#my jaw dropped





that one song from persona: trinity soul that’s a swanky chill jazz song but then this rando starts rapping over the music one minute in without warning and they’re the worst bars you’ve ever heard in your life

im in the house like carpet


Thor without his top.

Thor with his top.

(Do not repost pls)


Zukka week 2022

Day 5: soulmates and chronic pain

In a world where everyone, after their 18th birthday, you start to share something with your soulmate. Something your other half needs to complete you.

Katara had dreams of a wonderful world, with no war, and the view from ocean or the sky. She had that faith in a better world only for these dreams.

(Hakoda and Kya were worried, because if she had dreams, a little bit of gray in her eyes, that mean her soulmate had 18 before she was born.)

(Then Kya died. Hakoda left. Sokka had no time for soulmates)

After the war, Sokka start to had memories from the day he comes to 18th. No, not memories. Nightmares.Pain.It’s never gone, the feeling of not being enough, loneliness, being helpless, with no voice to scream.

Sokka knew his soulmate is Zuko.

But, why did Zuko never told him about their bond?

Why did he left him appart?

What is he truly hiding?


(Zuko always had five minutes to contemplate the blue in his eyes...always…)


Keep reading


Pirate Husbands wearing strawberry gowns
