#mr ziku


after receiving gut rupturing telekinetic punches, Mr Ziku attempts to liquify all the organs in Mage Trisha’s stomach. reducing her belly to a waterbag of puke and blood. Will she survive?

While doing his work on Soldier Piko, Mr Ziku somehow managed to extract extra information. Mage Trisha was the first to be experimented with Ziku’s telekinetic powers. As you can see, her stomach was crushed thoroughly.

Experiment was a success. Internal organs of the belly section has been liquified.

her stomach is now a belly waterbag filled with puke and blood.

with the same instrument, he extracts her stomach fluids thru her navel.

the very same belly fluid was extracted and refilled into her stomach again & again. process lasted for 1hrs. her facial reaction showed complete agony while spit foams started forming around her mouth. also reflecting on her destroyed belly.

He was done playing with her stomach fluids. Now for something a little more “serious”. She received a very powerful finger thrust to her navel. It punctured her and now her navel was opened up, exposing her insides.

There was more to that finger thrust. It had telekinetic energy. Punches was moving internally. Energies punching themselves outwards from her stomach. This went on till she passed out. She will recover, but it will take time. End.

Mage Trisha Welcomes Her Belly Destruction

It seems that there has been some pent-up feelings that Mage Trisha has kept these past few days. For whatever the reason, she has openly welcomed & challenge both Mr Ziku and Master Luca to destroy her stomach!

Both Master Luca & Mr Ziku is aware of this. They will ensure she will regret it. Especially when they have plans to make her stare at her slightly empty stomach cavity when they are done with her.

The Setup Scene

Mage Trisha is practicing her belly dancing in a brand new dance studio near her home. She is slightly sweaty, as she has been dancing for nearly an hour or so. But still able to smell so sweet that will allure any normal man.

Minor footsteps sounded behind her. Mage Trisha was quick to turn around. But still too slow to dodge a powerful strike to her navel.

It was Master Luca. Applying the painful 5 finger thrust strike to her navel. It was already wrist deep into her belly. The title of Master is not without experience. Master Luca knows how deliver powerful and most painful strikes without breaking the external skin. His 5 finger thrust strike has left his hand mid way through Mage Trisha’s small intestines.

Mage Trisha looks at her stomach in shock, then looks towards Master Luca..

Master Luca: I see you are developing a reaction of pain and regret. Good. 30 more stomach strikes for you. *Does it with a smile*

5 finger thrust strikes was delivered to various areas on Mage Trisha’s stomach with her navel taking most of it. Each delivered was in 0.5secs per strike.

Mage Trisha had no control of her body reactions. The strikes to her stomach was so fast, she went into a convulsion ragdoll state while standing up and receiving her belly strikes. Her face reactions, eyes and mouth wide open reacting to the pain of her stomach.

Once the striking stopped, inward thrust imprints was visible on her stomach for a good 5 seconds, till it popped back into her normal stomach shape.

Master Luca stepped to the side. Finally the feeling came to Mage Trisha, a large quantity of vomit erupted out from her mouth!

Mr Ziku: You see Master Luca is a class act. He just made you blew out all your vomit. But he has given me the pleasure to release your stomach blood. Yep, I’m going to turn your belly into a fluid bag. No more stomach organs left in it.

Master LucaholdsMage Trisha from behind. Locking both her arms behind her while holding her neck, ensuring she stays and stands up straight.

Mr Ziku: Those strikes you receive earlier has made your stomach unable to tighten itself. You are gonna receive all these punches from me at full force. I’m gonna keep going until all of your stomach organs pop and rupture themselves.

As so it began, a grueling 1 hour of stomach organ rupturing moment for Mage Trisha. Her mouth covered in her own stomach organ blood.

Hence, after the nightmarish hour, her stomach had turned into a fluid bag of blood as promised by Mr Ziku.

Master Luca gave her a powerful kick to her titbags, sending her flying and landing hard to the ground.

Mr Ziku flew high and landed both his feet deep into her fluid bag of a stomach.

So much stomach blood fluid flew out from her mouth.

He used her stomach as a base platform to jump up and down on her stomach, to continuously empty her stomach.

Eventually, Mage Trisha’s stomach was emptied. Leaving her stomach skin resting just above her spine.

It will take time for Mage Trisha’s powers to kick in and save her into recovery.

* The two men leaves… *
