#muramatsu takuya


In case some are anxious, not yet people, it’s not over yet. Rest assured, I intend to go through with this little project to the end. I hate unfinished stories.

Also, if any aren’t aware, Korotan D is now a thing! Furthermore, @blazardragon has already got Chapter 1 of its light novel sections translated! In addition, I have to thank her for the proofreading, since I don’t have access to the Japanese text myself. I am doing this off of a Chinese fan translation after all.

I also have a translation of the short sample of Korotan D that’s available on the official website here, though I can’t spare much more effort on that book beyond this.

Additionally, @greengargouille has completed a translation of Korotan A!

Previously on Korotan C: Princess Lea of Norgo Kingdom visits Kunugigaoka for a Debate Rally, but she’s decided to sneak out of her hotel and into the city. But when one hitman after another come for her life, it’s up to Class 3-E and Asano Gakushuu to be her bodyguards and escort her to safety.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Spoilers beware, and remember, this is not intended to be a full word for word translation. This is only so that you have an idea of what is happening.

I have no guarantee that these are 100% accurate

Chapter 5

The next phase of the escort plan is to switch their mode of transport from bus to train. This time, the group with the still-disguised Nakamura will go on the first train, while the one with the real Lea goes second.

The escort guard will also be rearranged a little, and in case their appearances when they boarded the bus were seen by the hitmen, Karma suggests that Terasaka and Asano come along with him elsewhere away from the girls.

“No! I cannot agree to this.” Said Asano.

“Ha? Why?”

“I can agree to the baiting, but that doesn’t mean I can sit by and let the princess’ protection become slack. Not only can I do martial arts, I have escort skills as well, I am absolutely necessary for protecting her!”

Karma makes an evil grin at what he hears, and deliberately raised his volume. “Ah~ah, if Asano-kun said so, I guess there’s no helping it. After all, you did just promise the princess that you’ll always be together in the future~”

“Seriously!!?” exclaimed Maehara.

“Akabane! Do not say that in such an easily misunderstood way!” retorted Asano, but by then it’s already too late, as the Class E students huddle around him with words of praise and well-wishes.

“They’re already a pair? That’s incredible, as expected of Asano-kun.” “Congratulations!!”

Asano is close to fainting from this sudden development. Lea carries a faint smile as she looks at him, her cheeks slightly red.

“Not only does the princess have a big chest, her face also looks like that of an honour student, she’s way too sexy.”

But Okajima’s words immediately killed the jubilant atmosphere, and both boys and girls gave him a dismissive look. And after Karma translated his words to Lea, all of the girls shouted “how lewd!!” in unison. Seeing how even the princess is angered, Okajima can only hang his head in shame, shoulders slumped.

All of a sudden, Nagisa received a text from Kataoka. In order to gather intelligence on the background of the princess’ assassins, Takebayashi and Fuwa have infiltrated the embassy. There they stumbled upon Irina. “Huh? Why is B*tch-sensei at the embassy??”

Hearing Nagisa exclaim in surprise, everyone wondered just who got in contact with her, and that she got inside way too quickly. At Isogai’s behest, Nagisa sent back a response asking for further details.

The scene switches over to the train platform. Nakamura’s decoy team have already boarded a train bound for the city centre, and now Lea’s team is waiting for the next one heading in the embassy’s direction. Accompanying her are Asano and Nagisa; Isogai and Maehara will head for the carriage in front of them, while Muramatsu and Yoshida will head for the carriage behind.

As they sit and wait, Lea points out how there’re so many passengers. Tokyo is so populated. Asano worries that they can’t keep their guard up against all of them, but Nagisa reassures them that he’s pretty good at sensing the aura of people nearby, so just leave it to him.

When the train arrives at the station, after Nagisa’s group have boarded, Isogai and Muramatsu exchanged glances and their groups followed on.

With all the seats occupied, Nagisa’s group opt to stand by the door. Lea silently looks at the passing scenery outside, while Asano advises her not to stick so close to the window and pulled her closer to him.

Nagisa suddenly whispered and asked “Say, just what is it?” Though he’s aware that he asked him about something, he just gave him his usual quick sharp gaze before turning his attention elsewhere. As he turns, Nagisa could sense that there’s an obvious fluctuation in the wavelength of Asano’s conscious. Aiming for the peak of the fluctuation, Nagisa looked to Asano’s eyes and asked once more.

