

The heroine knew she had no chance in winning against the baddies.

And the bad guys knew she was 1 month into her pregnancy.

So they focused their attacks on her belly.

Brutal belly punches, the ones that causes abortions.

this female get belly punched so hard, massive amounts of stomach fluids burst out from her mouth. sthis female get belly punched so hard, massive amounts of stomach fluids burst out from her mouth. s

this female get belly punched so hard, massive amounts of stomach fluids burst out from her mouth.

should she be placed into more brutal stuff? Like maybe an abortion camp?

Let me know.

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A pre-abortion ritual.

A brutal belly dancing. The stomach is beaten with kinetic forces and energy. This female subject is in her 2nd month of pregnancy.

This technique will ensure a painful and brutal abortion results.

By looking at her stomach, she deserves it.


Don’t think that trying to play hero or heroine is gonna save you. Its all planned out, clients will enjoy watching your stomach get destroyed, ruptured and internal organs bursting from the inside.

Yes, your stomach organs bursting. Hope that other than pain, you also feel regret and reflect on your actions. Alot of money was paid to see your blood.

Rapid belly punches will be applied to your entire abdomen. Your belly will not be sparred. By the end of it, only mush and squisy parts are left in your stomach cavity.

Your facial reactions is classic. Yes feel the pain.

All taken in your stomach.

This will go on for a week. If your alive or not, that depends on you.


This is a human paintoy and a punchbag owned to the most sadistic master and mistress. I am forced into this lifestyle since the age of 13. Over the years I am made to believe that this body is made to take and endure inhuman pain. I have trained myself with Yoga, accupressure, accupuncture to endure limitless pain and torture. I am not a fuck meat or a sex slave. So, if you are not into savage beating, please do not read further or contact me.
They love beating my stomach and get my guts crushed to the spine. I had several broken ribs, broken bones, internal injuries, nails pulled out, pussy stretched and burnt from inside, electricity, nipples burnt, tits tortured red and blue, internal injuries. I was hospitalized 16 times and once into Coma. I am rented out for limitless torture and injuries. Lived through 3 private torture parties where 14 people tortured me for 2-3 days. I had my uterus damaged permanently and cannot have a baby ever.
My owners love to hang me upside down and use me as punching bag. They love to starve me and put me in pain 24/7. More the pain the more they enjoy.
I can make very good stomach vacuum and my owners and my torturers love hitting my stomach while i do that. Master also loves to have his morning breakfast with my stomach as a bowl.
Why Am I Online?
- I have been asked to find the next master for me as my owners have decided to discard me. The next owner also have to be sadistic and should have a replacement slave for my master (see below. I am ready to give up my life body and soul to my owner. I am ready if my next master amputates me, break me, burn me or kill me.
- I have been also asked if I can find some clients to get more torture. Following are the conditions to hire me for private torture.

What my Master Looking for as replacement:-
- A non Thai skinny slave, weight should be less than 90 lbs.
- Should be able to able to do stomach vacuum same or better than me.
- Anyone provides such a slave or help me find such a slave for my master gets me for free.
- My owners have not decided price for me to be sold. They will explore the exchange slave option first.

Condition to hire meat:-
- Broken bones are must
- 50% stomach and organs crushing and smashing is must
- No permanent cutting or burning in visible external parts
- Meat to be rented for minimum 24 hours and max 7 days
- Meat to be tortured in our dungeon only
- All custom equipment needed to be mentioned prior so arrangement can be made
- Hourly torture details to be emailed in detail beforehand
- If extreme enough then only we allow rent, else not
- $100 per person per day is rent
- 40% discount if meat stomach organs destroyed really bad

Amy average day:-
No Sleep At night. At night they place a 300 lbs bed on my belly, so I writhe in pain and cannot sleep. At 4 am i have to use the car jack to lift the bed up and release myself then do cooking, cleaning, washing clothes. Then serve breakfast to my master n mistress. Then they tie me up in different position and use me as punchbag
then mistress gives me enema and trample me for 2 hrs. At 9:30 i take bath and lay on the dining table making stomach vacuum and master use my stomach as a bowl. Then at 10:30 i get food and master ties a tight belt around my stomach to reduce it to 16" and i keep it on for next 8 hrs. Then i am dumped in the dungeon. In dungeon i do 4 hrs running on tredmill, do Yoga, Acupuncture, acupressure and sleep for 4 hrs.
At night they come in, beat me mercilessly and make me pass out. then rape my limp body dumps me in the dungeon with the bed on my belly.
Love you all
Belly Slave

yes. a total yes.

a belly slave, dedicated to destruction.

i wonder if she would be able to take the pain of having her stomach be nothing more than a bag of blood and vomit. as all her stomach organs had ruptured and burst from the inside.

you offer yourself like that, because you know, deep down inside, you are nothing more than just mea

you offer yourself like that, because you know, deep down inside, you are nothing more than just meat, waiting and wanting to be abused.

your stomach is forever inviting. your navel always a target. you always hate belly punching because it hurts you. but we always remind you, that your opinions doesnt mean shit. and in the end, we make you accept pain.

there are moments we punched your stomach so hard, the stomach organ itself burst from the inside. good times, just not for you.

now that clients have paid more in making sure you venture in pregnancies and abortion, its just gonna get worst for you.

ok enough talk, time to mallet smash in your stomach organs and make them all flatten.

