#morpho talks


In June I am only writing MLM fanfiction

Id just like you guys to know that I essentially cannot write. My brain is literally mush at this point like if you stuck your hand in my head it would feel like overnight oats with a little too much water in it. The ideas are rattling around like a pinball in my fucking skull but I cannot put them to word document no matter how I try

I haven’t written in over a month

The day I start shipping myself with Hinata or even just start to simp a little is going to be the day that you guys hate me. Cus I will literally only write fics with MSBY 4 polyamory in it.

How do we feel about “dead dove: do not eat” type of content? obviously with it tagged heavily and appropriately for things it contained. But like thoughts? 

I think I’m going to start writing the third chapter of house of thorns soon but in the meantime I want to give you like a 2.5 chapter and that would be serious like “dead dove: do not eat” type of content


Okay but why do i really want to put together an angst collab where everyone gets one song off of the Sour album…..

OK so I lied because I really don’t want to put this together. But if someone else wants to put it together umm please please invite me and let me know <3

Okay but why do i really want to put together an angst collab where everyone gets one song off of the Sour album…..

Sometimes I get upset. But then I remember the Sakusa would absolutely get me a service dog and help me train it 

So y’all ran up the notes on my last post and I didn’t even do all of the tags why can’t y’all do that on all my post

Stay with me for this one…

Good 4 U by Olivia Rodrigois the title song for a heavy angst fic where Y/N finally gets out of this really bad relationship with a person they can’t avoid. Maybe they work in the same industry. But now Y/N has to watch their Ex flourish after treating them like absolute shit and leaving them and Just when Y/N gets their shit together their Ex realizes how bad they miss Y/N

Misery Business by Paramoreis the title song of the accompanying side story that follows the Ex’s best friend watching silently as they treat Y/N like shit even though they’ve loved Y/N for longer than their now Ex. But they finally get together in the end and live happily after cutting of the toxic ass Ex.


In June I am only writing MLM fanfiction

Maybe some WLW too……


Every time I see somebody spam like any of my content I come back and read the ones that people are still liking and honestly I am such a good fucking writer I might just have to come back and write some shit for y’all on like a super random basis

I also realized that all of the TikTok links on my acts of love series are now broken for some reason and I’m too lazy to find all of the original tick-tock‘s so I’m sorry for all of the people who are reading them now with no context of what the original tick-tock‘s were that inspired me


The little things they do

Characters:Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Mina, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Shoji

After over a month of no post here we go! This is somewhat similar to THIS post. Except this time it’s more romance focused, and like most of my post the gender of the reader is not mentioned!

Bakugo sleeps between you and the door because if anyone is dumb enough to break into your house they’ll have to get through him first.

Kirishima uses the hair dye that stains his hands to draw hearts on your arm or thigh as a silent declaration of love. If your hands are stained he always places it on his chest over his heart so he can always feel like he has you with him.

Denki kisses both of your cheeks and then your lips, just because he knows that it makes you smile. If your having a bad day he peppers kisses all over your face till you giggle or at least smile.

Sero named a plant after you when you two first started dating, and if the plant seemed to be in a bad condition he’d check in on you to see how you’re doing. The plant still has a spot on a shelf in the apartment and he talks to it when you’re not there.

Mina insist on one self care day a month and one dance party a week. So once a week the two of you turn on music and dance like nobody is watching, and once a month you sit with face masks on watching movies and painting nails.

Todoroki didn’t hold your hand for the first few months that the two of you were dating and linked pinkies instead. Partially cus he was convinced he was the “hand crusher” and mainly because you make him so nervous that he was scared he’d accidentally set off his quirk

Midoriya has a collection of notebooks dedicated to you. On the outside it might seem weird or obsessive, but these are a little different than his hero books. Instead of statistics and analysis on your quirk it’s all of your favorite things and places. He writes down all of the things about you he loves or finds interesting.

Iida traces hearts and the words “I love you” on your back in the early morning hours of the day. The time right when the sun is starting to rise and he thinks your asleep. Most of the time you are but some times you aren’t and you can hear him whisper love confessions to you.

Shoji hugs you without question if you ask for one. No hesitation, not even a quirk of his brow. He waits till you pull away before he lets go so he’s always holding you for as long as you want/need.

Reblogs w comments > reblogs > Likes

How does this almost have 1k notes

Hi! Long time no see. I’m gonna keep this sweet and simple. Yesterday (Aug 4th) this blog turned 1! When I started this blog I don’t think I could’ve imagined it would be where it is today. I’ve mentioned this in the past but a couple of years ago when I was newer to Tumblr as a whole I ran a completely different account and back then that one only got to maybe a little bit over 100 followers.

This time last year I wasn’t even posting my writing on this blog. At that point I was only really just rebloging artwork and other writers content. But here we are a year later and there are almost 400 people following this blog. I started this blog as a way to talk about MHA without having to bother the people around me. It was just my own little weird corner of the fandom. But, because of this blog I’ve been able to make amazing friends and meet amazing people. I’ve gotten to talk about two of the shows I love the most, scream about how much I love the characters, and I even got to participate and a couple of really cool events with other writers.

I know I’m technically on “indefinite hiatus” because at the moment I’m making that transition from high school to college. But, me and this blog aren’t going anywhere I promise you that much. I’ll be back before you know it, and when I come back and I’m able to put the amount of time into this blog that it deserves it’ll be with an event or something similar. 

To every single one of my mutuals and other writers that I follow: I love you all so very very much. You all are super amazing people and I’m glad to have met you and read your work. You people are the ones who inspired me to keep writing and I hope you guys love your writing someday as much as I do. <33 (also if you ever miss me feel free to message me on / ask me for my discord)

To every single person I know who follows me even if you just lurk on my blog: I appreciate you more than words can ever say. The first year of this blog has only been so successful because you guys took a chance and read my writing. When I come back from hiatus I promise to hit the ground running. There will be more of the Bakugo fic and a ton of content in general. I love you all (╹◡╹)♡

Fic where Sakusa still thinks he’s straight and decides to hire a male agent instead of a female one so he won’t have to worry about catching feelings. Then there’s 30 chapters of slow burn with him falling in love with his agent. Followed by at least 10 more chapters working up to him admitting his feelings and coming to terms with his sexuality.