“Hey, Asano-kun, what is it about Princess Lea that caught your eye?”

Having been attacked while his guard was down, Asano’s mind went blank for a moment and gave an answer without thinking.

“I was shocked to hear her call me a boring person.”

As soon as he said it, Asano immediately regrets that he blabbed out something calamitous.

“Wha!? … that’s normally not a reason to like someone now is it?” Nagisa is shocked and flabbergasted at Asano’s unintended confession. Despite being the one to ask the question, he’s now feeling flustered at what he got, and conversely Asano who gave the answer is looking intimidating with a terrifyingly angry expression.

“I get it, I won’t tell anybody. Your face tells me that if I do, you’ll massacre me at school.”

“[Hey, what are you guys talking about? It looks fun, use English~]”

As Lea pouts at their exchange of words, Nagisa shudders as he senses some bloodlust behind him. Turning around, he sees that their owner is a man wearing a trench coat and a knit cap, standing behind them (but not directly) with his back turned.

When he relayed his discovery to his companions, Asano had a bit of doubt, but he can see that Nagisa’s gaze now is completely different from he was messing around before. With both his iris fully opened and gleaming, Nagisa’s look sends a shiver down Asano’s spine.

Pondering if they should call for support, Nagisa reaches for his phone, when Asano stops him. “Based on his stance, he’s probably waiting for a chance to perform the assassination. If we do anything rash, we’ll just leave ourselves open. Do you have anything for writing?”

From Nagisa’s pocket is his Korosensei’s Weaknesses notepad and pencil, plus the chewing gum he had just received from Korosensei. The notepad is too small for what Asano had in mind.

From Lea’s purse is a white handkerchief and a pink lipstick. Sufficient for his objective, Asano laid the handkerchief on Nagisa’s back and used the lipstick to write some big words on it. “There’s no need for us to directly confront him.”

Reading what he wrote, Nagisa immediately understood Asano’s intent. “We just need to stick this on his back, right? I’ll do it, I’m pretty good at this stuff.”

“What’re you going to do?”

Giving Asano a quick smile, Nagisa took the handkerchief, and opened the packaging on the chewing gum. After placing it in his mouth, he starts moving alone past the clusters of passengers towards the knit cap man, his head low and wearing a smile.

“[Is it alright to let Nagisa go alone?]” Lea was about to follow after him but was stopped by Asano.

“[We mustn’t make any sudden movements, or we’ll be discovered immediately. Look, he’s not deliberately avoiding anyone while moving, and yet no one has noticed him. He’s concealing his own presence.]”

Passing by the knit cap man from the side, Nagisa slowly lifted his hand, and used the chewing gum to stick the handkerchief onto his back. The assassin noticed nothing at all, and just continued to stand there. Nagisa smiles as he returns to Asano and Lea, the former getting chills just watching him.


“There shouldn’t be any problems now, it should take effect soon.”

Asano just stares at Nagisa with an incredulous look on his face.

“…just what are y-”

“Pfft” A young man on the seats snorted out a laughter, with a lady next to him trying to hold in a giggle herself. As though laughter is infectious, snickers filled the whole carriage, with everyone looking towards the knit cap man.

“[We can get off of the next station.]” Nagisa whispered, to which Lea lightly nodded.

The knit cap man finally realised the state of the carriage, and that the surrounding passengers are all sneaking in looks at him. He lowered his bloodlust towards the movements of Lea’s company as much as possible, but even so, the feeling of being bathed in attention hasn’t faded at all. With the laughter getting louder and louder, the assassin became more and more panicked, he now has no way of carrying out an assassination.

“It’s working Asano-kun! Let’s get off at the next station.”

The train slowly pulls into its next station and comes to a halt. The doors on Lea’s side opened, and with plenty of passengers pouring in, the signal for the next journey started to ring. When the doors prepare to close, Nagisa got off in time, followed by Asano.

But when he looked back at the closing doors, Lea was still in the car. Using his body to block the doors, he reached for Lea’s hand and pulled her out of the train, rescuing her before it took off again.

“It’s because you didn’t explain things properly that that happened!” Asano angrily glared at Nagisa.

“I’m sorry, I did try to convey it to her…”

“What did you say?”

“[We can get off of the next station]. Like that.”

“That’s too vague! [We have to get off at the next station.] It should be like that.”

“[I’m sorry.]” Nagisa apologised to them both.

