#musician fanfiction


Miracle Aligner

Miles Kane x reader

Not my gif, credits to the maker !
Summary: When you decide to go out of your comfort zone and go to a concert alone of your favorite artist, reminding you that the most amazing things happen when you go out of your comfort zone.
Warnings: cigarettes, alcohol and a little bit of drunkenness besides that. Little bit of anxiety if you squeeze and heated kisses.
Words: 4,7K

Miracle Aligner

For the first time you went all alone to a concert. The gig was of your favorite artist Miles Kane and nobody could come with you but there wasn’t a chance in hell that you were going to miss this so you decided to go alone. You’ve been to his gigs a couple of times already and he never disappoints and neither was he tonight. You’ve been lucky enough to meet him twice after and before his gig and he was the nicest musician you’ve ever met.

You were wondered through the city, taking some couple of pictures of things that caught your eye. The sun was shining on your skin and it felt like a warm big hug. You bought a coffee and a croissant before sitting down at a lake on the perfectly green grass. It was a little boring to be here all by yourself and it was definitely out of your comfort zone but it also had some great beauty to it which gave you some excitement. All good thing and stories came from the moment you stepped out of your comfort zone and you hoped that tonight wouldn’t be any different.

You checked your phone and got up after you were done, deciding that you maybe some liquid courage would help you ease the nerves and decided to go to a pub. You walked through town and saw a couple of pubs but none felt nice to you so you kept on walking until you found one which you did like. There was a sort of brown caffe and you heard David Bowie through the speakers. You smiled to yourself, knowing that this pub would be the one for you.

You weren’t really looking where you were going and walked through the door that was open only to walk into someone. Beer splattered over you but luckily you were fast enough to get your camera out of the way. You were already apologizing before looking up. “I’m so sorry! I’ll get you a new beer.” You immediately told the person while you squeezed your shirt so it could dry up a bit. “I’m sorry luv, I didn’t see ya there.” You heard a all to familiar voice telling you and you looked up in complete and utter surprise. It was Miles Kane himself and you could just smack yourself in the head.

“I ehhh….. I’m sorry, I should’ve looked where I was going.” You told him gob smacked. You met his eyes and he smiled at you. “Well, I didn’t realleh looked either. Sorry bout tha.” He told you as he looked at your shirt and around you, probably expecting to see someone with you. “I’m sorry bout tha shirt. Let meh get ya a dry one.” He told you, already walking back in and turned back as a hint to follow him which you automatically did. You felt like you had a complete blackout and your body was reacting on it’s own.

You followed Miles inside and saw him grab something from his linen bag. You saw a white shirt from his merch. He turned around to you and chuckled while you still looked surprised. If he didn’t knew that you know him than he would now. You saw that he was with his crewmates who stood up. “Ey Mi. We’re gonna head back. See ya later aight?” one of his bandmates said. He nodded “Yeah alright. I’ll be a bit longa but I see ya lads soon.” He told them and they nodded as well as they gave him a pat on the shoulder before nodding to you as a greeting.

Miles turned back to you with the shirt in hand. “I’m sarry babe. This the only one I ave and I wore it but it’s still cleaner than tha one.” He pointed towards your soaked shirt and gave you a smile. You looked down and that was when it clicked inside your head. You head your shavambacu shirt on. You felt horrified. He definitely knew that you know him. “What’s ya name luv?” he asked you while you tried your hardest to snap out of it. “I am ehhh Y/N.” you told him with a little bit of a stutter. You reached out your hand for him to shake which he did. “Tha’s a beautiful name luv, it’s nice tha meet ya! I’m Miles but ya already knew tha didn’t ya?” he had a grin on his face. You felt your cheeks heat up. “Yeah I’m a fan… I’m going to your gig tonight actually.”

He smiled and that was when you realized you still held his hand. Or well, he was still holding your hand. “I fink we’ve already met, aven’t we?” he asked you, his eyebrows a little squeezed together. You chuckled and looked a little down. “Yeah, twice actually.” His eyes lit up as he, apparently recognized you. “I found ya realleh cool!” he told you, which made you even more surprised and shy. You chuckled “well you are the cool one but thank you.” you told him shyly and he had the brightest smile on his face. “Wha ya want ta drink babe?” he asked. “Oh no, let me! I bumped into you and made you spill the beer.” You told him but he shook his head. “Nah, I’ll buy. Ya want a beer? Gin Tonic? Wine?” he kept on with the suggestions, making you laugh in which he responded with a bigger grin that he was able to make you laugh.

