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So I found this app called Scan Halal where you scan the bar code of your food and it tells you if its halal or not. It’s a free app too. Pass this on so others can see and worry a little less about their food/snack choices

Yessss, it is very handy especially in non-muslim countries

If you reblog this for no other reason, do it because it’ll piss off Pauline Hanson. And pissing off Pauline Hanson is reason enough to do anything.

Pissing off Pauline Hanson is my favourite pass time

If you reblog this for no other reason, reblog it to make a Muslim feel safer, more accepted, and/or more informed about food.

Other people and their needs are not your game pieces to use to offend others or make yourself feel better.

This is actually a cool app! I had a customer come into my candy store and we discovered that certain flavors of the same brand of candy sticks were okay to eat! It was really handy for them to be able to scan it rather than rely on the ingredient list, which could be flawed sometimes! 

Ooooh this is neat!


For those wondering “why don’t you just read the ingredients”: Even if you trust the ingredient list, you don’t know which “natural flavors” were used, and you may not know where the various chemicals came from. And a lot of people have a hard time reading tiny print, and don’t want to stand in the aisle for five minutes trying to work their way through 95 words of 4-point type.

So glad this exists! We need more ways for people to find the info that’s important to them!