“[It’s okay Nagisa, in fact that was very exciting.]”

Lea just noticed that her hand is still in Asano’s grasp, her face turning red. They both pulled back their hands at the same time.

“[So what was written on the handkerchief?]”

“[‘I’m currently on my first errand’, like that.]”

“[Well you do have a gift for humour after all~]” Hearing such praises, Asano feels that he’s recovered some points from earlier before.

(TN: First Errand, AKA Hajimete no Otsukai, is a reality variety show that follows different kids as they go about their first errand alone (with very minimal supervision), like going to a shop and buy something back home. You can imagine how nasty a prank Asano’s note is now.)

After Asano contacted the Nakamura team that went before them, as well as their other escorts whom are still on their train, everyone gathers once more.

The kids find it vexing that they can’t shake off their pursuers, whether by bus or train. Taxis are a no-go as well, there’s too little room for movement should anything happen.

Karma then brings up something that he finds strange: the assassins thus far have been easily fended off by them, and yet these same unremarkable assassins have perfectly and effortlessly grasped their movements. Such a mismatch is rather curious.

He had given the possibility of tracking devices some thought, but Lea had already switched out her clothes. Maybe her belongings then?

Aside from her lipstick, mirror and phone, nothing else is in Lea’s purse. Believing that her phone is worth examining, he suggests that they try installing Mobile Ritsu inside of it.

On Nagisa’s inquiry, she tells him that because she’s stored on the memory card, they just need to place one onto the designated phone to perform the install. He also asks her that if she should discover tracking software or anything suspicious, let them and Kataoka’s investigation team know about it.

As instructed, Nagisa then took out the memory card from his own phone and placed into Lea’s, explaining to her that it’s to check if it had been hijacked.

Meanwhile, Asano is getting anxious. They have to move soon, even if they have to walk.

“What about this?” Yoshida was checking something a short distance away, and confidently returns with a bike.

(TN: Apparently, bike rental services in Japan are often located near railway stations and landing points for ships and ferries for easy access)

“Bikes huh? Not bad, and the speed is good, let’s use this!” acclaimed Karma, with Asano likewise nodding.

“Alright! Let’s head to the embassy on bikes!!”

“Look, there’s plenty more to borrow over there,” pointed Yoshida. As the Class E students gather with their bikes, Asano brings his over to Lea.

“[Do you want to sit behind me?]”

“[Yes!!]” Lea strongly nodded at Asano’s suggestion.

The riders begin their advance, with Asano and Lea in the centre and Nagisa and others in the perimeter. With Mobile Ritsu’s guidance, they deliberate chose roads with plenty of traffic, and as they get further away from the station, they accelerated their pace.

“Man, this feels great!” Yoshida exclaimed happily. Now on a slope, their speed increased, and cars passed them by in the cold winter air.

“So cold!” cried Muramatsu. Behind him is Asano, with Lea leaning her hand atop his shoulder, her face brimming with a smile and her blue iris dazzling under the sunlight.

“[This is so much fun!!]” she shouted, as the bike squad ride past the slope like the wind.


(TN: A side thought post-translation regarding the Hajimete no Otsukai prank.

My instincts tell me that Lea probably isn’t referring to the show itself. Perhaps, “hajimete no otsukai” is probably so well known among the Japanese populace by now that people like author Kuma Ataro probably thought that the concept of “first errand” applies the same way anywhere in the world. 

That, or he didn’t think that far ahead when he wrote the joke and is therefore an oversight, though minor in the scheme of things)

June 2016? My goodness, it’s been that long!? Sigh, my work life…

Previously on Korotan C: Princess Lea of Norgo Kingdom visits Kunugigaoka for a Debate Rally, but she’s decided to sneak out of her hotel and into the city. Upon saving her from an assassination attempt, Class 3-E and Asano Gakushuu are now bodyguards on a mission to escort her to safety.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Spoilers beware, and remember, this is not intended to be a full word for word translation. This is only so that you have an idea of what is happening.

I have no guarantee that these are 100% accurate

Chapter 4

Taxi would be the quickest way to reach the embassy, but should their enemies discover them, it’ll become easy to mark and ambush. Thus, Karma suggests that they use methods that include crowds of people to make things harder for them.

They’ll use public transport whenever they can, and switch the mediums of travel too. From here, they can take the bus, then switch to train at the station. Of course, some of them have to stay with the princess.

