#my hero smut


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Pairing- Fwb! Bakugou x Black! Fem! Reader.

Summary- As long as you’ve known Katsuki Bakugou , He’s never been the type for commitment. you were ok with that at first - but after a while his fuck and dip lifestyle started to leave you feeling used and drained .You were thinking today you’d finally have the strength to break things off with him , but as usual Bakugou seems to have different plans.

Content warning- semi-established relationship, manipulation/blackmail/dubcon ,Possessive Bakugou,Black reader, Body descriptions, fem anatomy, fem reader, dumbification, Porn with plot, degradation, Bakugo’s pretty mean, civilian au/no quirk 18+ MdnI

You knew he wouldn’t be there when you turned over.

Katsuki’s presence was something that couldn’t be ignored, and right now your room couldn’t feel more bare.

You knew he wouldn’t be there when you turned over, the same way you knew he had left as soon as you fell asleep. Long gone and on his way to stick his dick into anyone who’d let him .

You knew all of this, yet that didn’t stop the sharp pang of reality from shooting across your chest and settling stubbornly in your heart when you flipped over to find a very, empty bed.

The reality is you don’t mean shit to Katsuki bakugo.

But even as you’re left with only his traces on your body in the forms of hickies and deep bruises, you cant bring yourself to actually hate him. He told you what this was from the start.

“Nothing serious, none of that relationship shit.”

Sleazball, Slut, Passed around?sure- but you cant call Katsuki Bakugou a lair.

No, if anything he was brutally honest.

You recall the time he smoked you out, and in your fuzzy lightheaded state you had made the mistake of asking him what you were to him.

“Good pussy” He had answered shortly , spending no time thinking about it before taking another drag of his swisher.

In all honesty you have no right to be upset. You know this.

Not once in you’re relationship has Bakugou ever given you a single shred of hope of starting something serious.

He never stayed after he came.

Never asked if you needed aftercare.

Never even bothered to help with cleaning up after.

This-assuming that by some magical stroke of fate he would fall in love with you-was purely your fault, and today you were going to fix it.

Katsuki would show up at your door step at a approximately 5 :30 . That being the only constant in your relationship.

He’d show up at five thirty, and expect you to drop everything to attend to his needs. It didn’t matter what you’d been doing or how tired you were. When Katsuki rang, you answered. But this time -This time you wouldn’t.

You’d open the door- of course- but that was as far as things would go.

you wouldn’t step to the side and allow him to slip into your apartment and you wouldn’t allow him to talk you out of your panties. You would tell him you had no interest in being his plaything anymore and he would leave.

You could feel the weight beginning to lift off of your shoulders.

After today Bakugou Katsuki would no longer be your problem. It wasn’t like you’re relationship was progressing, and you were getting old to have fucking friends with benefits. You’ve come to the point in your life where you were strictly looking for serious things, and all of this was for the better.at least that’s what you try to tell yourself.

By the time five o'clock rolls around, every bit of uncertainty has already evaporated from your body and when Katsuki’s awaited doorbell ring echo’s throughout your apartment you’re not nearly as nervous and you thought you would be.

You crack the door open only slightly , just enough so that he can see your face an hear you clearly when you say

“Ive been thinking and we should stop seeing each other , don’t come here again Katsuki.”

You’re proud of how steady your voice is.

You’re starting to shut the door before a Jordan four clad foot jams into the doorway.

What the fuck are you talking about?” The bass in his gravely voice seems to drain out all the self confidence you were so sure you had a minute ago.

“I think -we should-stop seeing each other.” You repeat, cringing mentally at how faint you sounded.

Katsuki’s carmine eyes seemed to study you for a second, head cocked to the side before he throws it back , a boisterous laugh erupting from him.

“ What the fuck are you going on about shitty woman? He snorts "You sound like you’re breaking up with me or some shit.”

“Could you- could you move your foot?” You try again.

Your words don’t seem to register to Katsuki as he simply pushes past you into your apartment, sending panic shooting though you. “The fuck are you doing? "I just -

"I heard you, I was just thinking you must’ve lost a few braincells from air loss when you were gagging on my dick last night. He sighs slipping off one of his shoes. "Or maybe those fucking braids are too tight.”

His words sting- they always sting-but you dont back down. “Katsuki if you dont get out of my house I’m going to call the police.”

He seems to become even more humored at this, a small smile forming on his lips.

“ I’m tired of you coming over here whenever you feel like it and using me however you like. I’m grown as hell Katsuki, what the fuck do I look like having friends with benefits at this big age? Clearly whatever the fuck this is isn’t progressing any further and its not like you cant go find some other bitch to get off on, Now get the hell out my house! you spit, words filled with venom.

"You done now?” Katsuki sighs uninterestedly. Your face heats up at how unbothered he is with your feelings.

“Because if you’re little performance is over, we can try being transparent with each other. ”

“What the hell are you-Get the fuck out Bakugou, right now!” You shout.

“I’ll leave sure, but what would I do with all these pretty pictures you sent me?” The blonde asks more to himself than you.

Your heart drops to your feet as he continues “It’d be a shame if my finger slipped or some shit and my entire group chat , or maybe even your job got those .”

“y’ think shitty hair will like your tits as much as I do?”

A lump forms in your throat as you recall the many lewd photos Katsuki had of you on his phone, you hadn’t put it past him too refuse to delete them- but you never thought he’d be scummy enough to use them as some kind of fucked up blackmail.

“Y-you wouldn’t ” You whimper, tears starting to well up in your eyes.

The blonde’s smile widens" That’s right, I wouldn’t, if you were to start acting like you have fucking sense and not like some brain dead idiot.“ Your breath hitches at that.

"You can start with losing all those fucking clothes.” He smiles “Maybe I’ll fuck you over the kitchen counter, never tried that before.. Katsuki trails off, pulling his shirt from over his head and your arms feel like lead as you do the same. you fiddled with your jeans hopping that by some stroke of luck He’d come to his damn senses.

"The fuck are you standing like that for?” Your dumbass forgot how to unbutton your pants or some shit?“ The blonde growls .

"Gotta do every fucking thing around here!” He snaps stomping over to you, roughly grabbing the hem of your pants.

By the time he finally works your pants down past your ankles you know he has no intention of stopping.

“Y’re already fuckin wet” He sneers , the dark spot seeping through underwear incredibly obvious. “ Made such a big fuckin show of how fucking sick of me you are, but this cute brown cunt seems to know who she belongs too.”

His voice sends ripples through your pussy and you knew he wasn’t lying. No matter how much you tried to pretend you were done Bakugou Katsuki , your body was always there to bring you back down to reality.

“Cute little bitches like you have no business thinking, the blonde mumbles, two thick fingers prodding at your entrance. "The only fucking thing you need to be thinking about is taking my cock, you leave all the important decisions to me alright?”

