#most stuff is video game related but i love gaem so


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(I was tagged by @ask-a-rathalos, thanks ^w^)

*I didn’t reblog from the original (x) since the whole post was getting a bit long and I didn’t know how to shorten it, I hope that’s alright*

Favorite color: greens, yellow, magenta, black

Favorite musician: uh do game tracks count? I love the ffxiv soundtrack which iis mostly Masayoshi Soken’s work I believe? I love countless others (like can’t deny I love monhun music) but don’t know the names of their main composers… otherwise I don’t know/favor any specific singers/bands..

Last film I watched: the Sonic the hedgehog movie..? It’s been ages I don’t really know..

Last show I watched: the Legend of Korra

Favorite characters: Amaterasu (okami), Yoshi, Kirby, Midna (legend of Zelda), Viridi (Kid Icarus), Lord Shaxx (destiny), g’raha tia (ffxiv), Marie (Splatoon), Fenneko (Aggretsuko), Toph (Avatar: the last Airbender), the list would be very long the more I think of, so I’ll just stop lol

Sweet, spicy, or savory: sweet! all the sweet!

Sparkling water, tea, or Coffee: Tea, (but with lots of sugar and milk usually)

Pets: I don’t have any personally, but my family collectively has 1 leopard gecko (his name is Skittles and he is fat), a bunch of tarantulas, and 1 hissing cockroach (by the name of Captain Cornelius Crunch)


[lookit this man (he is fine, he just plops down like that)]

Tags: I don’t like to tag, I feel like I bother people;; so if you want to share things go ahead (there’s also a link to the original post thread above)