Nakamura then suggests maybe it’ll help if the princess wears a different outfit. Like, she can put on a Kunugigaoka uniform, then someone else dresses in the princess’ outfit.

That idea will put the person dressed in the princess’ outfit in danger of being assassinate though. “Well, even if I say that, you’ll still do it anyway,” Karma quickly realises.

“Same hairstyle, same colour, isn’t that just right? Exactly like the princess who’s being marked! Incidentally, you better protect me, my meat shield!!” said Nakamura.

“Hey! How many times are you going to use me as a meat shield!?” retorted Terasaka.

After Nakamura and Lea swapped their clothing, Yoshida brings the princess a knit cap for her to completely hide her blonde hair.

“Class E keeps on demonstrating an unfathomable level of prowess, whether at the Athletic Festival or the 2nd Trimester Finals, just where did your strength came from?” questioned Asano.

“Well… it was probably… the result of us fighting to the death at the precipice that was Class E…” answered Isogai.

“Isogai-kun… is getting better and better at lying…” remarked Kayano (probably)

“Well… it’s not like he can say that it was all thanks to a Mach 20 superbeing,” replied Nagisa (probably)

Unbeknownst to everyone, someone is spying on them from the shadows.

“Everyone has matured well, getting more and more reliable. Should anything happen, Sensei will be there to help, so just go along with your own daring ideas!”

Suddenly, a dog barks from behind the octopus and he screams. Karma and Asano both heard him, to the former’s exasperation.

The students travel in 2 groups, with Lea grouped together with Asano, Nakamura, Karma and Terasaka. En route to the bus station, Lea gives the ambassador a call, telling him that everything’s fine, and she’s heading now to the embassy.

When the bus arrives, Karma and Asano boarded first to make sure passengers are OK, with Nakamura and Terasaka keep up their guard from behind.

Karma sits at a window seat closest to the emergency exit, with Lea next to him, and Asano standing next to her. Nakamura and Terasaka then sit to her front and rear, completing a cross-formation that defends Lea in the center for their travel.

But during the bus journey, Karma decides to lighten things up with small talk, to Asano’s chagrin.

“Hey, don’t you forget that we are supposed to be protecting the princess! Don’t relax your guard, we’re not here for sightseeing!”

“While keeping up your guard is important, it’s still a long way to the embassy, so there’s no way to maintain such a high tension for the whole trip.”

“It’s because you carry such optimism like so many others who’ve given up on hard work that you…”

“Besides, if you want to pursue perfection in being a bodyguard, then before the princess made her suggestion, you should’ve taken the first step, so being adaptable is another essential skill to have.”

“I don’t need you to teach me how to be a bodyguard! And on the social side of things, I have plenty of experience.”

Lea watches with amusement at the banter between the two.

She remarks that “Karma” is an odd name, is it common in Japan? He reckons he’s the only one in Japan to have it, it’s a name that his always-travelling parents with their strange tastes came up with.

Isn’t that lonely, what with his parents not being at home? He thinks he’s actually freer this way, as long as they don’t mind his business he’s got no objections. Lea feels envious at the relationship the Akabanes have.

Karma then brings her attention to Asano’s family. Normally, if you have the school’s board chairman for a father, then you would get all sorts of special treatment, and everything is fine and dandy, but not for Asano-kun. Never mind special treatment, the way he kept working hard to stay at the top is considered “that’s how it should be”, that’s just…

[“You know nothing! Can you cease with your blabbering! Since ancient times, the only ones who become rulers are the strong. That is my father’s compass of education, and one that I believe to be correct. I never yearned for any warmth between father and son, and I have no interest in discussing such relationships with someone who likes to gossip like Akabane. So whether it’s this guy, or my father, I will rule over you all, over all of humanity. That is my calling, and I take joy in living in this calling.”]

[“Pfft,”] blurted Nakamura. [“So cool, Asano-kun! But I think that’s just a load of hubris.”]

[“There’s no helping it if it’s seen as hubris, although, I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing to be undeterred by the gazes of others and stick to your beliefs. But if it were me, there’s no way I would ignore how others around me sees things, or the expectations from my parents or my citizens. I would stick with my beliefs while carrying all the pressure and responsibility, and I would hate to act like I’m losing to that pressure!”]

