


Hello, people of the world! How about we start off the weekend early with Fanworks Friday?

Today’s Fanart of the Week winner is Marcotto with his delightful drawing of the Chosen Four!

Marcotto has been apart of the forums for years and has posted countless amazing pieces in the past. I was so happy to see the familiar avatar and art style appear in the gallery. The piece is humorous, colorful, and really shows Marcotto’s unique style. It’s a good piece by a talented artist.

Marcotto, thank you for popping your head in and I sincerely hope you come by to post your work more often! Enjoy your new badge, you have certainly earned it.

Remember to submit your Mother-related fanart/music for the chance to see your work featured!

To see the Undertale Fanwork of the Week winner, check the Newroom!

In April 2008 I joined Starmen.net.

All these cool artists won these “Fanart of the Week” and “Artist Spotlight” awards, and I wanted to do the same. 
After working hard and improving, I’ve finally won the “Artist Spotlight” award in May of 2012. 
After that I worked even harder to win the “FOTW” award, but unfortunately staff issues brought the whole award system to an end. 
The thing I was working hard so much for was suddenly unreachable. No matter how many badges I obtained during the years, wouldn’t fill that GAP.

Then recently the site had a huge revamp and finally brought back FOTW and I’ve decided to work hard on a pic in hope to win that award.

The rest is history: after almost a decade, I won the FOTW award.

The lesson I’ve learned here is this: no matter how many years go by, don’t let your dreams die. When you least expect it, that dream might suddenly come true. 

I thank the community of Starmen.net for helping me improve as an artist, giving me many soft skills I still use today, and for helping me find some of the greatest friends I’ve ever known.

To 10 more years.

Hello there guys! I’ve been working hard with a lots of guys from Starmen.net and other parts of the

Hello there guys! 

I’ve been working hard with a lots of guys from Starmen.net and other parts of the internet to bring you an amazing documentary about  the history behind the nintendo cult classic Mother 1/Earthbound Beginnings, its international release, and the secret black market of unreleased games!
I’ll be taking care of some art and localization in Italian and French. But most importantly…

…I made a poster for it! THIS Poster! AND IT CAN BE YOURS! 

Pledge on our Kickstarter and you can get this poster along with many others! 


Thanks in advance to anyone who will support our cause! 

Check also our Tumblr @mothertoearthmovie!

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Top Shot: Out of the DustTop Shot features the photo with the most votes from the previous day’s D

Top Shot: Out of the Dust

Top Shot features the photo with the most votes from the previous day’s Daily Dozen, 12 photos selected by the Your Shot editors. The photo our community has voted as their favorite is showcased on the @natgeoyourshot Instagram account. Click here to vote for tomorrow’s Top Shot.

“All 5 species of rhinos are either critically endangered, vulnerable or threatened. When the world’s last male white rhino died, something of mankind died with it too,” writes Your Shot photographer Shobha Gopinath. “For years they have been hunted for the supposed medicinal value of their horn. When will man learn to share this planet with our fellow creatures? This image of the baby rhino with its mother [in Cape Town, South Africa] standing still in the midst of a swirling sandstorm seemed like a perfect metaphor of their vulnerability.” Photograph by Shobha Gopinath

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#Repost @iamfordena Well, I don’t even know where to start because I have been blessed and honored t

#Repost @iamfordena Well, I don’t even know where to start because I have been blessed and honored to get to grow a little miracle inside me! I thank God for this moment every chance I get. This year has been very challenging to me in which I got to grow into the woman I am today in so many positive ways. Growing up, many people made me believe that getting pregnant in your 20’s will block your real blessings and make your life 10x harder. Based on my personal experience, pregnancy isn’t the easiest thing to go through but it pushes me to strive harder daily to secure a future for my family. And by having the right people by your side to cheer you up about your special gift from God, it’s all worth it. It’s nothing to be ashamed of like they make it seem! I thank God daily for my Dad, Mom, my siblings and a lot of supportive friends I have by my side since day one. They get to be so positive around me and keep me in their prayers. Most importantly, they get to see me grow into the beautiful mother I’m becoming today. A black Queen. I also lost a lot of people who I thought that was really by my side but God and my family were there! They were not supposed to be a part of this chapter of my life I am celebrating. All I can say now, is that I am truly happy and can’t wait to meet my baby and be the best mommy ever! For the young mothers and Moms to be out there that’s experiencing things negatively, you are not a failure! You are strong, you are amazing! You are beautiful! You are capable of doing great things! You really got this! I know it’s not easy to adjust in a society bashing you about the choice you made. But, trust me it’s going to get better keep making all the sacrifices you can for your little ones it’s all worth it at the end. It’s incredible what the woman body can do just remember that.

: @wolfshotitt

#maternityshoot #pregnancyannouncement #glow #blessings #fertility #babybump #blackqueen #africanqueen #pregnancy #motherhood #mother #candidchildhood #thehappynow #momofinstagram #watchthemgrow #motherhoodunited #wonderwoman #momblogger #viral #newmommylife #newmommy #newmom #pregnant #selflove #blackgirlmagic #momempowerment #melanin

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