He pushes both fingers in with no warning and you tense, whimpering at the sudden intrusion. “S’ fucking sloppy for me, its like this shit is all your good for” Katsuki chuckled. “But lets be fucking honest, it is all your good for, or else I wouldn’t be here, but you knew that already.” Katsuki groans , fingers plunging deeper inside of you as he bends you over your kitchen island.

He slides his fingers out of you swiftly, pressing his print against your thigh , rutting harshly. You curse the way your hips grind back, as if the action was muscle memory.

“See this fucking body knows what it wants, why dont you tell me too?”

You want nothing more than to punch the smug look he no doubt has on his face off of him. Scream, shout, curse his name. But you won’t. He knows it, you know it.

“M'not gonna fucking put it in until you fucking beg.”

Maybe if you had refused, pushed him off of you-something -anything, the outcome would have been different. But as usual , the relationship existed on Katsuki’ terms. It always had, and it always would. He knows it, you know it.

When Katsuki Rang you answered.And today would be no different.

“P-please, Suki’-wan-want it inside , please.” You whimper, the shame you felt for complying long gone.

“Cant-fuck-Cant fucking hear you.”

“ Need it-Need it suki’ please”

That seems to please him since you feel the thick mushroom head of his cock poke into your entrance, sending ripples through your body.

“Already clamping down on me-fuck” The blonde groans resting his head in the crook of your neck, the sound of his hips slamming against your ass echoing throughout your apartment.

The night becomes a blur. Orgasm after orgasm wrecking through your body. Katsuki seems to make it a point to take you on every surface he could find, doggystyle on the couch, reverse cowgirl on the kitchen table. Laying you down on the abdomen and yanking your legs onto his shoulders. Thrust deeper, hands holding on tighter.

Somehow the two of you make it to the bedroom and the way Katsuki is plowing you into the mattress made you felt like you were melting. Any shame you might have felt was completely gone, you felt so fucking full, so good.

Until you felt nothing at all.


When you wake up, you knew he wouldn’t be there.

You know this and still the pang of hurt shoots through you when you turn around to an empty bed. You weren’t strong enough to get rid of him. You’d never ne strong enough to get rid of him.

A small part of you had always known this. Known you were bull shitting yourself when you said you were done with Katsuki Bakugou. Bull shitting yourself by thinking you had any say anyways.

Bull shitting yourself into thinking one of these days you’d turn around and he’d still be there.

Toxic Bakugou tbh! ‍♀️

repost and notes are always appreciated ofc.

You might be interested in my masterlist

Smartass | Bakugou x Reader

summary: Four years of despising Katsuki Bakugou has all gone for naught. Tonight you find out the reason behind all the stink eyes, all the shoving you by his shoulder, all the eye rolls, all the rude replies, just—everything.


warning: oral (fem!receiving)


You scan your eyes over your dress in front of the full-length mirror. A velvet black cocktail dress that hugs your curves just right, a plunging neckline which shows off both your cleavage and your back, and a slit that shows off your entire right leg—from your feet up to your hip. Your choice of black velvet heels with gold accents compliment your gold accessories well.

“I look fine as fuck.” You let out a chuckle as Mina whistles lowly, her eyes scanning your body once, but very, very slowly. “Damn right you do.” She agrees, tilting her head to the side quickly.

“Now come on, we’re gonna be late.” She grabs onto your hand, giving you barely enough time to grab your purse. “Mina, the party is in the gym. It’s like a five-minute walk from here.”

“Yeah, but I don’t wanna miss all the pictures. Fashionably late is good—amazing even. But late late just makes us look like idiots.” She sighs as if she’s experienced it before and you chuckle lightly, allowing her to drag you to the party.

Even from the outside, you can already see all the colorful lights. You don’t need Jiro to know about the deep bass as you can feel it from under your heels. And you don’t need supersonic hearing to hear whatever music is being played.

“It’s like an early ’welcome to the college life’ party instead of a graduation party.” Mina smiles brightly as the two of you near the gym even more. “Too bad there isn’t any alcohol.” She scoffs that part before you two stop right in front of the open doors, taking in the party.

All five classes of your batch are mixed-in together. Here, nobody’s caring whether they’re talking or dancing to a hero, general, support, or management student.

As your eyes continue to scan the gym, they immediately lock-down on an all-too-familiar blond allowing Eijirou to chat his ear out. Your good mood immediately sizzles into spite and you feel the corners of your lips tug downwards.

Not wanting the simple sight of him ruin your night, you follow Mina to a group of girls, faking a smile.

This night isn’t ruined for me.

This night isn’t ruined for me.

This night isn’t ruined for me.

This night isn’t ruined for me.

This night isn’t ruined for me.

“If a villain attack happens tonight, your dumbass is the first one to get hit by them.”

You close your eyes and slowly let out a breath. It usually helps with controlling your stress, but you already feel anger bubbling inside you. You open your eyes and keep your gaze straight as well as your expression.

“Seriously, who wears six-inch heels and a long dress in an all-hero event? If you had any common sense left in you, you would know that tonight, most likely, villains will attack.”

You turn your head to Katsuki, giving him a bored expression. You’ve tried scowling and cursing at him but that only seemed to push him even more. After four long years of having to hear crap leave his mouth about everything you do, you’ve gone bored of it.

“Midoriya can probably insult me better than you can at this point.” You keep your tone flat, turning your attention back to the crowd because no matter how much he annoys you, how much he clearly hates your guts, Katsuki Bakugou shouldn’t have the most gorgeous face you’ve ever seen. It doesn’t fit well with his rotten attitude.

“Don’t say that idiot’s name while I’m talking to you.” Katsuki growls. You feel your heart pitter-patter on your chest but you do a good job at hiding its effects on you.

“Or what? You’ll blow my face off? You’ve overused that line, think of another one.”

Katsuki growls, either at your indifference or your reply. You can’t really tell with this man.

“Or I’ll drag you over to the storage room and lock you in there.” You can feel his glare penetrating through your dress and skin, causing goosebumps to erupt all over your body.

“You knew this party would be held at night, why didn’t you wear anything that would cover more skin?”

Given the flickering lights and dark ambience, you didn’t think he’d catch onto that tiny detail. It catches you so off-guard that your head whips to face him, an incredulous look stamped all over your face.

“You look dumb.” He points out.

You quickly regain composure, blinking away any cracks you’ve shown before resuming to your bored expression. “Goodluck on your life, Bakugou. I hope to never see you again.” for the sake of your poor heart. But you don’t add that bit. You don’t want to. He’ll laugh at your face.

You walk over to the buffet table, picking up a cup of juice as you make small talk with a few people. For a whole hour, that’s all you do. Until Uraraka pulls you towards the dance floor.

Kiss Me More by Doja Cat starts playing and everyone cheers. You begin dancing and singing with Uraraka, laughing and swaying your hips at the song.

“I ain’t giving you one in public! I’m giving you hundreds, fuck it!” You sing at the top of your lungs, allowing the energy of the song to fill your body, letting it control you.

