

Anyhoo uh hi I did finally finish my semester’s exams, and when I stop feeling like roadkill I’ll work on clearing my art block with some doodles, it’s been far too long since I’ve drawn things u_u;; Sunbreak is coming up soon so I’ll probably start getting my ~monhun~ motivation back too.

First of all, no I’m not dead.

Lots happening in real life that didn’t leave much headspace for writing meaningful posts yknow? I don’t intend to leave Surah or the story I was writing unfinished forever; it’s just difficult to find the mindset that translates into writing silly monster hunter stuff at the moment if that makes sense. Working on it? Yeah, I don’t want to be depressed forever either lol.

So not a lot of monhun stuff or art in general to show for now, excited for sun break, but not able to get quite megahyped.. I’m just barely getting out of an art block so things have been slow; and final exams time is coming up for me so that’ll be fun (..not) u_u And so sorry newer followers, I’m sure you didn’t sign up for lame stuff like this, but an update is much better than silence after such a disappearing act, and a couple people do get concerned.

Monhun Rise Expansion letS FUCKIN GOOOOOOOO

..And uh hi hi it’s been some time, life hasn’t been great for me the past few months, lots of work, worrying, and bad luck; thus, no new posts or drawings in a while (sorry for the silence new followers, attached below is a pic of my sister’s dog as compensation)

His name is Papaya and he loves dirt

For a small statement on this lull/ slow recent activity here: Pretty much I got bored of Rise somewhat quickly and with the it went my motivation for monhun draws for a while ^^; Maybe is not the most fun for followers of here but I didn’t mind taking the break subject wise (the last thing I want is to burn out in a permanent manner, so following whims it is). Also I’m sure Stories 2 will be much more interesting to me

(Also hello hi new followers, this blog mainly stays monhun themed and I mostly post ocs and doodles, I hope you enjoy whatever it is I’m doing here)

Tag game!

Got tagged in this a while ago it seems, also by @ask-a-rathalos ! I made my own little post because the original was already kinda long.

[Rules - “If you get tagged, reblog with the meaning/origin of your url, your favorite color, and tag at least 5 people who put something on your dash that made you smile. Not just followers or mutuals, anybody that posted something that ended up on your dash.”]

URL origin/meaning: Blossomajesty is the final form of the Rathalos glaive, and I think it has a nice design, one of my favorites! Otherwise it can be read literally as Flower//Royalty, which in a way can fit my favorite rock princess; but I’m assuming it’s truly referring to fire as the “blossom” and the gold & silver raths as the royalty.

Favorite color: Green, Magenta, Black, Gold, Copper, depends on the combination really

Tag five people who made me smile today: …None? Not trying to be edgy, just haven’t talked to anyone recently (and there hasn’t been much on my dash to scroll through either, maybe I should follow more blogs >n>;). (Also.. hate tagging people)

[Link to Original post]

I don’t feel like shoving all this in tags of a post, so very glad to know everyone is happy for Surah finding a rock xD I do not always respond, but your comments always cheer me up~

And@amalgam-of-flesh thanks I am more or less alright now after lots of rest! I’ve just been kinda blah and suffering from mental exhaustion I think, so I’ve been quiet everywhere ^^; But as far as this blog is concerned I’ve been working on writing some background stuff to finally add info for the characters that have appeared a couple of times, as well as finishing up a commission in the meantime!

*Vibrates thinking about MHRise*

So since the game’s out, I should make it clear that I won’t post spoiler-like things (such as doodles of monsters unannounced) for at least a month. I also don’t want spoilers thrown my way either, as I don’t have the time to no-life the game like everyone else (I’m already waay “behind” where most people seem to be ^^;).

And also I’ll be closing the askbox for a bit; been too busy with college junk + I’m gonna be playing Rise in my free time for awhile anyways. (though I do want to push myself to update some background stuff I never got around to for this blog in the meantime; I have things written but I need to organize it.)

Im most hyped for chameleos!! And Stories 2!! (And whatever that terrifying abomination was!!) And who knows what other title updates they’re gonna throw at us!! These games are gonna be so good!!!

