#muse meme


Most admirable quality:
Most attractive physical feature:
Most annoying habit:
Something they would like to do with them:

It could be about a particular topic, something from their past, present or future, about anything!

This is not an excuse to send hate, critique, or other negative comments to muns! This is a meme for fun and curiosity’s sake! Any and all hate will be deleted and those who send it in will be cursed with bad karma for eternity!


BOOKHEADCANONS  :   send in “BOOKS” + a number for a book related headcanon, or send “#” instead of a number for a random pick.

  1. does  your  muse  like  to  read?  why  or  why  not?
  2. what  is  your  muse’s  favorite  and  least  book? 
  3. what  genre  does  your  muse  prefer  to  read? 
  4. what  is  the  first  book  your  muse  remembers  reading?
  5. what  is  your  muse’s  favorite  series  of  books? 
  6. what  book  did  your  muse  didn’t  expect  to  like  but  did?  &  why?
  7. what  book  did  your  muse  expect  to  like  but  didn’t?  &  why?
  8. what  is,  in  your  muse’s  opinion,  the  worst  book  ever  written?  &  why?
  9. if  your  muse  wrote  a  self-help  book,  what  would  the  topic  be?
  10. what  book  would  your  muse  like  to  see  a  series/film  adaptation  of? 
  11. if  your  muse  could  live  in  any  literary  world,  what  world  would  they  choose  and  why?
  12. what  book  made  your  muse  cry  the  most? 
  13. what  book  made  it  hard  for  your  muse  to  sleep  at  night? 
  14. what  dystopian  world  does  your  muse  think  they’d  adjust  well  in?
  15. is  there  a  book  that  has  changed  your  muse’s  life?
  16. what  is  your  muse’s  least  favorite  genre?
  17. would  your  muse  ever  write  a  book?  if  so,  what  genre?
  18. does  your  muse  judge  a  book  by  it’s  cover?
  19. does  your  muse  have  a  book,  series  or  genre  that  they’d  consider  a  guilty  pleasure  of  theirs?
  20. does  your  muse  write  reviews  after  they’ve  finished  a  book?
  21. is  your  muse  the  type  to  take  a  break  after  finishing  a  book,  or  are  they  a  the  type  to  go  straight  onto  the  next?
  22. has  your  muse  ever,  or  would  they  ever,  join  a  book  club?
  23. is  there  a  book  your  muse  has  read  multiple  times?
  24. what  was  the  last  book  your  muse  read?
  25. does  your  muse  prefer  to  buy  new  books  or  used  ones?
  26. does  your  muse  prefer  physical  books  or  e-readers?
  27. has  your  muse  ever  had  a  crush  on  a  literary  character?  if  so,  who?

a  questionnaire  for  your  muses  filled  with  questions  that  aren’t  commonly  asked  on  most  muse  questionnaires .   as  always ,  tag  your  friends  but  if  you’re  not  tagged  and  you  want  to  do  it ,  go  for  it !   repost ,  don’t  reblog  but  please  do  like  this  post  and  link  back  to  it  in  your  post !  


What is their preferred method of transportation? What is their most used method of transportation?
What kind of vehicle do they drive, if any? Did they buy it used or new? What colour is it? What made them choose that model and colour? 
If they own a car, is it automatic or manual?
How did they learn to drive/operate their vehicle?
Do they have any unconventional method/s of transportation? If so, what are they?


What countries/states have they been to?
How often do they travel?
Where would they like to travel to, that they haven’t yet?
How often do they go on vacation?
What do they like to do on vacation?


What kind of phone do they have, if any? How important is their phone to them? Is it on them at all times or can they stand to be without it? Is it usually on sound, vibrate, or silent?
What other devices do they own?
How competent are they with technology?
How much do they rely on technology in their daily life?


Do they own a lot of things, or just a few things?
How upset would they be if they lost everything?
How often do they spring clean?
Do they have a particular style in their house/room?
Do they dress in a particular style?


How often do they meet with their friends and family?
What is their relationship like with their family?
Have they ever lost a family member or friend? What happened? How did they cope?
How do they stay in contact with others?
Who do they rely on for emotional support?
What physical characteristics do they find most attractive in others? What do they find least attractive?
What personality traits do they find most attractive in others?  What do they find least attractive? 
What is their attitude towards sex and romance?
What is their stance on marriage and children?


Describe a typical day in their life.
Describe their morning routine.
Describe their evening routine.
What do they do when they have free time?
What do they do when they’re bored?
Do they have any traditions they follow on holidays?


How often do they see a professional for their physical health?
How often do they see a professional for their mental health?
Do they have any physical or mental health issues, and if so how do they manage them?
How important is their health to them?
Do they have a routine for staying in shape?
Do they eat healthily?
What other health behaviours do they perform?

Note: Be sure to include the fandom if the character is different than the fandom my current muse is from!

You Are 48% Gryffindor, 22% Ravenclaw, 18% Slytherin, and 12% Hufflepuff!

Just like Hermione Granger, you were ultimately placed in Gryffindor, but the Sorting Hat seriously considered putting you in Ravenclaw. You are a natural born leader, often taking control of the reins from others whose recklessness or dedication to facts and knowledge clouds their judgment. You are intelligent, but acknowledge that there are more important things in life, and therefore aim to use your intelligence and determination to fight for what you believe to be right.

Your slight compatibility with Slytherin house suggests a determination to succeed, though not at the expense of traits from your more dominant houses.


(( I’m actually surprised the Hufflepuff wasn’t higher…))

Tagged by: @lxvingdeadgxrl​  (Thank you!  ^_^)
Tagging: Anyone who wants to.  :)