You feel hands land on your moving hips, and your back is pressed against a hard chest. “Keep swaying your hips like that and see what it gets you.” A familiar growl fills your ear, making you chuckle.

You turn around, raising a brow at Katsuki. You weren’t prepared to see how he’d look under the flash of red and purple lights. He looks absolutely breathtaking. His vermilion eyes glow in the dark ambience of the room but the occasional flashing of different colors compliment him amazingly.

“Youhope to never see me again?” He quotes you, tone obviously upset and irritated. “You have a lot of nerve hoping for something you will never get. If it takes everything in me to prevent it, then so be it.”

You scoff, looking away for a second as your jaw begins to harden at the audacity this man has. “So you can what? Continue showing how much you hate my fucking guts for the rest of my life?” You glare at him, “Point taken! Message received! You’ve accomplished your mission way back when you decided to use every insult you had in your book on me!”

Your lungs burn and your throat aches at all your yelling. Partly because the music forces you to yell so he can understand but also because you’ve reached your limit. Katsuki Bakugouhas got to be one of the most sexily vexing motherfuckers in this high school. And you can’t wait for the day to never lay your eyes on him again.

You turn around, scowl embedded on your face as you march your way back to the buffet table. You quickly grab a cup without stopping before making your way to Mina and the group she’s chatting and laughing with.

“Hey babes, I’m going back to my dorm. I’m totally spent and I just wanna pass out right about now.” You huff, “After washing up and changing into the most comfortable clothes I can find.”

Mina pouts for a moment but as she continues studying your face, you come to a conclusion that you probably look way worse than you think, since she nods her head in agreement.

“Okay, let me just grab a drink then we can head out-”

“No, no, Mina. You don’t have to. Stay here and have fun. I’ll be okay.” You start walking away but she catches up to you.

“Absolutely not. You don’t leave a girlfriend to walk home alone after a party.”

“Mina—” You stop in your tracks, taking a deep breath to calm yourself. You really don’t want to take your anger out on your best friend. By yelling at her, you’ll be ruining her night as well. So you settle with a tired smile. “I’m a hero. On top of that, we’re in school grounds. UA is one of the safest places in Japan. Plus, I just really want to be alone right now.”

Mina scans the room before turning back at you, nodding her head. “Okay, still, be careful.” She throws her arms around your neck and you wrap yours around her waist, pulling her closer. “Good night.” She kisses you on the cheek. “Have fun.” You mumble, kissing her cheek back before pulling away.

Your way back to the dorms is quick and you thank the gods for it. Sleeping your anger off is probably not the best course of action but stabbing Katsuki Bakugou in the face has worse consequences. You have to do with what you have.

The second you enter your room, you kick off you heels and begin undoing your dress. Right before you drop the soft material on the floor, you hear a knock on your door.

“Mina, I got back fine. You didn’t have to come all the way back here—” When you open the door, the words die in your mouth.

“You’re gonna be the death of me, one day.” Katsuki grits out, eyes locking in yours.

He’s leaning his tall frame on your doorway, forearm pressed on the spot above his head. Despite your irritation on him before, you can’t help the heat pooling right below your belly. This pose has to be one of the hottest things he’s ever done. Like, Vogue magazine typa shit.

You click your tongue, letting out a tired breath. “Katsuki, can’t you just let this go? After this you’ll never have to see me again. I’ll even go out of my way to make sure all my hero works happen far, far away from your vicinity.”

Katsuki didn’t like that at all. His brows furrow, his jaw locks and his eyes harden. What had you said that was so wrong now? Where was your mistake?

“You’ve been repeating that idea the whole night. Christ.” He huffs out the last part, burying his face in his hands as if this conversation stresses him out.

“I’m obviously saying the wrong things.” Your brows furrow. “Tell me what you wanna hear so you can fuck off and leave me alone!”

“Everything you said has been the complete opposite of what I want to hear!” He yells, making you jump. “Everything you’ve been doing the entire night—pushing me away, looking at me as if I’m some annoying twerp you’re trying to get rid of, everything!”

He looks like he’s about to cry. And not in a funny way.

“The second you entered our classroom, you got me tripping on my feet! I can’t fucking focus in class, I make sure I don’t make any mistakes so I don’t fucking embarrass myself in front of you.”

What the fuck?

“You’re always so good and kind to everyone but you’re never that with me! Why?! What do they have that I don’t, huh?” He extends his arms beside him in an effort to let this confusing anger out safely.

“What the fuck are you on?” You growl, “For six whole months in our first year, I’ve been nice to you. And all you’ve ever done in return is treat me like shit! I’m not a pushover, Bakugou! If someone doesn’t treat me right, I don’t see why I shouldn’t treat them shitty too.”

“Alright, explain. Explain to me how I’ve treated you like shit.” He places both his hands on his hips and although he appears to have calmed down, you’re afraid one mistake will push him to blow up. Literally. But frustration trumps fear.

“All the glaring! The proving me wrong! Calling me shitty names! Shoving me with your shoulder! Just straight up bullying. You bullied me for four years straight, and you’re confused?!” The building shakes from your quirk. Manipulation. What messes you in your game are your emotions. If you can’t control them, they take over your quirk.

Though this doesn’t seem to faze Katsuki as he continues to rebute your claims. “I wasn’t glaring at you, I was trying to figure you out! I wasn’t proving you wrong, I was pointing out a fact you missed and wanted you to know about it! I call everyone shitty names! And when I shoved you, I was so desperate to know whether you were as soft as Mina claimed that day.” Katsuki is heaving at this point, his expression clearly hoping for you to get his point. However how confusing it is.

Silence engulfs the both of you as a million thought run through your head. You try to piece together whatever Katsuki dumped on you and you reach a very confusing yet a very attractive but very unlikely conclusion.

“When you came in wearing that dress and those heels…” Katsuki snaps you out of whatever mental state you were in. This is the first time he gave a good look at your outfit since he got here. “I noticed too much heads turning to look at you.” He growls.

“Yeah, it’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.” Fucking hell. “But they don’t need to be so obvious about it. They don’t need to fucking gawk at you.”

Scratch that, you’re now sure about your conclusion.

You bury your teeth on your lower lip, feeling your body heating up. Katsuki likes you back. He thinks you’re beautiful. He liked you the same time you started liking him. The both of you are fucking idiots!

“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” His voice is low and calm. You’re just now noticing how close the both of you are.

“How we’re both idiots for assuming and never talking about our problems to each other.” You drop your gaze onto his chest, unable to look up at him.

You hear him sigh before he takes a step back, his hands back on his face. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He whispers, making you look back up at him. He drops his hands and his face probably looks as tired as yours when you left the party.

“You’re tired. Go to sleep, I’ll come back in the morning.” He begins to walk away but you call out for him before you can stop yourself.

He turns around with raised brows. With quick thinking, you use your quirk to redo the zipper of your dress. “Can you…” I’m either having a stroke or those drinks were laced with something that’s making me do this. “Can you help me out of my dress before you go? The zipper’s stuck. I don’t wanna ruin it.”

