#muse questionnaire


(   ★ .˚      

★   .     muse  questionnaire.     intended  for  superpowered  muses  like  superheroes,     mutants,     metahumans,     etc.     repost,     do  not  reblog,     and  remember  to  tag  your  partners!

  • you’re given the chance to give up your abilities. do you?
  • you’re given the chance to change your power set, losing whatever you previously had. what or whose do you choose, if any?
  • are there any abilities you would like in addition to your own?
  • how competent do you feel with your abilities?
  • do you, or have you ever, wish you had never gotten the abilities you have?
  • what is the best part of having the abilities that you do?
  • what is the worst part of having the abilities that you do?
  • have there been any unexpected side effects of your abilities, good or bad?
  • are there any mundane things your abilities have made easier (e.g. opening jars)?
  • are there any mundane things your abilities have made more difficult?
  • are there any aspects of your abilities that you would never use?
  • when you got your abilities, did you know how to use them immediately, or did it take practice?
  • have you had any accidents with your powers, minor or major?
  • is there anything you would change about your abilities?
  • have you ever used your abilities to do something immoral or illegal?

a  questionnaire  for  your  muses  filled  with  questions  that  aren’t  commonly  asked  on  most  muse  questionnaires .   as  always ,  tag  your  friends  but  if  you’re  not  tagged  and  you  want  to  do  it ,  go  for  it !   repost ,  don’t  reblog  but  please  do  like  this  post  and  link  back  to  it  in  your  post !  


What is their preferred method of transportation? What is their most used method of transportation?
What kind of vehicle do they drive, if any? Did they buy it used or new? What colour is it? What made them choose that model and colour? 
If they own a car, is it automatic or manual?
How did they learn to drive/operate their vehicle?
Do they have any unconventional method/s of transportation? If so, what are they?


What countries/states have they been to?
How often do they travel?
Where would they like to travel to, that they haven’t yet?
How often do they go on vacation?
What do they like to do on vacation?


What kind of phone do they have, if any? How important is their phone to them? Is it on them at all times or can they stand to be without it? Is it usually on sound, vibrate, or silent?
What other devices do they own?
How competent are they with technology?
How much do they rely on technology in their daily life?


Do they own a lot of things, or just a few things?
How upset would they be if they lost everything?
How often do they spring clean?
Do they have a particular style in their house/room?
Do they dress in a particular style?


How often do they meet with their friends and family?
What is their relationship like with their family?
Have they ever lost a family member or friend? What happened? How did they cope?
How do they stay in contact with others?
Who do they rely on for emotional support?
What physical characteristics do they find most attractive in others? What do they find least attractive?
What personality traits do they find most attractive in others?  What do they find least attractive? 
What is their attitude towards sex and romance?
What is their stance on marriage and children?


Describe a typical day in their life.
Describe their morning routine.
Describe their evening routine.
What do they do when they have free time?
What do they do when they’re bored?
Do they have any traditions they follow on holidays?


How often do they see a professional for their physical health?
How often do they see a professional for their mental health?
Do they have any physical or mental health issues, and if so how do they manage them?
How important is their health to them?
Do they have a routine for staying in shape?
Do they eat healthily?
What other health behaviours do they perform?
