#my feminism will be intersectional or it will be bullshit




I think many of y’all need to be educated about the concept of lateral aggression because too many of y’all think that being marginalized yourself gives you a free pass to act completely fucked up towards other marginalized people, even ones in your own community that you share marginalization with, because you’re under the false impression that your behavior isn’t harmful on any meaningful level and that’s not true. Not in the slightest.

Too many of y’all wield your marginalized identity like a shield to try to minimize and justify your behavior and that is causing active harm to the rest of us while simultaneously making it easier for our oppressors to continue oppressing us. Knock it off and get over your bully complexes. The world is not your playground and your behavior is causing tangible harm to those you come in contact with.

The lack of self awareness of some of the people reblogging this is so fucking wild, holy shit.

So let me make this clear:

• If you’re a queer/lgbt person who is exclusionary towards people on the ace and aro spectrums, bi people, pansexual people, nonbinary people, people who use neopronouns or xenogender labels, etc, this is about you.

• Going with the point above, if you’re a queer/lgbt person who engages in transmisogyny (looking at you terfs) or any other form of transphobia, this is about you.

• If you’re a non black poc who regularly shits on black people while trying to bring attention to issues your community faces, this is about you.

• If you’re black and think you can say whatever the fuck you want about other non black races just because you’re not white, this is about you.

• If you’re a neurodivergent person who shits on physically disabled people or vice versa, this is about you.

• If you’re a radfem, especially of the swerf variety, this is about you.

• Non Christians who engage in antisemetism, this is about you.

The list could go on. The point is that regardless of your own marginalization, you still have the ability to contribute to the marginalization of others. Your marginalized identity doesn’t make you immune to needing to check yourself for whatever privilege you do have. Literally every single one of us has work to do on ourselves when it comes to tearing down systems of oppression. The responsibility is not only on our oppressors and those with privilege over us.
