#my brain had fun coming up with this


Random “headcanon for Stargate SG-1” time:

Jack and Teal’c reached a silent agreement early in the first iteration of SG-1 where they would make sure that Sam and Daniel routinely eat, drink, sleep, and take breaks. It’s not a perfect system and evolved over the years as they spent more time working as a team. But the core philosophy is to make sure that their two geniuses don’t collapse from lack of sleep, lack of food, or stress.

While they both have ways of quietly mom-friending both Daniel and Sam, it usually winds up being Jack tending to Daniel and Teal’c minding Sam.

Jack has multiple ways of annoying and pestering Daniel into taking care of himself. He always has multiple snacks tucked away into various pockets for when Daniel gets hungry. On base, he’ll just plop himself in Daniel’s lab and stay there until he gets hungry. Then, it’s a whole production of getting Daniel to stop what he’s doing and join Jack in getting something to eat.

Teal’c, on the other hand, has several tried and true tactics for Sam.

Tactic 1 - Make fresh coffee. Walk past Sam with said coffee enough times to make sure she knows that it’s coffee. Leave mug of coffee far enough out of reach that she had to stop what she’s doing, stand up, and walk over to get it. Provide her with food when she does that.

Tactic 2 - If the coffee trick fails, sit down in a chair that is out of her way, but near enough so that she knows he’s there. Stare. Wait for her to get annoyed by the silent stare and says something. Use that opening as an opportunity to get her to take a break.

Tactic 3 - If she fails to get annoyed by the stare in an acceptable period of time, give her a verbal time frame to get her work to a good stopping point. Remind her how long she’s been working. This is usually as far as Teal’c needs to get before Sam concedes to a break.

Tactic 4 - If all else fails, wait until she’s at a safe stopping point with her work (i.e., nothing will blow up if left unattended), pick her up, and carry her out of her lab.

Tactic 4 is rarely executed, but always deployed to great effect. It usually messes with the new guys whenever they see Teal’c rolling through the base with Sam thrown over his shoulder. The fact that she isn’t complaining and seems to have grudgingly accepted her fate is the only reason no one escalates it, whenever this happens. (Jack thought it was hilarious the first time it happened. Daniel was too tired to notice. General Hammond thought it was an effective last resort tactic.)