Katsuki stalls for a second, two, three, four, five—before he slowly walks back to you. You step back a few steps, allowing him in your room for the first time before turning around.

You feel Katsuki’s hands tremble as they hold onto the zipper, pulling it down smoothly. The action reveals the white-laced underwear you have on. “Fuck it.” Katsuki huffs before kicking your door closed, spinning you around by your hips and oushing you against the wall.

“You.” Your organs shake at how deep that octave was. “You, you, you, you.” Katsuki’s eyes are dark and they hold something you should fear. An emotion so deep and desperate to come out that just the sight of it should have you running for the hills. But no. That dark look is exactly what it takes for your legs to squeeze together.

Katsuki quickly notices this movement but seems to ignore it. He slowly brings his hand up, finger tracing over your arm and up your shoulder, across your neck before settling on your cheek. “Soft.” He whispers, running his thumb across your lower lip.

You don’t stop yourself from wrapping your lips around his thumb, swirling your tongue around it before opening your mouth again. Katsuki’s breathing becoms ragged as he stares at his thumb for a few moments before returning his gaze in your eyes.

“Such a fucking tease.” He grits out before pressing his lips against yours. You don’t stop the noise that leaves your throat at the contact, you don’t stop your hands from reaching up his collar and pulling his body closer to yours, you don’t stop him from studying the wet cavern of your mouth with his tongue. No. You accept it all. You claw at him, running a hand up his nape to comb your fingers through his hair as you tug on it.

Katsuki’s grip on your waist tightens for a moment before he begins to run his hands up and down your waist, you let him snake them around your back to pull you closer all whilst your tongues dance in perfect harmony.

The feel of his calloused hands running up the bare skin of your back has goosebumps erupting all over your body. You whine into his mouth, desperately pushing your body against his for more contact. You want more of this, more of him.

“As much as I love this dress on you, baby.” He breathes out, hooking the strap of your dress on his finger before pulling it to the side, allowing it to hang loosely on your shoulder. “I’d prefer you out of it.” He does the same action to your other strap and soon enough, your dress is pooling around your bare feet.

Katsuki’s eyes darken at the sight of your bare breasts. He swears under his breath, “You didn’t have a bra on this whole time?” He asks, running a hand from your hips, up your waist before they settle below your breast.

He looks up at you, eyes staring into the deep crevices of your soul. You feel so naked, so exposed at how he’s looking at you but at the same time you love how it feels. You want him to see everything about you. You want to completely unravel yourself for him.

Without another word, Katsuki bends over and takes your sensitive bud in his mouth. You suck in a surprised breath, your core melting at how hot his mouth feels. He maneuvers his tongue to play with your nipple, drawing circles and flicking it. While his mouth busies itself, his hand finds its way to your other boob, massaging it. His fingers tug and twist it, causing your body to dive into a whole new level of overstimulation.

Your hands find his hair once again and you scratch and tug at his scalp, throwing your head back as you arch your back more, pushing your breasts into his face. Katsuki’s other hand slides down your ass, giving it a soft squeeze before running it down the back of your thigh. He pulls at your leg to wrap it around his waist and his other hand mirrors its actions.

You wrap both your legs around his waist, letting him carry you as his mouth moves upwards, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive skin of your neck.

You didn’t even realize he brought the both of you to your bed until he’s throwing you on the soft mattress. You look up at him, towering over you as he stands right by the foot of your bed. He looks ravenous, dangerous. “Bakugou?” You call out, seeing as he spaced out, staring at you.

He blinks, snapping out of his state. “Katsuki.” He says.


“Call me Katsuki.”

Butterflies create a tornado inside your stomach as your face flushes. Somehow, him asking you to call him by his actual name feels more intimate than what the two of you were just doing.

You bite on your lower lip, looking away as you wait for your feelings to calm down. Katsuki drops to his knees, the thudding sound making you look back at him.

“Say it. Say my name.”

You swallow, watching him slide his hands up your thighs before running them down the backs of your knees, pulling them apart. “Say my name.”

“Katsuki.” You whisper.


“Katsuki.” You’re surprised you even managed to find your voice.

Katsuki smirks, “Good girl.” he mutters before pressing kisses down the inside of your thigh.

Some how, that little praise has you wetter than you’ve ever been. You’ve touched yourself before, but whatever you’re feeling is something more extreme. The want is stronger. “Katsuki.” You moan, closing your eyes as you rest your head back on the pillow.

His lips are soft, so, very, soft. He continues littering kisses on both your thighs, slowly making his way up towards your clothed cunt. “You’re wet.” He points out, pressing a finger against the wet spot on your panties.

“Do you want me, baby?” You nod silently in answer, not trusting your voice to sound desperate for him.

“Come on, baby. Use your words. Or I won’t do anything. You’ll just have to spend your night unsatisfied.”

Knowing him, he’s enjoying this too much. You can’t find it in you to be upset with him, though. As you lower your pride and look for your voice, you part your lips and try to piece together words.

“I… Want… You.”

“You want who?” He chuckles.

You huff, “I want you,” You bring your head up to look down at him with pleading eyes, “Katsuki. I want you. Please.”

You cringe at how desperate you sound, but that immediately disappears at the feeling of his warm tongue pressing against your panties. “Oh hells.” You gasp, your hands flying to his hair as you rake your fingers through them.

Katsuki licks and kisses you through your panties before pulling them down, crumpling them in his hand. He makes a show out of pressing the laced fabric on his nose and taking a deep breath as he closes his eyes in satisfaction.

“You’re more perverted than Mineta, it seems.” You chuckle, though the sight of him sniffing your used panties turns you on even more.

Katsuki opens his eyes and glares at you. “Don’t compare me to that gross twerp.” He snaps, shoving your panties into his pocket. You raise a brow at his action but his brushes you off, returning his head in between your thighs.

“I’ll eat you up real good, baby.” His hot breath fanning over your throbbing cunt is enough for you to let out a soft moan. “You just lay there and take it.”

Katsuki doesn’t waste any time at all. The second your head hits the pillow, he runs his tongue up your slit, making you tighten your grip on his hair. It’s addicting, really. This feeling. The feeling of Katsuki sucking on your folds, the feeling of Katsuki lapping you up like he’s starved for you, the feeling of Katsuki pressing his tongue inside you, making you throw your legs around his head, caging him against your cunt. The feeling of Katsuki not fighting the fact of being trapped in your legs and instead welcoming it.

The feeling of Katsuki himself.

Jesus Christ–you’d move the universe for this man to just stay in between your legs for the rest of your lives.

Your body trembles as the knot tightens in your belly. Again, you’ve touched yourself before, but Katsuki makes it seems like you never did.

“Holy shit, Katsuki! I’m close! I’m so close!” You whine, rocking your hips in a desperate attempt to find more friction.

