#my god tier fanfic author





so my school has a harry potter centric class. and when i first heard about it me and my friends made fun of it like crazy, because of course we did. it’s a harry potter class. we all just assumed the professor was some harry potter millennial that had their harry potter house in all their social media bios and praised jk rowling’s name to the heavens

but no. apparently he hates rowling’s guts. he’s given multiple lectures covering her transphobia, antisemitism, queer baiting, etc. he opens each class by playing an act of a very potter musical. he ended a lecture once with his drarry fanfic recommendations, and on the same slide there was a picture of grindelwald and dumbledore cosplayers passionately making out. he knows about my immortal. i’m pretty sure i already have all my english credits but fuck if i’m not tempted to take his class next quarter

never doubt me again.

The people on this godforsaken app that made up stories about “cool” teachers when they were in high school are now the “cool” teachers. I hate it here