“I’ll ehh get a gin tonic then.” He smiled. “Geat choice! I’ll get me one myself as well. Take a seat luv after you changed into tha shirt” he told reminded you, nodding while he walked to the bar. You quickly walked to the bathroom and got changed. The shirt smelled like his cologne and you felt electricity go through your body. You quickly texted your best friend about what had happened before going back. Once Miles saw you coming out of the bathroom and saw you, he got a big smile again and hinted for you to take a seat which you gladly did.

“Thank you so much!” you told him as you got comfortable on the big seats, opposite Miles. “Ah no problem luv, meh pleasure.” He told you with a wink and a grin, making you feel flustered again. You both cheered your glasses before taking a sip. You both fell into a conversation about multiple topics. At first Miles took initiative with the conversation and lead it before you felt comfortable enough, which didn’t took long. After a while you fell into the topic of photography and he asked if he could see some of your work. “Yeah of course!” you told him and he stood up so he could sit next to you to see them better but it took you once again by surprise. You showed some of your best work and this time he looked very surprised. “Babe…. Ya realleh talented!” he told you excited for you as you chuckled a little from the complete of your favorite artist.

“Ya gonna take photos tonight?” he asked you as he nodded towards your camera. You felt a little self-conscious “Eh yeah, if that’s okay of course.” You told him and he smiled “Yeah of course! On one condition…” he told you, making you curious and a little on edge. “If ya can sent them to meh!” he told you. You looked surprised. “Yeah of course, no problem! Just through your Insta DM’s?” you asked him. “Or I can give ya me phone number…” he told you cautious.

You were even more surprised now. “Yeah… ehh or that.” You chuckled. He smiled and gave you his phone. You typed your phone number in and gave his phone back, giving you a quick call before hanging up “There. Now ya ave meh number as well.” he told you with a smile, still seated next to you. Your shoulders touched each other but you didn’t mind and apparently neither did he.

“Ya comin alone tonight or wif somebody?” he asked you, his voice a little softer. “I ehh came alone actually. Nobody could join me.” you told him and he looked a little sympathetic. “But don’t worry!  I can manage fine on my own.” You told him with a smile, not wanting him to feel bad for you or anything. “You see, this is out of my comfort zone but my best stories come from being out of my comfort zone. Like now….” you told him, a little shy about the last part and Miles got a big smile. “How bout you’ll join meh backstage after tha gig? We always ave an afterparty, be fun if ya could join us.” He told you, awaiting your answer. “Really?” Miles grinned and chuckled. “Yeah, Gon be a lot of fun!” He told you as if he had to convince you but that wasn’t necessary. Partying with your favorite artist? Yes please! “Yeah of course I’ll join! Sounds great!” you told him excitedly and his smile got even bigger when he heard yes. “I’ll text ya alright? Ya can show meh some of ta photos that ya took then.” He told you hopeful. “Yeah sounds great!”

You both finished your second gin tonic before Miles spoke “I do ave to go back unfortunately… I ad a lot of fun! Fank you for bumping in to me.” he told you chuckling. You nodded “Can I maybe get a selfie with you before you leave?” you asked him. “Yeah of course luv! Ere, let meh take m wif me phone and I can sent them to ya.” He suggested and you nodded with a smile. Miles took multiple pictures. His arm around you and in one picture he kissed your cheek, making you feel flustered again. “Can I ask ya for a favor?” Miles asked you uncomfortably this time. You frowned a little but was curious what he was going to ask you.

“Yeah of course.” He looked to the door. “So I don’t know meh way back to the concert hall….” He scratched his head a little as he chuckled shyly. You giggled a little with a knowing smile “I can walk you back if you want…. I know the way.” Miles immediately smiled. “Yeah if ya don’t mind.” He told you and you shook your head. “No absolutely not, after all you’ve done for me, it’s the least I can do.” You told him but knew that google maps was very easy to use and maybe he didn’t want to let you go just yet, but that also could be wishful thinking.