“That’s it, baby. Let loose. The second you do, you’re all mine.” And you don’t question that for a second. Cause you’ve always been his. Despite how you thought he hated you, despite convincing yourself that he hates you more than he hates losing, you now know deep down that your body, your soul, and your heart truly belongs to him.

Your head grows light and your thighs continue to shake tremendously as your unraveling nears. You’re tugging at his hair harshly, hips moving on their own and your mouth babbling whatever comes to mind.

It’s when Katsuki sucks at your clit that you tip-over. Your orgasm crashes down on you as a loud moan is ripped from your throat. 

Katsuki finishes the act off with a kiss on your clit before crawling up towards you. He captures your lips and you let him take the lead, unable to find the energy.

“Aren’t you gonna take a bath, dumbass?” He asks as he cradles your weak body, pressing it against him. You wonder how you’ve never once thought about hugging Katsuki. It’s the best feeling in the world. Safe, warm, and content.

“You give me a bath.” You mutter, sleepiness catching up to you.

Hah? Who do you think you are?” He glares at you as you look up at him, a smug smile stretched across his face. “Your girlfriend.”

Katsuki is taken aback for a moment and you fear you might have misread this whole thing. But he sighs and stands up, carrying you in his arms.

You feel something soft being wrapped around your naked body as he marches out the room. “We’re gonna get caught, idiot.” He mutters but doesn’t falter in his step.

“And what will they do? Expel us?” You chuckle.

Katsuki scoffs at that. “Smartass.”

This a good time? | Bakugou x Reader

You hold a knife up at Katsuki’s throat, narrowing your eyes at him. “Any last words?”

The menace smiles a wicked smile, “Is this a good time to mention that I have a knife kink?”

You halt at his words, brain malfunctioning for a second before your glare turns icy. “You can’t say that.” You huff out, lowering your knife from his throat as you feel your body being drawn closer to his.

You look up at him with a lustful gaze, cheeks red, legs weak and cunt getting wetter and wetter. “You can’t fucking say that.”

warning: knife play


Katsuki’s brows raise in surprise, a voice in his head screaming at him to finish you off. You have been the most sought after villain he’s ever encountered—death rates have soared and it took multiple agencies, including his, and months to track you down.

But why is it, that when you look at him with those eyes, his common sense leaves the room and the dark desires buried within him crawls out?

The hero has never been able to find anyone who was able to take as much as he wanted to give, as much as he wanted to do. He wants to stay professional—he has you cornered after all. Multiple police cars and top heroes are waiting outside the deserted building for his signal; his quirk.

Your eyes hold desperation and desire in them, as if you’ve been waiting, hoping for this opportunity as much as he has.

In a blink of an eye, Katsuki wraps his hand around your throat, spinning the two of you around as he slams your body onto the wall. He snatches your knife from your grasp, pressing it lightly against your stomach. He slowly trails it up your torso, slightly ripping your body suit.

“You look like you wanna get fucked silly, little villain.” He whispers into your ear, the warmth of his breath and the low tone of his voice causing your legs to shake.

The knife travels up the base of your throat right below where his hand rests. His fingers dig at the sides of your neck, the pain causing your toes to curl from pleasure.

“If you want that, then you have to ask nicely.” His smile is so dark and sinister you feel like you’re getting drunk out of it. “Say, please fuck me Dynamite.”

Your pride has left the room the second he opened his damned mouth. “Please fuck me…” Your breath is shaky and tone whiny, “Dynamite.”

“How much do you wanna be fucked, doll?”

“So, so, so much.” You plead, pulling him closer by the loops of his pants, allowing you to grind yourself against his thigh. “Please, please…” You whisper, “Please fuck me.”

Katsuki is quiet for a moment as he stares into your eyes, as if he’s reading you, weighing just how much you want this. When he notices your eyes hold nothing but desperation and lust, he smirks as he draws the blade back, holding it up to his mouth to hold the blade by his lips.

He makes quick work of undoing his pants, allowing them to pool around his ankles. You pull yourself up by holding onto his shoulders, unable to resist squeezing the strong muscles under your palm as you wrap your legs around his waist.

“You’re gonna get me in trouble, pet.” Katsuki says, the second he takes the knife from his lips, pushing the blade against your chest.

“I’ll bring you to hell and back with me.” You whisper into his lips before attaching your own with his. The pro hero tastes sweet, his mouth hot and his tongue skilled. Your tongues dance languidly as you grind your clothed pussy on the head of his hard cock.

“Fuck,” Katsuki mutters into the kiss, bringing the knife downwards. You feel the blade pushing against the crotch area of your pants before Katsuki hooks the edge, allowing the manner to rip the material.

Is it uncomfortable for you not to wear any underwear underneath your villain suit?Absolutely.Do you give a fuck? No not one. Are you regretting it? Now? That makes you laugh. Absolutely not.

You move your hips, allowing Katsuki to sink inside your wet cunt. You moan into the kiss, despite having played with yourself before leaving the LOV headquarters, the size of him still has you stretched.

“Fuck you’re big.” You breathe into his lips, not wanting to let go of them as you rock your hips back and forth. Katsuki lets go of your neck, his hand gripping on your ass as his lips trail down the side of your neck. His hips begin to move and you feel as though you’re ascending into heaven.

Your eyes roll back as well as your head, soft moans leaving your mouth as you press the top of your head on the wall. The feeling of the cold edge of the blade pressed against your airway has you tightening around him.

Your sounds of pleasure are mixed with Katsuki’s grunts and low moans, filling the room. You’ve never experienced anything this euphoric, anything this heavenly. At the feeling of your orgasm approaching, Katsuki’s thrusts become faster, much deeper, which has your mind blanking.

He pushes the blade deeper onto your skin and you can’t help but feel it tearing slightly. That has you clenching down on him even more, causing Katsuki’s grunts to become louder, more frequent.

“You like that?” Katsuki breathes out, “You fucking like it when I cut you open?”

“More, more!” You moan, feeling your orgasm at arm’s length.

“Alright then.” Katsuki pulls the knife away and you hear it clatter on the floor a few feet to your left. “Cum for me, my sweet, sweet slut.” He commands before sinking his teeth onto your shoulder, your suit unable to protect your skin from breaking.

Your body shakes as the orgasm ripples through you, your mind blacking out and you mucles contracting before they release, limbs going limp. Warmth spreads inside of you and the last thing you hear is Katsuki’s deep breathing before your body eventually blacks out.

“Yeah, man. We’ll get her next time. Tell them to work harder on those CCTV footage. We probably missed something. She couldn’t have gone far. Yeah… Yeah. Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You know how many laws you’re breaking right now?” You rest your head on your palm, pouting when Katsuki turns around. You’ve been enjoying yourself just watching his back while he talked to Red Riot on the phone.

Katsuki flashes you his signature smirk before walking towards the bed. Your neck has been cleaned and bandaged up, ointment stinging your cuts, and fresh clothes wrap your body.

“I’ll deal with the consequences later.” He pushes you to your back so you’re properly laying on the soft mattress of his bed. Katsuki straddles you, pulling something out of his pocket.

