

Everyone:“Bob looks like Doctor Eggman from Sonic!”

Me, an intellectual:



My thoughts on the new In Space With Markiplier trailer!

First… the left is from the new ISWM trailer, the right is the 1st shot in Wilford Motherloving Warfstache. I just thought the comparisons were very cool and a nice detail.

Also I’m calling it now. There’s definitely time travel In Space with Markiplier!

That might an aged Mark character or an old Warfstache. But it looks like he’s wearing the same uniform as the original Mark (or M2702 as per his uniform ID) at the beginning of the new trailer.


Also… WHO IS THIS?!?!??!?!?!?!?! I do like their armor tho… also ↗️ Space drive thru!

I see we’re getting multiple Mark characters again… this makes me happy!

Also, I couldn’t help but notice that at the beginning of the trailer that G9572 or “hood guy” as I was calling him, is played by the guy on the right ↗️ at the beginning of the trailer with the whole crew, then is played by Mark on the left ↖️ in the middle of the trailer, and then at the end is played by the guy on the right again ↗️ …. I’m so confused!!!

And lastly I am very happy to see the return of Tyler, Bob, MatPat, and CHICA!!!!

You guys…I watched the trailer again for the 1000th time, and I noticed a new detail. I think I was wrong with my initial conclusion about this character ⬇️

I think it might actually be this person…

Everyone else in that scene is frantic and freaking out…and they’re just standing there calm, collected, calculating….

My thoughts on the new In Space With Markiplier trailer!

First… the left is from the new ISWM trailer, the right is the 1st shot in Wilford Motherloving Warfstache. I just thought the comparisons were very cool and a nice detail.

Also I’m calling it now. There’s definitely time travel In Space with Markiplier!

That might an aged Mark character or an old Warfstache. But it looks like he’s wearing the same uniform as the original Mark (or M2702 as per his uniform ID) at the beginning of the new trailer.


Also… WHO IS THIS?!?!??!?!?!?!?! I do like their armor tho… also ↗️ Space drive thru!

I see we’re getting multiple Mark characters again… this makes me happy!

Also, I couldn’t help but notice that at the beginning of the trailer that G9572 or “hood guy” as I was calling him, is played by the guy on the right ↗️ at the beginning of the trailer with the whole crew, then is played by Mark on the left ↖️ in the middle of the trailer, and then at the end is played by the guy on the right again ↗️ …. I’m so confused!!!

And lastly I am very happy to see the return of Tyler, Bob, MatPat, and CHICA!!!!

UPDATE: mark and bob both retweeted my rebranding drawings. RIP my twitter notifications

Had a blast seeing Mark, Bob, Wade, Tyler and Ethan again at the Rosemont show.The vip part (thougHad a blast seeing Mark, Bob, Wade, Tyler and Ethan again at the Rosemont show.The vip part (thougHad a blast seeing Mark, Bob, Wade, Tyler and Ethan again at the Rosemont show.The vip part (thoug

Had a blast seeing Mark, Bob, Wade, Tyler and Ethan again at the Rosemont show.
The vip part (though small) was fun and was able to chat with Mark some more.
Though getting pointed out twice by Mark/gang was fun.
Mark….I know you see my stuff. If ever you need a stunt double lol I’m here for ya.

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So recently I was able to attend the “MARKIPLIER YOU’RE WELCOME TOUR” in indy sat night with my gf MSo recently I was able to attend the “MARKIPLIER YOU’RE WELCOME TOUR” in indy sat night with my gf MSo recently I was able to attend the “MARKIPLIER YOU’RE WELCOME TOUR” in indy sat night with my gf MSo recently I was able to attend the “MARKIPLIER YOU’RE WELCOME TOUR” in indy sat night with my gf M

So recently I was able to attend the
“MARKIPLIER YOU’RE WELCOME TOUR” in indy sat night with my gf Maddie.
The night was a blast.
Met Momaplier and marks Brother Tom.
Met Wades Mom, sister and niece/nephews who were sitting right behind us.
But the best part was I got to go on stage.
I took part in the last game of the night, the milk off
Lol now this isn’t the first time I’ve met Mark, Bob, Tyler, Wade before….Ethan yes.
So mark introduced us one by one….then got to me.
He asked me to introduce myself. I’m like…I’m Brad…
Then Mark followed…
“Nah we don’t need to introduce him, we know him allready lol”
So I faced off with Tyler and almost beat him, missed by one cup. So I quickly chatted with bob/tyler/wade….then we had to leave the stage.
I’m still super hyper I’m on stage….I forget to shake marks hand by accident.
He makes the Crack “ oh I see….”
So I lean back and bear hug him, picking him up to audience laughter and hecking Markimoo

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Lordminion777 and Foxtrot 44 at Indy pop con.Enjoyed seeing Wade and Molly for year 3 of pop con. Lordminion777 and Foxtrot 44 at Indy pop con.Enjoyed seeing Wade and Molly for year 3 of pop con. Lordminion777 and Foxtrot 44 at Indy pop con.Enjoyed seeing Wade and Molly for year 3 of pop con.

Lordminion777 and Foxtrot 44 at Indy pop con.
Enjoyed seeing Wade and Molly for year 3 of pop con. Both are awesome people who work hard at what they do.
Wade was super nice in our running tradition of taking a picture of him beating my Mark lol.
Also enjoyed time chatting with Bob and Tyler with less of a crowd this year.

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Rocked out my Markiplier cosplay this year at Indy Pop Con. Got to see Wade, Bob and Tyler again. StRocked out my Markiplier cosplay this year at Indy Pop Con. Got to see Wade, Bob and Tyler again. StRocked out my Markiplier cosplay this year at Indy Pop Con. Got to see Wade, Bob and Tyler again. StRocked out my Markiplier cosplay this year at Indy Pop Con. Got to see Wade, Bob and Tyler again. St

Rocked out my Markiplier cosplay this year at Indy Pop Con.
Got to see Wade, Bob and Tyler again.
Staff laughed as wade took out his mark stress

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I said potato….butts……farts….

Wade killing time between autographs at Indy pop con

#lordminion777    #markiplier    #jacksepticeye    #muyskerm    #indypopcon    


marks 10 yrs since I was in immeasurable body pain and went totally blind in my left eye. I was told I would have been paralyzed on my left side if not treated with IV infusion in time. After many MRI and blood tests and a spinal tap, I was told I had a rare disease, with unpredictable painful flare ups and breakdowns. This is how I learned about NMOthis is how I learned I was stronger than I ever thought.

Today I am still here 10 yrs fighting 10yrs healing 10yrs unbreakable

Mark’s demonic laugh was so unhinged! I didn’t recognize it coming from him at first.

Mark took it into his own hands and bought himself a LOT of billboards!

Mark, Bob and Wade are doing Distractible LIVE on the podcast channel! If this works out well, these extra livestreams where they talk without the regular format, will be for members. Don’t know when but that sounds great!

Livestream here:

“Fuck your dreams, fuck your nightmares. I’m gonna beat you.” Merch when?

Does Daddy have the scoops?
