#my child


After the fight, before the bathtub.

A missing moment from ‘Fragments’. Major Spoilers!




every time i think suf can’t fuck me up anymore then it already has, IT SURE DOES PROVE ME WRONG

i spewed a thousand words about that missing scene between the shattering and steven getting back to the house bc i can’t contain myself

Read here and… enjoy?: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23247760


addendum: everyone in the borderlands universe has fucked up and there’s no black and white and all except for angel, who is literally perfect and has never done anything wrong


anyway tony stark stopped a bullet with his hand and this happened close enough to his face for his sunglass lenses to crack in at least three different places

omeolife: getchu a man who can do bothomeolife: getchu a man who can do both


getchu a man who can do both

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