The blade of your knife shines despite the dark room.

You smile, propping yourself on your elbows, “Then, let’s see how long later will last.”

Good Boy | Bakugo x Fem!Reader

Anon Request: “Ok but… imagine a sub bakugo fucking himself with a vibe, moaning ur name n shit, and then you walk in and decide to help him? Sucking his dick a bit maybe? pegging him afterwards w/ lots of praise and then the next morning everyone sees the hickeys on his neck and wonder where tf he got them from and ur just sitting there like sipping some coffee n shit.

Pairing:Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Dom!Reader

Summary:Bakugo and You just haven’t been spending a lot of time together recently and he’s feeling a little pent up. Good news is, you arrive home in time to help him!

Warnings:NSFW!Fem!Dom!Reader and Sub!Bakugo. Pegging. Oral Sex and Marking. Both the Reader and Bakugo are consenting adults. Everything is fully consensual.

18+ ONLY!! Minors Do Not Interact.

A/N:I think I’m going to hell for this one.

Word Count: 2 054



Bakugo is alone.

He hunches over on the bed, sheets messy, and he groans. In his hands, he’s slowly slipping a dildo in and out of his ass. Soft sure strokes as he moans into his pillow. Soft gasps as he searches for the place he knows will get him off. He spreads his legs a little more and desperately tries to fuck himself harder. He angles it slightly and it rubs against his sweet spot. He shudders.

“Fuck”, he gasps out as he tries to hit it again, but harder. “Fuck”

It’s not enough and his mind drifts to an image of you. You’re smirking down on him, with the eyes of a predator. But with you, it’s always Heaven and Hell colliding. Your hands that are always soft, that slip and slide over his own softer sensitive places. He can picture you now, running your hands down his ass. Grasping at his cheeks and pulling them apart. He can picture your pretty face when you fuck him, hovering over him, and leaning down for another heated kiss. He can even picture that pretty face, eyes gone hard as you edge him to an inch of his life,

He hardens even more and he reaches for his dick with his other hand. He strokes himself. God, he wishes you were here. He doesn’t care how you fuck him but rather that you do it. Do it now. Break him in and turn him stupid. Like a begging whore.


Hero work is always really hard. Today you chased a Villain through town while they tried to burn it down. They broke about everything in sight, and the damage was horrendous. After the whole ordeal the head of your agency decided that you could take the rest of the day off. You were about to decline as you’re relatively uninjured when you remembered that you haven’t had some proper alone time with your boyfriend. When was the last time you and Bakugo actually sat down together and enjoyed yourselves. Fuck, when was the last time you slept together. Instead, you accepted gratefully and headed home.

You slip through the front door of your apartment on silent feet. You reach for the light switch but pause. The home is eerily still but as you listen closely, you hear soft, sweet moans coming from the bedroom. You stop entirely in your tracks. You quietly shut the door, hoping that your lover doesn’t hear it and drop your things at your feet.

Bakugo may be a lot of things, but he’s no cheater. Your only guess is that someone has been snooping through your new toys without you. That baby pink box was supposed to be a surprise but you guess the horny bastard couldn’t help himself.

You step into the doorway of your shared bedroom and low and behold, your dirty little whore is sitting with his pretty little ass in the air, head buried in a pillow and a dildo is shoved up his ass as he desperately grinds against it. He softly groans into the pillow beneath him. He lifts his head and a frustrated whimper escapes his pink lips.

You decide to take action. You walk into the room, no longer softening your feet and announce your presence.

“Hello baby, what do you think you’re doing?”

His gaze snaps towards you. Although, instead of the usual sharp eyes he presents to the world, the look he sends you is miles away from the real world. His gaze is entirely glazed over with pleasure. You step up to him and grab his chin, forcing him to make eye contact with you. With your firm grasp his cheeks puff up and a bit of drool leaves his mouth. His eyes lift to meet yours.

“Are you having some trouble?”

Despite his miserable state he somehow manages to focus on you, your grip on his chin becomes gentle and he reveals a smirk when you bend down a little to reach his height. You run a finger over his bottom lip, tracing his smirk and he bites it gently. You remove your hand.


“No trouble at all, but I could use some company.”

You reach down and grab hold of his cock. You give it a little squeeze. He hisses and releases the dildo. As he hisses, you capture his lips with yours. They’re soft and warm. Oh, how you’ve missed them. He gasps and turns away from you. “Baby, please”

“What?”, you ask as you slide a finger over his slit, smearing it in precum. This man is always so wet for you. He whines as you place a kiss on his neck.

“Fuck, I’ve missed you.”

You hum, “Have I not been giving you enough attention recently?”

He shakes his head, “No… no.. I need you. Fuck, You’re such a tease!” He grits his teeth and sharply inhales. You nibble his earlobe and say, “Me? I’m the tease? You’re the one who greeted me with a dildo shoved up your ass.”

He huffs out a laugh, “Can’t argue with that. Maybe you should just give me the attention I need.”

“Only good boys get attention.”

You can tell he’s getting close to his release. His hips are shaking and his gasps are getting louder. You release his cock and climb onto the bed behind him.

“You want to be a good boy for me, right? Good boys get lots of attention.”

You flip him onto his back and you spread his legs. He keens at your touch as you run your hands down his thighs, stopping before it reaches his dick before slowly running your nails back up to his knees. He whines and squirms beneath you.

Crack! Your hand connects with his thigh leaving the skin red and raw. He stops.

“I told you to be a good boy.”

Bakugo says nothing, he only throws you a desperate glance as he attempts to keep still. You lower your head. His poor neglected dick looks painfully erect. You stick your tongue out and give the tip a little taste. Bakugo inhales sharply. He doesn’t move though. Good Boy.

As a reward, the hands grasping at his thighs to keep them open relax their hold slightly. You take the tip into your mouth and suck gently. Your right hand abandons its current position and you begin to run your nails up and down his thigh. Just a ghost of a touch. Just to make him beg.

“Ah!”Bakugo cries. He trembles beneath you as you take more of him and go fully down. Your tongue swirls around his length. “Baby Please, please, please.”

You look up and his eyes are locked onto you. He’s gasping and panting. His hands are buried into the sheets. Every now and again his back arches sharply off the bed and he elicits even more crude and erotic cries.

You sit up and inspect your handy work. Bakugo’s eyes have completely succumbed to the haze. He softly gasps out cries, begging for release. His dick is so painfully hard. It drips with precum despite the fact that your mouth was just on it.

“Get on your knees”

He nods before twisting himself around. On his knees, he knows his place so well. Ass is high in the air and his head sits pretty on the pillow. You could just devour him whole. He’s practically laying himself out like a platter. You reach into the side draw for your strap and lube. Bakugo grabs the pillow in anticipation.

He breathes deeply and squirms slightly. You pour a generous amount of lube onto your finger and begin to rub his entrance. He whines and pushes his hips back. You slap his ass in warning.