[“Indeed, running away is no good.”] (Don’t know who says this)

Seeing his retaliation, Lea lightly pats him on his upper arm.

[“Let’s not talk about this anymore, Gakushuu is too perfect, it’s boring.”]

[“Expectations from others is proof of your worth, and as for how this strength is to be used, it’s completely decided by me, by my freedom. I decide where my life leads to.”]

(He was so serious that Karma and Nakamura opted not to tease him here)

[“From now on, I shall etch your words into my heart.  I will believe in myself and do the things that I believe in, and I shall not falter and continue forward, no matter what those around me say. But conversely, please remain in contact with me as much as possible.”]

[“Then you had better keep up with my growth.”]

Seeing how the two have been using such tough language against one another, Karma can’t help but feel excited. [“My oh my~ Don’t you think those two suit each other a lot?”]

[“Can you not make such low-levelled jokes!?”] Asano angrily stares at Karma.

[“Aha, he’s angry now~ Asano-kun is so cute~!”] [“He does like the princess huh~!”]

Asano’s strong tone only got Karma and Nakamura more fired up.

[“When this is over, if you dare to spread this sort of rumour, I’ll use all the power in the school to massacre you!”]

[“So scary~”]

She may’ve been the butt of the joke, but Lea holds in her laughter and turns to the windows. The appearance of her excitedly gazing out at the scenery of the passing streets presents a temperament of both girlish innocence and royalty. Asano involuntarily looked at this from a side view, but when he suddenly sensed a devilish gaze coming from Karma, he hurriedly turned back towards the front.

“Hey! Can’t you all speak with some simpler English? I couldn’t hear a lick of it!” said Terasaka.

“Man, you just had to do it, breaking up this lovely atmosphere?!” retorted Nakamura, as the bus slowly approaches the train station.

Meanwhile, the second group had already taken another bus, arrived at the train station and got into formation. Some went to check the surroundings for any assassins that may be in hiding, while others remain nearby gathering intelligence on the situation.

In front of the station, Nagisa and Kayano are throwing out snacks to the pigeons nearby, with more and more gathering, and even landing on their heads and shoulders and pecking at the snacks in their hands. Isogai and Maehara, on guard nearby, wonder if they’re alright, but it’s part of Karma’s plan, what can they do?

The “escort” bus now arrives at the station. Maehara spotted that one of the people waiting in line to board is dressed in black and reading a newspaper. And as the passengers gradually exit the vehicle, he leaves the queue and approaches them.

Isogai can see that the man has something in his hand, probably a syringe. He calls out to Nagisa before the duo runs towards the bus.

“CLAP” With a sound from Nagisa’s hands, the pigeons all flew towards the airspace around the bus. The man in black was distracted for one moment, and when he looked back, he’s face to face with his target. Well, someone who was supposed to be his target, smiling.

“Eh??? Did you see the princess?” Seeing Nakamura’s grin, the assassin knows that he messed up, and Isogai takes this chance to bat away his syringe with a rolled-up notebook. Not giving him any leeway, from behind Nakamura, Asano sends a kick his way and knocks him out.

The assassin had two more accomplices, and after seeing his defeat, they retreated to their car. But when they opened the door, they saw that the wheels had all fallen down to the side of the road. Next thing they knew, they’re strapped to their seats with duct tape.

[“You are under arrest.”] Nearby the station was Korosensei, dressed in police uniform while chewing bubble gum and playing with the duct tape roll. Next to him is Yoshida with a wrench and Muramatsu with a carjack, snickering that the assassins were way too obvious with their black clothes, black car and bubbling bloodlust.

“Korosensei, did you come to help us?” asked Nagisa. Having heard from Karasuma and Kataoka, at first Korosensei wanted to bring the princess to a safe place at Mach speed. But since he’s not allowed to do that, he can only support the kids, ensuring that the princess makes it to the destination and that his students are safe as well.

By the way, he took the chance to clean away the pigeon feathers and droppings on Nagisa. “Wha? When did that happen!?”

As thanks, he gives the leftover snacks to a delighted Korosensei. In exchange, he gives his bubble gum to Nagisa before disappearing at Mach speed.

I’m still astounded at how much personality Matsui-sensei can put into his characters with less than a chapter. I mean, it only took a few panels of Chapter 87 and 88 to cement Muramatsu as one of Class E’s new cooks.