GORE MAGALA MY BELOVED also lucent narga? Espinas?? They don’t need to announce anything else for this game I’m satisfied lmao

Espinas is actually the most interesting inclusion to me, hope this means we’ll see more frontier-exclusive mons from now on

*Psst hey, as tempting as it is, maybe don’t spread the mhRise and Stories 2 leaks; at least on main tags where people see em. I can’t stop anyone but I personally think it’s better to hype when the reveals are official!*

Supposedly the recent stuff floating around was a data breach and other important things got stolen also (like employees personal info D:) [source is gaijinhunter on Twitter]

Get to know others!

Tag 8 people you want to get to know better

(I was tagged by @ask-a-rathalos, thanks ^w^)

*I didn’t reblog from the original (x) since the whole post was getting a bit long and I didn’t know how to shorten it, I hope that’s alright*

Favorite color: greens, yellow, magenta, black

Favorite musician: uh do game tracks count? I love the ffxiv soundtrack which iis mostly Masayoshi Soken’s work I believe? I love countless others (like can’t deny I love monhun music) but don’t know the names of their main composers… otherwise I don’t know/favor any specific singers/bands..

Last film I watched: the Sonic the hedgehog movie..? It’s been ages I don’t really know..

Last show I watched: the Legend of Korra

Favorite characters: Amaterasu (okami), Yoshi, Kirby, Midna (legend of Zelda), Viridi (Kid Icarus), Lord Shaxx (destiny), g’raha tia (ffxiv), Marie (Splatoon), Fenneko (Aggretsuko), Toph (Avatar: the last Airbender), the list would be very long the more I think of, so I’ll just stop lol

Sweet, spicy, or savory: sweet! all the sweet!

Sparkling water, tea, or Coffee: Tea, (but with lots of sugar and milk usually)

Pets: I don’t have any personally, but my family collectively has 1 leopard gecko (his name is Skittles and he is fat), a bunch of tarantulas, and 1 hissing cockroach (by the name of Captain Cornelius Crunch)


[lookit this man (he is fine, he just plops down like that)]

Tags: I don’t like to tag, I feel like I bother people;; so if you want to share things go ahead (there’s also a link to the original post thread above)

Well, I surprisingly took fatty down last night! Hm personally didn’t find his fight all that fun; hard? yes, but interesting? nah.. I still need [evil eyes] but eehhhh do I wanna farm them? Not really…. at least the special assignment is cleared and I got some neat pendants <:3

(Oh and it was in a duo with a friend, in my solo attempts the timer always gets me =m=;)

While I’m here I may as well mention that the end of my daily MH drawing quest (#monthterhunter) is somewhat delayed, I’m on the last 3 but yknow,, college junk has been killin me this past week.. in case anyone wonders where the last set of monsters is ^^;

Rise demo good…

It’s really fun so far, I actually like the puppeteering gimmick a lot! The wirebug will take some getting used to though.. As for one of the weapons, one of my “mains” the Insect glaive… hmm I dunno how I feel about it tbh;;

They changed the “aim” button to the “wirebug” button so it’ll take some time to adjust to that for starters. Otherwise to me it doesn’t feel as fluid as World glaive so far, almost like it’s slower and has slightly longer animations.. Also feels like they want me to spam aerial attacks, but said attacks are harder to pull off without getting knocked around, at least against fast monsters like Mizu (it doesn’t help that I was solo too).

Maybe I’m missing something here, did they reduce its moveset? I can see the bug doesn’t auto attack/leave dust clouds anymore, and I didn’t figure out how to do the downward stab attack (unless I’m doing both wrong). For the silk attacks, the wirebug vault is ok but forgettable, but the healing backhop thing is nice. I only used the weapon twice so far, so I’ll try it more in the full game and learn the changes/get a better feel for it’s new handling, but not sure I like it too much at the moment :< (just to break up the negativity, another old fave I tried, LS, is fantastic though, and I can’t wait to try new weapons!)

[don’t worry I’m not going to live post opinions or anything, it’s just that Rise glaive was a hot topic on this blog a couple of weeks ago, and I’d like to hear if anyone else feels similarly or if I’m just bad at it xD]

Not gonna lie, I’m a little miffed that streamers and Youtubers get first dibs “early access” on the Rise demo. Like, it’s a demo, just give it to everyone so we can have our own experience with it instead of trying to get us to watch someone else play it.

[of course, this is an opinion, I don’t mean ill to people who do enjoy watching them; I’m just not a fan of this “influencer culture” type stuff getting in the way of playing a much anticipated demo]
