#ms swans


Hello again, Ruby here!

I want to start off by expressing how extremely grateful I am for the positive reception of my project idea so far!  I really want this to be something everyone can enjoy and creatively contribute to in one way or another, and I plan on doing my absolute best to make it so. I’ve always considered ways to expand the MPHFPC universe even before I started my blog, so this means a lot to me. :^)

Secondly, I am very excited to announce that I have set up a blog for the project and determined a date to launch my first post, as well as a post schedule. Within the next few days I plan on posting updates on this account, as well as teasing some of the peculiars. I will be posting the schedule, and overall giving more insight and history of the project, as well as things to expect and content I hope to share.

A big part of this project that I will advise is that this is a solely conceived and pursued concept; which allows me to be more expressive with my ideas, but also sets me back a lot more than if I were to be collaborating with a group of people in the community. I hope to be as active and as fast as possible with my content, but this also means I would love for the community to help contribute! This means…

- Do you have any peculiar OC’s, loops, or concepts you’d like to introduce into the mix?

- Do you like my characters? Do you have any ideas, headcanons, or general shitposting type posts to send in about them?

- Are there any posts, comic strips, short stories, or headcanons you’d like to see of my characters?

Send them in! I would LOVE to hear your thoughts, as it would not only give me ideas as to what you want to see, but it also helps me keep things fresh and consistent.

Now, you’re probably waiting for me to finally release the name & blog title, and obviously given that this is the entire point of this post I suppose I could deliver! So without further ado:

I am absolutely delighted to finally introduce…

Ms. Swan’s Home for the Young & Exceptional!

“… Ms. Swan’s Home for the Young & Exceptional can be found through a little door in the back of the Elysian Cafe on Bitburg Alley, a street nestled somewhere hidden in the city of Albany, New York. Emergence into this loop will greet you with a bustling midday scene on the day of Saturday, October 30th, 1994. To locate the home, you must make your way through the bustling shop and down the street, nearing towards the well kept, hard to miss Swan Manor that calls out to you…

… Upon arrival, you will quickly be greeted with a burst of fresh energy: a young woman of a short stature greeting you at the door with a welcoming grin. The emerald in her shirt contrasting beautifully with her blue eyes and the white feather perched in her well-styled hair.

“I had a feeling someone was at the door,” She laughs a laid back energy wrapped around a proper exterior. Though her face is youthful, her eyes gleam with a look that is full of history and stories to tell.

She looks back at the staircase, and it’s for the first time that you take a look past the door. The well decorated home is carefully arranged with a modern-vintage hybrid flare, large paintings adorning the walls and plants placed in free spaces. It has a lived-in quality to it, toys scattered about and shoes messily tossed next to the doorway. Before you can make a comment, she calls into the all too quiet home.

“Children come down, there’s someone I would like for you to meet.”

Follow the blog for more!
