


your classic piratin’ axe wieldin’ knife carryin’ belt bucklin’ one-hoop-earring wearin’ badass tiefling for @hardygalwrites. thanks for the commission, hope i did this gal justice ;)

i will make tasty art for you…come fill out my snazzy google form and tell me about your characters….

Hell yeah you did her justice, she looks truly badass and amazing! The player to whom this character belongs really liked this art piece, and I thank you :3

HardyGal’s D&D Experiences (Roughly) Retold

Session 2: In Which My Character Nearly Got Punched

The following retelling is a moment about the above player character, told from the POV of my player character (due to the fact that I do not have access to the precise mindset of another player character)

“What the FUCK!”

The words thundered through the clearing in a painfully loud roar, making Gossamer jolt as he covered his ears. He spun around and immediately saw Queenie, pointing her greataxe, the red aura around her flaring as she glared at him with an unbridled fury. It was objectively intimidating, but Gossamer was far too distracted by the ringing in his ears to even consider taking a step back.

“What the hell?!” he exclaimed incredulously, hands still pressed over his ears.

Queenie did not dignify his question with a response, instead swinging her greataxe down and stomping towards him. Now Gossamer felt intimidated. He stumbled back, instinctively raising his arms in preparation to defend himself from the punch he absolutely knew was coming.

“Woah, hey!” Fredrick shoved himself in between Gossamer and Queenie, just as the latter pulled back her fist.

Before Queenie could make good on her strike, Vyalda also shoved herself into the conflict, catching the tiefling’s wrist in a clawed hand.

“That is enough,” Vyalda said sharply, her accent making her words even harsher than her tone already did. “The battle is over, we do not need to fight amongst ourselves.”

Queenie jerked her hand from Vyalda’s grasp. “He nearly got us all killed!”

“Yeah, that was pretty stupid,” Fredrick said, looking down at Gossamer with a frown.

Gossamer said nothing. No words came to mind as he stared at Queenie in shock, arms still held up in front of him.

“But we are still alive,” Vyalda emphasised. “The boy made a mistake. That does not mean we should start fighting.”

Queenie simply let out a huff and turned away. The red aura around her had dissipated, but she still looked pissed as hell as she dug through her pack and pulled out the last health potion she had been given. Looking at her now, Gossamer realised just how bad a condition Queenie was currently in. Her eyes were slightly cloudy, her shirt was slashed and bloodied in several places, and her arms seemed to be trembling ever so slightly.

Gods, he had been so focused on helping Hubie that he hadn’t even considered what the rest of these guys would do once he ran into the fray…

Queenie downed the potion in one gulp and shook herself as some vitality returned to her eyes and body. Gossamer glanced down, pulling at the wraps around his hands agitatedly.

Yeah, just saying sorry didn’t sound like a good way to make up for anything. He probably should have taken that punch.