You stood up and Miles linked his arm through yours. “Is this okay?” he asked you and you nodded faster than you wanted to. He chuckled with a smile that made your heart beat a little faster while he  held your arm a little tighter. You knew that Miles was a very affectionate person. Or well, at least from what you’ve saw on the internet and experienced from the times you met him. It was never that he made you feel uncomfortable or wanted to make someone uncomfortable. He was actually very respectful about it and you loved that about him.

You slowly walked your way the concert hall while chatting until you stopped mid track. “Miles… Can I maybe take a quick photo of you with the tree in the background?” you asked him feeling brave. “Yeah, of course luv!” he told you and quickly made his way. The scenery looked beautiful and you needed to take a photo with Miles in it. You took a couple of pictures as quickly as you could and nodded, looking at your camera with a smile. Miles walked back to you and stood a little behind you. You felt your heart beating rapidly from to close proximity that he was standing. You felt his shoulder touch yours from behind and saw his reflection on the camera screen. He was smiling brightly. “Luv, this is beautiful! Can ya sent tha one to meh? I want to post tha one! I’ll give ya credit of course.” He told you the last part quickly as if it was obvious.

“Yeah of course! No problem!” He smiled and this time you linked your arm through his and saw that he looked at you with a big smile and was blushing(?) When you arrived at the hall there were already fans waiting in line. You stopped along with Miles. “There is another way inside if you want.” You told him, his arm still linked with yours. He took a quick look again. “Yeah let’s do tha, otherwise I might be late. I’ll say hi after the gig.” You nodded and took him to the other side.

When he knocked on the door and texted Josh that he was waiting at the door he held your hand. The door swung open and Josh looked at the both of you. Miles stepped a little inside, still holding your hand when he turned around. “I’ll still see ya tonight right?” he asked you, giving your hand a small squeeze while he looked hopefully at you. You gave him a genuine big smile, excitement flowing through your body while he looked you in the eyes, even though he had sunglasses on, you could still slightly see his eyes through them. “Yeah, absolutely!” he smiled again. “I’ll see ya tonight then! I’ll text ya okay luv?” you nodded and wanted to let go of his hand and he gave it another affectionate squeeze, a smile dancing upon his lips. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed the back slightly. “See ya tonight then!” you nodded. “Go and rock m Miles.” He got a grin and took his glasses off, giving you a wink. “Always.” He told you before walking inside.

When you walked towards the main door, you couldn’t stop smiling. Excitement flowing through your stomach, giving it almost like a butterfly feeling. You stood in line and looked through your phone and saw that a notification came in. He had put himself as M in your phone with a turtle emoji behind it. You smiled when you saw the pictures come in. “They’re great, these pictures. See ya later luv. Try ta get front row. X”

You couldn’t get the smile off of your face. “I will! See ya later turtle ; )” you texted back and that was when the doors opened. They scanned your tickets and you got in. You quickly got something to drink and stood behind a couple of fans but still front row.

You had your camera in hand and hoped that you could get some cool couple of shots tonight. The support act was great but everyone was buzzing to see the King turtle himself. With each passing minute the room grew more vibrant and tense, awaiting his arrival. The light went low and the intro started buzzing through the speakers. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling, thinking back of this afternoon and wondering what tonight had in store for you.

You saw Miles looking through the crowed. He had his eyes a little squeezed because of the lights shining in his eyes but when he spotted you, you both smiled brightly. You were in the middle of the front row, by his mic stand. You were already taking a couple of pictures. The show started and everyone was already dancing. You swayed your hips slightly to the music but felt shy with the burning sensation of Miles’s eyes on you. He smiled a little brighter when you started to dance as well.

With each passing song, the crowed went more wild than before. When the song see ya when I see ya started, Miles walked around on stage and held the hands of some fans and sat down on the speaker. He looked at you and reached out his hand for you to take which you did. Your cheeks started to heat up and Miles jumped in the crowed all of a sudden, swinging his arm around your shoulders and pressed you against his side. So now and then looking at you while serenading. You felt extremely shy and almost couldn’t look him in the eye, a smile on your lips. Miles grin got bigger seeing his effect on you. Multiple fans stood along the two of you. When the song almost ended, he pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your forehead before climbing back on stage.