Main credits go to a certain Baidu forumer for translating the profiles from the Roll Book Time Databook to a language I understand.
In accordance with her wish, her screenshots from the book will not be copied elsewhere, so refer to the following link to see extracts of Muramatsu’s profile:

Extracts of Muramatsu’s profile

And because this is a Japanese -> Chinese -> English translation for the most part, while I have endeavoured to keep things as accurate as possible, not everything may be successfully conveyed across

Muramatsu Takuya

E-24 Muramatsu Takuya (村松 拓哉) – Class E’s kamikaze fighter, ramen professional

“We’re not going down without a fight!!”


  • A student who keeps himself ready to charge in and strike in various situations. Because he has been helping out at his family’s ramen shop, he’s excellent at cooking, so there’s a side of him that does contribute to the class.

Code Name: Sponge Gourd (へちま / hechima), Itona’s idea

It’s as it looks, the shape of his face looks just like a sponge gourd. But because the Chanpuru that this guy makes are pretty good, if his skin were thicker he’ll be a bitter melon instead.

(TN: Chanpuru is an Okinawan stir fry dish, one variation of which incorporates Sponge Gourd. I’m guessing what Itona is saying is that because “sponge gourd” is a somewhat positive thing in his eyes, he pines that he couldn’t nickname him something more negative like “bitter melon”. Anyone with other ideas are free to suggest)

  • Birthday: August 25th
  • Height: 176cm
  • Weight: 61kg
  • Blood Type: A
  • Favourite Subject: Home Economics
  • Worst Subject: Maths
  • Interests and special skills: Men’s cooking
  • Past Club: Fishing Club
  • Treasured Item(s): His family shop’s Noren (Japanese fabric divider that displays the shop’s logo, used as the shop’s entrance and to mark its “identity”)
  • Favourite Food: Seafood and pork double layer soup
  • Bento or Snacks: Bento
  • Election Headline (from the 1st Popularity Poll): Surpass 3.5 on Tabelog (a Japanese restaurant rating site, like Zomato)

From Korosensei, Announcement of Results from the Periodic Exams (Main 5 subjects) (credits to young-il-long-kiyoshi)

With cooking as his strong point, Muramatsu is superb in Home Economics, which was how Korosensei got outsmarted. But it is admirable that Terasaka and co. did provide him with some positive influence. …but please put some more effort into the main subjects.

  • 1st Trimester Mid-Terms: 262 points (142ndplace)
  • 1st Trimester End-of-Terms: 345 points (90thplace)
  • 2nd Trimester Mid-Terms: 321 points (114thplace)

Score breakdown

1st Trimester Mid-Terms
English:43 points (147th place)
Japanese:56 points (159th place)
Maths:52 points (147th place)
Science:59 points (83rd place)
Social Studies: 52 points (137th place)
Composite Score: 262 points (142nd place)
1st Trimester End-of-Terms
English:65 points (93rd place)
Japanese:70 points (107th place)
Maths:75 points (47th place)
Science:69 points (51st place)
Social Studies: 66 points (82nd place)
Composite Score: 345 points (90th place)
2nd Trimester Mid-Terms
English:58 points (110th place)
Japanese:73 points (114th place)
Maths:59 points (121st place)
Science:62 points (72nd place)
Social Studies: 69 points (75th place)
Composite Score: 321 points (114th place)

Karasuma’s Assassination Aptitude (graded on a scale of 6)

Ranked 4th among the boys during the June marksmanship test. Usually plays the part of the ambusher with Yoshida, but if he gets polished a bit more, surely he can assume the role of long distance support as well.

  • Strategy/Planning: 1
  • Commanding/Leadership: 1
  • Execution (Ability to carry out plans): 5
  • Technique (Traps, weapons, preparations, etc): 5
  • Scouting/Intelligence Gathering: 2
  • Politics/Negotiations: 2

B*tch-sensei’s Fashion Check (credits to young-il-long-kiyoshi)

At school he totally gives off this “Japanese Yankee” kind of vibe. Hm? The moment he steps in to the kitchen it changes for the better. Maybe it’s because he’s constantly weaved in black, but she always gets a tough impression from him.

School Uniform

All guys in the Terasaka Group each do not wear a necktie. Muramatsu is no different. Leaving the top button unbuttoned gives off a bad-boy impression.

Street Clothes

The Ramen Shop Style. He should consider the hygiene some more and tuck his hair completely under the towel on his head.

