#my dear friend ana



Pairing: Nude model!Sam X Reader

Word count: 2.7k

Warning: Objectification but the artist kind, nudity, sexual tension, fluff, flirting, cutesy stuff.

A/N: It’s the first time I’ve written a Sam one-shot in over a year. Keeping my fingers crossed that you guys like it! <3 This is also written for @spnmixedbingo​.

Square filled: Painter/Nude model AU

Beta:Nicole@wonder-cole​  and Lyd  @downanddirtydean​. Lyd also happens to be the absolute lifesaver who made the gif. Thank you so much, lovelies! <3 

Art school’s live sketching class was a fresh, new, fourth circle of Dante’s Inferno torture. No, you weren’t exaggerating. This was your first day in the studio and you weren’t the one to even pretend that live subject sketching was your forte… far from it! They could make you sit in front of those heritage buildings with detailed flying buttresses and intricate gothic spires and you wouldn’t bat an eye before rendering them to perfection on your cartridge sheet. Hell, those renaissance renditions you did in freshman weren’t too bad either… but this? How were you supposed to look at the men and women sitting on pedestals and replicate their bodies onto a piece of paper?

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A year away perhaps, but you definintely haven’t lost anything of your writing skill!! Or your drawing skill! Though now I feel like I really, really need to see the drawing that she did in the story…and you did mention doing a Sam drawing when you posted your (freakishly amazing) Dean one! Still love ya girl! Hope all is well in your world!