“Good Boys stay still or are you just that much of a whore. Look at you,” you say as you slip one finger in easily, “you’re so ready for me, I barely need to prepare you.”

You slip in another with barely any resistance and begin to scissor him open. Pumping your fingers in and out making sure he’s properly stretched. You lean forward and bite his beautiful ass. He jerks his head up in surprise and cries out. His knuckles turn white with the death grip he currently has on these sheets. You decide that he’s had enough and line up your dildo with his entrances. You run a hand over his ass and spread his cheeks as you press against the entrance.

You run your hands up to his hips and grasp them gently.

He opens up around the dildo and you slide in and immediately aim for that sweet spot. You must’ve hit it because he immediately arches his back.

“Ahh, God, Fuck Me!”

He shakes for a second before collapsing on the bed. “Hmmmm, You came just from me entering you?”

You glance down at his pathetic state to see that his face is entirely red. You smirk, “Surely, my good boy isn’t finished yet.”

You move your hips back and slam back into him. He throws his head back and moans. His mouth barely closes as you repeatedly slam into him. He barely has time to breathe as he keens and falls apart beneath you.

“Good Boy”

Bakugo pushes back into you and mindlessly grinds his hips. He chases his second release desperately. You fuck into him like the dirty bitch you know he is. You flip him onto his nack and lean over him as you grind your hips harder. You place a kiss on his lips but he’s so out of it that he is unable to kiss you back, just continues to groan. You attack his neck. You suck on the skin of his jaw and listen to him fall apart.

Suddenly, his back arches sharply as he finishes a second time. He breathes heavily as he comes down from his high. His eyes flutter close.

He manages a lazy smile and says, “I’ve missed you.”

You chuckle and place a kiss onto his forehead before disappearing to get some towels. When you come back to the room he’s already fast asleep but manage to clean him up as best as you can before climbing in next to him.

You wrap the new blanket around the both of you and he stirs next to you. Upon seeing you, he leans over and wraps you in his arms and places a chaste kiss on your lips.

“I promise in the morning, it’ll be you who can’t leave this bed.”

You hum at him before sending a teasing smile, “Let’s see if you’ll even be able to get up tomorrow.”

He scowls mockingly at you before dragging you even closer and burying his head into your neck.

“We’ll see”, he mumbles


“Hey Bro, how you been?!”, Kirishima exclaims as he waltzes through the front door.

You roll your eyes, giving him a spare key was a dumb idea on Bakugo’s part but best friends will be best friends. You grab an extra mug and pour him some tea as well from the pot you brewed earlier. The aroma is quite refreshing, quite fitting for your mood this morning.

Bakugo sits on the couch leaning on the arm rest, he scowls slightly at his friend.

“You could’ve called first”, he mutters out as he finally turns to meet Kirishima’s gaze.

“Well, I was gonna but- HOLY SHIT DUDE!! What happened to your neck?!?! How Hard did that Villain Fucking hit you?? My God!”

You bite back a smile as you watch Bakugo flush red. The bruise is quite big though, perhaps you should’ve been a little nicer to him. Bakugo throws you a scathing look before he turns to Kirishima who has now dropped himself in front of the couch to inspect the bruise. He looks worried about it but you think he should be more worried at Bakugos rising anger.

“Kirishima”, he says with an annoyed look, “I’m taking your key away.”

Bakugo makes eye contact with you but you simply smile back at him and take a sip from your tea. You send him a little wink. Kirishima, who watched the little exchange, finally flushes red as he jumps to his feet. It’s about time he realizes what it is. You send them both an innocent smile before turning back to your work.

Good Boy | Bakugo x Fem!Reader

Anon Request: “Ok but… imagine a sub bakugo fucking himself with a vibe, moaning ur name n shit, and then you walk in and decide to help him? Sucking his dick a bit maybe? pegging him afterwards w/ lots of praise and then the next morning everyone sees the hickeys on his neck and wonder where tf he got them from and ur just sitting there like sipping some coffee n shit.

Pairing:Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Dom!Reader

Summary:Bakugo and You just haven’t been spending a lot of time together recently and he’s feeling a little pent up. Good news is, you arrive home in time to help him!

Warnings:NSFW!Fem!Dom!Reader and Sub!Bakugo. Pegging. Oral Sex and Marking. Both the Reader and Bakugo are consenting adults. Everything is fully consensual.

18+ ONLY!! Minors Do Not Interact.

A/N:I think I’m going to hell for this one.

Word Count: 2 054



Bakugo is alone.

He hunches over on the bed, sheets messy, and he groans. In his hands, he’s slowly slipping a dildo in and out of his ass. Soft sure strokes as he moans into his pillow. Soft gasps as he searches for the place he knows will get him off. He spreads his legs a little more and desperately tries to fuck himself harder. He angles it slightly and it rubs against his sweet spot. He shudders.

“Fuck”, he gasps out as he tries to hit it again, but harder. “Fuck”

It’s not enough and his mind drifts to an image of you. You’re smirking down on him, with the eyes of a predator. But with you, it’s always Heaven and Hell colliding. Your hands that are always soft, that slip and slide over his own softer sensitive places. He can picture you now, running your hands down his ass. Grasping at his cheeks and pulling them apart. He can picture your pretty face when you fuck him, hovering over him, and leaning down for another heated kiss. He can even picture that pretty face, eyes gone hard as you edge him to an inch of his life,

He hardens even more and he reaches for his dick with his other hand. He strokes himself. God, he wishes you were here. He doesn’t care how you fuck him but rather that you do it. Do it now. Break him in and turn him stupid. Like a begging whore.


Hero work is always really hard. Today you chased a Villain through town while they tried to burn it down. They broke about everything in sight, and the damage was horrendous. After the whole ordeal the head of your agency decided that you could take the rest of the day off. You were about to decline as you’re relatively uninjured when you remembered that you haven’t had some proper alone time with your boyfriend. When was the last time you and Bakugo actually sat down together and enjoyed yourselves. Fuck, when was the last time you slept together. Instead, you accepted gratefully and headed home.

You slip through the front door of your apartment on silent feet. You reach for the light switch but pause. The home is eerily still but as you listen closely, you hear soft, sweet moans coming from the bedroom. You stop entirely in your tracks. You quietly shut the door, hoping that your lover doesn’t hear it and drop your things at your feet.

Bakugo may be a lot of things, but he’s no cheater. Your only guess is that someone has been snooping through your new toys without you. That baby pink box was supposed to be a surprise but you guess the horny bastard couldn’t help himself.

You step into the doorway of your shared bedroom and low and behold, your dirty little whore is sitting with his pretty little ass in the air, head buried in a pillow and a dildo is shoved up his ass as he desperately grinds against it. He softly groans into the pillow beneath him. He lifts his head and a frustrated whimper escapes his pink lips.

You decide to take action. You walk into the room, no longer softening your feet and announce your presence.

“Hello baby, what do you think you’re doing?”