Character Relationships

- Hazama Kirara (addressed as Hazama) -

Within the Terasaka Group, especially when Terasaka goes out of control, Hazama will throw out a suggestion to go eat lunch somewhere. That’s how their daily life goes: Terasaka, the King of Idiots, complaining yet falling for their bait at the same time.

(TN: “King of Idiots” here is a reference to “King of Otoko” by Kanjani Eight, a Johnny’s band. More on this in the next section below)

- Horibe Itona (addressed as Itona) -

Muramatsu does show concern for Itona, whom Terasaka got him to be responsible for. In fact, he does actually stress himself looking out for Itona and thinking about his welfare. Twice a week, Itona visits the Muramatsu ramen shop to eat for free by extortion. Because Muramatsu’s mother finds Itona adorable, this behaviour is tolerated, strangely enough.

- Okano Hinata (addressed as Okano) -

These two ran into each other at a ramen shop that they both like, but he was angry when she only ate the Konbu at the start.

(TN: this is probably related to one of the Japanese dining etiquettes out there, I don’t know which though)

- Kataoka Megu (addressed as Kataoka) -

Because he gets lectured a lot, although he does have some thoughts on his mind, he just can’t win with words. At the start he was resistant, but lately he finds that silent perseverance is a good thing.

- Isogai Yuuma (addressed as Isogai) -

At first he saw him as just another model student, but now he trusts Isogai as a commander, and readily accepts the role of a striker.

- Hara Sumire (addressed as Hara) -

A precious comrade with whom he can talk about cooking. He tends to take note of people whose names sound like delicious ramen shops.

- Fuwa Yuzuki (addressed as Fuwa) -

Learning that Fuwa is also well-versed in hot-blooded delinquent manga, Muramatsu holds her in reverence. To Muramatsu, her name is #1 on his “most powerful-looking name” list!

(TN: the Kanji for Fuwa’s name (不破) literally means “unbreakable”, and I’m guessing that’s cool to the Japanese)

Matsui-sensei’s Exclusive Behind the Scenes Data

  • His mother is an Otaku of Johnny’s, or “Jani-Ota”.
    (TN: Johnny and Associates, Inc. is a talent agency that trains and promotes groups of male idols, whom are collectively known as “Johnny’s” in Japan)

  • That’s also how his name came about. He doesn’t show it, but he holds a complex against his own name.
    (TN: Takuya Kimura is a member of SMAP, a popular idol group formed by Johnny. He’s also a highly successful actor.)

  • His father is the type who haphazardly expands the side menu as he likes, and the ramen shop usually isn’t lucrative. As someone who had helped out in the place since young, Muramatsu’s cooking repertoire is beyond the level of your average layman. Japanese and Chinese go without saying, but he can also do French, Mediterranean and other ethnic cuisine.
    However, his “men’s cooking” lacks concern for income or expenditure, and the ingredients’ costs can get expensive without thought, something he inherited from his father. If his funds run out at month’s end, he’ll learn from Korosensei how to cut his costs, to the point that he tears up (from having to hold back on best quality).

  • Beginning with the ingredients, his cooking-related knowledge is substantial. He began to study management under Korosensei’s recommendation, and he inquires him on how to do things well and steadily.

Here are the Individual Ability Stat charts from Volumes 18.Unless I’m mistaken, disappointingly eno

Here are the Individual Ability Stat charts from Volumes 18.

Unless I’m mistaken, disappointingly enough, these charts are the last. Due to scarce pages in the remaining Volumes, there weren’t any more charts for the last 4; that is, Yada, Yoshida, Ritsu and Itona.

1 - 12

13 - 21

As a reminder, the Abilities, rated from 0 to 5, starting from the top and going clockwise are:

  • Physical Ability (体力, includes strength, endurance, stamine, etc.)
  • Mobility (機動力)
  • Close Quarters Assassination (近接暗殺)
  • Long Distance Assassination (遠距離暗殺)
  • Academic prowess (学力, ie ability to think, learn and acquire knowledge)
  • Characteristic Skill (固有スキル)

The Characteristic Skill for these 3 are as follows:

22.Maehara Hiroto: My Gigolo Next Door
23.Mimura Kouki: Stealth Direction
24. Muramatsu Takuya: Noodle Demon (in the good way, I think)

P.S. I was sick for the last 2 weeks. Yet more obstacles that I didn’t need.

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