#muse interview

 “With me and Dom, it’s almost like we’re the same instrument. And it’s quite weird onstage—if

“With me and Dom, it’s almost like we’re the same instrument. And it’s quite weird onstage—if Dom makes a mistake, I make a mistake right after him, and if I make a mistake, he makes a mistake. I broke my wrist in the States about five years ago, and we had a festival in England the next week, and I couldn’t play—so we had to get another bass player in. He’s actually the guy who plays keyboards for us now [live], and he’s very good, but Dom just couldn’t play with him, because we never really played with anybody else. We learned our instruments together. And the way I play is probably a direct result of the way Dom plays, which I just connect to when I’m playing.” - Chris talking with @guitarworldmagazine


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