

For Multimuse rp blogs meme

Send and I will give you list of my muses I see interacting well with your muse


Hi all! 

I’ve made a new RP account. 
I’ve decided to venture out with a new new muses from different fandoms, and I’m looking for some people to start some threads with. 

Hit me up :D 

Made a new RP account if anyone wants to plot :D 



The Animal Influenced Muse Masterlist (or AIM)is a RPC masterlist. This list is focused on muses that are shifters, of the ‘were’ species( werewolf, werebear, etc.), animal mythology, animal-inspired original species, or fully animal!! I made this list so fellow shifter// animal muses can easily find each other. Especially since it seems we’re hard to find these days!!


***How to be added to the list is by reblogging this post and adding what kind of blog you are and what kind of animal influence your muse(s) has. Likes will not be counted because I will not check out the blog!!You’re also open to spread the word by reblogging too!!

I’ll try to update the list as often as I can. If you have any pressing concerns or unsure if your muse fits don’t hesitate to contact me through asks or through IMs !!


                                  LINK TO THE MASTERLIST.
