



Pairing: Jungkook x Reader

Genre: drabble, college!au, best friends!au, angst, (eventual) smut

Summary: there’s a reason you’re best friends.. Jungkook knows you better than anyone else. but do you know him? (anon, i hope this covers it!)

Rating: pg-13 (for this drabble)

Warnings: jealous koo :) and a little angsty :( just a little

Word Count: 1k

a/n ✑ it’s backck!! sorry for making you wait long a;sdjajk (i haven’t proofread!)


This is awkward. Both him and Shitmin are waiting for you in front of your class, neither of them wanting to be the one to break the ice and ask what the other is doing here.

Not that they don’t know. No, they definitely both know why. It’s just a bit…awkward.

Keep reading