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ready to be punched and abuse.

ready to be punched and abuse.

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“..you are 2months in your pregnancy. these punches will serve as good abortion reminders for you. simply because you deserve it..get pregnant again soon..”

#abortion    #bellypunching    #belly punch    #bellypunch    

Mage Trisha Welcomes Her Belly Destruction

It seems that there has been some pent-up feelings that Mage Trisha has kept these past few days. For whatever the reason, she has openly welcomed & challenge both Mr Ziku and Master Luca to destroy her stomach!

Both Master Luca & Mr Ziku is aware of this. They will ensure she will regret it. Especially when they have plans to make her stare at her slightly empty stomach cavity when they are done with her.

The Setup Scene

Mage Trisha is practicing her belly dancing in a brand new dance studio near her home. She is slightly sweaty, as she has been dancing for nearly an hour or so. But still able to smell so sweet that will allure any normal man.

Minor footsteps sounded behind her. Mage Trisha was quick to turn around. But still too slow to dodge a powerful strike to her navel.

It was Master Luca. Applying the painful 5 finger thrust strike to her navel. It was already wrist deep into her belly. The title of Master is not without experience. Master Luca knows how deliver powerful and most painful strikes without breaking the external skin. His 5 finger thrust strike has left his hand mid way through Mage Trisha’s small intestines.

Mage Trisha looks at her stomach in shock, then looks towards Master Luca..

Master Luca: I see you are developing a reaction of pain and regret. Good. 30 more stomach strikes for you. *Does it with a smile*

5 finger thrust strikes was delivered to various areas on Mage Trisha’s stomach with her navel taking most of it. Each delivered was in 0.5secs per strike.

Mage Trisha had no control of her body reactions. The strikes to her stomach was so fast, she went into a convulsion ragdoll state while standing up and receiving her belly strikes. Her face reactions, eyes and mouth wide open reacting to the pain of her stomach.

Once the striking stopped, inward thrust imprints was visible on her stomach for a good 5 seconds, till it popped back into her normal stomach shape.

Master Luca stepped to the side. Finally the feeling came to Mage Trisha, a large quantity of vomit erupted out from her mouth!

Mr Ziku: You see Master Luca is a class act. He just made you blew out all your vomit. But he has given me the pleasure to release your stomach blood. Yep, I’m going to turn your belly into a fluid bag. No more stomach organs left in it.

Master LucaholdsMage Trisha from behind. Locking both her arms behind her while holding her neck, ensuring she stays and stands up straight.

Mr Ziku: Those strikes you receive earlier has made your stomach unable to tighten itself. You are gonna receive all these punches from me at full force. I’m gonna keep going until all of your stomach organs pop and rupture themselves.

As so it began, a grueling 1 hour of stomach organ rupturing moment for Mage Trisha. Her mouth covered in her own stomach organ blood.

Hence, after the nightmarish hour, her stomach had turned into a fluid bag of blood as promised by Mr Ziku.

Master Luca gave her a powerful kick to her titbags, sending her flying and landing hard to the ground.

Mr Ziku flew high and landed both his feet deep into her fluid bag of a stomach.

So much stomach blood fluid flew out from her mouth.

He used her stomach as a base platform to jump up and down on her stomach, to continuously empty her stomach.

Eventually, Mage Trisha’s stomach was emptied. Leaving her stomach skin resting just above her spine.

It will take time for Mage Trisha’s powers to kick in and save her into recovery.

* The two men leaves… *

Title: Agent Teo Failing Her First Mission

Agent Teo had failed her first mission. The enemy had recorded what they did to her. They returned her back to us. But we rejected, so that her belly is punished for another month.

she had trained to condition her stomach, but it was pointless. her stomach had ruptured several times, nearly to a state of mush.

she needs proper training by @HurtsHerStomach

Agent Teo, when she is not getting belly punched, stomach stomped & womb crushing abortions, she gives births and fills her titbags with thick milk.

she needs some intense navel focus belly punching soon. so hard it produces loud popping sound.

when this cosplayer signed her porn contract, she didnt really read the fine line.because this contr

when this cosplayer signed her porn contract, she didnt really read the fine line.

because this contract is gonna have her pregnant and aborted constantly.

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