#morro wu


listen if we’re going to keep calling morro emo we’re gonna have to accept the fact that they’d be wearing 2000’s scene fashion and not modern eboy fashion

my cousinposting tag is dead, somebody add lloyd/morro bullshit to this post

i need cousin content

i hope that none of y'all understand this


@drowsydregon happy borthday!!! Look, it’s a semi-happy Morro

YES LET’S GOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THANK U SO MUCH !!!!!!!!

morro sounds so dramatic when he tells kai he cant have pizza “because,, , of LLOOOYD”

I think brent miller and andrew francis should sit down and make another video together but this time there’s no interview, they just answer questions abt morro and talk abt their morro HCs


morro: MY JAWWW

morro: ✨ COME ON ✨

somebody pay/rq andrew francis to say “lloyd, as the REAL green ninja, i’m nonbinary and my gender is better than yours” in morro’s voice

mfs (me) will talk abt how dotd wasn’t that bad but then also turn around and make an entire season Genuinely redeeming morro bc dotd screwed it up and kinda didn’t actually redeem him


listen if we’re going to keep calling morro emo we’re gonna have to accept the fact that they’d be wearing 2000’s scene fashion and not modern eboy fashion

If I may, while I love Morro in 2000s scene fashion, I say that’s not old enough.

We’re putting them in 80-90s emo/punk fashion now babes

Morro mmm

Here’s the ref:

Waa I’m glad I finally got this finished. Still working on my colouring skills BC I’m so bad w it. Here’s for all the rabid Morro lovers out there mwah

Some other versions:
