more than he already was.

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i know this has been out a while already but since life has calmed down for a couple seconds i’d like to come back and say i absolutely looooveeedd summer fling & im super excited to see where more than a fling will go!!! everybody go read this & send @supernatural-jackles lots & lots of love !!!!!!
