#mutant oc


Nigel doodles as I try and pinpoint his weapon XD

My idea is that he’s very insecure about his mutation, he misses being a human. Not only is he a mutant, but he’s a mutant of an extinct species!


Character sheets for an OC comic Ive been working on!

Introducing, Nigel Maximillion and his best friend, Vesper. They were students of NY University until one night, their lives were changed for the weirder! Looking forward to finally getting their origin comic out.

Mutants are so fun to design and draw, these guys were a blast! Vesper’s character belongs to @oblivion-valley

sometimes u just need to make a little creachure … this is my character daisy for @mild-goth’s xmen campaign and im obsessed w her

some bois that I did while being sick cuz I can! and its been a LONG time I haven’t drawn my msome bois that I did while being sick cuz I can! and its been a LONG time I haven’t drawn my m

some bois that I did while being sick cuz I can! and its been a LONG time I haven’t drawn my mutant bois! 

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