His gaze snaps towards you. Although, instead of the usual sharp eyes he presents to the world, the look he sends you is miles away from the real world. His gaze is entirely glazed over with pleasure. You step up to him and grab his chin, forcing him to make eye contact with you. With your firm grasp his cheeks puff up and a bit of drool leaves his mouth. His eyes lift to meet yours.

“Are you having some trouble?”

Despite his miserable state he somehow manages to focus on you, your grip on his chin becomes gentle and he reveals a smirk when you bend down a little to reach his height. You run a finger over his bottom lip, tracing his smirk and he bites it gently. You remove your hand.


“No trouble at all, but I could use some company.”

You reach down and grab hold of his cock. You give it a little squeeze. He hisses and releases the dildo. As he hisses, you capture his lips with yours. They’re soft and warm. Oh, how you’ve missed them. He gasps and turns away from you. “Baby, please”

“What?”, you ask as you slide a finger over his slit, smearing it in precum. This man is always so wet for you. He whines as you place a kiss on his neck.

“Fuck, I’ve missed you.”

You hum, “Have I not been giving you enough attention recently?”

He shakes his head, “No… no.. I need you. Fuck, You’re such a tease!” He grits his teeth and sharply inhales. You nibble his earlobe and say, “Me? I’m the tease? You’re the one who greeted me with a dildo shoved up your ass.”

He huffs out a laugh, “Can’t argue with that. Maybe you should just give me the attention I need.”

“Only good boys get attention.”

You can tell he’s getting close to his release. His hips are shaking and his gasps are getting louder. You release his cock and climb onto the bed behind him.

“You want to be a good boy for me, right? Good boys get lots of attention.”

You flip him onto his back and you spread his legs. He keens at your touch as you run your hands down his thighs, stopping before it reaches his dick before slowly running your nails back up to his knees. He whines and squirms beneath you.

Crack! Your hand connects with his thigh leaving the skin red and raw. He stops.

“I told you to be a good boy.”

Bakugo says nothing, he only throws you a desperate glance as he attempts to keep still. You lower your head. His poor neglected dick looks painfully erect. You stick your tongue out and give the tip a little taste. Bakugo inhales sharply. He doesn’t move though. Good Boy.

As a reward, the hands grasping at his thighs to keep them open relax their hold slightly. You take the tip into your mouth and suck gently. Your right hand abandons its current position and you begin to run your nails up and down his thigh. Just a ghost of a touch. Just to make him beg.

“Ah!”Bakugo cries. He trembles beneath you as you take more of him and go fully down. Your tongue swirls around his length. “Baby Please, please, please.”

You look up and his eyes are locked onto you. He’s gasping and panting. His hands are buried into the sheets. Every now and again his back arches sharply off the bed and he elicits even more crude and erotic cries.

You sit up and inspect your handy work. Bakugo’s eyes have completely succumbed to the haze. He softly gasps out cries, begging for release. His dick is so painfully hard. It drips with precum despite the fact that your mouth was just on it.

“Get on your knees”

He nods before twisting himself around. On his knees, he knows his place so well. Ass is high in the air and his head sits pretty on the pillow. You could just devour him whole. He’s practically laying himself out like a platter. You reach into the side draw for your strap and lube. Bakugo grabs the pillow in anticipation.

He breathes deeply and squirms slightly. You pour a generous amount of lube onto your finger and begin to rub his entrance. He whines and pushes his hips back. You slap his ass in warning.

“Good Boys stay still or are you just that much of a whore. Look at you,” you say as you slip one finger in easily, “you’re so ready for me, I barely need to prepare you.”

You slip in another with barely any resistance and begin to scissor him open. Pumping your fingers in and out making sure he’s properly stretched. You lean forward and bite his beautiful ass. He jerks his head up in surprise and cries out. His knuckles turn white with the death grip he currently has on these sheets. You decide that he’s had enough and line up your dildo with his entrances. You run a hand over his ass and spread his cheeks as you press against the entrance.

You run your hands up to his hips and grasp them gently.

He opens up around the dildo and you slide in and immediately aim for that sweet spot. You must’ve hit it because he immediately arches his back.

“Ahh, God, Fuck Me!”

He shakes for a second before collapsing on the bed. “Hmmmm, You came just from me entering you?”

You glance down at his pathetic state to see that his face is entirely red. You smirk, “Surely, my good boy isn’t finished yet.”

You move your hips back and slam back into him. He throws his head back and moans. His mouth barely closes as you repeatedly slam into him. He barely has time to breathe as he keens and falls apart beneath you.

“Good Boy”

Bakugo pushes back into you and mindlessly grinds his hips. He chases his second release desperately. You fuck into him like the dirty bitch you know he is. You flip him onto his nack and lean over him as you grind your hips harder. You place a kiss on his lips but he’s so out of it that he is unable to kiss you back, just continues to groan. You attack his neck. You suck on the skin of his jaw and listen to him fall apart.

Suddenly, his back arches sharply as he finishes a second time. He breathes heavily as he comes down from his high. His eyes flutter close.

He manages a lazy smile and says, “I’ve missed you.”

You chuckle and place a kiss onto his forehead before disappearing to get some towels. When you come back to the room he’s already fast asleep but manage to clean him up as best as you can before climbing in next to him.

You wrap the new blanket around the both of you and he stirs next to you. Upon seeing you, he leans over and wraps you in his arms and places a chaste kiss on your lips.

“I promise in the morning, it’ll be you who can’t leave this bed.”

You hum at him before sending a teasing smile, “Let’s see if you’ll even be able to get up tomorrow.”

He scowls mockingly at you before dragging you even closer and burying his head into your neck.

“We’ll see”, he mumbles


“Hey Bro, how you been?!”, Kirishima exclaims as he waltzes through the front door.

You roll your eyes, giving him a spare key was a dumb idea on Bakugo’s part but best friends will be best friends. You grab an extra mug and pour him some tea as well from the pot you brewed earlier. The aroma is quite refreshing, quite fitting for your mood this morning.

Bakugo sits on the couch leaning on the arm rest, he scowls slightly at his friend.

“You could’ve called first”, he mutters out as he finally turns to meet Kirishima’s gaze.

“Well, I was gonna but- HOLY SHIT DUDE!! What happened to your neck?!?! How Hard did that Villain Fucking hit you?? My God!”

You bite back a smile as you watch Bakugo flush red. The bruise is quite big though, perhaps you should’ve been a little nicer to him. Bakugo throws you a scathing look before he turns to Kirishima who has now dropped himself in front of the couch to inspect the bruise. He looks worried about it but you think he should be more worried at Bakugos rising anger.

“Kirishima”, he says with an annoyed look, “I’m taking your key away.”

Bakugo makes eye contact with you but you simply smile back at him and take a sip from your tea. You send him a little wink. Kirishima, who watched the little exchange, finally flushes red as he jumps to his feet. It’s about time he realizes what it is. You send them both an innocent smile before turning back to your work.
