#my oph mc




Hi! For this week’s MC Monday/Moment, I quote Shakespeare: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.”  (Rules and Info)

Reblog with the meaning and history of your MC’s name!

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Pooja Sharma

Origin/ Meaning:

  • Pooja(Sanskrit): The act of worship
  • Sharma (Sanskrit): bliss, happiness or warmth

Why was MC named this in your universe? Were they named after someone? A family name?

Pooja was named so because to her parents, she was a blessing, for all their worships they had made. They wanted to go with a simplistic name which would also have a lot of power and beauty associated to it, and hence they chose Pooja.

Why did you pick this name?

Pooja Sharma is the name of one of my favourite actresses. Originally, when I started writing for Oph, Pooja was just a random name I had used for my MC, thinking I would change it later. But after I posted my first fic, I realised that I had forgot to change the name, lol. And so it stuck and now I would not have it any other way.

If not this name, what would you have named your MC?

I had researched many names, and stumbled across ‘Alekhya’ and fell in love with it. If not Pooja, that’s what I would have named my MC. But since I couldn’t, I gave her twin sister that name.

Any other HCs you want to include!

  • Indian names don’t usually have middle names, but if Pooja had to choose one for her, she would go with Nainika. It would be an ode to her grandmother (Naina Roy) and her mother (Mahika Sharma). The name Nainika also has Sanskrit roots and means “one who has beautiful eyes”.
  • Pooja loves that her name is not very complex and easy to pronounce, as she hates people who mispronounce names, especially on purpose.
  • Her nickname Aifa, means smart and talented. It was given to her by her father. Only her siblings, her dad and Ethan get to call her that.
  • In her books and notebooks, and any personal belongings where she writes her name, she writes it as Pooja Roy Sharma. It is something she always did since her mother’s death, as a way of remembering her and honouring her.


Ethan x MC: @queencarb/@mm2305