You saw that it was filmed by a lot of people and knew that you were going to see it on the internet so you didn’t have to worry to ask somebody to send it to you. You turned around towards Miles who was singing his next song and winked at you, making you grin like an idiot.

After the show, you went outside for a cigarette and heard your phone go off. “Where are you standing love? X Mi” you read. You smiled and answered “Outside, went for a smoke X” you pressed sent and not even 30 seconds later, the door opened revealing the turtle himself. You were standing along the other fans who yelled his name. He looked over them for you until he found you. He nodded at you with a smile and went to his fans when somebody else from his crew came up to you. “Your Y/N?” the man asked, making you nod. He smiled at you “Alright follow me, Miles will be there soon when he’s done with the fans.” He told you and helped you though the crowed of people.

Miles held a close eye on you until you were safe and sound inside. The man walked you backstage and you were greeted by the band who made you feel like a friend. You chatted with Josh while somebody else poured you a drink. You all laughed and was caught up in conversation when you felt a cold hand on your shoulder, making you turn around and met the smile of Miles. You immediately gave him a hug, which he wanted to do as well. “You were amazing! I loved it!” you told him excited, making him chuckle. “I’m glad ya ad fun babe!” he told you, still buzzing from his gig.

You heard the music go louder and people began to dance, along side you and Miles. You still talked but danced a little in between with a lot of laughter. “Do ya know a good place to party around ere?” Miles asked you while Josh stood beside him. “Yeah, I know a couple of places which are fun. You want to go there?” you asked him. He looked around if people agreed but knew that his crew was buzzing for a party. “Yeah absolutely! It’s a Fridahh night!” he told you with a big grin and checked you out a little, making you chuckle and feel shy at the same time.

“Alright, I’m set to go if you are.” Miles smiled brighter and nodded. Some of his crew were gathering things while you and Miles waited outside with a smoke. There was a comfortable silence between the both of you. “I’m realleh glad ya bumped inta meh.” He told you all of a sudden. You looked up at him and you saw him smile with some adoration in his eyes while he stood close to you. You stayed silent for a moment, feeling in a trance while Miles came closer but the moment got ruined by his loud crewmates who came, almost, running out the door.

You and Miles quickly pulled away from each other. Miles took a look at you and you at him, feeling flustered. You looked down and up at the band again, trying to gather yourself. “Alright, should we go then?” you asked as the band nodded, waiting for your lead. Miles walked next to you, placing his arms though yours again.

Sometimes it hit you that you were after partying with your favorite artist but they all made you feel so comfortable that it felt like you were going out with your friend group. But there were also moment where adrenaline rushed your body when you realized that you were walking, arm in arm with Miles Kane. You showed the guys around a little bit until you walked into a bar, where you could walk downstairs to the club but the would play indie rock music.

When you were standing along side the people Miles asked you “What ya want ta drink luv?” You thought about it. “You know what, I’ll have what you’re having.” Miles got a big grin on his face and nodded. “I feel like a red bull vodka kinda night. Whatcha think?” Miles asked you with a smile while scanning your features. “Sounds good Kane.” You told him, feeling a little bold as the alcohol from the other drinks started to hit you. He smiled “What a dream woman ya are.” He told you with a smile and shook his head before walking to the bar.

You couldn’t shrug the smile off of your face, leaving it permanently there. Miles came back with the drinks for you and the others with a shot as well. You all cheered and drunk the shot. You and Miles held eye contact when you took it and grinned when the alcoholic beverage was in. Everyone started to dance with each other and you and Miles danced together as well. You definitely met his energy but at some moments you felt shy and a little intimidated by him but in a good way, making you feel butterflies to an extant you’ve never felt before.

After a while and a couple of drinks further, you and Miles got outside for a smoke, still laughing and buzzing from the alcohol. It was chilly outside and Miles placed his coat around your shoulders, trying to keep you warm. Miles looked at you “Why don’t ya join us for the rest of tha tour? Ya can work for us, takin pictures etc.” his Scouse accent thick now. You were taken back by surprise. You told Miles a couple of hours earlier that you had a ‘empty year’ from studies and stuff so knew you could if you wanted to.

You chuckled a little unsure. “Do you mean that?” you asked him. He nodded “Yeah absolutely babe. Ya realleh feel like one of us. I’d luv ta ave ya on the rest of tour.” He asked you while sipping his drink. You weren’t a fan of jumping into things unplanned so you were really doubting it. “Like straight away?” you asked him “Yeah if ya want. We still ave a bed over in tha bus.” He told you. He saw that you were a little unsure. “Ya dun’t ave to if ya dun’t wan it but I promise ya it’ll be fun!” You looked down at your shoes and back at Miles with a smile “You know what…. Fuck it. Let’s do it!” you told him with a smirk making him cheer “Yeah babeh! Come on!” he pulled you in a hug, kissing the side of your head while you laughed. “I just don’t have my stuff with me.” you told him. “We can drive by ya place. tha’s no problem.” He told you with a smile. “Thank you.” you told him with a smile as well.

It got a little silent again with now and then some chuckles in between while smoking the cigarette. “I realleh start tha like ya Y/N…” he told you bluntly and you couldn’t believe it. He looked at you with a smile playing on his lips. “Well… I don’t think I have to tell you that I like you too.” You chuckle feeling it was obvious. You leaned against the wall and Miles stood in front of you. You felt intimidated but in a nice way. “nah I mean it babe. Ya gorgeous as well.” You felt flustered and looked down again.

You felt his slender finger underneath your chin, making you look up at him and saw that he was close. “If ya dun’t wan it, ya tell meh alright?” He told you, looking directly in your eyes so the message would be clear but you were taken in a complete trance. His slender finger went from your chin towards your cheek, placing a string of hair behind your ear. He licked his lips while his fingers went to your chin again, taking it between his thumb and finger. His face came even closer until you closed your eyes and felt his lips on yours. His warm hand went to your cheek, pulling you closer when his tongue met yours. The kiss tasted like cigarettes and vodka red bull, loving every minute of it when all the butterflies let loose in your stomach.

You pulled him closer by his blouse. The kiss went got more heated but you both stopped since you were outside after all. You looked at each other, still a little in trance from the kiss. “Tha was amazin.” He told you, chuckling a bit of unbelieve. “yeah it was.” You both started to chuckle and he pulled you in a hug. “Le me take ya on a proper date when I ave the chance.” You smiled in the hug, your head tucked underneath his chin and your cheek pressed against his chest. “I would like that Miles.” He kissed the top of your head.

You walked back inside and partied some more. You were all glad that they didn’t have a gig the next day so you all could recover from the hangover you were all surely going to experience and drive to your place to get the stuff.

It was already light outside when you all walked to the tour bus. Everyone was drunk and ready to sleep. You and Miles were pretty buzzed as well. He walked with his arm around your shoulders, both not walking straight. When Miles told the rest of the crew that you were going to join them and work for them they were excited, making you feel even more at ease. When you walked into the bus you all got freshened up before going to bed.

When you laid in bed the realization hit you about what had happened and what was happening. You were tossing and turning but felt way to awake and decided to get a bit of water, walking past Miles’s bed, who was apparently awake as well. “Hey. Can’t sleep?” you heard him whisper, making you turn around. You shook your head. “Not really. You?” he shook his head as well and opened the blankets for you to crawl in, which you happily did.

You laid on your side, facing Miles and he did the same. He brushed some hair out of your face, placing it behind your ear. You smiled softly at him and scooted a little closer, resting your head against his chest while he wrapped his arms around you and went with his slender fingers over your head. “I can turn tha tv on.” He suggested. You looked up and nodded. He smiled at you but different than before. This smile held so much adoration and love in his eyes that you could feel your heart melt and the safe feeling wrapping around you like a warm blanket on cold winter days.

He placed his hand on your cheek and placed his lips lovingly on yours. The kiss was different as well. More loving and passionate, both taking your sweet time. Once his lips left yours, he peppered your face with kisses, making you giggle slightly, trying to keep quiet. Miles turned the tv on and played with your hair. You watched some trash British tv like ex on the beach and you felt yourself grow more relaxed and tired. “I’ll keep ya safe. Dun’t ya worry about tha. I won’t le anything appen to ya.” His Scouse accent coming even more forward. You smiled tiredly. “I know Mi. Thank you.” he kissed the top of your head “Get some sleep luv. I’ll be right ere.” You nodded, your eyes already closed while his breathing and soft touches, lulled you to sleep, excited for what the future had in store for you.
